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    PUB 62411 Search Results

    PUB 62411 Datasheets Context Search

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    106 20k

    Abstract: T7290 T7290A pub 43801
    Text: Data Sheet April 1998 T7290A DS1/T1/CEPT/E1 Line Interface Features • Fully integrated DS1/T1/CEPT/E1 line interface ■ For use in systems that are compliant with CB119, AT&T PUB 43801, AT&T PUB 43802, AT&T PUB 62411, TR-TSY-000170, TR-TSY-000009, ITU-T

    T7290A CB119, TR-TSY-000170, TR-TSY-000009, DS98-190TIC DS97-197TIC) 106 20k T7290 pub 43801 PDF

    ATT pub 62411

    Abstract: T7290-EL T7290 T7290A T7290-PL lucent technologies W series T-7290A TR-TSY-000009
    Text: Product Brief August 2000 T7290A DS1/T1/CEPT/E1 Line Interface Features • Fully integrated DS1/T1/CEPT/E1 line interface ■ For use in systems that are compliant with CB119, AT&T PUB 43801, AT&T PUB 43802, AT&T PUB 62411, TR-TSY-000170, TR-TSY-000009, ITUTG.703, G.735, G.823, and I.431 specifications

    T7290A CB119, TR-TSY-000170, TR-TSY-000009, PB00-092NCIP PN98-128TIC) ATT pub 62411 T7290-EL T7290 T7290-PL lucent technologies W series T-7290A TR-TSY-000009 PDF


    Abstract: 20-PIN DS2141A DS2143 DS2180A DS2181A DS2186 DS2187 DS2187S DS2188
    Text: DS2187 Receive Line Interface FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Line interface for T1 1.544 MHz and CEPT (2.048 MHz) primary rate networks Extracts clock and data from twisted pair or coax Meets requirements of PUB 43801, TR 62411, and applicable CCITT G.823

    DS2187 DS2180A DS2181A DS2141A DS2143 DS2186 DS2188 DS2187S 20-PIN 18-PIN DS2187 DS2188 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS2187 Receive Line Interface FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Line interface for T1 1.544 MHz and CEPT (2.048 MHz) primary rate networks Extracts clock and data from twisted pair or coax Meets requirements of PUB 43801, TR 62411, and applicable CCITT G.823

    DS2187 DS2180A DS2181A DS2141A DS2143 DS2186 DS2188 DS1287S 20-PIN PDF

    Wavetek 178

    Abstract: HP3785B HP8656B Accunet T1.5 pub 62411 LXT304A HP3325B Publication 62411 ATT pub 62411
    Text: T1 Jitter Performance Measurement TABLE OF CONTENTSAPRIL, 1996 APPLICATION NOTE 32 T1 Jitter Performance Measurement 1 GENERAL INFORMATION AT&T Pub 62411 Certification General Description 2 T1/E1 SHORT-HAUL TRANSCEIVERS AND RECEIVERS This application note provides a brief definition of jitter

    TB211) HP3585A) HP3785B) LXT304A AN32mac2 Wavetek 178 HP3785B HP8656B Accunet T1.5 pub 62411 HP3325B Publication 62411 ATT pub 62411 PDF

    1 microfarad capacitor

    Abstract: 18-PIN DS2141A DS2143 DS2180A DS2181A DS2186 DS2187 DS2188 DS5000
    Text: DS2187 DS2187 Receive Line Interface FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT • Line interface for T1 1.544 MHz and CEPT (2.048 MHz) primary rate networks • Extracts clock and data from twisted pair or coax • Meets requirements of PUB 43801, TR 62411, and applicable CCITT G.823

    DS2187 20-Pin DS2187S 20-PIN 1 microfarad capacitor 18-PIN DS2141A DS2143 DS2180A DS2181A DS2186 DS2187 DS2188 DS5000 PDF


    Abstract: DS2141A DS2143 DS2180A DS2181A DS2186 DS2187 DS2188 DS5000
    Text: DS2187 DS2187 Receive Line Interface FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT • Line interface for T1 1.544 MHz and CEPT (2.048 MHz) primary rate networks • Extracts clock and data from twisted pair or coax • Meets requirements of PUB 43801, TR 62411, and applicable CCITT G.823

    DS2187 20-Pin DS2187S 20-PIN 18-PIN DS2141A DS2143 DS2180A DS2181A DS2186 DS2187 DS2188 DS5000 PDF

    ATT pub 62411

    Abstract: Accunet T1.5 pub 62411 Wavetek 178 HP8656B AN032 LXT304A HP3785B HP3325B
    Text: T1 Jitter Performance Measurement — AT&T Pub 62411 Certification Application Note January 2001 Order Number: 249150-001 As of January 15, 2001, this document replaces the Level One document known as AN032. Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    AN032. 3785B) TB211) HP3785B) ATT pub 62411 Accunet T1.5 pub 62411 Wavetek 178 HP8656B AN032 LXT304A HP3785B HP3325B PDF

    ATT pub 62411

    Abstract: Pub 62411
    Text: LXT36x/35x Master Clock Requirements Application Note January 2001 Order Number: 249172-001 As of January 15, 2001, this document replaces the Level One document known as AN087. Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    LXT36x/35x AN087. 32ppm ATT pub 62411 Pub 62411 PDF

    ATT pub 62411

    Abstract: Pub 62411 500E LEVEL ONE COMMUNICATIONS HG 5808
    Text: Application Note 87 MAY 1998 Revision 1.0 LXT36x/35x Master Clock Requirements General Description The LXT360/61 and LXT350/51 require an external Master Clock MCLK independent from RCLK. The MCLK was originally defined to be jitter free and its accuracy to

    LXT36x/35x LXT360/61 LXT350/51 62411he ATT pub 62411 Pub 62411 500E LEVEL ONE COMMUNICATIONS HG 5808 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Data Sheet T7290 DS1/T1/CEPT Line Interface Features • Fully integrated ISDN DS1/T1/CEPT line interface ■ Compatibility with CB119, Pub 43801, Pub 43802, Pub 62411, TR-TSY-000170, TR-TSY-000009, CCITT G.703, G.735, G.823, and 1.431 specifications

    OCR Scan
    T7290 CB119, TR-TSY-000170, TR-TSY-000009, 3-02A DS89-56SMOS PDF


    Abstract: pub 43801 T7290 T7290-PL diagrams VW ecu
    Text: a t & t MELEC I c 2SE D Q o s a a a t. G o aa^sG b Advance Data Sheet T7290 DS1/T1/CEPT Line Interface Features • Fully integrated ISDN DS1/T1/CEPT line interface ■ Compatibility with CB119, Pub 43801, Pub 43802, Pub 62411, TR-TSY-000170, TR-TSY-000009, CCITT G.703,

    OCR Scan
    T7290 CB119, TR-TSY-000170, TR-TSY-000009, 28-pin, 005002b PUB43802 pub 43801 T7290-PL diagrams VW ecu PDF


    Abstract: 10 micro farad capacitor D8218 ds2184 DS218S
    Text: I f Dallas Semiconductor T1 Receive Line Interface PIREUiMlllINIMW D S218S FEATURES • Line Interface fo r T1 applications • Extracts clock and data from tw isted pair • Meets requirem ents of T.A. 34, PUB 43801 and PUB 62411 PIN CONNECTIONS • Decodes AMI and B8ZS signals

    OCR Scan
    S218S DS2180 DS2184 D8218S DS2185 10 micro farad capacitor D8218 ds2184 DS218S PDF


    Abstract: RST13 DS2189
    Text: 9^ ^ Dallas Semiconductor Receive Line Interface with Jitter Attenuation FEATURES • Line interface forT1 1.544 MHz and CEPT (2.048 MHz) • Extracts clock and data from twisted pair of coax • Meets requirements of PUB 62411, TR170, and CCITT recommendations

    OCR Scan
    DS2189 TR170, 300UI DS2180A DS2181 DS2186 24-pin 24-pin 5rtf6 RST13 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS2187 Receive Line Interface E PIN ASSIGNMENT FEATURES • Line interface for T1 1.544 MHz and CEPT (2.048 MHz) primary rate networks • Extracts dock and data from twisted pair or coax • Meets requirements of PUB 43801, TR 62411, and

    OCR Scan
    DS2187 20-Pin DS2187S 20-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS2187 DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS2187 Receive Line Interface FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT • Line interface for T1 1.544 MHz and CEPT (2.048 MHz) primary rate networks “ C7- • Extracts clock and data from twisted pair or coax • Meets requirements of PUB 43801, TR 62411, and

    OCR Scan
    DS2187 DS2187S 20-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet March 1997 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7290A DS1/T1/CEPT/E1 Line Interface Features Description • Fully integrated DS1/T1/CEPT/E1 line interface The Lucent Technologies Microelectronics Group T7290A DS1/T1/CEPT/E1 Line Interface is a fully

    OCR Scan
    T7290A CB119, TR-TSY-000170, TR-TSY-000009, TR-TSY-000009. DS97-197TIC DS94-022TCOM CA95-003TIC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet March 1997 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7290A DS1/T1/CEPT/E1 Line Interface Features Description • Fully integrated DS1/T1/CEPT/E1 line interface The Lucent Technologies Microelectronics Group T7290A DS1/T1/CEPT/E1 Line Interface is a fully

    OCR Scan
    T7290A CB119, TR-TSY-000170, TR-TSY-000009, DS97-197TIC DS94-022TC PDF

    106 20k

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet April 1998 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7290A DS1/T1/CEPT/E1 Line Interface Features Description • Fully integrated DS1/T1/CEPT/E1 line interface The Lucent Technologies Microelectronics Group T7290A DS1/T1/CEPT/E1 Line Interface is a fully

    OCR Scan
    T7290A CB119, TR-TSY-000170, TR-TSY-000009, DS98-190T1C 97T1C) 106 20k PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NOVEMBER 1997 Revision 1.0 LXT300Z/LXT301Z Advanced T1/E1 Short-Haul Transceivers The L X T 300Z and L X T 301Z are fully integrated trans­ ceivers for both N orth A m erican 1.544 M bps T l and International 2.048 M bps ( E l) applications. T hey are pin

    OCR Scan
    LXT300Z/LXT301Z LXT300/301 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet AT&T rMicroelectronics T7290A DS1/T1/CEPT Line Interface Features Description • Fully integrated DS1/T1/CEPT line interface The T7290A DS1/T1/CEPT Line Interface is a fully integrated line transceiver capable of operation at the domestic DS1/T1 carrier rate 1.544 Mbits/s or the

    OCR Scan
    T7290A CB119, TR-TSY-000170, TFt-TSY-000009, TR-TSY-000009. PDF


    Abstract: codina RECEIVER BANDPASS FILTER PIN XR-T65119 xr-t5675 pcm transcoder ami XRT5681
    Text: Z ^ E M R TELECOMMUNICATION Product Selection Guide Part Number PCM Repeat«irs Description Product Features Technology Supply Voltaaes Packaaa XR-C240 Monolithic PCM Repeater Recovers and Regenerates AMI Encoded Data 1 Port ALBO 13.5mA Supply Current 2,048 MBPS 6300 ft Operation

    OCR Scan
    XR-C240 XR-T65119 XR-T66100 XRT65119 codina RECEIVER BANDPASS FILTER PIN xr-t5675 pcm transcoder ami XRT5681 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet March 1992 l M a t& t M icroelectronics T7290 DS1/T1/CEPT Line Interface Features Description • Fully integrated DS1/T1/CEPT line interface The T7290 DS1/T1/CEPT Line Interface is a single­ chip, CMOS line transceiver capable of operation at

    OCR Scan
    T7290 TheT7290 CB119, TR-TSY-000009, TR-TSY-000170, DS92-073SMOS DS91-184SMOS) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet January 1992 ; a at&t M in ro ftlftrtro n ics T7290 DS1/T1/CEPT Line Interface Features Description • Fully integrated DS 1 / T 1 /CEPT line interface The T7290 DS1/T1/CEPT Line Interface is a single­ chip, CMOS line transceiver capable of operation at

    OCR Scan
    T7290 TheT7290 CB119, TR-TSY-000009, TR-TSY-000170, DS91-184SMOS DS90-077SMOS) PDF