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    a562 transistor

    Abstract: transistor A562 d2118 DSP1c D61 6A-1 D2730 transistor D1812 H3C1 A966 transistor power 22E
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor User’s Guide PTKIT8101UG Rev. 1, 9/2005 MSC8101 Packet Telephony Farm Card MSC8101PFC The MSC8101 DSP subsystem on the MSC8101 packet telephony farm card (MSC8101PFC) performs the signal processing functions for voice, fax, and modem data

    PTKIT8101UG MSC8101 MSC8101PFC) MCS8101 MSC8101PFC MSC8101 a562 transistor transistor A562 d2118 DSP1c D61 6A-1 D2730 transistor D1812 H3C1 A966 transistor power 22E PDF


    Abstract: D1545 transistor transistor A562 a562 transistor d1545 PN521 dh52 D1136 7416373 b1658
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor User’s Guide PTKIT8102UG Rev. 1, 9/2005 MSC8102 Packet Telephony Farm Card MSC8102PFC The MSC8102 packet telephony farm card (MSC8102PFC) is a PCI telephony mezzanine card (PTMC) for evaluating media gateway products. This card is designed around the StarCore

    PTKIT8102UG MSC8102 MSC8102PFC) 16-bit MSC8102PFC MSC8101 PN547 D1545 transistor transistor A562 a562 transistor d1545 PN521 dh52 D1136 7416373 b1658 PDF


    Abstract: 8260l DUSLIC Infineon* bootloader PSTN MPC8260 MPC8260UM MSC8101 MSC8103 cat 6 patch panel 24 port
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor User’s Guide PTKITSOFTUG Rev. 1, 9/2005 Packet Telephony Development Kit Software The Packet Telephony Development Kit PDK is a platform for evaluating and developing voice-over packet applications. The PDK has an MPC8260 host network processor that runs Linux,

    MPC8260 PEB3265 8260l DUSLIC Infineon* bootloader PSTN MPC8260UM MSC8101 MSC8103 cat 6 patch panel 24 port PDF


    Abstract: xc2s50-fg256 CSR C385 xc2s50fg256 c388 pin details MT48LC4M32B2B5 MSC8122VT6400 mt48lc4m32b2f5-6 MT48LC4M32B2B5-6 MSC8122PFC-HV
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor User’s Guide PTKIT8122HVUG Rev. 0, 6/2005 MSC8122PFC-HV Packet Telephony Farm Card User’s Guide The high-volume MSC8122 packet telephony farm card MSC8122PFC-HV is a PCI telephony mezzanine card (PTMC) for evaluating and developing media gateway

    PTKIT8122HVUG MSC8122PFC-HV MSC8122 MSC8122PFC-HV) 16bit MSC8122 MSC8103 dxbm xc2s50-fg256 CSR C385 xc2s50fg256 c388 pin details MT48LC4M32B2B5 MSC8122VT6400 mt48lc4m32b2f5-6 MT48LC4M32B2B5-6 PDF

    transistor A562

    Abstract: a562 transistor transistor a935 a935 a8j1 a836 1le dc-dc A966 transistor d13e 7b246
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor User’s Guide PTKITBASEUG Rev. 1, 9/2005 Packet Telephony Development Kit Baseboard Hardware The baseboard subsystem in the Packet Telephony Development Kit is the motherboard for the kit. It supports both the fast Ethernet interface to the packet network and the

    MSC8260 transistor A562 a562 transistor transistor a935 a935 a8j1 a836 1le dc-dc A966 transistor d13e 7b246 PDF


    Abstract: ST u12 c644 0x0DE1 MPC8260 MPC8260UM MSC8101 MSC8122 MT46V8M16P-6T 10C621 ST C619
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor User’s Guide Document Number: PTKIT711xUG Rev. 1, 04/2006 MSC711x Packet Telephony Farm Card SPT711xPFCE The MSC711x packet telephony farm card (SPT711xPFCE) accelerates time to market of MSC711x DSP voice over internet protocol (VoIP) designs. This card contains a farm of

    PTKIT711xUG MSC711x SPT711xPFCE) SC1400 VT6510B ST u12 c644 0x0DE1 MPC8260 MPC8260UM MSC8101 MSC8122 MT46V8M16P-6T 10C621 ST C619 PDF


    Abstract: XPA1 2A DCP 78 Fuse R8610 PEB3265 IDT82V30001A TGSP-SO24NX PEB4265 120NF10 IDF70800
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor User’s Guide PTKITPSTNUG Rev. 1, 9/2005 Packet Telephony Development Kit PSTN Card The public switched telephone network PSTN card in the Packet Telephony Development Kit (PDK) connects directly to the PDK baseboard and provides four narrow-band T1/E1 timedivision multiplexing (TDM) ports that interface to the PSTN

    MSC810xPFC R9810 XPA1 2A DCP 78 Fuse R8610 PEB3265 IDT82V30001A TGSP-SO24NX PEB4265 120NF10 IDF70800 PDF