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    LBUA5QJ2AB-828EVB Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE EVALUATION KIT Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBUA5QJ2AB-828 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBAA0QB1SJ-295 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd SX1262 MODULE WITH OPEN MCU Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MYC0409-NA-EVM Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 72W, Charge Pump Module, non-isolated DC/DC Converter, Evaluation board Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    PSK MODULATION APPLICATIONS Datasheets Context Search

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    FSK 9600

    Abstract: ST7580 UM0932 AM025 ST7580A ST7580TR "zero crossing detection" VFQFPN48 ST758
    Text: ST7580 FSK, PSK multi-mode power line networking system-on-chip Features • Fully integrated narrow-band power line networking system-on-chip ■ High-performing PHY processor with embedded turnkey firmware featuring: – B-FSK modulation up to 9.6 kbps – B-PSK, Q-PSK, 8-PSK modulations up to

    ST7580 AES-128 FSK 9600 ST7580 UM0932 AM025 ST7580A ST7580TR "zero crossing detection" VFQFPN48 ST758 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST7580 FSK, PSK multi-mode power line networking system-on-chip Features • Fully integrated narrow-band power line networking system-on-chip ■ High-performing PHY processor with embedded turnkey firmware featuring: – B-FSK modulation up to 9.6 kbps – B-PSK, Q-PSK, 8-PSK modulations up to

    ST7580 VFQFPN48 AES-128 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet Programmable DDS Function Generator Series Models 4084, 4085, 4086 & 4087 Versatile modulation and trigger capabilities The generators provide extensive modulation capabilities including AM, FM, FSK, PSK, pulse modulation and linear/logarithmic sweep.

    RS232 EN61010 EN55022, EN55024, EN61326, EN601000 RS232 v042114 PDF


    Abstract: Satellite modem DB15 CONNECTOR CM701 CM701A db 15 connector IESS-308 standard IESS-308 motion DOPPLER Satellite modem chip
    Text: CM701A PSK Digital Satellite Modem CM701A PSK Digital Satellite Modem HIGHLIGHTS Modular architecture for quick, on-site configuration Supports BPSK and QPSK modulation 9.6 kbps to 4.375 Mbps data rates, 512 Kbps LS optional Closed network or IDR/IBS/SMS operation

    CM701A CM701A RS-232/RS-485 IESS-309 Satellite modem DB15 CONNECTOR CM701 db 15 connector IESS-308 standard IESS-308 motion DOPPLER Satellite modem chip PDF

    InMarSat modulator

    Abstract: doppler radar electromagnetic pulse generator kit ermes Simulation of direct sequence spread spectrum DSP frequency 10 ghz PSK modulation precision Sine Wave Generator AM MODULATion direct pm modulation circuit
    Text: Signal Sources 2050 Series Digital & Vector Signal Generator Designed to meet the needs of modern digital radio technologies up to 5.4 GHz • PSK, FSK, QAM, GMSK Modulation Capability • I and Q modulation to 10 MHz 1 dB bw. • External digital data input



    Abstract: AS C2 DAB Clock Radio service manual 4fsk envelope modulation vector generator Ghz IEEE488 filter 10.7 100 APCO25
    Text: 2050iss11.qxd 01/Dec/2004 14:45 Page 1 Signal Sources 2050 Series Digital & Vector Signal Generator Designed to meet the needs of modern digital radio technologies up to 5.4 GHz • PSK, FSK, QAM, GMSK Modulation Capability • I and Q modulation to 10 MHz 1 dB bw.

    2050iss11 01/Dec/2004 43126 AS C2 DAB Clock Radio service manual 4fsk envelope modulation vector generator Ghz IEEE488 filter 10.7 100 APCO25 PDF


    Abstract: MSGEQ7 ASK,PSK MSHN1 MSGEQ5A MSTHDA 47CFR18 msscsa Behringer psk demodulation
    Text: 2/2010 Radio Frequency Interface Front End Data Sheet Description Features This integrated circuit provides a charge pump and ASK/PSK demodulation/modulation for self powered or passive backscatter applications. The device meets FCC 47CFR18.307 for transmit

    47CFR18 MSRFIF MSGEQ7 ASK,PSK MSHN1 MSGEQ5A MSTHDA msscsa Behringer psk demodulation PDF


    Abstract: CXA3086Q HI3026AJCQ HI3026JCQ HI3086JCQ HSP43124 HSP43168 HSP43216 HSP50110 HSP50210
    Text: Implementation of a High Rate Radio Receiver HSP43124, HSP43168, HSP43216, HSP50110, HSP50210 TM Application Note January 19990 AN9658.1 Features TABLE 1. INTERSIL DSP PRODUCTS FOR HIGH RATE DIGITAL RADIO RECEIVERS • Modulation Formats: BPSK, QPSK, SQPSK, 8-PSK, FM,

    HSP43124, HSP43168, HSP43216, HSP50110, HSP50210) AN9658 HSP43168 HSP50210 HSP50110 HSP43216 210E CXA3086Q HI3026AJCQ HI3026JCQ HI3086JCQ HSP43124 PDF

    costas loop

    Abstract: 140MHz IF TUNER IC costas loop bpsk 210E CXA3086Q HI3026AJCQ HI3026JCQ HI3086JCQ AN9658 HSP43168
    Text: Implementation of a High Rate Radio Receiver HSP43124, HSP43168, HSP43216, HSP50110, HSP50210 Application Note January 1990 Features TABLE 1. INTERSIL DSP PRODUCTS FOR HIGH RATE DIGITAL RADIO RECEIVERS • Modulation Formats: BPSK, QPSK, SQPSK, 8-PSK, FM,

    HSP43124, HSP43168, HSP43216, HSP50110, HSP50210) AN9658 90MHz HSP50210 HSP43168 HSP50110 costas loop 140MHz IF TUNER IC costas loop bpsk 210E CXA3086Q HI3026AJCQ HI3026JCQ HI3086JCQ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AWT6172 GSM/GPRS/EDGE Power Amplifier Module with Integrated Power Control PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.4 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION features This quad band power amplifier module supports dual, tri and quad band applications for both GMSK and 8-PSK modulation schemes. There are two amplifier

    AWT6172 GSM850/900 PDF

    ftx 79

    Abstract: GMSK applications GSM900
    Text: AWT6172 GSM/GPRS/EDGE Power Amplifier Module with Integrated Power Control PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.3 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION features This quad band power amplifier module supports dual, tri and quad band applications for both GMSK and 8-PSK modulation schemes. There are two amplifier

    AWT6172 GSM850/900 ftx 79 GMSK applications GSM900 PDF


    Abstract: AWT6172
    Text: AWT6172 GSM/GPRS/EDGE Power Amplifier Module with Integrated Power Control PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Rev 1.4 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION features This quad band power amplifier module supports dual, tri and quad band applications for both GMSK and 8-PSK modulation schemes. There are two amplifier

    AWT6172 GSM850/900 GSM900 AWT6172 PDF

    costas loop bpsk

    Abstract: 210E CXA3086Q HI3026AJCQ HI3026JCQ HI3086JCQ HSP43124 HSP43168 HSP43216 HSP50110
    Text: Implementation of a High Rate Radio Receiver HSP43124, HSP43168, HSP43216, HSP50110, HSP50210 Application Note January 1999 AN9658.1 Authors: John Henkelman and David Damerow Features TABLE 1. INTERSIL DSP PRODUCTS FOR HIGH RATE DIGITAL RADIO RECEIVERS • Modulation Formats: BPSK, QPSK, SQPSK, 8-PSK, FM,

    HSP43124, HSP43168, HSP43216, HSP50110, HSP50210) AN9658 HSP43168 HSP50210 HSP50110 HSP43216 costas loop bpsk 210E CXA3086Q HI3026AJCQ HI3026JCQ HI3086JCQ HSP43124 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ACPM-7051 Multiband Multimode PA Quad-Band GSM/EDGE and Dual-Band UMTS B1/B5 Data Sheet Description Features The ACPM- 7051 is a multiband multimode PA which supports GMSK and 8-PSK modulation schemes and UMTS bands 1 and 5. There are two amplifier chains, one

    ACPM-7051 GSM850/900 DCS1800/PCS1900 24-pin AV02-3359EN ACPM-7051 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ACPM-7868 5 x 5 mm Power Amplifier Module Linear Quad-Band GSM/EDGE Data Sheet Description Features The ACPM-7868 is a linear quad-band / multi-mode power amplifier module for both GMSK and 8-PSK modulation schemes. There are two amplifier chains, one is to support

    ACPM-7868 ACPM-7868 GSM850/900 DCS1800/ PCS1900 AV02-2665EN PDF


    Abstract: Avago acpm7868 7868 ACPM-7868 -TR1
    Text: ACPM-7868 5 x 5 mm Power Amplifier Module Linear Quad-Band GSM/EDGE Data Sheet Description Features The ACPM-7868 is a linear quad-band / multi-mode power amplifier module for both GMSK and 8-PSK modulation schemes. There are two amplifier chains, one is to support

    ACPM-7868 ACPM-7868 GSM850/900 DCS1800/ PCS1900 AV02-2665EN Avago acpm7868 7868 ACPM-7868 -TR1 PDF


    Abstract: ACPM-7051-TR1 ACPM-7051-BLK ics time table 2012 ACPM-7 marking NS05 AVAGO PA LTE E-DCH 55A6 ACPM avago 70
    Text: ACPM-7051 Multiband Multimode PA Quad-Band GSM/EDGE and Dual-Band UMTS B1/B5 Data Sheet Description Features The ACPM- 7051 is a multiband multimode PA which supports GMSK and 8-PSK modulation schemes and UMTS bands 1 and 5. There are two amplifier chains, one

    ACPM-7051 GSM850/900 DCS1800/PCS1900 AV02-3359EN ACPM-7051 ACPM-7051-TR1 ACPM-7051-BLK ics time table 2012 ACPM-7 marking NS05 AVAGO PA LTE E-DCH 55A6 ACPM avago 70 PDF


    Abstract: TSSOP10 J196 Transistor J182 if uhf modulator ATA5590 915 MHz RFID j182 transistor j191 chip antenna rfid UHF
    Text: Antenna Matching for UHF – RFID Transponder ICs Overview To achieve high performance with regards to the read and write distance of a tag, it is essential that the tag–antenna design be matched to the ATA5590 input impedance, because the return link modulation of the ATA5590 uses PSK Phase Shift Keying .

    ATA5590 j182 TSSOP10 J196 Transistor J182 if uhf modulator 915 MHz RFID j182 transistor j191 chip antenna rfid UHF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MX*COM, INC. MiXed Signal ICs DATA BULLETIN MX980 Digital Radio Baseband Processor for 8-PSK, tc/4 DQPSK, PSK ADVANCE INFORMATION Features • Tx and Rx 36kbps Baseband DSP Engine PSK Modulation: rc/4 DQPSK, 8PSK, BPSK, etc. Root Raised Cosine RRC Filters

    OCR Scan
    MX980 36kbps 10-Bit 44-pin X980L7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF2402 I MICRO ‘DEVICES UHF QUADRATURE MODULATOR Typical Applications • Digital and Spread Spectrum Systems • FM, AM , SSB, D SB Modulation • FSK, G M SK , Q P S K , D Q PSK , Q AM Modulation • Single Sideband Modulation • Analog Communication Systems

    OCR Scan
    RF2402 7341-D RF2402-3 RF2402 RF2402-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RFH RF2424 Preliminary MICRO DEVICES U H F Q U A D R A T U R E MODULATOR Typical Applications • Digital Communications Systems • GSM and D-AMPS Systems • Spread Spectrum Communication Systems • AM, SSB, DSB Modulation • GM SK,QPSK,DQ PSK, QAM Modulation

    OCR Scan
    RF2424 RF2424 RF2424PCBA 2424410C-) PDF

    rfid card reader

    Text: TOSHIBA TENTATIVE JT6N46S TOSHIBA CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC JT6N46S RF-ID CONTACTLESS CARD SINGLE-CHIP LSI FEATURES • RF-ID single-chip system LSI incorporating analog functions, data processing, and data memory. • Uses noise-resistant PSK modulation

    OCR Scan
    JT6N46S 32-byte rfid card reader PLL pSK DEMODULATOR PDF

    125 kHz RFID parallel antenna center

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SH IBA TENTATIVE JT6N46S TOSHIBA CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC JT6N46S RF-ID CONTACTLESS CARD SINGLE-CHIP LSI FEATURES • RF-ID single-chip system LSI incorporating analog functions, data processing, and data memory. • Uses noise-resistant PSK modulation

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    JT6N46S 32-byte 125 kHz RFID parallel antenna center PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SL652C Ä FLESSEY W Semiconductors SL652C MODULATOR/PHASE LOCKED LOOP The SL652C is a versatile integrated circuit capable of performing all the common m odulation functions AM, PAM, SCAM, FM, FSK, PSK, PWM, tone-burst, delta-modulation, etc. . A wide variety o f phase-locked

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