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    POWERBLOCK DD Search Results

    POWERBLOCK DD Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CSD87351Q5D Texas Instruments 30V, Nch synchronous buck NexFET MOSFET™, SON5x6 PowerBlock, 32A 8-LSON-CLIP -55 to 150 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    CSD87331Q3D Texas Instruments 30V, Nch synchronous buck NexFET MOSFET™, SON3x3 PowerBlock, 15A 8-LSON-CLIP -55 to 150 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    CSD87335Q3DT Texas Instruments 30V, Nch synchronous buck NexFET MOSFET™, SON3x3 PowerBlock, 25A 8-LSON-CLIP -55 to 150 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    CSD87350Q5D Texas Instruments 30V, Nch synchronous buck NexFET MOSFET™, SON5x6 PowerBlock, 40A 8-LSON-CLIP -55 to 150 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    CSD87352Q5D Texas Instruments 30V, Nch synchronous buck NexFET MOSFET™, SON5x6 PowerBlock, 25A 8-LSON-CLIP -55 to 150 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    POWERBLOCK DD Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: powerblock dd DATASHEET SCR SCR Phase Control Diode SCR ND89N DD435N28 DD540N DZ950N36 ND171
    Text: Overview PowerBLOCK Diode Modules for Phase Control 4400 DZ950N36.44K 4200 4000 3800 3600 3200 3000 DD435N28.40K DD175N28.34K 3400 2800 DZ1070N. DD540N. DZ540N. 2200 DD/ND261N. DD98N20.25K 2400 DD/ND231N. 2600 2000 DD/ND600N. DZ600N.

    DZ950N36. DD435N28. DD175N28. DZ1070N. DD540N. DZ540N. DD/ND261N. DD98N20. DD/ND231N. DD/ND600N. DZ1070N powerblock dd DATASHEET SCR SCR Phase Control Diode SCR ND89N DD435N28 DD540N DZ950N36 ND171 PDF

    eupec igbt

    Abstract: kuka-2003-inhalt.qxd powerblock dd EUPEC powerblock DD435N28 DD540N DZ950N36 kuka Eupec ND89N
    Text: kuka-2003-inhalt.qxd 17.04.2003 10:34 Uhr Seite 29 Overview PowerBLOCK Diode Modules for Phase Control 4400 DZ950N36.44K 4200 4000 3800 3600 DD175N30.34 DD435N28.40K 3400 3200 3000 2800 DZ1070N. DD540N. DZ540N. 2200 DD/ND261N. DD98N20.25K 2400

    kuka-2003-inhalt DZ950N36. DD175N30. DD435N28. DZ1070N. DD540N. DZ540N. DD/ND261N. DD98N20. DD/ND231N. eupec igbt kuka-2003-inhalt.qxd powerblock dd EUPEC powerblock DD435N28 DD540N DZ950N36 kuka Eupec ND89N PDF

    powerblock TT 95 N 1200

    Abstract: powerblock DD 76 N 1200 powerblock tt 45 tt 25 n powerblock EUPEC TT 105 N 12 EUPEC tt 162 n 16 thyristor tt 250 n 16 powerblock tt 60 N powerblock td 162 powerblock TT 131 N 1200
    Text: kuka-2003-inhalt.qxd 17.04.2003 10:34 Uhr Seite 23 PowerBLOCK Thyristor Modules for Phase Control Type ITRMSM A ITSM A 10 ms, Tvj max ∫i2dt A2s•103 10 ms, Tvj max ITAVM/Tc A/°C 180° el sin V TO V Tvj = Tvj max rT mΩ Tvj = Tvj max (di/dt)cr A/µs DIN

    kuka-2003-inhalt powerblock TT 95 N 1200 powerblock DD 76 N 1200 powerblock tt 45 tt 25 n powerblock EUPEC TT 105 N 12 EUPEC tt 162 n 16 thyristor tt 250 n 16 powerblock tt 60 N powerblock td 162 powerblock TT 131 N 1200 PDF

    powerblock dd 82 S 800

    Abstract: thyristor tt 121 powerblock thyristor DATASHEET diode S 335 TT 46 powerblock dd thyristor thyristor modules thyristor TT 46
    Text: Fast Powerblock Modules Fast Diode Modules VRRM = 400 800 Fast Thyristor Modules 1200 1600 2000 2400 VRRM = 200 600 1000 1400 TT 46 F DD 46 S TT 71 F DD 61 S TT 81 F DD 62 S TT 101 F DD 81 S TT 111 F DD 82 S TT 180 F DD 121 S TT 200 F DD 122 S TZ 285 S DD 230 S


    powerblock dd 82 S 800

    Abstract: powerblock dd TT 46 tt200f
    Text: Fast Powerblock Modules Fast Diodes VRRM = 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 Fast Thyristors V RRM = 200 DD 46 S TT 46 F DD 61 S TT 71 F DD 62 S TT 81 F DD 81 S TT 101 F DD 82 S TT 111 F DD 121 S TT 180 F DD 122 S TT 200 F DD 230 S TZ 285 S DD 241 S TZ 335 F DD 242 S


    powerblock TT 95 N 1200

    Abstract: powerblock TT 131 N 1200 powerblock TD 95 N 1200 din IEC 747 tt 25 n powerblock powerblock TT 60 N 1200 thyristor TT 46 N 1200 powerblock TT 106 N 1600 powerblock tt 60 N powerblock tt 45
    Text: 1400 VRRM [V] 20 mm 25 mm * highest Voltage on request 30 mm 34 mm 50 mm 50 mm Single 60 mm *) *) TZ630N. TZ530N. 3200 TZ800N. *) TZ740N. TT430N. TT400N. TT240N. Outlines TT500N. TT570N. TT425N. TT385N. TT310N. *) TT380N. TZ430N.

    TZ630N. TZ530N. TZ800N. TZ740N. TT430N. TT400N. TT240N. TT500N. TT570N. TT425N. powerblock TT 95 N 1200 powerblock TT 131 N 1200 powerblock TD 95 N 1200 din IEC 747 tt 25 n powerblock powerblock TT 60 N 1200 thyristor TT 46 N 1200 powerblock TT 106 N 1600 powerblock tt 60 N powerblock tt 45 PDF

    EUPEC powerblock

    Abstract: thyristor TT 46 N Thyristor eupec POWERBLOCK tt 25 n powerblock EUPEC tt 105 N 16 thyristor tt 500 n 16 thyristor tt 250 n 16 EUPEC POWERBLOCK TD thyristor eupec tt 251 n 14 powerblock tt 60 N
    Text: . power the Home Products Bipolar News Contact N-Thyristor-Modules Editorials N-Diode-Modules Job Offers Company Search future Site Content Fast Thyristor Modules Fast Diode Modules the figures in the part-no. represent the current rating [A] Packages Packages


    EUPEC powerblock "DD 151 N 12"

    Abstract: EUPEC DD 151 N 14 k dd 55 n 14 powerblock EUPEC powerblock N1
    Text: European PowerSemiconductor and Electronics Company GmbH + Co. KG Marketing Information DD 151 N screwing depth max. 12 for fillister head screw M6x15 Z4-1 14 15 25 25 80 94 AK K A March 1998 DD 151 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte

    M6x15 800iderstandes DD151N7 EUPEC powerblock "DD 151 N 12" EUPEC DD 151 N 14 k dd 55 n 14 powerblock EUPEC powerblock N1 PDF


    Abstract: EUPEC DD 600 N mechanical arm powerblock dd eupec powerblock ND
    Text: European PowerSemiconductor and Electronics Company GmbH + Co. KG Marketing Information DD 260 N, DD 261 N ND 260 N, ND 261 N 28,5 35 6 115 80 9 18 M8 18 92 AK K A March 1998 DD 260 N, ND 260 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte

    DD260N8 DD260N08 EUPEC DD 600 N mechanical arm powerblock dd eupec powerblock ND PDF

    EUPEC DD 31 N 1200 k

    Abstract: DD 31 N 800 K IEC749
    Text: European PowerSemiconductor and Electronics Company Marketing Information DD 540 N M10 screwing depth max. 18,0 31 50 44 25 25 100 112 124 6 A 144 K AK VWK February 1996 DD 540 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values

    surg40 DD540N7 EUPEC DD 31 N 1200 k DD 31 N 800 K IEC749 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 17E » • 72^fl7L,4 DDDD347 3 POUERTECH INC "BIG IDEAS IN BIG POWER" ■ H ^ ■ PowerTech 1200 AMPERES MT-500B MT-5007 POWERBLOCK POWER SYSTEM MAXIMUM RATINGS SYMBOL Collector-Base Voltage MT-5006 MT-5007 60V 80V 60V 80V 10V 10V V CBO Collector-Emitter Voltage

    OCR Scan
    DDDD347 MT-500B MT-5007 MT-5006 PPS-1200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 17E D m 72^â7bM □□DGBSG POüJERTECH INC 3 " BIG POWER" “BIG IDEAS IN H • PowerTech / 150 AMPERES MT-6011 -P 3 3 > -Z < > \ POWERBLOCK POWER SYSTEM SYMBOL MT-6011 Col lector-Base Voltage VCBO 650V Collector-Emitter Voltage VCE 600V Emitter-Base Voltage

    OCR Scan
    MT-6011 PPS-1200 DDDGB51 S-21209C S21209F4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EUPEC blE D • 3MD3ST7 DDD1131 T71 ■ U P E C TZ 425 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties H öchstzulässige W erte M axim um rated values Periodische Vorwärts- und R ückw ärts-Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak forw ard off-state and reverse voltages

    OCR Scan
    DDD1131 D001134 PDF

    EUPEC tt 93 n 14

    Abstract: EUPEC POWERBLOCK TD 93 n
    Text: EUPEC blE D • 34035*17 DDD1070 Û3G H U P E C TT93 N, TD 93 N, DT93 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties H öchstzulässige W erte M axim um rated values P eriodische V orw ärts- und repetitive p e ak forward off-state R ückw ärts-Spitzensperrspannung

    OCR Scan
    DDD1070 EUPEC tt 93 n 14 EUPEC POWERBLOCK TD 93 n PDF

    EUPEC DD 89

    Abstract: EUPEC DD 600 RPER GDD1257 EUPEC powerblock
    Text: EUPEC bl E ]> m 34Q35T? 0001555 3Tb •IUPEÇ 4>1 DD 89 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values Periodische Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak reverse voltage t»] - - 4 0 ° C .tvj max V rrm Stoßspitzenspannung

    OCR Scan
    tviS25Â EUPEC DD 89 EUPEC DD 600 RPER GDD1257 EUPEC powerblock PDF

    EUPEC powerblock

    Abstract: 082c
    Text: bl E D EUPEC 34032T7 000127G bTS « U P E C DD 175 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values 2800,3000 3200 3400 V V V 100 V I frmsm 350 A I favm 175 223 A A Periodische Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak reverse

    OCR Scan
    34032T7 D127G -40oC. EUPEC powerblock 082c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: blE D EUPEC • 34G32t17 00D15SÔ DTS ■ U P E C DD 104 N, N D 104 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values Periodische Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak reverse voltage tvj — — 4 0 ° C . . . t vj max

    OCR Scan
    ND104 00D15SÃ PDF

    EUPEC tt 285 n 12

    Abstract: EUPEC powerblock powerblock tt 45 EUPEC DD 285 N
    Text: EUPEC LIE D 3 ^ 0 3 2 1 7 OGDIEñD S41 M U P E C • DD 285 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values 200,400 600 800 V V V 100 V I frmsm 450 A I favm 285 A Periodische Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak reverse

    OCR Scan
    D0D12Ã tvj--40Â tviS25Â 34D3ECI7 EUPEC tt 285 n 12 EUPEC powerblock powerblock tt 45 EUPEC DD 285 N PDF

    EUPEC powerblock

    Abstract: 082c OD231
    Text: EUPEC LIE D 3HD32^7 0QG1273 3D1 • U P E C DD 231 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values 2000,2200 2400 2600 V V V 100 V I frm sm 410 A I favm 231 260 A A Periodische Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak reverse

    OCR Scan

    EUPEC DD 171 N

    Abstract: EUPEC powerblock 157000 ND171 EUPEC tt 250 n powerblock tt 162 tt 251 n powerblock
    Text: EUPEC blE D • 3403217 00012b? ODfl « U P E C DD 171 N, N D 171 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values 600, 800 1200, 1400 1600,1800 V V V + 100 V I f rm sm 270 A tc = 100°C I favm 170 A tvj£ 2 5 °C , tp = 10 ms

    OCR Scan
    ND171 00012b? Charakteristi00 EUPEC DD 171 N EUPEC powerblock 157000 EUPEC tt 250 n powerblock tt 162 tt 251 n powerblock PDF

    eupec dd 76 n 1200

    Abstract: 34032T eupec dd 76 n 12 l powerblock tt 45
    Text: LIE D EUPEC • 34032T7 DGG124t> 3fl3 H U P E C DD 76 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values Periodische Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak reverse voltage t, ——40°C. tvj ma* Vrrm Stoßspitzenspannung

    OCR Scan
    34032T7 DGG124t> tvjS25Â eupec dd 76 n 1200 34032T eupec dd 76 n 12 l powerblock tt 45 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EUPEC blE T> m 34032^7 GGGISHT DTE • U P E C DD 90 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values Periodische Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak reverse voltage Stoßspitzenspannung non repetitive peak reverse voltage

    OCR Scan
    tvj--40Â PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EUPEC blE » • 3MG32R7 0DQ12t.l bTT ■ U P E C DD 106 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values Periodische Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak reverse voltage tvj -40 C . tvj max V rrm Stoßspitzenspannung

    OCR Scan
    tvj--40Â PDF

    EUPEC powerblock

    Abstract: dd 76 N powerblock eupec dd 76 n 1200 powerblock DD 76 N 1200
    Text: EUPEC blE D • 34032^7 G0012M3 b74 H U P E C DD 61 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values Periodische Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak reverse voltage t vj — Stoßspitzenspannung non repetitive peak

    OCR Scan
    01EL43 EUPEC powerblock dd 76 N powerblock eupec dd 76 n 1200 powerblock DD 76 N 1200 PDF