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    TPD2017FN Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (Low side switch) / VDD=6 V / 8ch / SSOP30 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD2015FN Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (High side switch) / VDD=40 V / 8ch / SSOP30 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCWA1225G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation High Power Switch / SPDT / WCSP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB9120AFTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Stepping motor driver for automobile / Driver for a 2-phase bipolar stepping motor / AEC-Q100 / P-VQFN28-0606-0.65 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB9M003FG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Pre-Driver For Automobile / 3-Phase Brushless Pre-Driver / Vbat(V)=-0.3~+40 / AEC-Q100 / P-HTQFP48-0707-0.50-001 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    POWER IC FOR AUDIO AMPLIFICATION Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: SIP23HZ bandpass filter 3160 mylar capacitors
    Text: Ordering number:ENN3607A Monolithic Linear IC LA4620 Two-channel Audio Power Amplifier Overview Package Dimensions The LA4620 is a two-channel high-power audio amplifier for automotive stereo and general-purpose audio amplification equipment. The LA4620 has a 6 to 22V operating supply voltage range.

    ENN3607A LA4620 LA4620 23-pin 3160-SI, SIP23HZ bandpass filter 3160 mylar capacitors PDF


    Abstract: KT-207 LA4620 DATA
    Text: Ordering number:ENN3607A Monolithic Linear IC LA4620 Two-channel Audio Power Amplifier Overview Package Dimensions The LA4620 is a two-channel high-power audio amplifier for automotive stereo and general-purpose audio amplification equipment. The LA4620 has a 6 to 22V operating supply voltage range.

    ENN3607A LA4620 LA4620 23-pin 3160-SI, KT-207 LA4620 DATA PDF


    Abstract: DDX-2060 subwoofer PREAMP circuit diagram Apogee 4100 SPDIF i2s RECEIVER subwoofer preamp diagram AC97 DDX2060 CRYSTAL 20 MHZ doc SPDIF i2s RECEIVER selector
    Text: DDX-4100 DDX  Multichannel Digital Audio Processor FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • The DDX-4100 Digital Audio Processor is a single chip device for implementing complete digital solutions for audio amplification. In conjunction with multiple DDX-2060 Power IC’s, the solution provides

    DDX-4100 DDX-4100 DDX-2060 w/DDX-2060 subwoofer PREAMP circuit diagram Apogee 4100 SPDIF i2s RECEIVER subwoofer preamp diagram AC97 DDX2060 CRYSTAL 20 MHZ doc SPDIF i2s RECEIVER selector PDF


    Abstract: UTC 379 MSOP-10
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD PA4894 CMOS IC 1.8 WATT DIFFERENTIAL AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER WITH SELECTABLE SHUTDOWN „ DESCRIPTION The UTC PA4894 is a differential audio power amplifier, characterized by its selectable shutdown mode for flexible operation.

    PA4894 PA4894 QW-R502-379 UTC 379 MSOP-10 PDF


    Abstract: subwoofer amplifier circuit diagram LX1710CDB mono mosfet amplifier diagram 2 x 20w amplifier subwoofer filter circuit audio amplifier ics 20HZ-20KHZ subwoofer circuit diagram 2.1 subwoofer circuit diagrams 5.1 speaker with subwoofer circuit diagram
    Text: A  M I C R O S E M I AudioMAX LX1710/1711 Class-D Mono Power Amplifier Controller IC C O M P A N Y P RELIMINARY The LX1710/1711 is a monolithic high performance integrated class-D controller IC designed for high efficiency audio requirements such as

    LX1710/1711 LX1710/1711 megaphone subwoofer amplifier circuit diagram LX1710CDB mono mosfet amplifier diagram 2 x 20w amplifier subwoofer filter circuit audio amplifier ics 20HZ-20KHZ subwoofer circuit diagram 2.1 subwoofer circuit diagrams 5.1 speaker with subwoofer circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A  M I C R O S E M I AudioMAX LX1710/1711 Class-D Mono Power Amplifier Controller IC C O M P A N Y P RELIMINARY The LX1710/1711 is a monolithic high performance integrated class-D controller IC designed for high efficiency audio requirements such as

    LX1710/1711 LX1710/1711 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONICTECHNOLOGIESCO., LTD PA4894 CMOS IC 1 .8 WAT T DI FFEREN T I AL AU DI O POWER AM PLI FI ER WI T H SELECT ABLE SH U T DOWN ̈ DESCRI PT I ON The UTC PA4894 is a differential audio power amplifier, characterized by its selectable shutdown mode for flexible operation.

    PA4894 PA4894 QW-R502-379 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC6011 Audio Amplification Transistor Features and Benefits Description Small package TO-3P High power handling capacity, 160 W Improved sound output by reduced on-chip impedance For professional audio (PA) applications, VCEO = 200 V versions available

    2SC6011 2SA2151 2SC4832 PDF


    Abstract: 2SA2151A SANKEN AUDIO 2SA1668A sanken power audio
    Text: 2SA2151A Audio Amplification Transistor Features and Benefits Description ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ By adapting the Sanken unique wafer-thinner technique, these PNP power transistors achieve power-up by decreasing thermal resistance, and provide higher voltage avalanche breakdown

    2SA2151A 2SC6011A 2SA1668A a2151a SANKEN AUDIO 2SA1668A sanken power audio PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SA2151A Audio Amplification Transistor Features and Benefits Description Small package TO-3P High power handling capacity, 160 W Improved sound output by reduced on-chip impedance For professional audio (PA) applications, VCEO = –230 V versions available

    2SA2151A 2SC6011A 2SA1668A A2151A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SA2151A Audio Amplification Transistor Features and Benefits Description ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ By adapting the Sanken unique wafer-thinner technique, these PNP power transistors achieve power-up by decreasing thermal resistance, and provide higher voltage avalanche breakdown

    2SA2151A PDF

    transistor a2151

    Abstract: A2151 2sa2151 equivalent for 2sa1668 sanken a2151 2sc6011 sanken audio sanken transistors mold "Sanken Rectifiers"
    Text: 2SA2151 Audio Amplification Transistor Features and Benefits Description ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ By adapting the Sanken unique wafer-thinner technique, these PNP power transistors achieve power-up by decreasing thermal resistance, and provide higher voltage avalanche breakdown

    2SA2151 2SC6011 2SA1668 transistor a2151 A2151 equivalent for 2sa1668 sanken a2151 2sc6011 sanken audio sanken transistors mold "Sanken Rectifiers" PDF

    equivalent for 2sa1668

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SA2151 Audio Amplification Transistor Features and Benefits Description Small package TO-3P High power handling capacity, 160 W Improved sound output by reduced on-chip impedance For professional audio (PA) applications, VCEO = –200 V versions available

    2SA2151 2SC6011 2SA1668 equivalent for 2sa1668 PDF

    sanken c6011

    Abstract: 2SC4832 c6011 2SC6011 c6011 transistor NPN c6011 2SA2151 sanken audio "Sanken Rectifiers" "Sanken Electric"
    Text: 2SC6011 Audio Amplification Transistor Features and Benefits Description ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ By adapting the Sanken unique wafer-thinner technique, these NPN power transistors achieve power-up by decreasing thermal resistance, and provide higher voltage avalanche breakdown

    2SC6011 2SA2151 2SC4832 sanken c6011 2SC4832 c6011 c6011 transistor NPN c6011 2SA2151 sanken audio "Sanken Rectifiers" "Sanken Electric" PDF


    Abstract: 2SC6011A SANKEN AUDIO NPN c6011a sanken power transistor
    Text: 2SC6011A Audio Amplification Transistor Features and Benefits Description ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ By adapting the Sanken unique wafer-thinner technique, these NPN power transistors achieve power-up by decreasing thermal resistance, and provide higher voltage avalanche breakdown

    2SC6011A 2SA2151A 2SC4382A c6011a SANKEN AUDIO NPN c6011a sanken power transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SA2223 Audio Amplification Transistor Features and Benefits Description LAPT High frequency multi emitter transistor Small package (TO-3P) High power handling capacity, 160 W Improved sound output by reduced on-chip impedance For professional audio (PA) applications, VCEO = –260 V

    2SA2223 2SC6145 2SA1668A PDF

    sanken audio

    Abstract: sanken LAPT "Sanken Rectifiers" "Sanken Electric"
    Text: 2SC6145 Audio Amplification Transistor Features and Benefits Description LAPT High frequency multi emitter transistor Small package (TO-3P) High power handling capacity, 160 W Improved sound output by reduced on-chip impedance For professional audio (PA) applications, VCEO = 260 V

    2SC6145 2SA2223 2SC4382A sanken audio sanken LAPT "Sanken Rectifiers" "Sanken Electric" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LOW VOLTAGE POWER AM PLIFIER NJM 2070 NJM2070 is a power amplification monolithic IC of wide supply voltage range. It is applied for audio power amplifier in portable radio and handy cassette player. • Features Package O u tlin e Wide Supply Voltage Range

    OCR Scan
    NJM2070 700mW 500mW NJM2070M MJM2070D 250mW NJM2070 PDF


    Abstract: NE614AN TI430 and uss hen nod
    Text: Signetics NE/SA614A Low Power FM IF System Linear Products Prelim inary Specification DESCRIPTION dynam ic range In excess of 90dB • Tw o audio outputs - muted and unmuted • Low external component count; suitable for crystal/ceramic filters The NE/SA614A is an improved mono­

    OCR Scan
    NE/SA614A NE/SA614Afeatures 25MHz) NE/SA604. 16-lead NE/SA614A NE614A NE614AN TI430 and uss hen nod PDF

    data 6V6 tube

    Abstract: 6v6gta tube 6v6 6v6 tube 6V6 GT 6v6gt 6V6 GTA 6V6GT tube 6v6GTA tube 10000 watts amplifier circuit diagram
    Text: — PRODUCT INFORMATION — Page 1 E L E C T R O N IC ûsm m m m IN A C T IO N - Beam Pentode TUBES The 6V6-GTA is a beam-power pentode designed for use in the audio-frequency power output stage of television and radio receivers. In this application, it is capable of

    OCR Scan
    -TD343-5 data 6V6 tube 6v6gta tube 6v6 6v6 tube 6V6 GT 6v6gt 6V6 GTA 6V6GT tube 6v6GTA tube 10000 watts amplifier circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: 3cx3000a1 INCOMING Plate INSPECTION 8240 8125 8240/3CW5000
    Text: 8240 3CW5000A1 8241 3CW5000F1 TEC H N IC A L DATA LOW -M U WATER -C OO LED TRIODES The EIMAC 8240/3CW5000A1 and 8241/ 3CW5000F1 are low-mu water-cooled power triodes intended for use as audio amplifiers or modulators. Their maximum rated plate dissipation is 5000 watts. The two types

    OCR Scan
    3CW5000A1 3CW5000F1 8240/3CW5000A1 8241/3CW5000F1. 8238/3CX3000A1 TCW5000 8241/3CW5000F1 41-FS, 3cx3000a1 INCOMING Plate INSPECTION 8240 8125 8240/3CW5000 PDF

    tube 6L6

    Abstract: ec 360 tube 6L6 tube 6l6gb 6L6GC 6l6 pentode 6L6-GC 6L6GC PIN CONNECTION 6L6GC tube general electric 6L6
    Text: rp m 6L6-6C 6 L6 -6 C ET-T1515A Page 1 BEAM PENTODE 3-5» f o r a f p o w e r a m p l if ie r a p p l ic a t io n s TUBES •DESCRIPTION AND RATING The 6 L 6 - G C is a beam-power pentode primarily designed for use in audio­ frequency power amplifier applications. Features of the tube include high

    OCR Scan
    K-556 i-t058- ET-T1515A I-T058-I3 tube 6L6 ec 360 tube 6L6 tube 6l6gb 6L6GC 6l6 pentode 6L6-GC 6L6GC PIN CONNECTION 6L6GC tube general electric 6L6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs 6V/330mW single-channel power amplifier BA546 T h e B A 546 is a m o n olith ic p o w e r am p lifier d es ig n e d for use in p o rta b le radios, ta p e reco rd ers and interphones. W ith a 6 V p ow er supply, it has a rated o utput o f 3 3 0 m W into an 8 Q load TH D = 10% , and a m axim um o utput of

    OCR Scan
    V/330mW BA546 PDF

    ic BA546

    Abstract: 9-pin audio amplifier BA546
    Text: Audio ICs 6V/330mW single-channel amplifier power BA546 T h e B A 546 is a m o n olith ic p o w e r am p lifier d es ig n e d for u se in p orta b le radios, ta p e re c o rd e rs and interp ho nes. W ith a 6V p o w e r supply, it has a rated o utput of 3 3 0 m W into an 8 0 load T H D = 10% , a n d a m axim um o utput of

    OCR Scan
    V/330mW BA546 BA546 ic BA546 9-pin audio amplifier PDF