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    POT CORE INDUCTOR WINDING Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DFE2016CKA-1R0M=P2 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 1uH 1800mA NONAUTO Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LQW18CN55NJ0HD Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 55nH 1500mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LQW18CNR56J0HD Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 560nH 450mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DFE322520F-2R2M=P2 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 2.2uH 4400mA NONAUTO Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LQW18CN4N9D0HD Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 4.9nH 2600mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    POT CORE INDUCTOR WINDING Datasheets Context Search

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    Pot Core

    Abstract: PCI-100
    Text: Pot Core Inductor The Pot Core Inductors manufactured by Engineered Components Company are designed for RF/low power applications utilizing low-loss ferrite core material. The pot core inductor design shields and isolates the winding from stray magnetic fields and effects from

    79KHz 25KHz PCI-15 Pot Core PCI-100 PDF


    Abstract: pot core inductor PCI-270 PCI-68 PCI-680 pci18 PCI-47
    Text: Pot Core Inductor The Pot Core Inductors manufactured by Engineered Components Company are designed for RF/low power applications utilizing low-loss ferrite core material. The pot core inductor design shields and isolates the winding from stray magnetic fields and effects from

    79KHz 25KHz PCI-15 PCI33 pot core inductor PCI-270 PCI-68 PCI-680 pci18 PCI-47 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Surface Mount Pot Core Inductor The Surface Mount Pot Core Inductors manufactured by Engineered Components Company are designed for RF/low power applications utilizing low-loss ferrite core material. The pot core inductor design shields and isolates the winding from stray magnetic fields and

    79KHz 25KHz SMPCI-15 PDF

    Pot Core

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Surface Mount Pot Core Inductor The Surface Mount Pot Core Inductors manufactured by Engineered Components Company are designed for RF/low power applications utilizing low-loss ferrite core material. The pot core inductor design shields and isolates the winding from stray magnetic fields and

    79KHz 25KHz SMPCI-15 Pot Core PDF

    Pot Core

    Abstract: pot core coil UPCI-560
    Text: Un-gapped Pot Core Inductor The Un-gapped Pot Core Inductors manufactured by Engineered Components Company are designed for RF/low power applications utilizing low-loss ferrite core material. Un-gapped pot cores can provide significantly higher inductance values at the expense of lower

    UPCI-12000 79KHz 250Hz UPCI-150 Pot Core pot core coil UPCI-560 PDF

    pot core inductor

    Abstract: pot core inductor winding UPCI-100
    Text: Un-gapped Pot Core Inductor The Un-gapped Pot Core Inductors manufactured by Engineered Components Company are designed for RF/low power applications utilizing low-loss ferrite core material. Un-gapped pot cores can provide significantly higher inductance values at the expense of lower

    UPCI-12000 79KHz 250Hz UPCI-150 pot core inductor pot core inductor winding UPCI-100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: power inductor core,choke coil core,EMI filter core,EP cores,EP7 core,EP10 core,EP13 core, China Professional Ferrite Core Supplier print version EP CORES Description of EP Cores The EP core, widely used in power inductor core, choke coil core, EMI filter core, etc., design combines the selfshielding feature of a pot core with the coil lead accessibility of “E” cores in a small package. The core wraps

    830min 800min 1170min 1840min 3200min 5200min 100Ts 25kHz 200mT 100kHz PDF


    Abstract: 2N33904 transistor pot core inductor 12 volt dc to 220 volt ac inverter schematic 2N3635 MOTOROLA NY TRANSISTOR MAKING LIST SP-Cap/ Polymer Aluminum Capacitors RC4190 RC4391 RV4391
    Text: Electronics Semiconductor Division RC4391 Inverting and Step-Down Switching Regulator Features • High performance — High switch current — 375 mA High efficiency — 70% typically • Low battery detection capability • 8-lead mini-DIP or S.O. package

    RC4391 RC4391 DS20004391 2N33904 2N33904 transistor pot core inductor 12 volt dc to 220 volt ac inverter schematic 2N3635 MOTOROLA NY TRANSISTOR MAKING LIST SP-Cap/ Polymer Aluminum Capacitors RC4190 RV4391 PDF


    Abstract: 2N33904 transistor Stackpole ferrite MBR140P 2N3635 MOTOROLA RM4391 2n3904 npn fairchild beta Dale Resistor 7501 1N914 RC4391
    Text: PRODUCT SPECIFICATION RC4391 Pin Descriptions Pin Assignments LBR 1 8 VFB Pin Number Pin Function Description LBD 2 7 VREF 1 Low Battery Resistor LBR CX 3 6 +VS 2 Low Battery Detector (LBD) 3 Timing Capacitor (CX) 4 Ground 5 External Inductor (LX) 6 +Supply Voltage (+VS)

    RC4391 RV4391 RM4391 DS30004391 2N33904 2N33904 transistor Stackpole ferrite MBR140P 2N3635 MOTOROLA RM4391 2n3904 npn fairchild beta Dale Resistor 7501 1N914 RC4391 PDF

    pot core inductor

    Abstract: 2N33904 2N33904 transistor MBR140P RC4391N SP-Cap/ Polymer Aluminum Capacitors RC4190 RC4391 RV4391 Stackpole ferrite
    Text: RC4391 Inverting and Step-Down Switching Regulator Features • High performance — High switch current — 375 mA High efficiency — 70% typically • Low battery detection capability • 8-lead mini-DIP or S.O. package • Versatile —

    RC4391 RC4391 DS30004391 pot core inductor 2N33904 2N33904 transistor MBR140P RC4391N SP-Cap/ Polymer Aluminum Capacitors RC4190 RV4391 Stackpole ferrite PDF

    General Information

    Abstract: PS-01 FERRITE core TRANSFORMER 300 watt inverter FERRITE TRANSFORMER 20khz toroid TWC400 inverter FERRITE TRANSFORMER design TWC-400 MCC-100 TOROIDS Design Considerations toroid iron powder core reference table
    Text: Magnetic Cores for Switching Power Supplies Magnetics offers one-stop shopping for magnetic cores in a multitude of materials, sizes, and shapes. Complete in-process capability, from raw materials to finished parts, assures you a wide selection of quality

    PS-01 General Information FERRITE core TRANSFORMER 300 watt inverter FERRITE TRANSFORMER 20khz toroid TWC400 inverter FERRITE TRANSFORMER design TWC-400 MCC-100 TOROIDS Design Considerations toroid iron powder core reference table PDF


    Abstract: RC4193 MAX632 MAX633 Nytronics WEE 4069 cmos rAYTHEON direct siemens toroidal core specifications of ic 1408 MAX4193 MAX630
    Text: 19-0915; Rev 1; 12/03 CMOS Micropower Step-Up Switching Regulator Maxim’s MAX630 and MAX4193 CMOS DC-DC regulators are designed for simple, efficient, minimum-size DC-DC converter circuits in the 5mW to 5W range. The MAX630 and MAX4193 provide all control and power

    MAX630 MAX4193 375mA MAX630/MAX4193 WEE-470 RC4193 MAX632 MAX633 Nytronics WEE 4069 cmos rAYTHEON direct siemens toroidal core specifications of ic 1408 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RC4391 Inverting and Step-Down Switching Regulator Description Features Raytheon's RC4391 is a monolithic switch mode power supply controller for micropower circuits. The 4391 integrates all the active functions needed for low power switching supplies, including oscillator, switch,

    OCR Scan
    RC4391 RC4391 RC4190. PDF

    Indiana general ferrite core

    Abstract: rc4191 pot core inductor RC4193 RC4391N C2N3906 Stackpole ferrite
    Text: RC4391 Inverting and Step-Down Switching Regulator Description Features Raytheon's RC4391 is a monolithic switch mode power supply controller for micropower circuits. The 4391 integrates all the active functions needed for low power switching supplies, including oscillator, switch,

    OCR Scan
    RC4391 RC4190. Indiana general ferrite core rc4191 pot core inductor RC4193 RC4391N C2N3906 Stackpole ferrite PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: w w w .fa irc h ild s e m i.c o m S E M I C O N D U C T O R tm RC4391 Inverti ng and Step-Down S w i t c h i n g Regul at or Features • Versatile — Inverting function + to - Step-down function Adjustable output voltage Regulates supply changes • Micropower —

    OCR Scan
    RC4391 RC4391 DS30004391 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F A IR C H IL D s e m ic o n d u c t o r w w w .fa irc h ild s e m i.c o m tm RC4391 Inverting and Step-Down Switching Regulator Features • High performance — High switch current — 375 mA High efficiency — 70% typically • Low battery detection capability

    OCR Scan
    RC4391 RC4391 PDF


    Abstract: rc4191 MEAB RC4193 2n3904 npn fairchild beta RC419
    Text: F A I R C H I L D s e m ic o n d u c t o r w w w .fa ir c h ild s e m i.c o m tm RC4391 I n v e r t i n g a nd S t e p - D o w n S w i t c h i n g R e g u l a t o r Features • High performance — High switch current — 375 mA High efficiency — 70% typically

    OCR Scan
    RC4391 RC4391 rc4391n rc4191 MEAB RC4193 2n3904 npn fairchild beta RC419 PDF


    Abstract: Indiana general ferrite core ferroxcube Ee core
    Text: Raytheon Electronics S e m ic o n d u c to r D iv is io n RC4391 Inverting and Step-Down Switching Regulator Features • Versatile — Inverting function + to - Step-down function Adjustable output voltage Regulates supply changes • M icropower — Low quiescent current — 170 |lA

    OCR Scan
    RC4391 RC4391 RC4391N RC4391M RV4391N RM4391D 00Cnfl7E rc4191 Indiana general ferrite core ferroxcube Ee core PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RC4190 Micropower Switching Regulators The RC4190 monolithic IC is a low power switch mode regulator intended for miniature power supply applications. This DC-to-DC converter IC provides all of the active components needed to create supplies for micropower circuits load power up to 400 mW, or

    OCR Scan
    RC4190 RC4190 13-1-Chà PDF


    Abstract: 3728 lx data
    Text: RC4190 Micropower Switching Regulators Description The RC4190 monolithic IC is a taw power switch mode regulator intended for miniature power supply applications. This DC-to-DC converter IC provides all of the active components needed to create supplies for micropower circuits load power up to 400 mW, or

    OCR Scan
    RC4190 13-1-Ch RC4190 3728 lx data PDF


    Abstract: MAX4391 oscilator ic inverter te3-q4-ta MAX637
    Text: y y j x i y n CMOS M icropow er In vertin g S w itch in g Regulator . Features General Description Maxim's MAX634 and MAX4391 CMOS DC-DC regu­ lators are designed fo r simple, efficient, inverting DC-DC converter circuits. The MAX634 and MAX4391 sw itching regulators provide all control and power

    OCR Scan
    Current--100 Efficiency--85% MAX634) MAX634 MAX4391 RC4391 oscilator ic inverter te3-q4-ta MAX637 PDF

    stackpole ferrite 24B

    Abstract: 1601 resistor dale MBR140P stackpole 24b curves P-6042 pot core inductor ferrite pot core stackpole 24b saturation NY TRANSISTOR MAKING LIST 1N914
    Text: F A IR C H IL D s e m ic o n d u c t o r Tm w w w .fa ir c h ild s e m i.c o m RC4391 In v e r tin g and S te p - D o w n S w i t c h i n g R e g u la to r Features • Versatile — Inverting function + to - Step-down function Adjustable output voltage

    OCR Scan
    RC4391 RC4391 DS30004391 stackpole ferrite 24B 1601 resistor dale MBR140P stackpole 24b curves P-6042 pot core inductor ferrite pot core stackpole 24b saturation NY TRANSISTOR MAKING LIST 1N914 PDF

    ZENER 7B3

    Abstract: la 4190
    Text: • 75^73bQ OQDfl'ì? ‘H G « R T N RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR RC4190 Micropower Switching Regulators Description The RC4190 monolithic IC is a tow power switch mode regulator intended for miniature power supply applications. This DC-to-DC converter IC provides all

    OCR Scan
    RC4190 13-1-Ch ZENER 7B3 la 4190 PDF


    Abstract: stackpole 24b curves 2n3904 npn fairchild beta stackpole ferrite 24B rc4191 ferrite pot core mini inverter circuit schematic diagram NY TRANSISTOR MAKING LIST Siemens Ferrite n27 1N914
    Text: F A IR C H IL D s e m ic o n d u c t o r Tm w w w .fa ir c h ild s e m i.c o m RC4391 In v e r tin g and S te p - D o w n S w i t c h i n g R e g u la to r Features • Versatile — Inverting function + to - Step-down function Adjustable output voltage

    OCR Scan
    RC4391 RC4391 DS30004391 2N33904 stackpole 24b curves 2n3904 npn fairchild beta stackpole ferrite 24B rc4191 ferrite pot core mini inverter circuit schematic diagram NY TRANSISTOR MAKING LIST Siemens Ferrite n27 1N914 PDF