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    PNP DESIGN KIT Search Results

    PNP DESIGN KIT Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SA1213 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-2 A / hFE=70~240 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SA1943 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-230 V / IC=-15 A / hFE=55~160 / VCE(sat)=-3.0 V / TO-3P(L) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA012 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-80 V / IC=-4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=-0.22 V / tf=35 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA004B Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-160 V / IC=-1.5 A / hFE=140~280 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / TO-126N Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2070 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-1 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.20V / tf=90 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    PNP DESIGN KIT Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: Osiconcept photo-electric sensors beam break xum0apsal2 Reflex Schneider XUZM2004 M2003 M2004 bk41 520984
    Text: Photo-electric sensors References, dimensions Osiris Universal, Osiconcept® 1 Miniature design, d.c. supply 501543_1 501542_1 Miniature design Three-wire, d.c. supply, solid-state output Function Output N/O or N/C using Osiconcept programming PNP NPN

    37003-EN XUM0APSAM8 Osiconcept photo-electric sensors beam break xum0apsal2 Reflex Schneider XUZM2004 M2003 M2004 bk41 520984 PDF

    dc-ac converter royer

    Abstract: 12v schematic of fluorescent lamps schematic diagram modified sine wave dc-ac inverter Royer resonant an1722 ccfl Royer converter tsm108 transformer winding formula 220v Ac to 12v Dc royer dc-ac converter royer 220v
    Text: AN1722 APPLICATION NOTE Design and Realization of a CCFL Application Using TSM108, STN790A, or STS3DPFS30, and STSA1805 1. ABSTRACT This technical document shows how to use the integrated circuit TSM108, the PNP power bipolar transistor STN790A, or the P channel power MOSFET STS3DPFS30, the NPN power bipolar transistor

    AN1722 TSM108, STN790A, STS3DPFS30, STSA1805 STSA1805 1N5821 dc-ac converter royer 12v schematic of fluorescent lamps schematic diagram modified sine wave dc-ac inverter Royer resonant an1722 ccfl Royer converter tsm108 transformer winding formula 220v Ac to 12v Dc royer dc-ac converter royer 220v PDF


    Abstract: MMBTA56 MPSA56
    Text: GUIDE TO THE D365 DESIGNER’S KIT APPLICATION NOTE Introduction: The D365 Designer’s Kit is intended to aid you in developing an EL lamp driver configuration using the Durel D365 IC chip that meets your power draw budget while achieving your brightness requirements from the EL lamp. A list of

    MPSA56 MMBTA56 D365 PDF


    Abstract: D365A MMBTA56 MPSA56 PNP DESIGN KIT
    Text: GUIDE TO THE D365 DESIGNER’S KIT APPLICATION NOTE Introduction: The D365 Designer’s Kit is intended to aid you in developing an EL lamp driver configuration using the Durel D365 IC chip that meets your power draw budget while achieving your brightness requirements


    ztx750 equivalent

    Abstract: DAC IC 0808 749 MOSFET TRANSISTOR motorola SMD10P05L DAC ic 0808 pin diagram MAX749CPA dac IC 0808 circuit diagram MAX749 MAX749CSA MAX749EPA
    Text: 19-0143; Rev 1; 2/95 NUAL KIT MA ATION HEET S A EVALU T A WS D FOLLO Digitally Adjustable LCD Bias Supply _Applications Notebook Computers _Features ♦ +2.0V to +6.0V Input Voltage Range ♦ Flexible Control of Output Voltage:

    MAX749CPA MAX749CSA MAX749C/D 1-0043A 101mm 004in. 1-0041A ztx750 equivalent DAC IC 0808 749 MOSFET TRANSISTOR motorola SMD10P05L DAC ic 0808 pin diagram MAX749CPA dac IC 0808 circuit diagram MAX749 MAX749CSA MAX749EPA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0143; Rev 1; 2/95 NUAL KIT MA ATION HEET S A EVALU T A WS D FOLLO Digit a lly Adjust a ble LCD Bia s Supply _Applic a t ions Notebook Computers _Fe a t ure s ♦ +2.0V to +6.0V Input Voltage Range ♦ Flexible Control of Output Voltage:

    MAX749CPA MAX749CSA 1-0043A 101mm 004in. 1-0041A MAX749CPA PDF

    post memory manager

    Abstract: PXE-M04 PXE-E04 post memory manager specification 1.01 PXE-E05 PXE-E01 PXE-E38 PXE-E99 PXE-E51 bios boot specification
    Text: PXE Engineering Intel Architecture Labs PXE Product Development Kit Instructions Version 2.7 September 2, 1998 Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this guide. Nor does Intel make any commitment to update the information contained herein.

    e100b post memory manager PXE-M04 PXE-E04 post memory manager specification 1.01 PXE-E05 PXE-E01 PXE-E38 PXE-E99 PXE-E51 bios boot specification PDF


    Abstract: PXE-E04 atmel 952 PXE-E20 PXE-E99 EDIT HP BIOS PXE-E35 PXE-M04
    Text: PXE Engineering Intel Architecture Labs PXE Product Development Kit Instructions Version 2.10 January 29, 1999 Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this guide. Nor does Intel make any commitment to update the information contained herein.

    e100b PCI-8086-0200-XXXXXX-XX-XXXX-XXXX PXE-E04 atmel 952 PXE-E20 PXE-E99 EDIT HP BIOS PXE-E35 PXE-M04 PDF


    Abstract: PXE-E20 post memory manager PXE-E99 39sf512 PXE-M04 PXE-E35 PCI-8086-0200-XXXXXX-XX-XXXX-XXXX PXE-E11 X86PC
    Text: PXE Engineering Intel Architecture Labs PXE Product Development Kit Instructions Version 2.10 February 4, 1999 Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this guide. Nor does Intel make any commitment to update the information contained herein.

    e100b PXE-E04 PXE-E20 post memory manager PXE-E99 39sf512 PXE-M04 PXE-E35 PCI-8086-0200-XXXXXX-XX-XXXX-XXXX PXE-E11 X86PC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4107; Rev 1; 7/11 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA Dual, 4A/2A, 4MHz, Step-Down DC-DC Regulator with Dual LDO Controllers ♦ 2.5V to 5.5V Input-Voltage Range ♦ Dual-Output Synchronous Buck Regulators ♦ Integrated Switches for 4A and 2A Output Currents

    500kHz MAX15022ATI/V+ PDF

    transistor GC

    Abstract: dual tracking power supply JESD51-7 MAX15022 MAX15022ATI NJT403OP
    Text: 19-4107; Rev 0; 5/08 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A IL AVA Dual, 4A/2A, 4MHz, Step-Down DC-DC Regulator with Dual LDO Controllers ♦ Output Voltage Adjustable from 0.6V to VAVIN ♦ Two LDO Controllers ♦ Lossless, Cycle-by-Cycle Current Sensing ♦ External Compensation for Maximum Flexibility

    500kHz 28-Pin T2855-6 MAX15022 transistor GC dual tracking power supply JESD51-7 MAX15022 MAX15022ATI NJT403OP PDF


    Abstract: MAX15022 MAX15022ATI NJT403OP
    Text: 19-4107; Rev 1; 7/11 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA Dual, 4A/2A, 4MHz, Step-Down DC-DC Regulator with Dual LDO Controllers ♦ Sequencing or Coincident/Ratiometric Tracking ♦ Programmable Switching Frequency from 500kHz to 4MHz ♦ Thermal Shutdown and Hiccup-Mode ShortCircuit Protection

    500kHz 28-Pin MAX15022ATI/V+ JESD51-7 MAX15022 MAX15022ATI NJT403OP PDF

    vr1 100k lin

    Abstract: NJT403OP MAX15022ATI transistor GC JESD51-7 MAX15022 equivalent do transistor fb 3306
    Text: 19-4107; Rev 0; 5/08 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A IL AVA Dual, 4A/2A, 4MHz, Step-Down DC-DC Regulator with Dual LDO Controllers Features The MAX15022 is a dual-output, pulse-width-modulated PWM , step-down DC-DC regulator with dual LDO controllers. The device operates from 2.5V to 5.5V and

    MAX15022 500kHz T2855-6 MAX15022 vr1 100k lin NJT403OP MAX15022ATI transistor GC JESD51-7 equivalent do transistor fb 3306 PDF


    Abstract: MAX15022 MAX15022ATI NJT403OP
    Text: 19-4107; Rev 0; 5/08 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A IL AVA Dual, 4A/2A, 4MHz, Step-Down DC-DC Regulator with Dual LDO Controllers Features The MAX15022 is a dual-output, pulse-width-modulated PWM , step-down DC-DC regulator with dual LDO controllers. The device operates from 2.5V to 5.5V and

    MAX15022 500kHz T2855-6 MAX15022 JESD51-7 MAX15022ATI NJT403OP PDF

    post memory manager specification 1.01

    Abstract: PXE-E20 PXE-E04 PXE-E40 DFAR252 PXE-E11 post memory manager post memory manager specification PXE-M04 listening bug
    Text: PXE Engineering Intel Architecture Labs PXE Product Development Kit Instructions Version 2.8 November 25, 1998 Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this guide. Nor does Intel make any commitment to update the information contained herein.

    e100b post memory manager specification 1.01 PXE-E20 PXE-E04 PXE-E40 DFAR252 PXE-E11 post memory manager post memory manager specification PXE-M04 listening bug PDF

    cccv based battery charge controller

    Abstract: MAX846A MAX846AEEE TIP2955 3.7v battery charger circuit diagram
    Text: 19-1121; Rev 0; 9/96 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL Cost-Saving Multichemistry Battery-Charger System The MAX846A is a cost-saving multichemistry batterycharger system that comes in a space-saving 16-pin QSOP. This integrated system allows different battery

    MAX846A 16-pin 165mm) cccv based battery charge controller MAX846AEEE TIP2955 3.7v battery charger circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: PL3120-E4T10 PL3120 ALL TYPE IC DATA AND manual substitution BOOK PL3150 echelon 3120 Echelon MiniGizmo Board 48VPk 47CFR15 PL-20N
    Text: @ECHELON PL DSK 2.1 Power Line Smart Transceiver Development Support Kit User’s Guide 078-0297-01C Echelon, 3120, 3150, NodeBuilder and the Echelon logo are trademarks of Echelon Corporation registered in the United States and other countries. Other brand and product names are trademarks or

    078-0297-01C 47CFR15 PL3150-L10 PL3120-E4T10 PL3120 ALL TYPE IC DATA AND manual substitution BOOK PL3150 echelon 3120 Echelon MiniGizmo Board 48VPk PL-20N PDF

    TIP2955 application note

    Abstract: 3.7v battery charger circuit diagram circuit diagram CCCV battery 3.7V maxim li-ion cccv based battery charge controller MAX846A MAX846AEEE TIP2955 tip2955 kit
    Text: 19-1121; Rev 0; 9/96 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL Cost-Saving Multichemistry Battery-Charger System The MAX846A is a cost-saving multichemistry batterycharger system that comes in a space-saving 16-pin QSOP. This integrated system allows different battery

    MAX846A 16-pin 165mm) TIP2955 application note 3.7v battery charger circuit diagram circuit diagram CCCV battery 3.7V maxim li-ion cccv based battery charge controller MAX846AEEE TIP2955 tip2955 kit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lAiur Data Sheet Linear Array 005152 Benefits • High-frequency performance, typical fî of 350 MHz for NPN and 300 MHz for PNP transistors ■ 30 volt capability ■ Low development costs ■ Quick design turnaround, typically six to eight weeks from design

    OCR Scan
    LA400 50AL203140 DS86-352LBC PDF

    pnp 8 transistor array

    Abstract: BD 104 NPN LA400 ARRAY resistor npn 8 transistor array transistor array pnp bD 106 transistor
    Text: AT&T Data Sheet ^ ss oo5i 52 Benefits • High-frequency performance, typical fr of 350 MHz for NPN and 300 MHz for PNP transistors ■ 30 volt capability ■ Low development costs ■ Quick design turnaround, typically six to eight weeks from design approval

    OCR Scan
    LA400 rev400 50AL203140 DS86-352LBC pnp 8 transistor array BD 104 NPN ARRAY resistor npn 8 transistor array transistor array pnp bD 106 transistor PDF

    BD 104 NPN

    Abstract: pnp 8 transistor array LA400 npn 8 transistor array BD+104+NPN
    Text: AT&T Data Sheet oo5i 52 ^ ss Benefits • High-frequency performance, typical fr of 350 MHz for NPN and 300 MHz for PNP transistors ■ 30 volt capability ■ Low development costs ■ Quick design turnaround, typically six to eight weeks from design approval

    OCR Scan
    LA400 50AL203140 DS86-352LBC BD 104 NPN pnp 8 transistor array npn 8 transistor array BD+104+NPN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JUN b a Data Sheet AT&T ALA300/301 90 Volt Linear Arrays Description The ALA300 and ALA301 Linear Arrays provide design engineers the means to obtain 90 V semicustom integrated circuits. The single-module array ALA300 consists of 13 vertical NPN and 15 vertical PNP

    OCR Scan
    ALA300/301 ALA300 ALA301 ALA300) ALA301) 3-02A/04 DS89-118LBC DS88-160LBC. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALA300/301 9Q-V0LT LINEAR ARRAYS Description The ALA300/301 Linear Arrays provide design engineers the means to obtain 90 V semi-custom integrated circuits. The single-module array ALA300 consists of 13 vertical NPN and 15 vertical PNP transistors, three 6 pF capacitors, and 1k

    OCR Scan
    ALA300/301 ALA300/301 ALA300) ALA301) 90-VQLT 90-VOLT PDF

    Array resistor 1K

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALA300/301 90 Volt Linear Arrays Description The ALA300 and ALA301 Linear Arrays provide design engineers the means to obtain 90 V semicustom integrated circuits. The single-module array ALA300 consists of 13 vertical NPN and 15 vertical PNP transistors, three 6 pF capacitors, and 1 kO diffused and 10 kQ ion-implanted resistor banks. The quadmodule array (ALA301) is identical to the single-module array (ALA300) but has four times the number of

    OCR Scan
    ALA300/301 ALA300 ALA301 ALA300) ALA301) 3-02A/04 DS89-118LBC DS88-160LBC. Array resistor 1K PDF