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    PMI OP 400 Search Results

    PMI OP 400 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    READ2351JSP#GC1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Ultra-Small Low Voltage Drive Input Output Full Range CMOS Dual Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC251G2-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC451G2(5)-E1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Single Power Supply Quad Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC4570GR(20)-9LG-E1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Ultra Low-Noise, High-speed, Wide Band, Dual Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    PMI OP 400 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 0P37G 0P27E a2kl 0P27A OP27AL 0P-37G ta741
    Text: OP-27A, OP-27C, OP 27E, OP 27G OP-37A, OP-37C, OP 37E, OP 37G LOW NOISE, HIGH-SPEED, PRECISION OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS D 3 1 7 6 , FEBRUARY 1 9 8 9 Direct Replacements for PMI and LTC OP-27 and OP-37 Series JG OR P PACKAGE TOP VIEW V|0 TRIM C 1 U 8 D V io TRIM

    OCR Scan
    OP-27A, OP-27C, OP-37A, OP-37C, OP-27 OP-37 OP-37C: P27AL 0P37G 0P27E a2kl 0P27A OP27AL 0P-37G ta741 PDF


    Abstract: OP-27J
    Text: UNEAR SYSTEMS Low-Noise Precision Operational Amplifier Linear Integrated Systems_ LS OP-27 FEATURES: • Replaces . AD-510, 517, 725 .PMI-Op27, Op37, 0p07, 0p05

    OCR Scan
    OP-27 AD-510, PMI-Op27, 80nVpp OP27AJ OP27EJ OP27BJ OP27FJ OP27CJ OP27GJ P27B OP-27J PDF


    Abstract: p37a P37G
    Text: LINEAR SYSTEMS , Low-Noise, Precision High-Speed Operational Amplifier Linear Integrated Systems_ LS OP-37 FEATURES: • Replaces .AD-510, 517, 725 .PMI-Op27, Op37, 0p07, 0p05

    OCR Scan
    OP-37 AD-510, PMI-Op27, 80nVpp 10/A/ P37EP P37FP P37ES P37FS OP-37Z p37a P37G PDF


    Abstract: op27p
    Text: LINEAR SYSTEMS Low-Noise Precision Operational Amplifier Linear Integrated Systems LS OP-27 FEATURES: • Replaces .AD-510, 517, 725 . PMI-Op27, Op37, 0p07, 0p 05 .Linear Tech. Op27, Op37, 0p07

    OCR Scan
    OP-27 AD-510, PMI-Op27, 80nVpp 10/A/ 10Khz OP27AJ OP27EJ OP27BJ OP27FJ PMIOP27 op27p PDF

    pmi op37

    Abstract: JE-115K-E PRB-2 phono preamp ceramic SW 5189 C op277 ic 741 riaa OP37 Microphone Transformer Coupled preamp op37 pmi op05
    Text: OP-37 PMi D FEATUR ES • Low N oise. 80nV p-p 0.1Hz to 10Hz) . 3nV/v Hz at 1kHz • Low Drift . 0.2mV/°C • High Slew Rate

    OCR Scan
    OP-37 OP-07 25/jV OP-27, pmi op37 JE-115K-E PRB-2 phono preamp ceramic SW 5189 C op277 ic 741 riaa OP37 Microphone Transformer Coupled preamp op37 pmi op05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OP-15/OP-16/OP-17 PRECISION JFET-INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS P r e c i s i o n M o n o l i t h i c s Inc. FEATURES All Devices GENERAL DESCRIPTION • The PMI JFET-input series of devices offer clear advantages over industry-generic devices and are superior in both cost

    OCR Scan
    OP-15/OP-16/OP-17 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LINEAR SYSTEMS Low-Noise, Precision, High-Speed Operational Amplifier Linear Integrated Systems LS OP-37 FEATURES: • Replaces . AD-510, 517, 725 .PMI-Op27, Op37, 0p07, 0p05 .Linear Tech. Op27, Op37, 0p07

    OCR Scan
    OP-37 AD-510, PMI-Op27, 80nVpp 10/xV OP37AJ OP37EJ OP37BJ OP37FJ OP37CJ PDF

    HC 5287

    Abstract: pmi OP77 pml 017 HC 5301 pmi op07 PMI OP AMP op77 pmi amp 01 QP-07 OP77EZ PMI OP77EZ
    Text: OP-77 PMI NEXT GENERATION OP-07 ULTRA-LOW OFFSET VOLTAGE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER) Precision M onolithics Inc. FEATURES O utstanding G ain Linearity U ltra High G a in . 5000V/m V Min Low Vos Over T e m p e ra tu re . 60|iV Max

    OCR Scan
    OP-77 OP-07 000V/m /308A 125CC HC 5287 pmi OP77 pml 017 HC 5301 pmi op07 PMI OP AMP op77 pmi amp 01 QP-07 OP77EZ PMI OP77EZ PDF

    IC AL 6001 audio ic

    Abstract: pmi op37 IC AL 6001 20 pin IC AL 6001 audio ic 20 pin audio IC AL 6001 op37gp
    Text: OP-37 PMi LOW-NOISE PRECISION HIGH-SPEED OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER AVCl ^ 5) M o n o l i t h i c s I nc . The OP-37 provides the low offset and d rift of the OP-07 plus higher speed and lower noise. O ffsets down to25/iV and d rift of 0.6mV/°C maximum make the OP-37 ideal fo r precision

    OCR Scan
    OP-37 63MHz 126dB OP-05, OP-06, OP-07, AD510, AD517, SE55340 20kHz IC AL 6001 audio ic pmi op37 IC AL 6001 20 pin IC AL 6001 audio ic 20 pin audio IC AL 6001 op37gp PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES Precision JFET-lnput Operational Amplifiers OP-15/0P-16/OP-17 FEATURES All Devices GENERAL DESCRIPTION • The PMI JFET-input series of devices offer clear advantages over industry-generic devices and are superior in both cost and performance to many dielectrically-isolated and hybrid

    OCR Scan
    LF155 100dB MIL-STD-883 OP-15 PDF


    Abstract: OP17
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES Precision JFET-lnput Operational Amplifiers OP-15/OP-16/0P-17 FEATURES All Devices GENERAL DESCRIPTION • The PMI JFET-input series of devices offer clear advantages over industry-generic devices and are superior in both cost and performance to many dielectrically-isolated and hybrid

    OCR Scan
    LF155 100dB MIL-STD-883 OP-15 OP-17 OP17 PDF

    pmi 0p07

    Abstract: op27p 0p07 op27z PMI-Op27 diode zener IB 27C OP-27B 0p05 OP-27Z OP07 pmi
    Text: Low-Noise Precision Operational Amplifier LINEAR SYSTEMS Linear Integrated Systems LS OP-27 FEATURES: • Replaces • • • • • • • . AD-510, 517, 725 .PMI-Op27, Op37, 0p07, 0 p 0 5

    OCR Scan
    OP-27 AD-510, PMI-Op27, 80nVpp 126dB Op-27 10Khz OP27AJ OP27AZ OP27EJ pmi 0p07 op27p 0p07 op27z PMI-Op27 diode zener IB 27C OP-27B 0p05 OP-27Z OP07 pmi PDF


    Abstract: OP16F2 OP16BJ
    Text: OP-15/OP-16/OP-17 PRECISION JFET-INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS FEA TU R ES All Devices G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N • The PMI JFET-input series of devices offer clear advantages over industry-generic devices and are superior in both cost and performance to many dielectrically-isolated and hybrid

    OCR Scan
    OP-15/OP-16/OP-17 LF155 01pA/v 100dB MIL-STD-883 OP-15 OP16GZ OP16F2 OP16BJ PDF


    Abstract: PMIOP07 OP-070P op07n LS0P-07 OP07S OP07NT 10 M 07Az LSOP-07 OP-07N
    Text: I INEAR SYSTEMS Ultra Low Offset Voltge Operational Amplifier Linear Integrated Systems LS OP-07 FEATURES: • Replaces .PMI-OP07, 725, 108A/308A, 741 . AD 510, MPS 0p-07 • Ultra-Low V o s . 10^V

    OCR Scan
    LS0P-07 PMI-OP07, 08A/308A, 0p-07 00V/mV OP-07 OP-07AJ OP-07AZ OP-07ARC PMI-OP07 PMIOP07 OP-070P op07n LS0P-07 OP07S OP07NT 10 M 07Az LSOP-07 OP-07N PDF

    PMI op32

    Abstract: OP32
    Text: OP-32 PMI HIGH-SPEED Avcl a 10) PROGRAMMABLE MICROPOWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER (SINGLE OR DUAL SUPPLY) M o n o iif h it s 1/ii Programmable Supply Current. 500nA to 2mA Single Supply to +30V

    OCR Scan
    OP-32 500nA 115dB 200fset OP-32, 15/iA 500kfi PMI op32 OP32 PDF


    Abstract: OP16EZ OP15EJ OP16EJ P17F OP17
    Text: pm I OP-15/OP-16/OP-17 PRECISION JFET -IN PU T OPERATIONAL AM PLIFIERS M o n o l i t h i c * Inc FEATURES All Devices) G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N • The PMI JFET-input series of devices offer clear advantages over industry-generic devices and are superior in both cost

    OCR Scan
    OP-15/OP-16/OP-17 OP16GZ OP16EZ OP15EJ OP16EJ P17F OP17 PDF

    PMI OP215GS

    Abstract: OP215EZ
    Text: OP-215 PMI DUAL PRECISION JFET-INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER FEA TU R ES • • • • • • • • • • • • High Slew Rate . 10V/^s Min Fast Settling Tim e .0.9/us to 0.1% Typ

    OCR Scan
    OP-215 PMI OP215GS OP215EZ PDF

    pmi op07

    Abstract: OP07 pmi PMI-Op27 sf 118 c OP-37Z OP37 OP-37 op37z operational amplifier discrete schematic pmi op37
    Text: CALOGIC SIE D CORP CGIOQIC 1Ö4432S QOOOOS4 5 Low-Noise, Precision, High-Speed Operational Amplifier CORPORATION • J T - 7 9 - Ö FEATURES: , • R e p la c e s .AD-510, Ç17, 725 .PMI-OP27, OP37, OPÛ7, OP05

    OCR Scan
    4432S T-79-06-/0 OP-37 AD-510, PMI-OP27, 80nVpp 126dB OP-37 OP37CJ OP37CZ" pmi op07 OP07 pmi PMI-Op27 sf 118 c OP-37Z OP37 op37z operational amplifier discrete schematic pmi op37 PDF


    Abstract: OP22HZ OP-22
    Text: pmi OP-22 PROGRAMMABLE MICROPOWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER SINGLE OR DUAL SUPPLY) D Précis io n M o no l i t h ics I • • • • • • • • • • • • Programmable Supply Current. 500nA to 400|iA Single Supply Operation. +3V to +30V

    OCR Scan
    OP-22 500nA 115dB 800V/mV OP-22, 2N2222 MAT-01 LM4250LS OP22HZ OP-22 PDF

    pmi op16

    Abstract: op15fj OP17 op16 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS PMI PMI OP 15 OP16EJ op172 analog devices OP- DICE CHARACTERISTICS OP17GZ
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES Precision JFET-lnput Operational Amplifiers OP-15/0P-16/0P-17 FEATURES All Devices GENERAL DESCRIPTION • The PMI JFET-input series of devices offer clear advantages over industry-generic devices and are superior in both cost and performance to many dielectrically-isolated and hybrid

    OCR Scan
    LF155 100dB MIL-STD-883 OP-15 pmi op16 op15fj OP17 op16 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS PMI PMI OP 15 OP16EJ op172 analog devices OP- DICE CHARACTERISTICS OP17GZ PDF

    instrumentation amplifier op 07

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OP-220 PMI DUAL MICROPOWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER SINGLE OR DUAL SUPPLY) / V l o n o l i t h i c s In c FEATURES ORDERING INFORMATION f • Excellent TCV0s M a tch . 2 ^V/° C Max • Low Input Offset Voltage . 150juV Max

    OCR Scan
    OP-220 150juV 100/xA 000V/mV OP-220 OP-22 120dB QP-220 OP-22 instrumentation amplifier op 07 PDF


    Abstract: pmi op05 diode zener IB 27C OP-27Z PMI-OP OP07 pmi PMI OP27EP PMI-OP27 27C zener pmi op27ez
    Text: CALOGIC CORP SIE D • lfl.44322 O O O D O S O S ■ Low-Noise Precision Operational Amplifier calocfic o CORPORATION iH -C b -lO OP-27 FEATURES: , • R e p la c e s . AD-510, 517, 725 .PMI-OP27, OP37, OP07, OP05

    OCR Scan
    OP-27 AD-510, PMI-OP27, 80nVpp 126dB OP-27 aOP27CJ* OP27CZ- OP27GJ OP27GZ op27z pmi op05 diode zener IB 27C OP-27Z PMI-OP OP07 pmi PMI OP27EP PMI-OP27 27C zener pmi op27ez PDF


    Abstract: mpop07
    Text: 2QE D • b O T T M ^ 0aO33bO r-79-06-20 MICRO POWER SYSTEMS INC m Dual, Ultra-Low Vos Matched MICRO POWER SYSTEMS Operational Amplifier OP-207 PACKAGE CONFIGURATION FEATURES • • • • • • • • • Replace* PMI OP207 Low Vos . . . 100/AI Max.

    OCR Scan
    0aO33bO OP-207 OP207 100/AI DP-207E OP-207F MPOP27 mpop07 PDF


    Abstract: pmi op07
    Text: pmi OP-07 ULTRA-LOW OFFSET VOLTAGE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER P r e c i s i o n M o n o l i t h i c s In c . FEATURES tion. Excellent linearity and gain accuracy can be maintained even at high closed-loop gains. S ta b ility of offsets and gain with tim e or variations in temperture is excellent. The accuracy and stability of the OP-07,

    OCR Scan
    OP-07 OP-07, OP-07 25juV 741-type opo7 pmi op07 PDF