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    Abstract: p13v pm81a PM82B pm84b pm84c t9ya pm81b multiturn preset potentiometer PM81A T9XA
    Text: SQPL-Potentiometers CECC and Military Vishay Potentiometers and Trimming Potentiometers of Assessed Quality NF - CECC HOMOLOGATIONS Styles officially qualified are listed in this document. Between two editions modifications may occur. Up-to-date information can

    PM81A) PM82A) PM81B) PM82B) 22-Dec-09 PM81A PM81B PM82A PM82B PM82A p13v pm81a PM82B pm84b pm84c t9ya pm81b multiturn preset potentiometer PM81A T9XA PDF

    Potentiometers and Trimmers

    Abstract: PE25 Sfernice pm82A P11T potentiometer sfernice T19P sfernice Vishay Sfernice pE25 P10XX 504 pm84b vishay P11 SAP PART NUMBERING GUIDELINES pe30pe 5k
    Text: VISHAY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y , I N C . INTERACTIVE data book potentiometers and trimmers vishay vse-db0018-0609 Notes: 1. To navigate: a Click on the Vishay logo on any datasheet to go to the Contents page for that section. Click on the Vishay logo on any Contents

    vse-db0018-0609 Potentiometers and Trimmers PE25 Sfernice pm82A P11T potentiometer sfernice T19P sfernice Vishay Sfernice pE25 P10XX 504 pm84b vishay P11 SAP PART NUMBERING GUIDELINES pe30pe 5k PDF