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    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MV1817 HEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS Cheney Manor, Swindon, Wiltshire United Kingdom SN2 2QW. Tel: 01793 518000 Fax: (01793) 518411 GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS P.O. Box 660017 1500 Green Hills Road, Scotts Valley, California 95067–0017,

    MV1817 MV1815 MV1817â PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MV1815 HEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS Cheney Manor, Swindon, Wiltshire United Kingdom SN2 2QW. Tel: 01793 518000 Fax: (01793) 518411 GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS P.O. Box 660017 1500 Green Hills Road, Scotts Valley, California 95067–0017,

    MV1815 MV1815â PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP8858 HEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS Cheney Manor, Swindon, Wiltshire United Kingdom SN2 2QW. Tel: 01793 518000 Fax: (01793) 518411 GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS P.O. Box 660017 1500 Green Hills Road, Scotts Valley, California 95067–0017,

    SP8858 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PDSP16330/A/B HEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS Cheney Manor, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 2QW, United Kingdom. Tel: 0793 518000 Fax: (0793) 518411 GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS P.O. Box 660017 1500 Green Hills Road, Scotts Valley, California 95067-0017,

    PDSP16330/A/B 7023s 10MHz 84-pin PDSP16112 PDSP16116 PDSP16318 PDSP16340 PDSP16350 PDSP16510A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP8853A/B HEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS Cheney Manor, Swindon, Wiltshire United Kingdom SN2 2QW. Tel: 01793 518000 Fax: (01793) 518411 GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS P.O. Box 660017 1500 Green Hills Road, Scotts Valley, California 95067–0017,

    SP8853A/B SP8853/B/HC SP8853/AC/HC PDF


    Abstract: full adder circuit using nor gates Plessey PLESSEY CLA2000 CLA21XX CLA2000 SERIES plessey semi-custom
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS tS 7220513 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS A PLESSEY w ' Semiconductors. Ï Ë| 7SH0S13 DODSSMfl 7 65C 05548 D /P ^ T-42-11-09 _CLA2000 series MICROGATE-C 1 CLA2000 SERIES Microgate-C is a semi-custom design technique for the production of gate arrays on Plessey Semiconductors high

    OCR Scan
    7SH0S13 T-42-11-09 CLA2000 PLESSEY CLA full adder circuit using nor gates Plessey PLESSEY CLA2000 CLA21XX CLA2000 SERIES plessey semi-custom PDF

    transistor 3l2

    Abstract: pulse position modulation demodulation PLESSEY Replacement L929 ML928 ML929 Plessey sl490 SL486 SL490 T-77-H
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 12E D • 7220513 A PLESSEY W Semiconductors — OOO^bE „ 2 B .— M L 9 2 8 /9 T-77-H REMOTE CONTROL RECEIVERS (WITH LATCHED OUTPUTS Plessey Semiconductors have developed and pro­ duced a range of monolithic integrated circuits which

    OCR Scan
    ML928/9 T--77-H SL490 transistor 3l2 pulse position modulation demodulation PLESSEY Replacement L929 ML928 ML929 Plessey sl490 SL486 T-77-H PDF


    Abstract: 00bc
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS IS DE§ 7E5DSIB □00bc174 7 2 2 0 5 1 3 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 95D 0 6 9 7 4 D MJ1472 T - 7^ '/ h Z ? ADVANCE INFORMATION Advance information is issued to advise Customers of new additions to the Plessey Semiconductors range whfch, nevertheless, still

    OCR Scan
    MJ1472 MJ1471/1742/1473 512ms. 512ms MJ1472 00bc PDF


    Abstract: 3.58MHZ crystal oscillator MV5089 T7527 mk5089 DTMF A SI 2MD sinewave inverter pcb sinewave inverter chip LBR0
    Text: PLESSEY SEM IC ON DUCTOR S 12E D m 722DS1B O O G l i n 4 iSemiconductors PLESSEY T - 7 5 - 2 7 - O c MV5089 DTMF GENERATOR The MV5089 is fabricated using Plessey Semiconductors' ISO-CMOS high density technology and offers low power and wide voltage operation. An inexpensive 3.58MHz TV

    OCR Scan
    MV5089 T-75-27 MV5089 58MHz MK5089 3.58MHZ crystal oscillator T7527 mk5089 DTMF A SI 2MD sinewave inverter pcb sinewave inverter chip LBR0 PDF


    Abstract: Sl2541B
    Text: PLESSEY SE MICONDU CTOR S TS 7220513 D e | 722GS13 □□□b273 □ P L E S SE Y SEMICONDUCTORS 95D 06273 D T ~ 7 ? ~ 0 7 -/o A Sem PLESSEY iconductors. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION SL2541B 800MHz HIGH SLEW RATE OP-AMP The Plessey SL2541B com bines high slew rate and fast

    OCR Scan
    722GS13 SL2541B 800MHz SL2541B SL2541 SL2541 50-ohm PDF


    Abstract: SL650 SL651B SL651 SL650B
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS TS 7220513 PLESSEY D eT| 7520513 □□□7Qöb S SEMICONDUCTORS 95D 0 7 0 8 6 D SL650/SL651B/C T -7 7 -0 9 PLESSEY Semiconductors • SL650B&C SL651B&C MODULATOR/PHASE LOCKED LOOP CIRCUITS FOR MODEMS The SL650/1 are versatile integrated circuits capable of

    OCR Scan
    SL650/SL651B/C SL650B SL651B SL650/1 SL650 SL651, SL650C SL651 PDF


    Abstract: SP9131DG SP9131 mc10131 pin compatible with PLESSEY
    Text: d Ë J 7250513 D00b7Sl H | ~ PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS TS 7220513 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 95D 0 6 7 5 1 D T -9 1 -0 7 -Û S PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION Semiconductors. SP9131 520MHz ECL DUAL D FLIP-FLOP The SP9131 Dual D type flip-flop Is pin compatible with 10131, but has improved dynamic performance.

    OCR Scan
    D00b7Sl SP9131 520MHz SP9131 MC10131 10H131 72E0S13 SP9131DG pin compatible with PLESSEY PDF


    Abstract: "magnetic tape"
    Text: 5 PLESSEY S E fiIC 0 N D U CT 0 R S 4fl _ D E I 722PS13 00052Qt> 1 | D PLESSEY Solid State i T-42-11-13 SCD4000 Chip Photograph General Description The Plessey SCD4000 is pari of a family of semi-custom gate arrays using emitter coupled logic ECL circuits fabricated on

    OCR Scan
    722PS13 00052Qt> SCD4000 400MHz 4211-13 "magnetic tape" PDF


    Abstract: SP16F
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS TS dË J 7S5GS13 DD0b7flfl □ 95D 06788 7220513 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS D T 'f t '0 7 'ô J r PLESSEY S em ico n d u cto rs. SP1670 MASTER/SLAVE TYPE D FLIP-FLOP The SP1670 is a D-type Master-Slave Flip-Flop designed for use in high speed digital applications. Master-slave

    OCR Scan
    7S5GS13 SP1670 SP1670 TR25r TR26 SP16F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLESSEY SE MICO ND UC TO RS ^5 D e | 7520513 ODObtiflO 1 7 2 2 0 5 1 3 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 95D 0 6 6 8 0 D A PLESSEY W Semiconductors > MJ2812HS 32 WORDS x 8 BIT FIFO MEMORY The MJ2812HS is a high speed version of the MJ2812 32word by 8-bit first-in first-out memory. The device has

    OCR Scan
    MJ2812HS MJ2812HS MJ2812 32word PDF


    Abstract: plessey T-7S-95-07 plessey .8 SP1692BBDG
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS TS 5Ëj| 755DSÌ3 □□OtTTH S 95D 06794 7220513 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS D T -7 S '9 5 -0 7 A PLESSEY w S e m ic o n d u c to rs . SP1692 QUAD LINE RECEIVER Four differential amplifiers with emitter follower outputs are provided. The device can be configured as a differential line receiver

    OCR Scan
    T-7S-95-07 SP1692 SP1692 SP1692DQ SP1692BBDG 7520S13 plessey T-7S-95-07 plessey .8 SP1692BBDG PDF

    dilmon 28

    Abstract: OA34
    Text: bBE J> m 3 7 bflSEE 0 0 x 7 7 3 b 'lO'i GEC PLESSEY Si PLSB GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS2322-2.1 ULA DS SERIES HIGH PERFORMANCE ARRAYS FOR 100MHz DIGITAL ASIC SYSTEMS Supersedes June 1990 edition GEC Plessey Semiconductors DS Series of ULAs has been

    OCR Scan
    DS2322-2 100MHz dilmon 28 OA34 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLESSEY 7220513 PLESSEY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S "55 De| 722GS13 95D S E MI C OND UC T OR S QQQt>550 □ 06550 D T- 9S-23-/7 PLESSEY PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S e m ic o n d u c to r s. MV6101 DUAL QUADRATURE COUNTER The MV6101 provides interfacing facilities for connecting

    OCR Scan
    722GS13 9S-23-/7 MV6101 MV6101 16-bit V6101 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICOND/'DIS CR ETE 7220533 PLESSEY TS dT |7E5DS33 SEM ICO ND / D I SCRETE ODP4T11 9SD 04911 *r- J 7 - / I TABLE 4 : PNP SWITCHING The transistors in this table are characterised for general medium/high speed switching applications and other application areas, e.g. high speed core driving.

    OCR Scan
    7E5DS33 ODP4T11 MPS2222A MPS2907A BCY77P BCY65EP BCY79P BCY59P MPS2222 2N3906 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: éÊk PLESSEY MARCH 1987 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Sem iconductors. PDSP1630 PRE-PROGRAMMED SEQUENCER The PDSP1630 is a high speed single chip address sequencer designed to control the execution flow of microcoded instructions. It is optimised to support the Plessey

    OCR Scan
    PDSP1630 PDSP1630 BUS68 PDF


    Abstract: DSA2IH0050698.
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICOND/DISCRETE 7 22 05 33 15 PLESSEY D e | ? 35DS33 □□□4c]13 7 SEMICOND/DI SQRETE 95D 04913 TABLE 6 : PNP LOW NOISE The transistors in this table are characterised for low noise, low level amplification and are ideally suited for audio pre-amplifiers as well as universal applications.

    OCR Scan
    35DS33 BCY77P 2N5086 2N5087 ZTX531 BCY71P BC560P BCY79P BC416P BCY70P ZTX109 DSA2IH0050698. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G EC PLESSEY SEMICONDS 43E D • 37bflS22 DD13733 7 « P L S B GEC PLESSEY I s E M l C O N D U C T O R S~] SP8755 1200MHz * 64 The SP8755 is a divide by 64 prescaler which operates

    OCR Scan
    37bflS22 DD13733 SP8755 1200MHz SP8755 SP8755A 100mV. 00V/ps. 37bfiSS2 D01373S PDF


    Abstract: spike guard circuit diagram MV8820 MV6620 MV9820
    Text: MV8820 A j PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION Semiconductors. CMOS Advance information is issued to advise Customers of new additions to the Plessey Semiconductors range which, nevertheless, still have ‘pre-production1status. Details given may, therefore, change without notice although we would expect this performance data to

    OCR Scan
    MV8820 MV6620 GIAV-5-9100 AY-5-9100 spike guard circuit diagram MV8820 MV9820 PDF

    SL680 Plessey

    Abstract: SL680 SP8921 crystal filter 10.695mhz SP8922 "frequency comparator" SP8923 27255 plessey sp
    Text: PLESSEY CB C IR C U IT S SEMICONDUCTORS 4 0 - CHANNEL CITIZENS' BAND SYNTHESISER 1C SETS SP8922 L SP8921 BINARY JL Recognising the different requirements of citizens' band transceiver manufacturers, Plessey Semiconduc­ tors have developed a range of integrated circuits for

    OCR Scan
    SP8922 SP8921 SP8923 40-channel SPB921, SP8923. SP8923/21 SL680 Plessey SL680 crystal filter 10.695mhz "frequency comparator" SP8923 27255 plessey sp PDF