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    Altech Corporation PIR2-120AC-00LV

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    DigiKey PIR2-120AC-00LV Bulk 20
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    • 100 $25.3655
    • 1000 $25.3655
    • 10000 $25.3655
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    Mouser Electronics PIR2-120AC-00LV
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    • 100 $24.3
    • 1000 $22.78
    • 10000 $22.78
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    RS PIR2-120AC-00LV Bulk 9 Weeks 20
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    • 100 $27.69
    • 1000 $27.69
    • 10000 $27.69
    Get Quote PIR2-120AC-00LV
    • 1 $25.7
    • 10 $25.7
    • 100 $20.56
    • 1000 $19.44
    • 10000 $19.44
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    Powell Electronics PIR2-120AC-00LV 42 20
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    • 100 $24.33
    • 1000 $24.33
    • 10000 $24.33
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    Master Electronics PIR2-120AC-00LV
    • 1 $25.7
    • 10 $25.7
    • 100 $20.56
    • 1000 $19.44
    • 10000 $19.44
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    TestEquity LLC PIR2-120AC-00LV
    • 1 $28.92
    • 10 $28.92
    • 100 $28.92
    • 1000 $28.92
    • 10000 $28.92
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    RELPOL PIR2-110DC-00LD

    Relay: interface; DPDT; Ucoil: 110VDC; 12A; 12A/250VAC; 12A/24VDC
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    TME PIR2-110DC-00LD 100
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    • 100 $15.25
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    Abstract: No abstract text available

    ISL224P25 -ISL224P25EV1Z -ISL224P25EV1Z_ \ISLA224IR72EV1Z 100pF L4PIL401 PIL402 L3PIL301 PIL302 PIT206 PDF

    LPC1768 sd card

    Abstract: pir203 PIO24 CT32B0 LPC1768 usb controller using LPC1343 LPC1113 LPC1343 LPC1343FBD48 LPC2368
    Text: EDP-CM-LPC1343 Command Module EDP-CM-LPC1343 Command Module User Manual Version 1.02 10th June 2010 Electrocomponents plc Page 1 EDP-CM-LPC1343 Command Module Contents 1. Introduction 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Pin Allocation 4 Allocation of MCU pins to backplane functions . 4

    EDP-CM-LPC1343 LPC1343 PIU50202 PIR51302 ST2S008V1A PIR51301 COR513 PIJP50101 LPC1768 sd card pir203 PIO24 CT32B0 LPC1768 usb controller using LPC1343 LPC1113 LPC1343 LPC1343FBD48 LPC2368 PDF


    Abstract: NXP LPC1768 JP4-16 LPC1768FBD100 PIR203 pic508 LPC2368 user manual PIJP20201 JP414 LPC1768
    Text: EDP-CM-LPC1768 CPU Module EDP-CM-LPC1768 Command Module User Manual Version 2.03 10th June 2010 Electrocomponents plc Page 1 EDP-CM-LPC1768 CPU Module Contents 1. Introduction 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 MCU Mapping 3 MCU Pin Allocation . 3

    EDP-CM-LPC1768 LPC1768 PIU50202 PIR51302 ST2S008V1A PIR51301 COR513 PIJP50101 PIR204 NXP LPC1768 JP4-16 LPC1768FBD100 PIR203 pic508 LPC2368 user manual PIJP20201 JP414 LPC1768 PDF


    Abstract: lis3dh STMPS2141STR L3G4200D STM32F2 MCBQVGA MCBSTM32F200 L3G4200 OV*7690 st802rt1a
    Text: 3 4 PowerScale COPS NLPB3 PB3 A GND COP2 P2 PIP201 PIP202 PIP203 1 2 3 GND Power measurement B GND PIR601 COR6 R6 GND 2 PIIC202 RT 3 PIR602 PIIC203 PGD 10kPIIC204 4 SS COC27 C27 PIC2702 5 PIC222n 701 PIIC205 SGND CS 8 PIIC208 PIC1401 100nPIL201 COL2 L2 PID50C COD5

    PIP201 PIP202 PIP203 B340A B340A 8012V01 8012V03 8012V02 10u/25V PID10A OVM7690 lis3dh STMPS2141STR L3G4200D STM32F2 MCBQVGA MCBSTM32F200 L3G4200 OV*7690 st802rt1a PDF


    Abstract: LMH1983 PAC107 pic7801 PAC800 PAP101 PAC702 COC25 LP3878MR-ADJ pir320
    Text: LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide Version 1.0 2/4/10 Page 1 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide INTRODUCTION The LMH1983 Evaluation Kit EVK allows for the evaluation of the LMH1983 3G/HD/SD Video Clock Generator with Audio Clock. The LMH1983 device is

    LMH1983 LMH1983 sofAX202 PAR4702 PAX203 PAP102 PAC107 pic7801 PAC800 PAP101 PAC702 COC25 LP3878MR-ADJ pir320 PDF


    Abstract: PIC6101 EVQPLHA15 PIC41c PIR7801 QSE-060-01 PIR8502 PIC23 pic6102 PIR60
    Text: 1 2 3 PIC1501 VCC3V3 C15 PIR1101 COC15 PIC1502 1uF 4 PIR5802 R11 COR11 PIR1102 37.4 Net Class i ClassName: Trace 75 Ohms R58 GND COR58 75 VCC2V5 2 3 PIU202 PIU203 PIR902 COR9 R9 14 PIU2014 C14 COC14 PIC1401 PIC1402 1uF PID102 PIR901 P1 COP1 1 2 5 PIU205 6

    PIC1501 COC15PIR1101 PIC1502 PIR5802 COR11 PIR1102 COR58 PIU202 PIU203 PIR902 QSE-060-01-F-D-A PIC6101 EVQPLHA15 PIC41c PIR7801 QSE-060-01 PIR8502 PIC23 pic6102 PIR60 PDF

    Modules A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Altech Corporation 35 Royal Road Flemington, NJ 08822-6000 P 908.806.9400 • F 908.806.9490 Altech Corp. 410-112013-5M Printed November 2013 Since 1984, Altech Corporation has grown to become a leading supplier of automation and industrial

    410-112013-5M UL508 0-960W Modules A PDF

    RM40 and RM50

    Abstract: RM699B RSR30 PIR6WB-1PS RS35 and RS50 PIR2M Modules A RM40 RM50 RM84 RM85 RM87 RS35 RS50
    Text: Altech Corporation 35 Royal Road Flemington, NJ 08822-6000 P 908.806.9400 • F 908.806.9490 Altech Corp. 410-112013-5M Printed November 2013 Since 1984, Altech Corporation has grown to become a leading supplier of automation and industrial

    410-112013-5M UL508 0-960W RM40 and RM50 RM699B RSR30 PIR6WB-1PS RS35 and RS50 PIR2M Modules A RM40 RM50 RM84 RM85 RM87 RS35 RS50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIR2 Relay Socket Combination PIR2 Relay: R2 see page 50 for detailed information Socket: GZM2 (see page 55 for detailed information) Technical Information Current .12 A Voltage.250V AC / 24V DC Wire Range.2.5 mm2 / 24-14 AWG

    50/60Hz PIR2-012DC-00LD PIR2-024DC-00LD PIR2-110DC-00LD PIR2-012DC-00LV PIR2-024DC-00LV PIR2-110DC-00LV PIR2-120AC-00LV PIR2-230AC-00LV PDF


    Abstract: 4-1761206-1 SW-DIP-8 sw-dip8 PIS20 2R20 PIC1901 cou6 PIC702 PIS104
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes: 1. Top level schematic. 2. Schematic for assembly variant SD346_EVK_REV_D_600090 0603 Coupling Caps SO1 SO2 SO3 SO4 SO5 COSO1 COSO2 COSO3 COSO4 COSO5 4-40 standoff 4-40 standoff 4-40 standoff 4-40 standoff 4-40 standoff PIR3402 PISMA205

    PIR3402 PISMA205 PISMA204 PISMA203 PISMA202 PIR3102 PIC2102 PIC2101 PIU107 PIU108 PIC7020 4-1761206-1 SW-DIP-8 sw-dip8 PIS20 2R20 PIC1901 cou6 PIC702 PIS104 PDF

    LPC1768 ADC code example

    Abstract: LPC1113 EDP-CM-LPC1113 PIC509 LPC1113FBD48 LPC1343 LPC1768 LPC2368 LPC1768 sd card usb controller using LPC1343
    Text: EDP-CM-LPC1113 CPU Module EDP-CM-LPC1113 CPU Module User Manual Version 1.01 10th June 2010 Electrocomponents plc Page 1 EDP-CM-LPC1113 CPU Module Contents 1. Introduction 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Pin Allocation 4 Allocation of MCU pins to backplane functions . 4

    EDP-CM-LPC1113 LPC1113 PIU50202 PIR51302 ST2S008V1A PIR51301 COR513 PIJP50101 LPC1768 ADC code example LPC1113 PIC509 LPC1113FBD48 LPC1343 LPC1768 LPC2368 LPC1768 sd card usb controller using LPC1343 PDF


    Abstract: PIP3055 MCBQVGA ZYS81R5-2PL51 BLM41PG750SN1L PIP3056 C1809 C3804 PIC1602 FM25CL64G
    Text: 2 3 3V3A COR117 R117 100k COR120 R120 PIR12001 PIR12002 3V3A47k AGND COSE1 SE1 COSensor2 Sensor2 4 4 3 3 PISensor203 2 2 PISensor202 1 1 PISensor201 PISensor204 B 4 3 2 1 4 3 PISensor103 2 PISensor102 1 PISensor101 PISensor104 PIR11901 AGND 2k2 2k2 PIR12702

    COC81 3V3AC81 COR116 PIR11601 BAT54S PID901 PID902 PID903 COC86 COC87 C2608 PIP3055 MCBQVGA ZYS81R5-2PL51 BLM41PG750SN1L PIP3056 C1809 C3804 PIC1602 FM25CL64G PDF


    Abstract: SPC56EL condensatore elettrolitico DIODO LED MMCX2.54-V5 ASD433A MPC5643L schematic coaxm diodo 1N4007 leopard
    Text: xPC56xLADPT144S MINIMODULE USER MANUAL Cod. ASD433A Rev. 01.00 Auth. Eng. Alfonso FORGIONE Date 28.08.2009 2 PURCHASE AGREEMENT ASD s.a.s. reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function, or design. ASD s.a.s. does not

    xPC56xLADPT144S ASD433A 10/1W MFP201N 680HA144011X-001 LQFP144 O-252 LM1117DT-3 LD1117DT33 xPC56xL SPC56EL condensatore elettrolitico DIODO LED MMCX2.54-V5 ASD433A MPC5643L schematic coaxm diodo 1N4007 leopard PDF


    Abstract: BR100 DIODE r100 resistor PID20 2904 SMD IC PIR208 PIR209 SI7898DP-E3 OPTO-NEC-PS2501 b1100 nec
    Text: National Semiconductor RD-180 PowerWise Design Center November 16, 2009 1.0 Design Specifications Inputs Output #1 VinMin=38V Vout1=5V VinMax=60V Iout1=5A 2.0 Design Description Eval Board Description This LM5072 based 5V out 25W POE+ PD power supply is fully compliant with IEEE 802.3at standard. This eval board

    RD-180 LM5072 LM5072/ LM5073" CSP-9-111S2) CSP-9-111S2. pid-20 BR100 DIODE r100 resistor PID20 2904 SMD IC PIR208 PIR209 SI7898DP-E3 OPTO-NEC-PS2501 b1100 nec PDF

    Modules A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Altech Corporation 35 Royal Road Flemington, NJ 08822-6000 P 908.806.9400 • F 908.806.9490 Altech Corp. 410-112013-5M Printed November 2013 Since 1984, Altech Corporation has grown to become a leading supplier of automation and industrial

    410-112013-5M UL508 0-960W Modules A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: startKIT Hardware Manual IN THIS DOCUMENT Features xCORE-Analog A8-DEV Device PCIe connector and GPIO header J7 Raspberry Pi compatible header and GPIO (J3) XMOS Links and GPIO header (J8) Touch Sliders User LEDs SPI Flash Push-button switch Analog input header

    24MHz 32A11 PDF


    Abstract: PID control dsPIC DC motor 12v DC gear motor 500 rpm Sine wave generation in dspic H bridge converter with dsPIC svm H bridge converter with dsPIC pic508 PIC32 uart example rs232 MAXON DC MOTOR re 25 pwm pure sine wave generator
    Text: EDP-AM‐MC2 Motor Drive Module DC Motor Drive Module EDP‐AM‐MC2 EDP‐AM‐MC2 User Manual Version 1.05 10th June 2010

    PIU4024 COR530 COR534 PIU40207 PIU40201 PIU40205 PIU40203 COU402 U402B PIR54102 PIR325 PID control dsPIC DC motor 12v DC gear motor 500 rpm Sine wave generation in dspic H bridge converter with dsPIC svm H bridge converter with dsPIC pic508 PIC32 uart example rs232 MAXON DC MOTOR re 25 pwm pure sine wave generator PDF


    Abstract: LPC1768 NXP LPC2368 XO53050UITA LPC1768 DaC code example pic508 AN11 AN13 LPC1343 LPC2368
    Text: EDP-CM-LPC2368 CPU Module EDP-CM-LPC2368 Command Module User Manual Version 1.01 10th June 2010 Electrocomponents plc Page 1 EDP-CM-LPC2368 CPU Module Contents 1. Introduction 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 MCU Mapping 3 MCU Pin Allocation . 3

    EDP-CM-LPC2368 LPC2368 PIU50202 PIR51302 ST2S008V1A PIR51301 COR513 PIJP50101 PIR203 LPC1768 NXP LPC2368 XO53050UITA LPC1768 DaC code example pic508 AN11 AN13 LPC1343 LPC2368 PDF


    Abstract: MCB1700 LPC1760 IR3401 DP83848CVV t4 p131 PJS-008-2000-1 ST3232C P210B PIP0019
    Text: 1 2 3 4 A A COIC1B IC1B GND VDDIO COC1 C1 100n 28PIIC1028 PIC101 PIC102 COC2 C2 100n 54PIIC1054 PIC201 PIC202 COC3 C3 100n 71PIIC1071 PIC301 PIC302 COC4 C4 96PIIC1096 PIC401 PIC402 GND VDDREG GND B +3.3VA COL1 L1 PIL101 BLM COL2 L2 PIL201 PIC601 PIL102 COC7

    PIIC1031 PIIC1041 PIIC1055 PIIC1072 PIIC1097 PIIC1083 PIIC102 PIIC103 PIIC104 PIIC105 74LVC244T MCB1700 LPC1760 IR3401 DP83848CVV t4 p131 PJS-008-2000-1 ST3232C P210B PIP0019 PDF


    Abstract: c5936 S25FL032P0XMF S25FL032P0XMFI01 AM240320LDTNQW S25FL032P0XMFI s29gl064n90t AM240320L AM-240320LD AM-24032
    Text: 1 2 3 4 A A VBUS1 VBUS0 PID110A PID110C 10u/25V PICCOC3 3C3 02 B340A PIC301 100n/25V 1 PIIC101 VIN COC5 C5 PIC502 COR1 R1 158k PPIIC1011 IC50111 PPAD PIR102 GND B B340A SW 9 PIIC109 PIR101 GND PIR301 COR3 R3 GND 2 PIIC102 RT 3 PIR302 PIIC103 PGD 10kPIIC104

    B340A COD11 PIP101 PID110A PID110C 10u/25V PIP103 PIP102 PIR102 S29GL064N90 c5936 S25FL032P0XMF S25FL032P0XMFI01 AM240320LDTNQW S25FL032P0XMFI s29gl064n90t AM240320L AM-240320LD AM-24032 PDF


    Abstract: PAP101 PIR203 pap102
    Text: LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide Version 1.0 2/4/10 Page 1 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide INTRODUCTION The LMH1983 Evaluation Kit EVK allows for the evaluation of the LMH1983 3G/HD/SD Video Clock Generator with Audio Clock. The LMH1983 device is

    LMH1983 LMH1983 pap103 PAP101 PIR203 pap102 PDF


    Abstract: PIRST01 smt pj3 ETM03 PIC2401 MCBTMPM360 cortex a7 Cortex A15 SCLK10 ETM05
    Text: 1 2 3 4 A A C NLPB0 PB0 NLPB1 PB1 NLPB2 PB2 NLPB3 PB3 NLPB4 PB4 NLPB5 PB5 NLPB6 PB6 NLPB7 PB7 57PIIC1057 58PIIC1058 59PIIC1059 60PIIC1060 61PIIC1061 62PIIC1062 63PIIC1063 64PIIC1064 NLPC0 PC0 NLPC1 PC1 NLPC2 PC2 NLPC3 PC3 NLPC4 PC4 NLPC5 PC5 NLPC6 PC6 NLPC7

    PIIC1049 PIIC1050 PIIC1051 PIIC1052 PIIC1053 PIIC1054 PIIC1055 PIIC1056 PIIC1057 PIIC1058 IR202 PIRST01 smt pj3 ETM03 PIC2401 MCBTMPM360 cortex a7 Cortex A15 SCLK10 ETM05 PDF


    Abstract: LM18200 PIR325 PIR204 PIC31 D313P PIR205 Crouzet motor crouzet PLC PID310
    Text: EDP-AM-MC1 DC Brushed Motor Controller Application Module Manual This document contains information on the MC1 brushed motor controller module for the RS EDP system. Version v5.0, 10/06/2010 EDP-AM-MC1 Manual Contents 1. 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.3 1.3.1

    M102076 P0P102075 P0P1010108 P0P1010107 P0C21001 P0P102078 P0P102077 P0P1010110 P0P1010109 P0P102080 lm18200t LM18200 PIR325 PIR204 PIC31 D313P PIR205 Crouzet motor crouzet PLC PID310 PDF


    Abstract: COC15 PAR1501 HDR2X3, header
    Text: 3 4 COR130 R130 PIR13001 PIC12802 PIC12801 RJ45 PIJ11701 COC128 C128 COL106 L106 1uF PIL10602 COL103 L103 PIL10301 COL104 L104 PIL10404 PIC130 2 COC130 C130 PIC13 02 COC131 C131 1 PIC131100nF 01 PIL10402 PIC13010uF PIC13 02 PIC13 01 PIC10301 + PIC10302 COR103

    COR130 PIR13001 PIJ10106 PIT10006 PIT100011 PIJ10206 PIT10007 PIT100010 RDPIT10008 PIT10009 MHDR1X2 COC15 PAR1501 HDR2X3, header PDF