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    Abstract: 18f26k20 18f46k20 18F4550 18f25k20 18F4520 18f2550 18f67j50 PIC 18F4520 C Programs 18F4523
    Text: HI-TECH PICC-18 STD Compiler HI-TECH Software. Copyright C 2008 HI-TECH Software. All Rights Reserved. Printed in Australia. PICC-18 is licensed exclusively to HI-TECH Software by Microchip Technology Inc. Produced on: February 21, 2008 HI-TECH Software Pty. Ltd.

    PICC-18 18f45k20 18f26k20 18f46k20 18F4550 18f25k20 18F4520 18f2550 18f67j50 PIC 18F4520 C Programs 18F4523 PDF


    Abstract: 16F882 16f883 MCV08A Assembler programming for PIC 16f690 16F723 16f677 16f72 16F887 programming pic 16f887 in basic
    Text: HI-TECH PICC STD Compiler HI-TECH Software. Copyright C 2008 HI-TECH Software. All Rights Reserved. Printed in Australia. PICC is licensed exclusively to HI-TECH Software by Microchip Technology Inc. Produced on: February 21, 2008 HI-TECH Software Pty. Ltd.



    Abstract: Mifare 1k commands Mifare plus protocol mifare mini SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE CL RC632 application note Mifare plus commands "Mifare ultralight C" datasheet MIFARE DESFire Commands CL RC632
    Text: AN10834 MIFARE ISO/IEC 14443 PICC Selection Rev. 3.0 — 26 June 2009 130830 Application note PUBLIC Document information Info Content Keywords Activate Card, MIFARE, Select Card Abstract This Application Note shows the elementary communication for selecting

    AN10834 AN130810 AN10834 SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE PLUS Mifare 1k commands Mifare plus protocol mifare mini SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE CL RC632 application note Mifare plus commands "Mifare ultralight C" datasheet MIFARE DESFire Commands CL RC632 PDF

    Mifare plus commands

    Abstract: SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE PLUS Mifare Desfire protocol ISO14443-4 mifare mini mifare plus s 2k 14443 SAK MIFARE DESFire Authenticate mifare 1k ISO10373-6
    Text: AN10834 MIFARE ISO/IEC 14443 PICC Selection Rev. 2.0 — 18 May 2009 130820 Application note PUBLIC Document information Info Content Keywords Activate Card, MIFARE, Select Card Abstract This Application Note shows the elementary communication for selecting

    AN10834 AN130810 AN10834 Mifare plus commands SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE PLUS Mifare Desfire protocol ISO14443-4 mifare mini mifare plus s 2k 14443 SAK MIFARE DESFire Authenticate mifare 1k ISO10373-6 PDF

    innovatron protocol

    Abstract: AT88RF020 AT88SC1616CRF AT88SC1616CRF-MR1 AT88SC1616CRF-MS1 AT88SC1616CRF-WA1
    Text: Features • One of a Family of Devices with User Memory of 1 Kbit to 64 Kbits • Contactless 13.56 MHz RF Communications Interface ⎯ ISO/IEC 14443-2:2001 Type B Compliant ⎯ ISO/IEC 14443-3:2001 Type B Compliant Anticollision Protocol ⎯ Command Set Optimized for Multicard RF Communications

    128-byte 256-byte 5026DS innovatron protocol AT88RF020 AT88SC1616CRF AT88SC1616CRF-MR1 AT88SC1616CRF-MS1 AT88SC1616CRF-WA1 PDF


    Abstract: AT88SC0808CRF-MR1 AT88SC0808CRF-MU1 AT88SC0808CRF-WA1 AT88RF020 AT88SC0808CRF AT88SC0808CRF-L01B
    Text: Features • One of a Family of Devices with User Memory of 1 Kbit to 64 Kbits • Contactless 13.56 MHz RF Communications Interface ⎯ ISO/IEC 14443-2:2001 Type B Compliant ⎯ ISO/IEC 14443-3:2001 Type B Compliant Anticollision Protocol ⎯ Command Set Optimized for Multicard RF Communications

    128-byte 256-byte 5027DS AT88SC0808CRF-MS1 AT88SC0808CRF-MR1 AT88SC0808CRF-MU1 AT88SC0808CRF-WA1 AT88RF020 AT88SC0808CRF AT88SC0808CRF-L01B PDF

    AT88RF1354 SPI User Guide for CryptoRF

    Abstract: PICC AT88RF1354 IEC14443-3 microcontroller rf Response AT88SC0404CRF matching RFID loop antenna 13.56 I0006
    Text: AT88RF1354 SPI User Guide For CryptoRF 8586A—RFID—5/09 Table of Contents Section 1 Introduction. 1-1 1.1 Product Description. 1-1

    AT88RF1354 586A--RFID--5/09 AT88RF1354 SPI User Guide for CryptoRF PICC AT88RF1354 IEC14443-3 microcontroller rf Response AT88SC0404CRF matching RFID loop antenna 13.56 I0006 PDF

    IEC 14443 for Type B Proximity Contactless Identification Card

    Abstract: Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION matching RFID loop antenna 13.56 antenna matching 13,56 mhz calculation PICC picc type a ISO 14443-4 code ISO 14443-4 ISO 14443-1 RFID loop antenna
    Text: Understanding the Requirements of ISO/IEC 14443 for Type B Proximity Contactless Identification Cards Introduction ISO/IEC 14443 is a four-part international standard for Contactless Smart Cards operating at 13.56 MHz in close proximity with a reader antenna. Proximity Integrated

    2056B IEC 14443 for Type B Proximity Contactless Identification Card Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION matching RFID loop antenna 13.56 antenna matching 13,56 mhz calculation PICC picc type a ISO 14443-4 code ISO 14443-4 ISO 14443-1 RFID loop antenna PDF

    ISO 14443-4

    Abstract: 14443-4 command Mifare Desfire protocol DESFire PICC DESFire Create File Command MF3 IC D40 DESFire Create Application Command ISO14443-3 MiFARE DESFIRE D40
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS mifare DESFire Contactless Multi-Application IC with DES and 3DES Security MF3 IC D40 Product Short Form Specification Revision 3.0 PUBLIC Philips Semiconductors April 2004 Philips Semiconductors Product Short Form Specification Rev. 3.0

    SCA74 ISO 14443-4 14443-4 command Mifare Desfire protocol DESFire PICC DESFire Create File Command MF3 IC D40 DESFire Create Application Command ISO14443-3 MiFARE DESFIRE D40 PDF


    Abstract: AT88RF04C-MR1G Electronic Passport Using RFID circuit diagram at88rf04c RFID loop antenna 134 KHz AT88SC bpsk demodulator circuit iso 10373-6 calibration coil
    Text: AT88RF04C, AT88SC0808CRF, AT88SC1616CRF AT88SC3216CRF, AT88SC6416CRF CryptoRF EEPROM Memory Full Specification DATASHEET Features  A of a family of devices with user memory of 4 kilobits to 64 kilobits  Contactless 13.56MHz RF communications interface

    AT88RF04C, AT88SC0808CRF, AT88SC1616CRF AT88SC3216CRF, AT88SC6416CRF 56MHz AT88SC6416CRF] AT88SC3216CRF] AT88SC1616CRF] AT88rf04 AT88RF04C-MR1G Electronic Passport Using RFID circuit diagram at88rf04c RFID loop antenna 134 KHz AT88SC bpsk demodulator circuit iso 10373-6 calibration coil PDF

    Electronic Passport Using RFID circuit diagram

    Abstract: AT88SC6416CRF-MX1 5276b AT88RF1354 calibration coil SmartCard Writer Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION AT88SC1616CRF-WA1 PICC secret
    Text: Features • A Family of Devices with User Memories of 4 Kbits to 64 Kbits • Contactless 13.56 MHz RF Communications Interface ⎯ ISO/IEC 14443-2:2001 Type B Compliant ⎯ ISO/IEC 14443-3:2001 Type B Compliant Anticollision Protocol ⎯ Tolerant of Type A Signaling for Multi-Protocol Applications

    AT88SC6416CRF] AT88SC3216CRF] AT88SC1616CRF] AT88SC0808CRF] 5276C Electronic Passport Using RFID circuit diagram AT88SC6416CRF-MX1 5276b AT88RF1354 calibration coil SmartCard Writer Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION AT88SC1616CRF-WA1 PICC secret PDF

    Mifare APDU Command

    Abstract: 14443-4 command mifare apdu commands Apdu commands UID apdu desfire native desfire commands DESFire Create File Command Apdu 14443a Mifare Desfire APDU protocol ISO 14443-4 DESFire
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS mifare DESFire Contactless Multi-Application IC with DES and 3DES Security MF3 IC D40 Product Short Form Specification Revision 3.2 PUBLIC Philips Semiconductors December 2005 Philips Semiconductors Product Short Form Specification Rev. 3.2

    SCA74 Mifare APDU Command 14443-4 command mifare apdu commands Apdu commands UID apdu desfire native desfire commands DESFire Create File Command Apdu 14443a Mifare Desfire APDU protocol ISO 14443-4 DESFire PDF

    iso 10373-6 calibration coil

    Abstract: CALIBRATION COIL AT88SC0204 PICC Command
    Text: Features • A Family of Devices with User Memories of 1 Kbit to 64 Kbit • Contactless 13.56 MHz RF Communications Interface • • • • • – ISO/IEC 14443-2:2001 Type B Compliant – ISO/IEC 14443-3:2001 Type B Compliant Anticollision Protocol – Tolerant of Type A Signaling for Multi-Protocol Applications

    AT88SC6416CRF] AT88SC3216CRF] AT88SC1616CRF] AT88SC0808CRF] AT88SC0404CRF] iso 10373-6 calibration coil CALIBRATION COIL AT88SC0204 PICC Command PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AT88RF04C, AT88SC0808CRF, AT88SC1616CRF AT88SC3216CRF, AT88SC6416CRF CryptoRF EEPROM Memory Full Specification DATASHEET Features  A of a family of devices with user memory of 4 kilobits to 64 kilobits  Contactless 13.56MHz RF communications interface

    AT88RF04C, AT88SC0808CRF, AT88SC1616CRF AT88SC3216CRF, AT88SC6416CRF 56MHz AT88SC6416CRF] AT88SC3216CRF] PDF


    Abstract: PICC Command
    Text: AT88RF04C, AT88SC0808CRF, AT88SC1616CRF AT88SC3216CRF, AT88SC6416CRF CryptoRF EEPROM Memory Full Specification DATASHEET Features  A of a family of devices with user memory of 4 kilobits to 64 kilobits  Contactless 13.56MHz RF communications interface

    AT88RF04C, AT88SC0808CRF, AT88SC1616CRF AT88SC3216CRF, AT88SC6416CRF 56MHz AT88SC6416CRF] AT88SC3216CRF] AT88SC1616CRF] IEC13239 PICC Command PDF

    Apdu commands UID

    Abstract: 14443-4 command Mifare APDU Command native desfire commands DESFire Create File Command apdu desfire Mifare Desfire APDU protocol MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification APDU MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification internal circuit design diagram of automatic ticket vending machine
    Text: MF3ICD8101 MIFARE DESFire contactless multi-application IC BL-ID Doc. No.: 145610 Rev. 01.00 — 11 December 2007 Objective short data sheet 1. General description NXP has developed the MIFARE DESFire MF3ICD8101 to be used with Proximity Coupling Devices (PCDs) according to ISO/IEC 14443 Type A. The transport protocol

    MF3ICD8101 MF3ICD8101) MF3ICD8101 Apdu commands UID 14443-4 command Mifare APDU Command native desfire commands DESFire Create File Command apdu desfire Mifare Desfire APDU protocol MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification APDU MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification internal circuit design diagram of automatic ticket vending machine PDF

    MIFARE DESFire Implementation hints and example

    Abstract: Mifare reader antenna design RC531 MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification CL RC632 rc531 CL RC632 software desfire hints SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE pcd antenna design MF RC531
    Text: AN ISO/IEC 14443 higher bit rates with Micore Rev. 01.01 — 10 May 2006 Application note Document information Info Content Keywords Mifare, Micore, ISO/IEC14443, Higher bit rates, Register settings Abstract This application describes how to enable and use higher bit rates

    ISO/IEC14443, ISO/IEC14443 RC530, RC531, RC632. MC124011 MIFARE DESFire Implementation hints and example Mifare reader antenna design RC531 MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification CL RC632 rc531 CL RC632 software desfire hints SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE pcd antenna design MF RC531 PDF


    Abstract: MPASM assembler directives HI-TECH tutorials PIC PROJECT CCS C design desktop motherboard tutorial picc lite PICBASIC picc lite manual example PIC in ccs DS51025
    Text: MPLAB IDE PROJECT TUTORIALS FOR THIRD PARTY TOOLS Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended by way of suggestion only. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Microchip Technology Incorporated with

    DS51234A-page PIC1684 MPASM assembler directives HI-TECH tutorials PIC PROJECT CCS C design desktop motherboard tutorial picc lite PICBASIC picc lite manual example PIC in ccs DS51025 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EM MICROELECTRONIC - MARIN SA EM4333 Dual ISO15693 and ISO14443 Contact less Smart Card ISO15693 protocol VICC mode Contactless interfaces           Dual RF interface with auto detection between ISO/IEC 15693 and ISO14443 Type A mode

    EM4333 ISO15693 ISO14443 64-bit ISO/IEC15693 ISO/IEC14443 106kpbs em4233 PDF

    desfire commands

    Abstract: MIFARE DESFire Features and Hints MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification APDU DESFire change key examples MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification Mifare APDU Command DESFire Create File Command native desfire commands desfire Mifare Desfire APDU protocol
    Text: UM DESFireUI; Demo software for DESFire and DESFireSAM Rev. 01 — 27 May 2005 User manual Document information Info Content Keywords DESFire, DESFireUI, DESFireSAM, SAM, AID, 3DES, demo software Abstract This document describes how to use the DESFireUI demo program to

    RD700 RD701 M111010 desfire commands MIFARE DESFire Features and Hints MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification APDU DESFire change key examples MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification Mifare APDU Command DESFire Create File Command native desfire commands desfire Mifare Desfire APDU protocol PDF

    14443-3 type A command read write

    Abstract: 14443-3 command read write innovatron radio protocol PICC Command AT88RF020-WA1 ISO 14443-2
    Text: 1. Features • • • • • • • • • 13.56 MHz RFID Chip for Cards or Tags 2048-bit Read/Write RFID EEPROM ISO 14443-2 Type B Compliant Full ISO 14443-3 Compliant Anticollision 100,000 Write Cycle Reliability 3 ms Write Time Password and Lockwrite Protection

    2048-bit AT88RF020 2010D 14443-3 type A command read write 14443-3 command read write innovatron radio protocol PICC Command AT88RF020-WA1 ISO 14443-2 PDF


    Abstract: miller antenna coils INSIDE PicoRead NFC small form factor antenna picoread 13.56 Inside contactless NFC
    Text: Reader to Reader technology By INSIDE Contactless Contact: Bruno CHARRAT INSIDE Contactless Bat 11 A Parc club du golf 13856 Aix-en-Provence cedex, France Tel: 00 33 0 4 42 39 63 00 Fax : 00 33 (0)4 42 39 63 19 e-mail : Creating a Contactless world

    ECMA-340 org/publications/standards/Ecma-340 ECMA-352 picoread miller antenna coils INSIDE PicoRead NFC small form factor antenna picoread 13.56 Inside contactless NFC PDF

    all ic data

    Abstract: ISO14443B PHASE SHIFT 13.56MHz PICc cr14 1N4148 CR14 ISO14443 Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION CR-148 742-792-042U1
    Text: CR14 Low Cost ISO14443 type-B Contactless Coupler Chip with Anti-Collision and CRC Management Features summary • Single 5V ±500mV Supply Voltage ■ SO16N package ■ Contactless Communication – ISO14443 type-B protocol – 13.56MHz Carrier Frequency using an

    ISO14443 500mV SO16N 56MHz 400kHz all ic data ISO14443B PHASE SHIFT 13.56MHz PICc cr14 1N4148 CR14 Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION CR-148 742-792-042U1 PDF

    all ic data

    Abstract: 742-792-042U1 SRX14 picc antenna design Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION antenna crx14 1N4148 CRX14 ISO14443 ISO14443B
    Text: CRX14 Low Cost ISO14443 type-B Contactless Coupler Chip with Anti-Collision, CRC Management and Anti-Clone Function FEATURES SUMMARY • ■ ■ ■ Single 5V ±500mV Supply Voltage SO16N package Contactless Communication – ISO14443 type-B protocol – 13.56MHz Carrier Frequency using an

    CRX14 ISO14443 500mV SO16N 56MHz 400kHz CRX14 all ic data 742-792-042U1 SRX14 picc antenna design Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION antenna crx14 1N4148 ISO14443B PDF