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    Microchip Technology Inc DSPIC30F4013-20I/PT

    Digital Signal Processors & Controllers - DSP, DSC 20MIPS 48 KB
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics DSPIC30F4013-20I/PT 3,486
    • 1 $7.45
    • 10 $7.43
    • 100 $6.85
    • 1000 $6.85
    • 10000 $6.8
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    Microchip Technology Inc dsPIC30F4013-20I/ML

    Digital Signal Processors & Controllers - DSP, DSC 44LD 20MIPS 48 KB
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics dsPIC30F4013-20I/ML 3,245
    • 1 $8.02
    • 10 $8.02
    • 100 $7.03
    • 1000 $7.03
    • 10000 $7.03
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    Microchip Technology Inc dsPIC30F4013-30I/PT

    Digital Signal Processors & Controllers - DSP, DSC General Purpose
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics dsPIC30F4013-30I/PT 2,239
    • 1 $7.81
    • 10 $7.81
    • 100 $6.85
    • 1000 $6.85
    • 10000 $6.85
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    Microchip Technology Inc DSPIC30F6014AT-30I/PT

    Digital Signal Processors & Controllers - DSP, DSC 30MIPS 144 KB
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    Mouser Electronics DSPIC30F6014AT-30I/PT 1,488
    • 1 $13.62
    • 10 $13.62
    • 100 $11.26
    • 1000 $11.26
    • 10000 $11.26
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    Microchip Technology Inc dsPIC30F3010-30I/SP

    Digital Signal Processors & Controllers - DSP, DSC Motor Control
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics dsPIC30F3010-30I/SP 1,277
    • 1 $6.01
    • 10 $5.86
    • 100 $5.78
    • 1000 $5.78
    • 10000 $5.68
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    PIC 30F DS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DS51296A 2401-2402
    Text: MPLAB C17 C COMPILER DOCUMENTATION Errata Sheet The MPLAB C17 C Compiler Libraries DS51296A correctly describes the function of the MPLAB C17 libraries, except for the anomalies described below. APPENDIX A: REVISION HISTORY uitoa Function Original version of the document.

    DS51296A) 16-bit DS80191A-page devi54-7200 D-85737 NL-5152 DK-2750 DS51296A 2401-2402 PDF

    pic12f510 application note

    Abstract: PIC16F506
    Text: PIC12F510/16F506 8/14-Pin, 8-Bit Flash Microcontroller Product Brief High-Performance RISC CPU: Low-Power Features/CMOS Technology: • Only 33 single-word instructions to learn • All single-cycle instructions except for program branches which are two-cycle

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    Abstract: PIC16C770 DS41120B D005 D420 PIC16C7XX
    Text: PIC16C717/770/771 PIC16C717/770/771 Rev. C Silicon/Data Sheet Errata The PIC16C717/770/771 parts you have received conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet DS41120B , except for the anomalies described below. Timer1 is being turned off (i.e., TMR1ON transitions from 1 to 0), the value of registers TMR1L

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    Abstract: str So 765 PIC16F505 DK-2750
    Text: PIC16C505 PIC16F505 Migration DEVICE MIGRATIONS This document is intended to describe the functional differences that are present when migrating from the PIC16C505 to the PIC16F505. Note 1: This device has been designed to perform to the parameters of its data sheet. It has been tested to an

    PIC16C505 PIC16F505 PIC16F505. DK-2750 D-85737 NL-5152 PIC16C505 str So 765 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCP22S80 Stand-Alone Ethernet Controller with SPI Product Brief Features • IEEE 802.3 Compatible Ethernet Controller • Integrated MAC and 10BASE-T PHY • 8-Kbyte Transmit/Receive Packet Dual Port Buffer SRAM • Receiver and Collision Squelch Circuit

    MCP22S80 10BASE-T NL-5152 DS39623D-page VSS_PLL PDF


    Abstract: PIC16C54C PIC16C54 pic 30f data sheet pic16c54c datasheet DK-2750
    Text: PIC16C54C PIC16F54 Migration DEVICE MIGRATIONS This document is intended to describe the functional differences that are present when migrating from the PIC16C54C to the PIC16F54. Note 1: This device has been designed to perform to the parameters of its data sheet. It has been tested to an

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    schematic usb to lan cable adapter

    Abstract: AC163020 pic programmer schematic PIC PROGRAMMER usb PIC10F2XX USB 2.0 SPI Flash Programmer schematic BFMP universal device programmer schematic programmer schematic universal programmer for pic microcontroller
    Text: PROGRAMMING PIC10F2XX DEVICES WITH THE BASELINE FLASH MICROCONTROLLER PROGRAMMER BFMP Information Sheet INTRODUCTION The Baseline Flash Microcontroller Programmer (BFMP) together with the PICkit 1 Baseline Flash Programmer PC application is designed to program baseline PIC10F2XX Flash devices.

    PIC10F2XX pr54-7200 D-85737 NL-5152 DS51491A-page schematic usb to lan cable adapter AC163020 pic programmer schematic PIC PROGRAMMER usb USB 2.0 SPI Flash Programmer schematic BFMP universal device programmer schematic programmer schematic universal programmer for pic microcontroller PDF


    Abstract: str So 765 pic 30f data sheet str 765 DK-2750 PIC16C57C pic16c57 PIC16FC57C pic16f57 Programming Specification
    Text: PIC16C57C PIC16F57 Migration DEVICE MIGRATIONS This document is intended to describe the functional differences that are present when migrating from the PIC16C57C to the PIC16F57. Note 1: This device has been designed to perform to the parameters of its data sheet. It has been tested to an

    PIC16C57C PIC16F57 PIC16F57. DK-2750 D-85737 NL-5152 str So 765 pic 30f data sheet str 765 PIC16C57C pic16c57 PIC16FC57C pic16f57 Programming Specification PDF


    Abstract: pickit 1 sample codes of PIC12f508 UK164101 PIC16F54 DS40049 DS91079A-page J3 SOT PIC16F57 picstart plus
    Text: TB079 Programming Baseline Flash Devices with PICkit 1 Author: Dan Butler Microchip Technology Inc. INTRODUCTION The PICkit 1 Baseline Flash Programmer PC application together with the PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit firmware version 2.0.0 or later can program baseline

    TB079 PIC12F508/509 PIC16F505 PIC10F200/202/204/206 PIC16F54/57 D-85737 NL-5152 DS90179A-page PIC10F2XX pickit 1 sample codes of PIC12f508 UK164101 PIC16F54 DS40049 DS91079A-page J3 SOT PIC16F57 picstart plus PDF


    Abstract: a4600 DK-2750 PIC16F54 2401-2402
    Text: HA1099 18 引脚闪存单片机产品简介 高性能 RISC CPU 外设功能 • 仅需学习 33 条单字指令 • 除程序转移指令为双周期外 所有其它指令均为单周期 • 两级深度硬件堆栈 • 数据和指令的直接间接和相对寻址模式

    HA1099 PIC16F54 DS41230A Mic27355 11F-3, HA1099 a4600 DK-2750 PIC16F54 2401-2402 PDF


    Abstract: PWM control dsPIC 30f B505A DK-2750 PIC16F716 2401-2402 pwm 3780 a4600 DS41231A
    Text: HA2099 带 A/D 控制器和增强型捕捉 / 比较 /PWM 模块的 8 位闪存单片机 单片机的内核功能: 外设功能: • 高性能 RISC CPU • 仅需学习 35 条单字指令 - 除程序转移指令为双周期外 所有其它指令均为单周期

    HA2099 PIC16F716 Timer08 Timer116 Timer28 Mi27355 11F-3, DS41231A NL-5152 HA2099 PWM control dsPIC 30f B505A DK-2750 PIC16F716 2401-2402 pwm 3780 a4600 PDF


    Abstract: timer pwm dsPIC 30f
    Text: PIC18F6625/6721/8625/8721 64/80-Pin High-Performance, 1-Mbit Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers with A/D and nanoWatt Technology Power Managed Modes: Peripheral Highlights Continued : • • • • • • • • • Three Enhanced Capture/Compare/PWM (ECCP)

    PIC18F6625/6721/8625/8721 64/80-Pin RS-485, RS-232 10-bit, 16-chaagawa, D-85737 NL-5152 DS39627A-page PIC18F8721 timer pwm dsPIC 30f PDF


    Abstract: DS51456 ASM30 LINK30 ds70083 p30f6014 MPLAB SIM mplab c30 compiler tutorial w10 hall
    Text: 16-BIT LANGUAGE TOOLS GETTING STARTED 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70094D Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

    16-BIT DS70094D d36-4803 DS70094D-page DS51284 DS51456 ASM30 LINK30 ds70083 p30f6014 MPLAB SIM mplab c30 compiler tutorial w10 hall PDF


    Abstract: PIC18F6410 PIC18F8410
    Text: PIC18F6410/8410 64/80-Pin High-Performance, Flash Microcontrollers with 10-bit A/D and nanoWatt Technology Product Brief Low-Power Features: Peripheral Highlights: • Power Managed modes: - Run: CPU on, peripherals on - Idle: CPU off, peripherals on - Sleep: CPU off, peripherals off

    PIC18F6410/8410 64/80-Pin 10-bit DK-2750 D-85737 NL-5152 osctune PIC18F6410 PIC18F8410 PDF


    Abstract: DS70032 dsPIC30F Family Reference Manual DS70046 YBSS p30f6014 SIM30 ASM30 DS70030 DS70046 LINK30
    Text: dsPIC LANGUAGE TOOLS GETTING STARTED  2003 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70094A Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

    DS70094A DK-2750 D-85737 DS70094A-page PIC30F6014 DS70032 dsPIC30F Family Reference Manual DS70046 YBSS p30f6014 SIM30 ASM30 DS70030 DS70046 LINK30 PDF


    Abstract: TC1279 RESET20
    Text: M TC1278/TC1279 3-Pin Reset Monitors for 5V Systems Features General Description • • • • • • • • The TC1278/TC1279 are cost-effective system supervisor circuits designed to monitor VCC in digital systems and provide a reset signal to the host processor when

    TC1278/TC1279 TC1278/TC1279 OT-23B 125tre DK-2750 D-85737 NL-5152 TC1278 TC1279 RESET20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET DS04-27263-3E ASSP for Power Management Applications General-purpose DC/DC converter 1ch PFM/PWM DC/DC converter IC with synchronous rectification MB39A135 • DESCRIPTION MB39A135 is 1ch step-down DC/DC converter IC of the current mode N-ch/N-ch synchronous rectification

    DS04-27263-3E MB39A135 MB39A135 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET DS04-27263-3E ASSP for Power Management Applications General-purpose DC/DC converter 1ch PFM/PWM DC/DC converter IC with synchronous rectification MB39A135 • DESCRIPTION MB39A135 is 1ch step-down DC/DC converter IC of the current mode N-ch/N-ch synchronous rectification

    DS04-27263-3E MB39A135 MB39A135 PDF


    Abstract: AN575 AN621 AN624 IEEE754 SQTP checksum
    Text: AN621 PIC14C000 Calibration Parameters The PIC14C000 has been designed to minimize the effect of these variations. In addition, each device is calibrated at factory test by measuring several key parameters and storing these values into EPROM at specified locations. The customer’s application program may access this data and use it to mathematically

    AN621 PIC14C000 DK-2750 D-85737 NL-5152 AN575 AN621 AN624 IEEE754 SQTP checksum PDF

    AN696 servo motor

    Abstract: 24v dc servomotor transistor 3bw AN885 BLDC 24v 5 amp smps ST AN887 mc1h an843, pic18 TC442X transistors ai 757
    Text: S E I M s i c e i r ü ? d ^ c .f r h i p a . e a s M * X \ Q l- o lH ^ . il ste p p e r S E j , brushed DC ^ s- fiE j, AC in d u c tio n £ N , switched reluctance S N a - A |^ a j 2 |£ # £ = J3W H EL ^ 7 j|S 0 | S i£ ^ fc H c K * j7 l| ft, S A |^ a j

    OCR Scan
    16HIM PIC16F684 PIC16F716 PIC16F7X7 dsPIC30F5015 TC141X TC442X TC446X -MCP606, MCP616 AN696 servo motor 24v dc servomotor transistor 3bw AN885 BLDC 24v 5 amp smps ST AN887 mc1h an843, pic18 transistors ai 757 PDF


    Abstract: PIC16C53 16C53 18f pic controller 16C52 16C55 PIC16C52 PIC16C54 PIC16C55 PIC16C5X
    Text: GENERAL INSTRUMENT PIC16C5X SERIES EPROM-Based 8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATIONS • Low-Cost PIC 8-Bit Microcontroller Family ■ Designed with Fully Static CMOS EPROM Technology — User Programmable: Prototypes and a Low-Volume Production

    OCR Scan
    PIC16C5X 25kHz-20MHz 200ns 35/xA 125/u 18-pin 28-pin DS30015A-16 pic1652 PIC16C53 16C53 18f pic controller 16C52 16C55 PIC16C52 PIC16C54 PIC16C55 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC 'S EEE D bl03201 GQ04Ô54 S '. M icrochip P I C 1 6 C 5 x EPROM-Based 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller Series FEATURES • • • • • • • • Low power, high speed CMOS EPROM technology Wide variety of EPROM and RAM sizes, oscillator

    OCR Scan
    bl03201 PIC16C54 PIC16C55 PIC16C56* PIC16C57* DS30015E-32 PIC16C54 PIC16C55 PIC16C55-JW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * \ \ mÄ Military ‘.p PIC ! 6C5x Series EPROM-Based 8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers FEATURES • • • • • • • • • Low power, high speed CMOS EPROM technology Wide variety of EPROM and RAM sizes, oscillator types, frequency ranges and I/O configurations

    OCR Scan
    28-pin PIC16C56* PIC16C57* PIC16C56 PIC16C57- PIC16C57 MIL-STD-883C DS60019A-26 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC 16CR54 Microchip ROM-Based 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller FEATURES FIGURE A - PIN CONFIGURATION High perform ance RISC-like CPU PDIP, SOIC • Only 33 single word instructions to learn • All single cycle instructions 200 ns except for program branches which are two-cycle

    OCR Scan
    16CR54 12-bit PIC16CR54 XT/P169 DS30075C-page PDF