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    Broadcom Limited QLMP-HL78-XYKDD

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    DigiKey QLMP-HL78-XYKDD Bulk
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    Broadcom Limited HLMP-HL71-XZ0DD

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    DigiKey HLMP-HL71-XZ0DD Ammo Pack 14,000
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    Avnet Americas HLMP-HL71-XZ0DD Reel 24 Weeks 16,000
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    Mouser Electronics HLMP-HL71-XZ0DD
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    EBV Elektronik HLMP-HL71-XZ0DD 26 Weeks 2,000
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    Broadcom Limited HLMP-HL70-XZ0DD

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    DigiKey HLMP-HL70-XZ0DD Ammo Pack 14,000
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    Avnet Americas HLMP-HL70-XZ0DD Reel 22 Weeks 16,000
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    Mouser Electronics HLMP-HL70-XZ0DD
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    EBV Elektronik HLMP-HL70-XZ0DD 24 Weeks 2,000
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    Broadcom Limited HLMP-HL71-WZ0ZZ

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    DigiKey HLMP-HL71-WZ0ZZ Reel
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    Avago Technologies HLMP-HL71-XZ0DD

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    Bristol Electronics HLMP-HL71-XZ0DD 24,000
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    ICF CP 1005

    Abstract: 3014 LED ICF CP 1005 y J1 3009-2 1117-1.2 13003 TO 92 PACKAGE 3010 rc-5 E 13007 PC 13003 SE 13007
    Text: I MIL-M-38510/343 16 J u ly MILITARY MICROCIRCUITS, DIGITAL, BINARY 1. SPECIFICATION BIPOLAR, COUNTERS, T h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n is ments and Agencies 1986 ADVANCED MONOLITHIC approved of the SCHOTTKY TTL, SILICON f o r u s e by Department all D e p a r t ­

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    MIL-M-38510/343 MIL-M-38510. ICF CP 1005 3014 LED ICF CP 1005 y J1 3009-2 1117-1.2 13003 TO 92 PACKAGE 3010 rc-5 E 13007 PC 13003 SE 13007 PDF

    13003 TO 92 PACKAGE

    Abstract: cq 721 1N3064 pj 72 diode
    Text: MIL-M-38510/312A 16 A p r i l 1 9 8 2 MILITARY SPECIFICATION M I C R O C I R C U I T S , D I G I T A L , L O W - P O W E R S C H O T T K Y TT L , B I NA RY FULL ADD E RS WITH FA ST CARRY, M O N O L I T H I C S I L I C O N 4-BIT T h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n is a p p r o v e d

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    MIL-M-38S10/312A MIL-M-38510. 13003 TO 92 PACKAGE cq 721 1N3064 pj 72 diode PDF

    kinta x

    Abstract: F667 1N3064 int1200 L55 TRANSMITTER DIODE
    Text: MI L-M-3 85 10 /48 1A U SA F 18 June 1984_ SUPERSEDING MI L-M-3 85 10 /48 1Î US AF) 28 F e b r u a r y 1982 QUAL I FI CATI ON REQUIREMENTS REMOVED M I L I T A RY S P E C I F I C A T I O N M I C R O C I R C U I T S , D I G I T A L , N-CHANNEL, S I L I C O N GATE

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    MIL-M-38510/481A MIL-M-38510/481Ã 713TW 5962-F667-2) 70S-040/A4S20 kinta x F667 1N3064 int1200 L55 TRANSMITTER DIODE PDF

    3014 LED

    Abstract: MARKING CFK l1801-1 SVI 3003 W2T marking 103 c1k end of life car tyres T-17911 54ls162 jill2
    Text: MIL-M-38510/315C 17 Ja n u a r y 1984 SUPERSEDING M I L - M - 3 8 5 1 0 / 3 1 5B 16 April 1981 MILITARY MICROCIRCUITS, SPECIFICATION DIGITAL, T T L , COUNTERS, LOW-POWER MONOLITHIC T hi s s p e c i f i c a t i o n is a p p r o v e d ments and Agencies of th e

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    MIL-M-38510/315C MIL-M-38510/315B MIL-M-38510. 54LS163A 54LS19Ã MIL-M-38510/315C 5-040/A 3014 LED MARKING CFK l1801-1 SVI 3003 W2T marking 103 c1k end of life car tyres T-17911 54ls162 jill2 PDF

    ALC Automatic Level Control

    Abstract: alc 288 high definition audio high definition audio alc 288 microphone amplifier with alc Digital Pulse Counter Two Digit step recovery diode AK4516A AK4561 AK4563A AK4563AVF
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4563A] AK4563A Low Power 16bit 4ch ADC & 2ch DAC with ALC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4563A is low power operation, 16bit CODEC that include 4ch ADC and 2ch DAC. The AK4563A also includes ALC Automatic Level Control circuit, therefore is suitable for microphone application and

    AK4563A] AK4563A 16bit AK4563A 16bits MS0067-E-02 ALC Automatic Level Control alc 288 high definition audio high definition audio alc 288 microphone amplifier with alc Digital Pulse Counter Two Digit step recovery diode AK4516A AK4561 AK4563AVF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M MOTOROLA Military 54LS160A Synchronous 4-Bit Decade Counter (Asynchronous Clear) M The ’LS160A is a high-speed 4-bit synchronous counter. It is edge-triggered, synchronously presettable, and cascadable MSI building blocks tor counting, memory addressing, frequency division and other

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    MIL-M-38510/31503 LS160A 54LS160A JM38510/31503BXA 1N3064 770090-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _D J^ T R IB U T IO N S T A T E M E N T A ^ Approved for public re le a se ; distribution is unlim ited. DESC FORM 193 MAY B6 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. T h is drawing d e scrio e s d evice requirem ents fo r c la s s B m ic r o c ir c u it s in accordance with 1 .2 .1 o f MlL-STD-883, “P ro v isio n s fo r the use o f MIL-STD-883 in co n ju n ctio n w ith com pliant non-JAN

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    MIL-STO-883, MIL-STD-883 MIL-M-38510 2901C 8405701QX AM2901C/BQA TS29010ICB/C TS2901CMJB/C 701ZX AM2901C/Ã PDF

    daq 6008

    Abstract: AM2901C/BQA ABAZ Mostek 6008 2901c AM2901c-BYC PHL22 F0736 UI5 321
    Text: D E S C FORM 193 MAY B6 This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer ± 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. T h is drawing d e scrio e s d evice renuirem ents fo r c la s s B m ic r o c ir c u it s in accordance with

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    oTlilL-STO-883, MIL-STD-883 MIL-M-38510 2901C TS29010ICB/C TS2901CMJB/C 701ZX AM2901C/BYC daq 6008 AM2901C/BQA ABAZ Mostek 6008 AM2901c-BYC PHL22 F0736 UI5 321 PDF


    Abstract: CDC328A
    Text: CDC328A M IN E TO 6-LINE CLOCK DRIVER WITH SELECTABLE POLARITY SCAS327B - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED NOVEMBER 1995 D OR DB PACKAGE TOP VIEW • Low Output Skew for Clock-Distribution and Clock-Generation Applications • TTL-Compatible Inputs and Outputs • Distributes One Clock Input to Six Clock

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    CDC328A SCAS327B -48-mA 48-mA 010373b D1037 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M MOTOROLA Military 54F181 Advance Information 4-B it A rith m e tic L o g ic U n it ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG54F181 The 54F181 is a 4 -b it A rith m e tic Logic U n it (ALU) w h ic h can p e rfo rm all th e possib le 16 log ic o p e ra tio n s on tw o va ria b le s and a v a rie ty o f

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    54F181 MPG54F181 54F181 PLH12 PLH13 PLH14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O TO RO LA M ilitary 54LS569 B in a r y U p / D o w n C o u n t e r W it h 3 - S t a t e O u t p u t s ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG54LS569 T h e 5 4 L S 5 6 9 is d e s ig n e d a s a p r o g r a m m a b le u p / d o w n B in a r y cou nte r. T h is d e v ic e h a s 3 -sta te o u t p u t s fo r u s e in b u s o r g a n iz e d s y s t e m s . W it h

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    54LS569 MPG54LS569 PDF

    7 Segment 5261 AB

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O TO R O LA Military 54F381 4-B it A rith m e tic L o g ic U n it ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MIL-M-38510/33803 The 54F381 p erfo rm s three artihm etic and three lo gic op e ra tio ns on tw o 4-bit w o rd s, A and G. T w o additional Select input co d e s force the

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    54F381 MIL-M-38510/33803 54F381 7 Segment 5261 AB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA M ilitary 5 4 LS8 3 A 4 -B it Full A d d e r W ith F ast C arry MPO mini ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MIL-M-38510/31202 5 4 L S 8 3 A is a h ig h - s p e e d 4 -B it B in a r y full a d d e r w it h in te rn a l c a rry lo o k a h e a d . It a c c e p t s t w o 4 -b it b in a r y w o r d s A 0 - A 3 , B 0 - B 3 a n d a

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    MIL-M-38510/31202 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O L A M ilita ry 5 4 L S 1 6 0 A Synchronous 4-B it D ecade C o u n ter (Asynchronous C lear) MPO unni ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MIL-M-38510/31503 T he 'L S 1 6 0 A ¡s a high -sp e ed 4-bit s y n c h ro n o u s counter. It is edgetriggered, s y n c h ro n o u sly presettable, and cascadable M S I building

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    MIL-M-38510/31503 PDF


    Abstract: MC14024B
    Text: MC14024B 7-Stage Ripple Counter The MC14024B is a 7–stage ripple counter with short propagation delays and high maximum clock rates. The Reset input has standard noise immunity, however the Clock input has increased noise immunity due to Hysteresis. The output of each counter stage is

    MC14024B MC14024BCP CD4024B AJ-14 MC14024BD allot/12. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK5366] AK5366 24-Bit 48kHz ∆Σ ADC with Selector/PGA/ALC GENERAL DESCRIPTION AK5366 is a high-performance 24-bit, 48kHz sampling ADC for consumer audio and digital recording applications. Thanks to AKM’s Enhanced Dual-Bit modulator architecture, this analog-to-digital converter

    AK5366] AK5366 24-Bit 48kHz AK5366 24-bit, 48kHz 103dB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O TO R O LA M ilitary 54F191 Advance Information S y n c h r o n o u s 4 -B it U p /D o w n D e ca d e C o u n te r W ith M o d e C o n tro l ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MIL-M-38510/34303 AVAILABLE AS: The 54F191 is a reversible modulo-16 counter featuring synchronous

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    54F191 MIL-M-38510/34303 54F191 modulo-16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 16-bit buffer/line driver; 3-State 6244A 74LVCH16244A FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION • 5 volt tolerant inputs/outputs for interfacing with 5V logic • Wide supply voltage range of 1 2V to 3.6V • Complies with JEDEC standard no. 8-1A

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    16-bit 74LVCH16244A 74LVCH16244A 74LVC 6244A 16244A PDF


    Abstract: MC14024BCP CD4024B MC14024B MC14024BCPG MC14024BD MC14024BDG MC14024BDR2 MC14024BDR2G
    Text: MC14024B 7−Stage Ripple Counter The MC14024B is a 7−stage ripple counter with short propagation delays and high maximum clock rates. The Reset input has standard noise immunity, however the Clock input has increased noise immunity due to Hysteresis. The output of each counter stage is

    MC14024B MC14024B CD4024B PDIP-14 MC14024BCP MC14024B/D 14024b MC14024BCP CD4024B MC14024BCPG MC14024BD MC14024BDG MC14024BDR2 MC14024BDR2G PDF


    Abstract: 14024BG
    Text: MC14024B 7-Stage Ripple Counter The MC14024B is a 7−stage ripple counter with short propagation delays and high maximum clock rates. The Reset input has standard noise immunity, however the Clock input has increased noise immunity due to Hysteresis. The output of each counter stage is

    MC14024B PDIP-14 MC14024BCP CD4024B MC14024B/D 14024BG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CDC111 1-LINE TO 9-LINE DIFFERENTIAL LVPECL CLOCK DRIVER SCAS321 - SEPTEMBER 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1994 * Low Output Skew lor Clock-Distrlbution and Clock-Generatlon Applications * Differential Low Voltage Pseudo ECL LVPECL -Compatlble Inputs and Outputs * Distributes Differential Clock Inputs to Nine

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    CDC111 SCAS321 28-Pin raaam PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 54ACT11208, 74ACT11208 DUAL 1-LINE TO 4-LINE CLOCK DRIVERS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS TI0196— D 3460. APRIL 1990 54ACT11208 . . . J PACKAGE 74ACT11208 . . . DW OR N PACKAGE • Inputs are TTL-Voltage Compatible Low Skew Propagation Delay Specifications for Clock Driving Applications

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    54ACT11208, 74ACT11208 TI0196-- 500-mA 300-mil I0198-- D3460, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CDC244 OCTAL CLOCK DRIVER WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS SCAS501A - APRIL 1995 - REVISED NOVEMBER 1995 DB PACKAGE TOP VIEW State-of-the-Art EPIC-11B BiCMOS Design Significantly Reduces Power Dissipation 750-ps Maximum Output Skew Between All Outputs 10E [ 1 1A1 [ 2

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    CDC244 SCAS501A EPIC-11BTM 750-ps JESD-17 64-mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CDC2351 1-LINE TO 10-LINE CLOCK DRIVER WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS SCAS442B - FEBRUARY 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 Low Output Skew, Low Pulse Skew for Clock-Distribution and Clock-Generation Applications DB OR DW PACKAGE TOP VIEW GND [ 1 Operates at 3.3-V Vcc Y10 [ 2

    OCR Scan
    CDC2351 10-LINE SCAS442B CDC2351 PDF