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    PHILIPS WIDE BAND AMPLIFIERS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    UPC4570GR(20)-9LG-E1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Ultra Low-Noise, High-speed, Wide Band, Dual Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC844GR(20)-9LG-E1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Single Power Supply, High-speed, Wide Band, Quad Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC844GR(20)-9LG-E2-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Single Power Supply, High-speed, Wide Band, Quad Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC842G2(20)-E2-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Single Power Supply, High-speed, Wide Band, Dual Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    PHILIPS WIDE BAND AMPLIFIERS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ne5204 ZD 103 ma ne5205 ZD 103 NE5204AD SA5204AD SA5204AN RF1140 100MHz high-frequency generator
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS NE/SA5204A Wide-band high-frequency amplifier Product specification RF Communications Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1992 Feb 25 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Wide-band high-frequency amplifier NE/SA5204A DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION

    NE/SA5204A NE/SA5204A NE/SA5204 NE5204AN ne5204 ZD 103 ma ne5205 ZD 103 NE5204AD SA5204AD SA5204AN RF1140 100MHz high-frequency generator PDF

    100MHz high-frequency generator

    Abstract: NE5205AD SA5205AN NE5205AN ZD 103 ZD 103 ma SA5205AD SE5205A SE5205AN antenna amplifiers
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS NE/SA/SE5205A Wide-band high-frequency amplifier Product specification RF Communications Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1992 Feb 24 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Wide-band high-frequency amplifier NE/SA/SE5205A DESCRIPTION

    NE/SA/SE5205A NE/SA/SE5205A NE/SA/SE5205 450MHz, 100MHz high-frequency generator NE5205AD SA5205AN NE5205AN ZD 103 ZD 103 ma SA5205AD SE5205A SE5205AN antenna amplifiers PDF

    ZO 103

    Abstract: High-Frequency Wideband Power Transformers ZD 103 zo 103 ma ZD 103 ma operational amplifier discrete schematic tv schematic diagram PHILIPS 8505a SA5204A SA5204
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SA5204A Wide-band high-frequency amplifier Product specification Replaces data of Feb 25, 1992 IC17 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1997 Nov 07 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Wide-band high-frequency amplifier DESCRIPTION

    SA5204A SA5204A SA5204 SA5205. 350MHz ZO 103 High-Frequency Wideband Power Transformers ZD 103 zo 103 ma ZD 103 ma operational amplifier discrete schematic tv schematic diagram PHILIPS 8505a SA5204 PDF

    ZO 103

    Abstract: zo 103 ma 2 way antenna splitter, circuit diagram 100MHz high-frequency generator SA5205AD ZD 103 ma operational amplifier discrete schematic schematics power supply satellite receiver tv schematic diagram PHILIPS ZD 103
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SA5205A Wide-band high-frequency amplifier Product specification Replaces data of February 24, 1992 IC17 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1997 Nov 07 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Wide-band high-frequency amplifier SA5205A

    SA5205A SA5205A SA5205 24mAoration ZO 103 zo 103 ma 2 way antenna splitter, circuit diagram 100MHz high-frequency generator SA5205AD ZD 103 ma operational amplifier discrete schematic schematics power supply satellite receiver tv schematic diagram PHILIPS ZD 103 PDF


    Abstract: RESISTOR CR25 RESISTOR pr37 RESISTOR CR25 philips CR25 resistor PM3260 HP8620 PR37 RESISTOR blw32 s parameter philips resistor CR25
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE Wide-band linear power amplifiers 470 − 860 MHz with the transistors BLW32 and BLW33 ECO7806 Philips Semiconductors Wide-band linear power amplifiers (470 − 860 MHz) with the transistors BLW32 and BLW33 CONTENTS 1 ABSTRACT 2 INTRODUCTION

    BLW32 BLW33 ECO7806 PM7520 RESISTOR CR25 RESISTOR pr37 RESISTOR CR25 philips CR25 resistor PM3260 HP8620 PR37 RESISTOR blw32 s parameter philips resistor CR25 PDF

    linear amplifier 470-860

    Abstract: PM3260 BLW34 HP8620C HP86222A an blw32 33 RESISTOR pr37 PR37 RESISTOR HP8558B enamelled copper wire tables
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE A wide-band linear power amplifier 470 − 860 MHz with two transistors BLW34 ECO7901 Philips Semiconductors A wide-band linear power amplifier (470 − 860 MHz) with two transistors BLW34 CONTENTS 1 ABSTRACT 2 INTRODUCTION 3 THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS

    BLW34 ECO7901 SCA57 linear amplifier 470-860 PM3260 BLW34 HP8620C HP86222A an blw32 33 RESISTOR pr37 PR37 RESISTOR HP8558B enamelled copper wire tables PDF


    Abstract: hafo ABB Hafo 1A358 AN1431 NE5209 NHO300HB SA5223 SA5223D SD00537 SD00532
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Wide dynamic range AGC transimpedance amplifier 150MHz DESCRIPTION SA5223 PIN DESCRIPTION The SA5223 is a wide-band, low-noise transimpedance amplifier with differential outputs, incorporating AGC and optimized for signal

    150MHz) SA5223 SA5223 han539 SD00540 SD00542 200MHz ABB HAFO hafo ABB Hafo 1A358 AN1431 NE5209 NHO300HB SA5223D SD00537 SD00532 PDF


    Abstract: TDA6118JF 122k 2kv philips capacitor cross reference TDA6111Q AN01031 TDA6111Q equivalent sharp colour television pcb layout DBS9MPF TDA6118JF/s1
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE Application information for the TDA6118JF S1 wide band video output amplifier AN01031 Version: 2.0 July 2004 Philips Semiconductors Philips Semiconductors TDA6118JF S1 Wideband video output amplifier Application Note AN01031 Abstract This report gives a description of the TDA6118JF S1 wideband video output amplifier together with

    TDA6118JF AN01031 SCB74 TDA6118 122k 2kv philips capacitor cross reference TDA6111Q AN01031 TDA6111Q equivalent sharp colour television pcb layout DBS9MPF TDA6118JF/s1 PDF


    Abstract: NE5204A NE5204AD NE5205 SA5204AD SA5204AN zo 103 ma
    Text: Philips Semiconductors RF Communications Products Product specification Wide-band high-frequency amplifier DESCRIPTION NE/SA5204A PIN CONFIGURATION The NE/SA5204A family of wideband amplifiers replaces the NE/SA5204 family. The ‘A’ parts are fabricated on a rugged 2µm

    NE/SA5204A NE/SA5204A NE/SA5204 200MHz. 350MHz. NE5204AN NE5204A NE5204AD NE5205 SA5204AD SA5204AN zo 103 ma PDF


    Abstract: AN140
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Section 3 High Frequency/Video Amplifiers General Purpose/Linear ICs INDEX NE/SA5204A Wide-band high-frequency amplifier . 181 NE/SA/SE5205AWide-band high-frequency amplifier . 192

    OCR Scan
    NE/SA5204A NE/SA/SE5205AWide-band NE/SA5209 NE/SA5219 NE/SE5539 AN140 NE5592 NE592 AN141 HA733/733C NE-SE5539 PDF


    Abstract: philips om345
    Text: • bb53R31 003242b S34 * A P X I N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E D _ J OM345 \ _ HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER One-stage wide-band am plifier in hybrid integrated circu it technique on a th in -film substrate,

    OCR Scan
    bb53R31 003242b OM345 OM345 philips om345 PDF


    Abstract: hafo AN1431 NE5209 SA5223 SA5223D SD00537 te-e transformer
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Wide dynamic range AGC transimpedance amplifier 150MHz SA5223 PIN DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION The SA5223 is a wide-band, low-noise transimpedance amplifier with differential outputs, incorporating AGC and optimized for signal

    OCR Scan
    150MHz) SA5223 SA5223 OT96-1 076E03S MS-012AA 01Cl52b3 LA358 hafo AN1431 NE5209 SA5223D SD00537 te-e transformer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I I N AnER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bRE D bbSB'm 0D3E4flb JOl 11 APX O M 2060 HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER Three-stage wide-band amplifier in hybrid integrated circuit technique on a thin-film substrate, intended for use in mast-head booster-amplifiers, as preamplifier in MATV systems, and as general-purpose ampli­

    OCR Scan
    Q03E4TD PDF

    HYBRID OM2060

    Abstract: OM2060 philips om2060
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bTE D • ^53^31 0D3E4flb TGT * A P X OM2060 HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER Three-stage wide-band amplifier in hybrid integrated circuit technique on a thin-film substrate, intended for use in mast-head booster-amplifiers, as preamplifier in MATV systems, and as general-purpose ampli­

    OCR Scan
    OM2060 HYBRID OM2060 OM2060 philips om2060 PDF


    Abstract: philips om345 E43 marking philips SQ 10 amplifier kl2 r4 car amplifier philips MATV amplifiers
    Text: • bb53R31 0032M2b S34 ■ APX 11 N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE fc^E D HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER One-stage wide-band am plifier in hybrid integrated circu it technique on a th in -film substrate, intended fo r aerial amplifiers in car radios, caravans or RATV and M A T V applications.

    OCR Scan
    bb53131 0032M2b OM345 7Z82893 7Z82892 OM345 philips om345 E43 marking philips SQ 10 amplifier kl2 r4 car amplifier philips MATV amplifiers PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Wide dynamic range AGO transimpedance amplifier 150MHz DESCRIPTION SA5223 PIN DESCRIPTION The SA5223 is a wide-band, low-noise transimpedance amplifier with differential outputs, incorporating A G C and optimized for signal

    OCR Scan
    150MHz) SA5223 SA5223 SA5223D OT96-1 AN1431 PDF


    Abstract: philips ferrite core 4b1 philips hybrid amplifier modules
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE ]> • bbS3T31 003B444 5ST OM361 IAPX HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER Three-stage wide band am plifier in hybrid integrated circuit technique on a thin -film substrate, intended fo r use in mast-head booster-amplifiers, as an am plifier in M ATV systems, and as generalpurpose am plifier fo r v.h.f. and u.h.f. applications.

    OCR Scan
    bbS3T31 003B444 OM361 bb53T31 7Z82898 om361 philips ferrite core 4b1 philips hybrid amplifier modules PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/D'ISCRETE 25E D • bbS3131 GQlfi425 i ■ J OM339 t 7 y -0 7 -0 1 - HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER Three-stage wide-band amplifier in the hybrid integrated circuit technique, designed fo r use in mast­ head booster-amplifiers, as amplifier in MATV systems, and as general-purpose amplifier fo r v.h.f. and

    OCR Scan
    bbS3131 GQlfi425 OM339 PDF

    Design of H. F. Wideband Power Transformers

    Abstract: 8505a ne5205 SE5204A
    Text: Philips Semîconductors-Signetics RF Communications Products Product specification Wide-band high-frequency amplifier SO package to further reduce parasitic effects. DESCRIPTION The NE/SA5204A family of wideband amplifiers replaces the NE/SA5204 family.

    OCR Scan
    NE/SA5204A NE/SA5204A NE/SA5204 200MHz. 350MHz. Design of H. F. Wideband Power Transformers 8505a ne5205 SE5204A PDF

    philips om360

    Text: • bbS3R31 0G3243Û 25b IAPX i N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 0|V360 bSE J> v_ HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER Three-stage wide-band am plifier in hybrid integrated circu it technique on a th in -film substrate, ir'te r>decl fo r use in mast-head booster-amplifiers, as pream plifier in M ATV systems, and as general-purpose am pli­

    OCR Scan
    0G3243Ã OM36Q bb53131 003E4i 7Z82896 philips om360 OM360 HYBRID V.H.F./U.H.F. WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER V360 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5SE D N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE • bbSBTBl DOlfl1!? =1 ■ OM2061 T - 'V \ - 0 ° l- 0 \ HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER Three-stage wide-band amplifier in hybrid integrated circuit technique on a thin-film substrate, intended for use in mast-head booster-amplifiers, as an amplifier in MATV systems, and as generalpurpose amplifier for v.h.f. and u.h.f, applications.

    OCR Scan
    OM2061 T-74-09-01 7Z63782 7Z837Q1 Om2061 PDF


    Abstract: uhf tv booster circuit diagram OM370A philips om370 philips ferrite core 4b1 113dBuV philips if catv amplifier HYBRID V.H.F./U.H.F. AMPLIFIER
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE blE D • bbS3*i31 GG32450 flS3 * A P X U M d/U HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER Three-stage wide-band amplifier in hybrid integrated circuit technique on a thin-film substrate, intended for use in mast-head booster-amplifiers, as an amplifier in M A T V and C A T V systems, and as

    OCR Scan
    GG32450 OM370 uhf tv booster circuit diagram OM370A philips om370 philips ferrite core 4b1 113dBuV philips if catv amplifier HYBRID V.H.F./U.H.F. AMPLIFIER PDF


    Abstract: SA5223D
    Text: • bbSBTBM DCH4Ô17 254 « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Data Communications Products Preliminary specification Wide-dynamic-range AGC SA5223 DESCRIPTION PIN DESCRIPTION The SA5223 is a wide-band, low-noise transimpedance amplifier with differential outputs, incorporating AGC and optimized for signal

    OCR Scan
    SA5223 165MHz nh0300hb SA5223D PDF

    100MHz high-frequency generator

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors RF Communications Products Wide-band high-frequency amplifier NE/SA5204A DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The NE/SA5204A family of wideband amplifiers replaces the NE/SA5204 family. The 'A’ parts are fabricated on a rugged 2\im

    OCR Scan
    NE/SA5204A NE/SA5204A NE/SA5204 200MHz. 350MHz. 100MHz high-frequency generator PDF