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    PHILIPS SQ-10 AMPLIFIER Search Results

    PHILIPS SQ-10 AMPLIFIER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    P206 Coilcraft Inc Designer's Kit, Mag Amp toroids, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    UPC251G2-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC821C-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA17904ATEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    PHILIPS SQ-10 AMPLIFIER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: LA 4301 philips SQ 10 amplifier cg1f electrometer PHILIPS ELECTRONIC TUBE HANDBOOK ELECTRONIQUES
    Text: SQ PHILIPS E 80 F RELIABLE PENTODE for use in professional equipment life longer than 10 000 hours PENTHODE A GRANDE SECURITE DE FONCTIONNEMENT pour utilisation dans l'équipement professionnel ( durée plus longue que 10 000 heures) ZUVERLÄSSIGE PENTODE zur Verwendung in professionel­

    OCR Scan
    max33 -250V 7R03296 E80F LA 4301 philips SQ 10 amplifier cg1f electrometer PHILIPS ELECTRONIC TUBE HANDBOOK ELECTRONIQUES PDF

    philips SQ 10 amplifier

    Abstract: philips SQ 40 amplifier capacitor philips WN cg1f 18048 philips 220V Scans-0017316
    Text: SQ PHILIPS 18048/C3m SPECIAL QUALITY, LONG LIFE PENTODE for use as A.F. or R.F. amplifier, output tube, oscillator, etc. i.r. HEATING Indirect by A.C. or D.C.; series or parallel supply Heater voltage Vf = 20 Y Heater current If = 125 mA L max 55 , max 32

    OCR Scan
    18048/C3m 7R05455 7R0S458 philips SQ 10 amplifier philips SQ 40 amplifier capacitor philips WN cg1f 18048 philips 220V Scans-0017316 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHILIPS SQ |Ë288CC| SPECIAL QUALITY. LONG LIFE DOUBLE TRIODE with high mutual conductance and low noise for use in cascode circuits, in R.F. or X.F. amplifiers HEATIKQ Indirect by A.C. or D.C.; parallel supply Heater voltage Vf = 6.3 V Heater current If • 475 mA

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    E288CC E288CC PDF


    Abstract: philips oszillator philips SQ 10 amplifier amplificateur BF amplificateur hf PENTODE pl 84 multivibrator de puissance E80CF nf schaltungen PHILIPS ELECTRONIC TUBE HANDBOOK
    Text: SQ SPECIAL QUALITY, LONG LIFE, RUGGEDISED TRIODE-PENTODE with separate cathode leads; the pentode section for use as mixer, R.F. or A.F. amplifier; the triode section for use as oscillator up to 300 Mc/s, multivibrator or "blocking oscillator TRIODE-PENTODE X HAUTE SECURITE, DE LONGUE DURÉE ET DE

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: hf tube cascode e188cc E88CC hf cascode philips SQ 10 amplifier E88CC tube tube cathodique philips e88c PHILIPS ELECTRONIC TUBE HANDBOOK IE18
    Text: SQ SPECIAL QUALITY, SHOCK AND VIBRATION RESISTANT DOUBLE TRIODE for use in R.F. and A.F. circuits as cascode amplifier, cathode follower, etc. DOUBLE TRIODE A HAUTE SECURITE, RESISTANTE AUX CHOCS ET VIBRATIONS pour utilisation dans des circuits H.F. et B.F.

    OCR Scan
    E188CC E88CC hf tube cascode e188cc E88CC hf cascode philips SQ 10 amplifier E88CC tube tube cathodique philips e88c PHILIPS ELECTRONIC TUBE HANDBOOK IE18 PDF

    E130L tube

    Abstract: E130L tube regulateur de courant tube cathodique PHILIPS tube cathodique culot 19bl PHILIPS ELECTRONIC TUBE HANDBOOK E13G
    Text: SQ PHILIPS SPECIAL QUALITY HIGH SLOPE POWER PENTODE for use as wide band amplifier, cathode follower, series regulator tube for stabilized D.C. supply and output tube. PENTODE DE PUISSANCE À HAUTE SÉCURITÉ ET À PENTE ËLEVEE pour l'utilisation comme amplificatrice à large bande,

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    E13GL E130L tube E130L tube regulateur de courant tube cathodique PHILIPS tube cathodique culot 19bl PHILIPS ELECTRONIC TUBE HANDBOOK E13G PDF

    hf tube cascode

    Abstract: E88CC E88CC tube E88CC hf cascode e88cc jj tube e88cc tube cathodique philips tube cathodique culot
    Text: PHILIPS SQ SPECIAL QUALITY DOUBLE TRIODE with high mutual conductance and low noise for use In cascode circuits, ln H.F. or I.F. amplifiers, mixer or phase-lnverter stages or as multi­ vibrator and cathode follower in computers DOUBLE TRIODE A HAUTE SECURITE à pente haute et à faible

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: tube e810f cg1f CG124 philips SQ 10 amplifier vbg1 Philips capacitor 165 ckf t1
    Text: SQ PHILIPS E810F SPECIAL QUALITY, LONG LIFE, SHOCK AND VIBRATION RESISTANT PENTODE for use as wide band amplifier In professional equipment Dimensions In mm <7^ Base: NOVAL o> g £ max 55.6 HEATING Indirect by A.C. or D.C.; parallel supply Heater voltage V-p = 6.3 V

    OCR Scan
    E810F max22 7Z00928 E810F tube e810f cg1f CG124 philips SQ 10 amplifier vbg1 Philips capacitor 165 ckf t1 PDF

    6021 tube

    Abstract: 6021 triode ELECTRONIQUES subminiature tubes Tube 6021
    Text: SQ PHILIPS Special auality shock and Titration résistant MEDIUM p DOUBLE TRIODf for use as R.F. amplifier and osclllator DOUBLE TRIODE a haute sécurité, résistante aux chocs et vibrations, & COEFFICIENT D ’AMPLIFICATION MOYEN pour utilisation comme amplificatrice H.F. et oscillatrlce

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    on 5718

    Abstract: 5718 ELECTRONIQUES subminiature 5718 5718 TUBE HA711 f11s POS-200 tube 506 tension
    Text: SQ SUBMINIATURE TRIODE for use as R.F. amplifier, as osoillator up to 1000 Mc/s and as RC-coupled A.F. amplifier TRIODE SUBMINIATURE pour l'utilisation comme amplificateur H.F., comme oscillateur Jusqu'à 1000 MHz et comme am­ plificateur B.F. a couplage par résistance

    OCR Scan
    50x25 7R05707 on 5718 5718 ELECTRONIQUES subminiature 5718 5718 TUBE HA711 f11s POS-200 tube 506 tension PDF

    philips SQ 10 amplifier

    Abstract: 5639 tube vibration ELECTRONIQUES subminiature tubes tube 5639
    Text: SQ PHILIPS Special nuality stock and vibration résistant PENTODE for use as,output pentode and video amplifier PENTODE à haute sécurité, résistante aux chocs et vibra­ tions, pour u t i l isation comme pentode de sortie et amplificatrice vidéo Zuverlässige, stoss- und vibrationsfeste PENTODE zur Ver­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: PHILIPS ELECTRONIC TUBE HANDBOOK tube cathodique philips tube cathodique culot BEL100 culot cag003 Scans-0017823 vbg1 Hf460
    Text: SQ PHILIPS fËïsô? SPECIAL QUALITY PENTODE for use as wide band amplifier in professional equipment PENTHODE A HAUTE SECURITE, DE FONCTIONNEMENT pour utili­ sation en amplificatrice a large bande Clans l'équipement professionnel ZUVERLÄSSIGE PENTODE zur Verwendung als Breitbandverstärker

    OCR Scan
    max22 E180F E180F PHILIPS ELECTRONIC TUBE HANDBOOK tube cathodique philips tube cathodique culot BEL100 culot cag003 Scans-0017823 vbg1 Hf460 PDF


    Abstract: philips SQ 10 amplifier E186 bandfilter ELECTRONIQUES
    Text: PHILIPS SQ SPECIAL QUALITY, long life, shock and Titration resistant, low microphonie BROAD BAND AMPLIFIER PENTODE PENTHODE AMPLIFICATRICE À LARGE BANDE ET À. HAUTE SÉCURITÉ, de longue durée, résistante aux chocs et vibrations et avec faible effet microphonique

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    max22 E186F philips SQ 10 amplifier E186 bandfilter ELECTRONIQUES PDF

    tube 6201

    Abstract: ELECTRONIQUES avo2vo triode switching noval PHILIPS ELECTRONIC TUBE HANDBOOK philips FP 9600 double triode CK1
    Text: SQ PHILIPS r 62M SPECIAL QUALITY DOUBLE TRIODE for use as R.F. amplifier in grounded grid circuits, as frequency changer below approximately 300 llc/s in mobile and industrial equipment with Intermittent operation, or for on-off control appli­ cations where operation under cut-off conditions is required

    OCR Scan
    R05399 tube 6201 ELECTRONIQUES avo2vo triode switching noval PHILIPS ELECTRONIC TUBE HANDBOOK philips FP 9600 double triode CK1 PDF

    philips SQ 10 amplifier

    Abstract: El 48 tube E88C E88C
    Text: SQ PHILIPS E88C SPECIAL QUALITY TRIODE for use as grounded grid aerial amplifier for tanas IV and V HEATINQ Indirect by A.C. or D.C. parallel supply Heater voltage vy = 6.3 V Heater current If = 155 mA Dimensions in mm CAPACITANCES Without external screening

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    7Z00500 philips SQ 10 amplifier El 48 tube E88C E88C PDF


    Abstract: MC3361D quadrature coil for mc3361 RMS-2A6597HM MC3361 squelch CFU455D MC3361N 10.245MHz crystal ScansUX80 For3D
    Text: Philips Semiconductors RF Communications Products Product specification Low-power FM IF MC3361 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The MC3361 Is a monolithic low-power FM IF signal processing system consisting of an oscillator, mixer, limiting amplifier, quadrature detector, filter amplifier, squelch, scan control

    OCR Scan
    MC3361 16-lead, 16-lead 60MHz 245MHz CFU455DÃ RMS-2A6597HM MC3361D quadrature coil for mc3361 RMS-2A6597HM MC3361 squelch CFU455D MC3361N 10.245MHz crystal ScansUX80 For3D PDF


    Abstract: mc3361 MC3361 squelch MC3361D philips SQ 10 amplifier murata cfu455 murata filter cfu455 CFU455D MC3361N
    Text: P h ilip s S e m ico n d u cto rs R F C o m m u n ica tio n s P ro d u cts P rod u ct specification Low-power FM IF DESCRIPTION MC3361 FEATURES The MC3361 is a monolithic low-power FM !F signal processing system consisting of an oscillator, mixer, limiting amplifier, quadrature

    OCR Scan
    MC3361 MC3361 16-lead, 16-lead 60MHz CFU455DÃ 245MHz rms-2a6s97hm cfu455 MC3361 squelch MC3361D philips SQ 10 amplifier murata cfu455 murata filter cfu455 CFU455D MC3361N PDF


    Text: SQ PHILIPS SPECIAL QUALITY Sharp cut-off PENTODE for use in wlde-band ampllflers PENTHODE A HAUTE SECURITE à pente constante pour utilisation dans amplificateurs à large bande ZUVERLÄSSIGE PENTODE mit konstanter Steilheit zur Verwendung in Breitbandverstärkern

    OCR Scan

    philips om350

    Abstract: OM350
    Text: ^ 5 3 ^ 3 1 DD3243E fl3fl H A P X OM350 _ N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bRE ]> HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER Two-stage wide-band amplifier in hybrid integrated circuit technique on a thin-film substrate, intended for RATV and MATV applications.

    OCR Scan
    DD3243E OM350 D032M37 philips om350 OM350 PDF


    Abstract: philips om345
    Text: • bb53R31 003242b S34 * A P X I N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E D _ J OM345 \ _ HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER One-stage wide-band am plifier in hybrid integrated circu it technique on a th in -film substrate,

    OCR Scan
    bb53R31 003242b OM345 OM345 philips om345 PDF

    car amplifier

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • bbS3T31 D0324b3 401 H A P X N AUER PHIL IPS /DISCRE TE b'îE » OM2Q45 HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER One-stage wide-band amplifier in hybrid integrated circuit technique on a thin-film substrate, intended for aerial amplifiers in car radios, caravans or RATV and M ATV applications.

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    D0324b3 OM2Q45 7Z82892 kilyy19Bi7Res car amplifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • bbS3T31 DD3E4b3 401 H A P X N AUER PHIL IPS /DISCR ETE b'JE » O M 2045 HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER One-stage wide-band amplifier in hybrid integrated circuit technique on a thin-film substrate, intended for aerial amplifiers in car radios, caravans or RATV and MATV applications.

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    bbS3T31 Q03B4b7 OM2045 Q0354bfl PDF


    Abstract: philips om345 E43 marking philips SQ 10 amplifier kl2 r4 car amplifier philips MATV amplifiers
    Text: • bb53R31 0032M2b S34 ■ APX 11 N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE fc^E D HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VHF/UHF WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIER One-stage wide-band am plifier in hybrid integrated circu it technique on a th in -film substrate, intended fo r aerial amplifiers in car radios, caravans or RATV and M A T V applications.

    OCR Scan
    bb53131 0032M2b OM345 7Z82893 7Z82892 OM345 philips om345 E43 marking philips SQ 10 amplifier kl2 r4 car amplifier philips MATV amplifiers PDF

    wound bifilar

    Abstract: ECG1134 S100 bifilar
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC 17E [ • tat^^SÛ GG041MS 2 ■ T - 77-07-05 < • • • • • • PIF Amplifier r Video Detector Video Amplifier Keyed AGC with Noise Immunity Circuit) Delayed AGC for Tuner AFT Amplifier .#70 • • • • Sound IF Amplifier Sound Carrier Detector

    OCR Scan
    GG041MS ECG1134 T-77-07-05 27-7/8T wound bifilar ECG1134 S100 bifilar PDF