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    PHILIPS ECG2329 Search Results

    PHILIPS ECG2329 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    ECG Cross Reference

    Abstract: transistor ECG128 Philips ECG 152 ECG159 transistor ECG159 ECG2355 NPN pnp MATCHED PAIRS ECG289A ECG184 cross reference ECG157
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC 54E D Transistors cont'd ECG Type Description and Application • ^53^20 00071b2 OBT « E C G (Maximum Ratings at Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted) Collector To Base Volts Collector To Emitter Volts Base to Emitter Volts BVc b o BV c e O

    OCR Scan
    00071b2 ECG2429 ECG2428) OT-89 T20-5 ECG2430 ECG2431 ECG2431 ECG Cross Reference transistor ECG128 Philips ECG 152 ECG159 transistor ECG159 ECG2355 NPN pnp MATCHED PAIRS ECG289A ECG184 cross reference ECG157 PDF


    Abstract: s34 zener diode diode t48 s34 diode philips ECG2328 philips ECG2329 ECG2328 ECG2331 ECG zener diode 2 Amp zener diode
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC SHE D Transistors c o n rd j ECG Type Description and Application • bbSB^fi 000715^ S34 « E C G (Maximum Ratings at Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted Collector To Base Volts Collector To Emitter Volts Base to Emitter Volts BV c b o BV c e o

    OCR Scan
    ECG2315 O-220 ECG2316 O-218) ECG2317 ECG2318 O-220J T41-1 ECG2337 ECG2322 s34 zener diode diode t48 s34 diode philips ECG2328 philips ECG2329 ECG2328 ECG2331 ECG zener diode 2 Amp zener diode PDF