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    PHILIPS AN1983 Search Results

    PHILIPS AN1983 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: NE602 application note Signal mixing NE602 NE602 equivalent NE602 application overtone butler oscillator rf ne602 AN1983 NE602 NE5212 variable inductor values for 10MHz- 100MHz oscillator variable inductor for 100MHz oscillator
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AN1983 Crystal oscillators and frequency multipliers using the NE602 and NE5212 1991 Dec Philips Semiconductors Philips Semiconductors Application note Crystal oscillators and frequency multipliers using the NE602 and NE5212 AN1983 than their LC counterparts. Figure 1 shows the equivalent circuit of

    AN1983 NE602 NE5212 NE5212 NE602 application note Signal mixing NE602 NE602 equivalent NE602 application overtone butler oscillator rf ne602 AN1983 NE602 NE5212 variable inductor values for 10MHz- 100MHz oscillator variable inductor for 100MHz oscillator PDF


    Abstract: SA602A Signetics NE602 Crystal Radio applications an1983 philips an1982 MARKING CODE 50602 SA602AN
    Text: RF COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS SA602A Double-balanced mixer and oscillator Product specification Replaces datasheet of April 17, 1990 IC17 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1997 Nov 07 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Double-balanced mixer and oscillator

    SA602A SA602A 45MHz. BLOCK DIAGRAM NE602 Signetics NE602 Crystal Radio applications an1983 philips an1982 MARKING CODE 50602 SA602AN PDF