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    PEC 408 Search Results

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    PEC 408 Price and Stock

    Glenair Inc 240-805-01M8-4SSPEC

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    Mouser Electronics 240-805-01M8-4SSPEC
    • 1 -
    • 10 $2996.11
    • 100 $2996.11
    • 1000 $2996.11
    • 10000 $2996.11
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    PEC 408 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: PEC 408 STK500 ATMEGA16 note application
    Text: AVR316: SMbus Slave Using the TWI Module Features • • • • 8-bit Microcontrollers Supports 9 different SMBus protocols Packet error checking PEC Interrupt-driven SMBus slave driver Sample implementation with demonstration of all supported protocols

    AVR316: 583A-AVR-10/05 AVR316 PEC 408 STK500 ATMEGA16 note application PDF

    18650 lithium ion constant voltage charge profile

    Abstract: 18650 lithium ion 18650 li-ion BQ2063 unseal 103AT bq2063 HDQ16 18650 lithium ion charging rate 18650* battery 18650 li ion battery specifications
    Text: bq2063 SBS v1.1-COMPLIANT Li-ION GAUGE IC WITH PROTECTOR INTERFACE SLUS468A – MARCH 2001 D Provides Accurate Measurement of SSOP PACKAGE TOP VIEW D D D D D D D D with PEC or 1-Wire HDQ16 Directly Interfaces the Seiko S-8243 Protection IC for Maximum Safety

    bq2063 SLUS468A HDQ16 S-8243 15-Bit 28-Pin 150-Mil 18650 lithium ion constant voltage charge profile 18650 lithium ion 18650 li-ion BQ2063 unseal 103AT bq2063 HDQ16 18650 lithium ion charging rate 18650* battery 18650 li ion battery specifications PDF

    Fingerprint scanner block diagram

    Abstract: C161U C166 6618 firmware Infineon USB microcontroller C166CBC
    Text: C161U: Block Diagram Overview - C161U C166 CBC Core 3.3 VIN XBUS External Bus Port 6 Port 0 SCU Incl. Watchdog PEC 2 ext. IR RTC Interrupt Bus 16 16 XBUS Control 4 Bus Modi 4 ext. CS Logic GPT1 Sync. USART Channel T2 ASC SSC T3 GPT2 T5 OCDS Peripheral Data

    C161U: C161U C161U Fingerprint scanner block diagram C166 6618 firmware Infineon USB microcontroller C166CBC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bq2063 SBS v1.1ĆCOMPLIANT LiĆION GASĆGAUGE IC WITH PROTECTOR INTERFACE SLUS468E− MAY 2001 − REVISED APRIL 2002 D Provides Accurate Measurement of D D D D D D D D D Available Charge in Li-Ion Batteries Supports the 2-Wire SMBus V1.1 Interface With PEC or Single-Wire HDQ16

    bq2063 SLUS468Eâ HDQ16 S-8243 15-Bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bq2063 SBS v1.1ĆCOMPLIANT LiĆION GASĆGAUGE IC WITH PROTECTOR INTERFACE SLUS468D– MAY 2001 – REVISED DECEMBER 2001 D Provides Accurate Measurement of D D D D D D D D D Available Charge in Li-Ion Batteries Supports the 2-Wire SMBus V1.1 Interface With PEC or 1-Wiret HDQ16

    bq2063 SLUS468D­ HDQ16 S-8243 15-Bit 28-Pin 150-Mil PDF

    Bar-Graph Level Gauge

    Abstract: BQ2063 UNSEALED 103AT bq2063 bq2063DBQ HDQ16 VCELL12 4448C
    Text: bq2063 SBS v1.1ĆCOMPLIANT LiĆION GASĆGAUGE IC WITH PROTECTOR INTERFACE SLUS468E− MAY 2001 − REVISED APRIL 2002 D Provides Accurate Measurement of D D D D D D D D D Available Charge in Li-Ion Batteries Supports the 2-Wire SMBus V1.1 Interface With PEC or Single-Wire HDQ16

    bq2063 SLUS468E- HDQ16 S-8243 15-Bit Bar-Graph Level Gauge BQ2063 UNSEALED 103AT bq2063 bq2063DBQ HDQ16 VCELL12 4448C PDF

    CQ 4.000 crystal oscillator 4Mhz

    Abstract: Microcomputer 8080 78A0 M38867
    Text: RY n INA versio MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS 3886 Group LIM emory E R P ash m . . tion hange c ifica pec ject to s l fina sub ot a its are is n his tric lim T : e m ice Not e para Som for fl SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER FLASH MEMORY VERSION DESCRIPTION


    P41 Package

    Abstract: M38223M4A-XXXFP
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS ARY N I LIM E R P 3822 Group A ver. . tion hange. ifica c pec ject to s l fina sub ot a its are n is This etric lim ice: Not e param Som SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The 3822 group (A version) is the 8-bit microcomputer based on


    980202 remote

    Abstract: 980202 980202 18 pin AUTO 980202 AT 980202 FLD37 1A93 se-b3 38B5 BUZ01
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS ARY N I IM L E PR 38B5 Group . . tion hange c ifica pec ject to s l fina sub ot a its are is n his tric lim T : e m ice Not e para Som SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER • DESCRIPTION The 38B5 group is the 8-bit microcomputer based on the 740 family

    16-bit 12-channel 10-bit \KI-9802 980202 remote 980202 980202 18 pin AUTO 980202 AT 980202 FLD37 1A93 se-b3 38B5 BUZ01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F-205-1 POWER EDGE CARD SPECIFICATIONS For complete specifications see or see Insulator Material: Black Liquid Crystal Polymer Contact Material: LEAD STYLE NO. PINS PER ROW PEC I m nuwnnsw Current Rating PEC : 5A @ 30°C Temperature Rise

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    F-205-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F-207 5am POWER EDGE-CARD PEC, OPP SERIES SPECIFICATIONS For complete specifications and recommended PCB layouts see or PLATING OPTION OPTION I Insulator Material: Black Liquid Crystal Polymer LEAD STYLE NO. PINS PER ROW

    OCR Scan
    F-207 852-26904858-Fax: 4528112-Fax: PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F-206 POWER EDGE CARD PEC, OPP SERIES SPECIFICATIONS For complete specifications and recommended PCB layouts see or Insulator Material: Black Liquid Crystal Polymer HumnnsM Contact Material: BeCu Plating: Sn over 50p" 1,27pm Ni

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    F-206 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Registered Hex TTL/PECL Translator M C10H 606 M C 100H 606 The M C 10/100H 606 is a 6 -b it, registered, single supply T T L to PECL translator. The device fea tu re s differential PEC L outputs as well as a choice between either a differentia] PEC L clock input or a T T L clock input. The

    OCR Scan
    10/100H DL122 PDF


    Abstract: a1980 cem wax a ldr 6k 100T2 CE-US capacitor
    Text: - 2se d — - • - . - - □aoDas'î t ■ ; ON CHIP SYSTEMS curto aecTRomuiic spkw ltks 110 Highland Ave: L o i Gatos Ca. 95030. USA Tel. 408 395-3350 Voltage Controlled Filter The CEM 3320 is a high pec formalice voltage controlled

    OCR Scan
    A1980 CEM3320 a1980 cem wax a ldr 6k 100T2 CE-US capacitor PDF


    Abstract: MJE182 MJE172 MJE180 MJE170 MJE171 mje17c HF9 transistor
    Text: ÆàMOS PEC COMPLEMENTARY SILICON PLASTIC PNP MJE170 MJE171 MJE172 POWER TRANSISTORS . designed for low power amplifier and low current, high speed switch» i applications. FEATURES: * Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage40 v Min - MJE170.MJE180 = 60 V (Min) - MJE171,MJE181

    OCR Scan
    MJE170 MJE180 MJE171 MJE181 MJE172 MJE182 MJE181 MJE182 MJE180 mje17c HF9 transistor PDF


    Abstract: 2N4233A IR425 2N4231A 2N4232A 2N6212 2N6312 2N6313 2N6314
    Text: Æà MOS PEC COMPLEMENTARY SILICON MEDIUM-POWER TRANSISTORS NPN 2N4231A 2N4232A 2N4233A .designed for general-purpose power amplifier and switching applications. FEATURES: * Low Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE!sat = 0 .7 V M a x .)@ lc = 1.5A ‘ Excellent DC Current Gain

    OCR Scan
    2N4231A 2N4233A 12N6312 2N6314 2N6312 2N4232A 2N6313 2N6314 2N4231 IR425 2N6212 PDF


    Abstract: IS21I2
    Text: CELBRITEK M a y " M 4 Pec,Y,cat'ons CFA0103 Series Low-Noise GaAs FETs i c l2 Features □ High Gain □ Super Low-Noise □ Pseudomorphic HEMT □ 70 Mil Hermetic Package Applications □ Satellite Receivers □ Point-to-Point Radio Receivers □ Commercial Communications

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    CFA0103 y79g4Peciiicalions CFA0103-L IS21I2 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5303 2N4398 2N4399 2N5301 2N5745 N5303
    Text: ÆàMOS PEC NPN SILICON HIGH-POWER TRANSISTORS NPN General Purpose use in power amplifier and switching circuit applications. 2N5301 2N5302 2N5303 FEATURES: * DC Current Gain Specified- 1.0 to 30 A * Low Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage v CE<sat = °-75 v M ax) @ lc = 10 A - 2N5301, 2N5302

    OCR Scan
    2N5301, 2N5302 2N5303, 2N4398 2N4399 2N5745 2N5301 2N5303 2N5745 N5303 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^ZilßG A d van c e In fo r m atio n S pec ific atio n Z88C00 CMOS SUPER8 ROMlESS MCU FEATURES • Full Super8 Instruction Set ■ CMOS Technology ■ Available in 48- and 64-pin packages ■ Multiply and Divide instructions, Boolean and BCD operations

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    Z88C00 64-pin 16-bit DC-2551-0A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: pec 18 1991 NOVEMBER1990 GEC P L E S S E Y _ PRELIMINARY INFO RM A TIO N SEMICONDUCTORS M V 9 5 1 1 30/50MHZ TRIPLE 8-BIT CMOS VIDEO DAC The GPS CMOS MV95101 is a triple 8-bit video DAC designed for use in high performance, high resolution colour

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    NVME1990 30/50MHZ MV95101 RS-343A RS-170 PS2420 PDF

    EUPEC TT 105 N 12

    Abstract: EUPEC TT 105 N 14 EUPEC tt 105 N 16 T698F t510s T760S EUPEC TT 56 n 16 A358S A618 T128F
    Text: EUPEC 52E D A 618 S 34032*17 ÜDGGSbE 3 fll «U PEC " F 2 5 - Z O 600 Typenreihe/Type range 800 1000 1100 1200 1300* Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum permissible values V 600. 1300 V 15 V 50 V drm V rrm V r r m C

    OCR Scan
    T-91-20 EUPEC TT 105 N 12 EUPEC TT 105 N 14 EUPEC tt 105 N 16 T698F t510s T760S EUPEC TT 56 n 16 A358S A618 T128F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: pr elim in a r y pro du c t S pec ific atio n 3 > Z iI0 3 Z8604 NMOS Z8 8-BlT M icrocontroller FEATURES • 8-bit NMOS Microcomputer, 18-pin DIP ■ Two programmable 8-bit Counter/Timers each with 6bit programmable prescaler ■ Low Cost ■ 6 vectored, priority interrupts from 5 different sources

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    Z8604 18-pin DC-2524-02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXCONN HEADERS 410, 420 Series 0.1 2.54mm Centers Single and Dual Row P er f o r m a n c e S pec ific atio n s Materials and Finish Dielectric Body: P B T therm oplastic, bla ck color, 30% g la ss filled, self-extinguishing, 9 4V -0 rated Contact Material: P h o sp h o r bronze

    OCR Scan
    ies-----------------------------------410 PDF

    115114 scr

    Abstract: p1a17 zilog SCC sdlc software synchronous counter using flip floe txal 406 txrx Z80 RAM 100-PIN Z180 Z181
    Text: P r o d u c t S pec ific a tio n < £ Z iI f ìG Z80181 Z181 SAC S m a r t A c c e s s C o n tr o ller FEATURES • Z80180 Com patible MPU Core with 1 channel of Z85C30 SCC, Z80 CTC, two 8-bit general purpose parallel ports, and two chip select signals. ■

    OCR Scan
    Z80180 Z85C30 Z80181 16-bit 115114 scr p1a17 zilog SCC sdlc software synchronous counter using flip floe txal 406 txrx Z80 RAM 100-PIN Z180 Z181 PDF