Key Specifications, Polarity: Standard, Connector Series: MHV, Connector Gender: Female, Impedance: 50 Ohm, Body Style: Straight, Attachment Method: Crimp/Solder, Mount Method: Bulkhead, Interface Type 1: RG55, Interface Type 2: RG141, Interface Type 3: RG142, Interface Type 4: RG223, Interface Type 5: RG400. MHV Female Bulkhead Connector Crimp/Solder Attachment For RG55, RG141, RG142, RG223, RG400. PE44107 MHV female bulkhead coaxial connector has an interface type of RG55, RG141, RG142, RG223, RG400 and a 50 Ohm impedance. Pasternack MHV female bulkhead connector uses shield/contact crimp/solder as an attachment method. The Pasternack MHV coaxial connector has a brass body with nickel plating. This MHV female bulkhead coaxial RF connector is REACH compliant. This Pasternack female MHV bulkhead connector will ship the same day as purchased. Our bulkhead MHV female connector is part of over 40,000 RF, microwave and millimeter wave components in stock for worldwide shipment. We also build custom MHV connector cable assemblies that will ship the same day as well.
Abstract: RG141 RG142 RG223 RG400
Text: BO D Y CO NTACT INSULATOR M A T E R IA L S B R A S S NICKEL PLATED SILVER PLATED PTFE MOUNTING HOLE P A S T E R N A C K E N T E R P R I S E S , IN C . P.O B O X 16759, IRVINE, C A 92G23 P H O N E 949 261-1920 FA X <949) 261-7451 W E B A D D R E S S : w w w .pastem