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    PDI CRYSTAL FILTER Search Results

    PDI CRYSTAL FILTER Result Highlights (5)

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    S3HP807L Coilcraft Inc High Pass Filter Visit Coilcraft Inc
    S3LP807L Coilcraft Inc Low Pass Filter Visit Coilcraft Inc
    S3LP218L Coilcraft Inc Low Pass Filter Visit Coilcraft Inc
    DFT7160-513BLB Coilcraft Inc Data Line Filter, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    S3LP158L Coilcraft Inc Low Pass Filter Visit Coilcraft Inc

    PDI CRYSTAL FILTER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: FTR3005 FTR3070 ftr03 ftr4001 FTR3011 FTR5090 FTR3065 FTR3085 FTR3092
    Text: CRYSTAL FILTERS STANDARD CRYSTAL FILTERS 10.70 MHz Crystal Filters PDI dB Part Number FTR3005 FTR3011 FTR3057 FTR3065 FTR3085 FTR3090 FTR3092 FTR6005 FTR6016 FTR6029 FTR6037 FTR6057 FTR6082 FTR6090 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 3 3 6 3 Passband Ripple ± 5.7 KHz Min

    FTR3005 FTR3011 FTR3057 FTR3065 FTR3085 FTR3090 FTR3092 FTR6005 FTR6016 FTR6029 FTR4030 FTR3005 FTR3070 ftr03 ftr4001 FTR3011 FTR5090 FTR3065 FTR3085 FTR3092 PDF

    PDI crystal filter

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P D I S ta n d a rd S u r fa c e Mo u nt Cr ystal F ilters PDI offers a variety of Surface Mount Filters over a wide range of standard frequencies, 10.000 MHz to 90.000 MHz and are of the highest quality for any commercial or military grade specifications. PDI’s crystal filters are available in a

    25000Xâ HC-49/U PDI crystal filter PDF

    Atmel AT01080: XMEGA E Schematic Checklist

    Abstract: Application Notes AVR1003 capacitor 18pF AT01080 Atmel AVR XMEGA A Manual XMEGA Application Notes
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE Atmel AT01080: XMEGA E Schematic Checklist Atmel AVR XMEGA E Features • • • • • Power supplies Reset circuit Clocks and crystal oscillators PDI TWI Introduction This application note describes a common checklist which should be used when

    AT01080: 2087A Atmel AT01080: XMEGA E Schematic Checklist Application Notes AVR1003 capacitor 18pF AT01080 Atmel AVR XMEGA A Manual XMEGA Application Notes PDF

    u3 16,384 Mhz

    Abstract: smd marking l5 2 pin crystal oscillator 11.0592 mhz LP-9000 139,264 crystal oscillator 11.0592 mhz 39REF 300000 ppm crystal oscillator 11.0592 mhz smd PDI 36.864
    Text: CRYSTAL UNITS LP-9000 CRYSTALS PRECISION DEVICES INCORPORATED has established itself as a true leader in the production of the low profile surface mount crystals. PDI has developed equipment to produce these crystals throughout the SMD process. All crystals are 100% solder dipped after the lead

    LP-9000 LP-9000 10ppm 15ppm 25ppm u3 16,384 Mhz smd marking l5 2 pin crystal oscillator 11.0592 mhz 139,264 crystal oscillator 11.0592 mhz 39REF 300000 ppm crystal oscillator 11.0592 mhz smd PDI 36.864 PDF

    Atmel AVR1018: XMEGA B Schematic Checklist

    Abstract: Application Notes Xplain AVR1003 AVR1018 AVR atmel 16 kit schematic AVR1017 atmel 042 8414A AVR4100
    Text: Atmel AVR1018: XMEGA B Schematic Checklist Features • • • • • • Power supplies Reset circuit Clocks and crystal oscillators JTAG and PDI USB LCD 8-bit Atmel Microcontrollers Application Note 1 Introduction A good hardware design comes from a proper schematic. Since Atmel AVR®

    AVR1018: 414A-AVR-07/11 Atmel AVR1018: XMEGA B Schematic Checklist Application Notes Xplain AVR1003 AVR1018 AVR atmel 16 kit schematic AVR1017 atmel 042 8414A AVR4100 PDF

    AVR1012: XMEGA A Schematic Checklist

    Abstract: AVR1012 AVR atmel 16 kit schematic ATAVRXPLAIN AVR1003 8278B-AVR lpc interface sram PDI 408 xmega a3* pdi Atmel 514
    Text: AVR1012: XMEGA A Schematic Checklist Features • • • • • • Power Supplies Backup battery for XMEGA A3B Reset circuit Clocks and crystal oscillators External bus interface JTAG and PDI 8-bit Microcontrollers Application Note 1 Introduction A good hardware design comes from a proper schematic. Since AVR XMEGA A

    AVR1012: 8278B-AVR-03/10 AVR1012: XMEGA A Schematic Checklist AVR1012 AVR atmel 16 kit schematic ATAVRXPLAIN AVR1003 8278B-AVR lpc interface sram PDI 408 xmega a3* pdi Atmel 514 PDF


    Abstract: smd 3258 filter 465 KHz HB49 PDI crystal filter HC-49 03-o
    Text: SURFACE MOUNT CRYSTAL FILTER PACKAGES Package FTR # 8 HC-49 Gull Wing A 2.79 ± .50 C A .48 ± .008 .074 .190 3.75 ± .20 7.90 Max .192 ± .008 .096 2.44 3.00 .190 4.88 ± .20 11.05 Max .250 1.98 ± .30 .250 .035 C .030 Package FTR # 9 (UM-1 Gull Wing) .250

    HC-49 HA-49/U HB-49/U 80C2300 smd 3258 filter 465 KHz HB49 PDI crystal filter 03-o PDF

    Precision Products International

    Abstract: XTAL Crystals Oscillators PRECISION DEVICES LP-9000
    Text: 2207A-Announcement v6.qxd 7/12/00 8:22 AM Page 1 GLOBAL PRESENCE… Headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin, PDI has a highly automated, high-volume DESIGN and MANUFACTURING facility. Its plant in Erlanger, Kentucky specializes in manufacturing quick turn, tight tolerance, high precision quartz CRYSTALS.

    207A-Announcement LP-9000 Precision Products International XTAL Crystals Oscillators PRECISION DEVICES PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: USA +1 800 274-9825 UK / EMEA +44 (0)1223 834 444 ASIA +852 2637 3626 MONOLITHIC CRYSTAL FILTER SPECIFICATION: S1 Frequency Range : 15.000 000 to 250.000 000 MHz Temperature Range Operating Storage

    20kHz 15MHz 250MHz) 20kHz 100kHz 45MHz PDF


    Abstract: RJ11 pin pin RJ11 RJ11 4pin varistor motorola circuit diagram of hearing aid Hearing Aid Circuit Diagram circuit diagram of digital hearing aid hearing aid microphone fsync in PCM
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC14LC5480EVK/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC14LC5480EVK Advance Information MC14LC5480, MC145481, MC145482, MC145483, and MC145484 PCM Codec-Filter Evaluation Kit Users Manual + 5 V GND CLOCK GENERATION CIRCUITRY ANALOG INTERFACE

    MC14LC5480EVK/D MC14LC5480EVK MC14LC5480, MC145481, MC145482, MC145483, MC145484 TN97033100 MC14LC5480EVK PIN DIAGRAM OF RJ11 RJ11 pin pin RJ11 RJ11 4pin varistor motorola circuit diagram of hearing aid Hearing Aid Circuit Diagram circuit diagram of digital hearing aid hearing aid microphone fsync in PCM PDF


    Abstract: fsync in PCM J10B MC145482 MC14LC5480 J20A MC145481 MC145483 MC145484 MC145532
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC14LC5480EVK/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC14LC5480EVK Advance Information MC14LC5480, MC145481, MC145482, MC145483, and MC145484 PCM Codec-Filter Evaluation Kit Users Manual + 5 V GND CLOCK GENERATION CIRCUITRY ANALOG INTERFACE

    MC14LC5480EVK/D MC14LC5480EVK MC14LC5480, MC145481, MC145482, MC145483, MC145484 TN97033100 MC14LC5480EVK J11A fsync in PCM J10B MC145482 MC14LC5480 J20A MC145481 MC145483 MC145532 PDF


    Abstract: MC14553 J11A fsync in PCM J10B varistor motorola RJ11 handset connector specifications MC14LC5480 J20A MC145481
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by MC14LC5480EVK/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC14LC5480EVK Advance Information MC14LC5480, MC145481, MC145482, MC145483, and MC145484 PCM Codec-Filter Evaluation Kit Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

    MC14LC5480EVK/D MC14LC5480EVK MC14LC5480, MC145481, MC145482, MC145483, MC145484 TN97033100 W3-KM-EM-80RP00 MC14553 J11A fsync in PCM J10B varistor motorola RJ11 handset connector specifications MC14LC5480 J20A MC145481 PDF


    Abstract: Nexus S camera
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Data Sheet: Technical Data Document Number: PXD10 Rev. 1, 09/2011 PXD10 416 TEPBGA 27 mm x 27 mm PXD10 Microcontroller Data Sheet The PXD10 family represents a new generation of 32-bit microcontrollers based on the Power Architecture . These devices provide a

    PXD10 PXD10 32-bit e200Z0 Nexus S camera PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Data Sheet: Technical Data Document Number: MPC5606S Rev. 8, 11/2011 MPC5606S MPC5606S Microcontroller Data Sheet LQFP144 20 x 20 mm • • • • • • • • • • • Single issue, 32-bit PowerArchitecture Book E compliant

    MPC5606S MPC5606S LQFP144 32-bit e200z0h) 16-bit PDF

    sdc 7500 pwm control

    Abstract: 1pcs01 st micro stepper motor driver instrument cluster emios LQFP-176 footprint MPC560xS mpc5606 2PCS02 MPC5604 Bosch PSI IC
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Data Sheet: Advance Information Document Number: MPC5606S Rev. 5, 09/2010 MPC5606S MPC560xS Microcontroller Data Sheet MAPBGA–225 15 mm x 15 mm QFN12 ##_mm_x_##mm LQFP 144 20 x 20 x 1.4 mm SOT-343R ##_mm_x_##mm 1 Overview 1.1 Document overview

    MPC5606S MPC560xS QFN12 OT-343R MPC5606S sdc 7500 pwm control 1pcs01 st micro stepper motor driver instrument cluster emios LQFP-176 footprint mpc5606 2PCS02 MPC5604 Bosch PSI IC PDF

    sdc 7500 pwm control

    Abstract: g15 SMD mpc5606 MPC5606s SMD code ssd Bosch PSI IC DSI LCD spec 3" wqvga 37 pin LCD pinout sdc 7500 pwm smd transistor pk3
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Data Sheet: Advance Information Document Number: MPC5606S Rev. 6, 26 Jan 2011 MPC5606S MPC5606S Microcontroller Data Sheet LQFP144 20 x 20 mm • High performance 64 MHz e200z0h CPU – 32-bit Power Architecture technology CPU – Up to 60 DMIPs operation

    MPC5606S MPC5606S LQFP144 e200z0h 32-bit 12-entry sdc 7500 pwm control g15 SMD mpc5606 SMD code ssd Bosch PSI IC DSI LCD spec 3" wqvga 37 pin LCD pinout sdc 7500 pwm smd transistor pk3 PDF


    Abstract: PDI 40 linflex uart example e200z st micro instrument cluster MPC5602S transistor SMD DF
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Data Sheet: Technical Data Document Number: MPC5606S Rev. 8, 11/2011 MPC5606S MPC5606S Microcontroller Data Sheet LQFP144 20 x 20 mm • Single issue, 32-bit Power Architecture Book E compliant CPU core complex (e200z0h) – Compatible with classic PowerPC instruction set

    MPC5606S MPC5606S LQFP144 LQFP176 32-bit e200z0h) 16-bit 128-bit PDI 40 linflex uart example e200z st micro instrument cluster MPC5602S transistor SMD DF PDF

    433 mhz crystal tuned pll based ask module

    Abstract: monopole antenna tower Wireless modem with simple circuits using fsk frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz QFN tray 5x5 AN014 AN023 AN028 CC1020 CC1070
    Text: SmartRF CC1070 CC1070 Single Chip Low Power RF Transmitter for Narrow Band Systems Applications • Narrow-band low power UHF wireless data transmitters • 402 / 426 / 429 / 433 / 868 and 915 MHz ISM/SRD band systems • TPMS – Tire Pressure Monitoring

    CC1070 CC1070 D-74379 433 mhz crystal tuned pll based ask module monopole antenna tower Wireless modem with simple circuits using fsk frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz QFN tray 5x5 AN014 AN023 AN028 CC1020 PDF


    Abstract: DSI RGB Bridge display PDI 40 PK413 pj 88 LV smd code pj4 2PCS02 MPC5606 PCR111 SMD Transistor PD8
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Data Sheet: Technical Data Document Number: MPC5606S Rev. 7, 03/2011 MPC5606S MPC5606S Microcontroller Data Sheet MAPBGA–225 15 mm x 15 mm QFN12 ##_mm_x_##mm SOT-343R ##_mm_x_##mm PKG-TBD ## mm x ## mm LQFP144 20 x 20 mm 1 Overview

    MPC5606S MPC5606S QFN12 OT-343R LQFP144 LQFP176 linflex DSI RGB Bridge display PDI 40 PK413 pj 88 LV smd code pj4 2PCS02 MPC5606 PCR111 SMD Transistor PD8 PDF

    sdc 7500 pwm control

    Abstract: sdc 7500 cluster stepper motor transistor SMD PJ3 smd transistor pk3 ph-15 diode smd Pj9 sdc 7500 pwm SMD Transistor g15 pj12 diode
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Data Sheet: Advance Information Document Number: MPC5606S Rev. 2, 05/2009 MPC560xS LQFP 144 20 x 20 x 1.4 mm MPC560xS Microcontroller Data Sheet • High performance 64 MHz e200z0h CPU – 32-bit Power Architecture book E CPU – Up to 60 DMIPs operation

    MPC5606S MPC560xS MPC560xS e200z0h 32-bit 12-entry sdc 7500 pwm control sdc 7500 cluster stepper motor transistor SMD PJ3 smd transistor pk3 ph-15 diode smd Pj9 sdc 7500 pwm SMD Transistor g15 pj12 diode PDF


    Abstract: CC1070 CFR47 SMAFF-868 QFN20 5x5 "PCB Layout"
    Text: CC1070 CC1070 Single Chip Low Power RF Transmitter for Narrowband Systems Applications • Narrowband low power UHF wireless data transmitters • 402 / 424 / 426 / 429 / 433 / 447 / 449 / 469 / 868 and 915 MHz ISM/SRD band systems • TPMS – Tire Pressure Monitoring

    CC1070 CC1070 SWRS043 AN036 CFR47 SMAFF-868 QFN20 5x5 "PCB Layout" PDF


    Abstract: pdi crystal filters
    Text: CRYSTAL UNITS HF INVERTED MESA PRECISION DEVICES INCORPORATED now offers high frequency fundamentals and tight tolerance crystals. These crystals are used for oscillators and crystal filters and provide wide pullability and excellent spurious suppression. Using the latest state of the art etching

    10ppm 15ppm 25ppm 139,264 pdi crystal filters PDF

    IC cs 4852 circuit diagrams

    Abstract: IC cs 4852 amplifier
    Text: 16-Bit Precision, Low Power Meter On A Chip with Cortex-M3 and Connectivity ADuCM350 Data Sheet FEATURES Integrated full-speed USB 2.0 controller and PHY Multilayer advanced microcontroller bus architecture AMBA bus matrix Central direct memory access (DMA) controller

    16-Bit ADuCM350 ADuCM350BBCZ ADuCM350BBCZ-RL 120-Ball BC-120-3 IC cs 4852 circuit diagrams IC cs 4852 amplifier PDF


    Abstract: UM92870 UM92870A PDI Gain Setting UM92870C 3.5795 crystal UM92870B UM92
    Text: LJIN/IC UMC U U 9 2 8 7 0 S e rie 9 Integrated DTMF Receiver Features Uses inexpensive 3.5795 MHz crystal CMOS for low power consumption Tristate outputs Early steering output • Full DTMF receiver in single 18-pin package ■ Single 5-volt power supply ■ Internal gain setting amplifier

    OCR Scan
    18-pin UM92870 350Hz 440Hz CIRCUIT OF DIALTONE FILTER UM92870A PDI Gain Setting UM92870C 3.5795 crystal UM92870B UM92 PDF