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    P CHANNEL DE MOSFET Search Results

    P CHANNEL DE MOSFET Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TK190U65Z Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 650 V, 15 A, 0.19 Ohm@10V, TOLL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TK7R0E08QM Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 80 V, 64 A, 0.0070 Ohm@10V, TO-220AB Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XPJ1R004PB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 40 V, 160 A, 0.001 Ω@10V, S-TOGL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TK4K1A60F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 600 V, 2.0 A, 4.1 Ohm@10V, TO-220SIS Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPN4800CQH Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 150 V, 18 A, 0.048 Ω@10 V, TSON Advance Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    P CHANNEL DE MOSFET Datasheets Context Search

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    4.Vout sot-23-5

    Abstract: marking code AC sot 23-5 APL5315 APL5315-18 GRM155R60J225M
    Text: APL5315 Selectable Adjustable/Fixed Low dropout 300mA Linear Regulator Features General Description • • The APL5315 is a P-channel low dropout linear regulator which needs only one input voltage from 2.8~6V, and de- Wide Operating Voltage: 2.8~6V Low Dropout Voltage:

    APL5315 300mA APL5315 230mV 300mA 4.Vout sot-23-5 marking code AC sot 23-5 APL5315-18 GRM155R60J225M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONICTECHNOLOGIESCO., LTD US94061 Preliminary CMOS IC H I GH SI DE POWER SWI T CH ES ̈ DESCRI PT I ON The UTC US94061 are high-side load switches incorporating a low on-resistance P-channel MOSFET which provides customers over 2A continuous current. The UTC US94061 is characterized by a fast turn on function. The

    US94061 US94061 US94061â PDF

    500V 25A Mosfet

    Abstract: 2000 PWM hybrid
    Text: TELEDYNE MICROELECTRONICS Power Hybrid, MOSFET, H-Bridge/Quad P/N 2294760 2 16 2947 1 60 S -2 YY ERN 70 WW O MA XX DE XX IN B e U. S.A O . DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 2294760 contains four N-channel Enhancement ❖ Isolated metal hermetic power case mode high voltage power MOSFETs. Each output is

    16-pin 500V 25A Mosfet 2000 PWM hybrid PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONICTECHNOLOGIESCO., LTD US94060 Preliminary CMOS IC H I GH SI DE POWER SWI T CH ES ̈ DESCRI PT I ON The UTC US94060 are high-side load switches incorporating a low on-resistance P-channel MOSFET which provides customers over 2A continuous current. The UTC US94060 is characterized by a fast turn on function. The

    US94060 US94060 US94060â PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIC94001 P-Channel MOSFET Not Recommended for New Designs General Description Features The MIC94001 is a silicon gate P-channel MOSFET de­ signed for low on-resistance, high-side switch applications. • 15V minimum drain-to-source breakdown • 0.4£2 maximum on-resistance at

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    MIC94001 MIC94001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIC94001 P-Channel MOSFET Not Recommended for New Designs General Description Features The MIC94001 is a silicon gate P-channel MOSFET de­ signed for low on-resistance, high-side switch applications. • 15V minimum drain-to-source breakdown • 0.4Î2 maximum on-resistance at

    OCR Scan
    MIC94001 MIC94001 300nsec, PDF


    Abstract: MIC94001
    Text: MIC94001 P-Channei MOSFET General Description Features The MIC94001 is a silicon gate P-channel MOSFET de­ signed for low on-resistance, high-side switch applications. • 15V minimum drain-to-source breakdown • 0.4Î2 maximum on-resistance at 4.5V gate-to-source

    OCR Scan
    MIC94001 MIC94001 250hA 300nsec, X74HC04 PDF


    Abstract: 3N161
    Text: G E SOLI» STATE □1 DE J 3fi75Dfll DDllDm 3875081 G E SOLID STATE 7 g 01E 11014 D 7^ J 7-2*- 3N161 Diode Protected P-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET General Purpose Amplifier/Switch ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS FEATURES T a = 25'C unless otherwise noted * Channel Cut Off With Zero Gate Voltage

    OCR Scan
    OD11DIM 3N161 10jiA VDS--15V 3N161 PDF


    Abstract: lD-10mA IT1700
    Text: Gl G E SOLID STATE DE 13fl7SGfil GOllGBT 1 | P-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET General Purpose Amplifier IT1700 IT1700 T -s^ -sn FEATURES ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS • Low ON-Resistance 0 a = 25°C unless otherwise noted Drain-Source and Gate-Source Voltage . -4 0 V

    OCR Scan
    J3075001 IT1700 10sec) 375mW 300ms. j307 lD-10mA IT1700 PDF


    Abstract: 52B zener RFM5P12 RFM5P15 RFP5P12 RFP5P15
    Text: G E SOLI» STATE 3875081 G E D I SOLID Standard Power MOSFETs STATE DE I 3075001 DGiaaai : 01E 18221 D T: $3 - r 2/ - RFM5P12, RFM5P15, RFP5P12, RFP5P15 File Number 1463 P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power Field-Effect Transistors 5 A, 120 V — 150 V

    OCR Scan
    RFM5P12, RFM5P15, RFP5P12, RFP5P15 RFM5P12 RFM5P15 RFP5P12 RFP5P15 92CS-J646I 92C3-3S4B2 H479 52B zener PDF


    Abstract: IRFP9120 IRF9120 mosfet IRF9121 IRF 9520 IRF 9120 IRF912213 IRF 9122 IRF9520 IRFP9121
    Text: IRF9120/912110122/9123 « IRFP9120/9121 /9122/9123: IRF9520/9521 /9Ö22/9523 •. P-CHANNEL POWER MOSFETS P r e l i m i n a r y Sn&nifinatinncì Tfi DE 7 clfc>41Lt2 D0054DE 1 | ” uuv/i öUmiviAKY •y*' 3 ^ SAMSUNG SEM ICO ND UC TOR INC -1 0 0 volt, 0.60 Ohm SFET

    OCR Scan
    IRF9120/912110122/9123 IRFP9120/9121 IRF9520/9521 D0054DE IRF/IRFP9120, IRF9520 IRF/IRFP9121, IRF9521 IRF/IRFP9122, IRF9522 IRF9120 IRFP9120 IRF9120 mosfet IRF9121 IRF 9520 IRF 9120 IRF912213 IRF 9122 IRFP9121 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCED POWER TECHNOLOGY blE D • DE S 7‘l D t1 0GGG773 b 7 T « A V P ADVANCED P ow er T e c h n o lo g y 9 POWER MOS IV APT601R3CN 600V APT551R3CN 550V APT601R6CN 600V APT551R6CN 550V 6.5A 6.5A 5.5A 5.5A 1.30Q 1.30Q 1.60Q 1.60Q N - CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER MOSFETS

    OCR Scan
    0GGG773 APT601R3CN APT551R3CN APT601R6CN APT551R6CN 551R3CN 601R3CN 551R6CN 601R6CN APT601R3/601R6CN PDF


    Abstract: MOSFET IRF250 IRF250 power MOSFET 1RF250 5104 mosfet b16a diode IRF250 MOSFET IRF250 "on semiconductor" IRF251 IRF252
    Text: 7964142 Tñ SAMSUNG SEMICONDUCTOR IN C 9 8 D 051 O 4 DE | ? c]t.4145 DDDSIDM 4 I p T “ 3 7- N-CHANNEL POWER MOSFETS IRF250/251/252/253 FEATURES Low RoS on Improved inductive ruggedness Fast switching times Rugged polysilicon gate cell structure Low input capacitance

    OCR Scan
    IRF250/251/252/253 IRF250 IRF251 IRF252 IRF253 MOSFET IRF250 IRF250 power MOSFET 1RF250 5104 mosfet b16a diode IRF250 MOSFET IRF250 "on semiconductor" PDF


    Abstract: 3N164 3N170
    Text: G E SOLI» STATE DE|3fl7S0fil D Gli DIS 1 | DI 3875081 G E SOLID STATE 01E 11015 3N163, 3N164 3N163, 3N164 P-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET General Purpose Amplifier Switch FEATURES • • • • T - 3 7 - 3 5 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUMRATINGS Notei (Ta = 25°C unless otherwise noted)

    OCR Scan
    3N163, 3N164 T-37-35 3N163 -10mA 3N163 3N164 3N170 PDF

    TMOS Power FET

    Abstract: transistor 2 SC 3114 MTD4P06-1 369A-10 MTD4P06 AN569 MTD4P05 3111 motorola FET MOSFET transistor "" 08/bup 3110 transistor
    Text: MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F bôF • J> b3b?E54 □D'IÖSÜH 7b? ■HOTb MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Designer's Data Sheet MTD4P06 P o w e r Field E ffe c t T ran s is to r P-Channel Enhancement M o de Silico n Gate D P A K for Surface M o un t or Insertion

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: G37 mosfet
    Text: PLESSEY SEP1IC0ND/DISCRETE ~T5 DE 17ESDS33 □ □□.55 3 3 S | ~ 7220533 P L ES SE Y S E M I C O N D / D ISCRETE 95D 05533 D T '3 5 'Z S ' P-channel enhancement mode vertical DMOS FET BS250P FEATURES • Com pact geometry • Fast sw itching speeds • No secondary breakdown

    OCR Scan
    17ESDS33 BS250P 0QDSS37 5/ZVP1206/G6/66 0DUS540 BS250P G37 mosfet PDF

    g28 SOT23

    Abstract: LE SOT23-4 BS250F s33 sot23
    Text: “ÌS P LE S S EY SEtlICOND/DISCRETE 7220533 PLESSEY DE 1• 7 2 2 0 5 3 3 0005525 3 SEMICOND/ D I S C R E T E 95D 05525 T '3 S '- 2 5 BS250F P-channel enhancement mode vertical DMOS FET FEATURES • Compact geometry • Fast switching speeds • No secondary breakdown

    OCR Scan
    BS250F BS250F 7E2DS33 0DS531 g28 SOT23 LE SOT23-4 s33 sot23 PDF

    P-Channel Depletion Mode FET

    Abstract: P-Channel Depletion Mosfets 2N4391 MOTOROLA MPF970 "P-Channel JFETs" JFETs Junction FETs MPF4091 2N4091 2N4856 MPF971
    Text: Motorola offers a line of field-effect transistors that encom­ passes the latest technology and covers the full range of FET applications. Included here is a wide variety of junction FETs, MOSFETs with P- or N-channel polarity with both single and dual gates and TMOS FETs. These FETs include devices de­

    OCR Scan
    MPF971 N3993 N3994 2N4859A 2N4856A 2N4856 N4859 2N4391 MPF4391 2N4091 P-Channel Depletion Mode FET P-Channel Depletion Mosfets 2N4391 MOTOROLA MPF970 "P-Channel JFETs" JFETs Junction FETs MPF4091 PDF


    Abstract: TA940 RFL1P08 RFL1P10 RFP2P08 RFP2P10
    Text: SOLI» STATE 3875Ö81 DE§3Ö7S0Ö1 01 G E SÒL I D STATE Standard Power MOSFETs Q01ÛE17 1 | 0 1E 1 8 2 1 7 _ RFL1P08, RFL1P10, RFP2P08, RFP2P10 File N um ber 1535 Power MOS Field-Effect Transistors TERM INAL DIAGRAM P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power Field-Effect Transistors

    OCR Scan
    RFL1P08, RFL1P10, RFP2P08, RFP2P10 RFL1P08 RFL1P10 RFP2P08 RFP2P10 PMP411A. 92CS-37569 TA9401 TA940 PDF


    Abstract: l 9143 irf 409 IRF 9540 L 9141 IRF95XX IRF high current p-channel IRF9140 IRF9140 TO 220 IRF9540
    Text: 7964142 SAMSUNG S E M I C O N D U C T O R INC Hfl DE 1 7 ^ 4 1 4 5 IRF9140/9141/9142/9143 IRFP9140/9141 /9142/9143 “ IRF9540/9541Z9542/9543_ ^ " D0GS40Ö t- P-CHANNEL POWER MOSFETS Preliminary Specifications - 1 0 0 Volt, 0.2 Ohm SFET PRODUCT SUMMARY

    OCR Scan
    D0GS40Ö IRF9140/ IRFP9140/9141 IRF9540/ 9541Z IRF/IRFP9140, IRF9540 IRF/IRFP9141, IRF9541 IRF/IRFP9142, 1RF9540 l 9143 irf 409 IRF 9540 L 9141 IRF95XX IRF high current p-channel IRF9140 IRF9140 TO 220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BSP 315 SIPMOS N Channel MOSFET • SIPMOS - enhancem ent m ode • D rain-source v olta ge Vbs = -50V • C ontin uou s drain current / D = -1.0A • D rain-source on-resistance • Total pow er dissipation fiosioio = .9 5 0 P,M = 1.5W Type M arking Ordering co de for

    OCR Scan
    Q67000-S027 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y UNITRO DE Ul - UC1707 UC2707 UC3707 Dual Channel Power Driver FEATURES Tw o independent Drivers 1 .5A Totem Pole Outputs Inverting and N on-Inverting Inputs 40n s Rise and Fall into 1 0OOpF H ig h-S p eed , P ow er M O S F E T C om patible Low C ross-Conduction C urrent Spike

    OCR Scan
    UC1707 UC2707 UC3707 UC3611 PDF


    Abstract: RFM10P15 RFP10P12 RFP10P15 rca MIL ID TA9404 rca solid state Linear I8233
    Text: "Öl G E SOLID STATE DE . 3 8 7 5 0 8 1 G E SO LID STATE Standard Power MOSFETs_ I 3Û750S1 01E Ì 8233 RFM10P12, RFM10P15, RFP10P12, RFP10P15 0010233 0 |~~ D T - 3 ^ -2 / F ile N u m b e r 1595 T E R M IN A L DIA G RAM P-Channel Enhancement-Mode

    OCR Scan
    RFM10P12, RFM10P15, RFP10P12, RFP10P15 -120V and-150 RFM10P12 RFM10P15 RFP10P12 RFP10P15* RFP10P15 rca MIL ID TA9404 rca solid state Linear I8233 PDF

    y 6763

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TE UNITRODE CORP 9347963 D E | c1347c]b3 DDIOSOÛ 3 | ~ U NI TRO DE CORP 92D 10508 D POWER MOSFET TRANSISTORS , 1TX JTXV 100 Volt, 0.055 Ohm N-Channel FEATURES • Fast Sw itching • Low Drive C urrent • Ease of Paralleling • No Second Breakdow n • Excellent T e m p e ra tu re S tability

    OCR Scan
    1347c 2N6764 DD1GS11 y 6763 PDF