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    OVERTONE BUTLER OSCILLATOR Result Highlights (5)

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    MK3200SILFTR Renesas Electronics Corporation 32.768KHz Clock Oscillator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HSP45116AVC-52 Renesas Electronics Corporation Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HSP45116AVC-52Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    MK3200SLF Renesas Electronics Corporation 32.768KHz Clock Oscillator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    MK3200SLFTR Renesas Electronics Corporation 32.768KHz Clock Oscillator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

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    Abstract: NE602 application note Signal mixing NE602 NE602 equivalent NE602 application overtone butler oscillator rf ne602 AN1983 NE602 NE5212 variable inductor values for 10MHz- 100MHz oscillator variable inductor for 100MHz oscillator
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AN1983 Crystal oscillators and frequency multipliers using the NE602 and NE5212 1991 Dec Philips Semiconductors Philips Semiconductors Application note Crystal oscillators and frequency multipliers using the NE602 and NE5212 AN1983 than their LC counterparts. Figure 1 shows the equivalent circuit of

    AN1983 NE602 NE5212 NE5212 NE602 application note Signal mixing NE602 NE602 equivalent NE602 application overtone butler oscillator rf ne602 AN1983 NE602 NE5212 variable inductor values for 10MHz- 100MHz oscillator variable inductor for 100MHz oscillator PDF

    ad9850 Application

    Abstract: overtone butler oscillator AD9850 dds phase noise application note MPSH10 datasheet L4* Low noise 45 MHz clock oscillator E2176 MPSH10 AN-419
    Text: a ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. AN-419 APPLICATION NOTE BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 A Discrete, Low Phase Noise, 125 MHz Crystal Oscillator for the AD9850 Complete Direct Digital Synthesizer By Richard Cushing, Analog Devices, Inc.; Steven Swift, Novatech Instruments, Inc.

    AN-419 AD9850 MC10ELT21 AD9850. ad9850 Application overtone butler oscillator dds phase noise application note MPSH10 datasheet L4* Low noise 45 MHz clock oscillator E2176 MPSH10 AN-419 PDF

    murata cfu455

    Abstract: murata 455 khz if transformer murata transformer IF 455 khz overtone butler oscillator murata filter cfu455 filter 455 6 channel RF transmitter and Receiver circuit vhf 455 khz ceramic filter N5182 K3029
    Text: NARROWBAND FM COILLESS DETECTOR IF SUBSYSTEM FOR CELLULAR AND ANALOG APPLICATIONS The MC13150 is a narrowband FM IF subsystem targeted at cellular and other analog applications. Excellent high frequency performance is achieved, with low cost, through use of Motorola’s MOSAIC 1.5 RF bipolar

    MC13150 MC13150 murata cfu455 murata 455 khz if transformer murata transformer IF 455 khz overtone butler oscillator murata filter cfu455 filter 455 6 channel RF transmitter and Receiver circuit vhf 455 khz ceramic filter N5182 K3029 PDF

    murata cfu455

    Abstract: ml13150b9p murata 455 khz if transformer TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 455 khz if transformer murata transformer IF 455 khz 455 khz ceramic filter overtone butler oscillator 455 ceramic filter mixer 455
    Text: ML13150 Narrowband FM Coilless Detector IF Subsystem NARROWBAND FM COILLESS DETECTOR IF SUBSYSTEM FOR CELLULAR AND ANALOG APPLICATIONS SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Legacy Device: Motorola MC13150 ML13150-A9P PLASTIC PACKAGE LQFP-24 The ML13150 is a narrowband FM IF subsystem targeted at

    ML13150 MC13150 ML13150-A9P LQFP-24) ML13150 murata cfu455 ml13150b9p murata 455 khz if transformer TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 455 khz if transformer murata transformer IF 455 khz 455 khz ceramic filter overtone butler oscillator 455 ceramic filter mixer 455 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ML13150 Narrowband FM Coilless Detector IF Subsystem NARROWBAND FM COILLESS DETECTOR IF SUBSYSTEM FOR CELLULAR AND ANALOG APPLICATIONS SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Legacy Device: Motorola MC13150 ML13150-A9P PLASTIC PACKAGE LQFP-24 The ML13150 is a narrowband FM IF subsystem targeted at

    ML13150 MC13150 ML13150-A9P LQFP-24) ML13150 PDF

    murata cfu455

    Abstract: cfu455 LQFP-32 MC13150 MC13150FTA MC13150FTB ML13150 ML13150-A9P ML13150-B9P murata 455 khz if transformer
    Text: ML13150 Narrowband FM Coilless Detector IF Subsystem NARROWBAND FM COILLESS DETECTOR IF SUBSYSTEM FOR CELLULAR AND ANALOG APPLICATIONS SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Legacy Device: Motorola MC13150 The ML13150 is a narrowband FM IF subsystem targeted at cellular and other analog applications. The ML13150 has an

    ML13150 MC13150 ML13150 murata cfu455 cfu455 LQFP-32 MC13150 MC13150FTA MC13150FTB ML13150-A9P ML13150-B9P murata 455 khz if transformer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Order this document by MC13150/D MC13150 Advance Information Narrowband FM Coilless Detector IF Subsystem The MC13150 is a narrowband FM IF subsystem targeted at cellular and other analog applications. Excellent high frequency performance is achieved, with low cost, through use of Motorola’s MOSAIC 1.5 RF bipolar

    MC13150/D MC13150 MC13150 MC13150/D* PDF

    455 khz if transformer

    Abstract: K3029
    Text: ML13150 Narrowband FM Coilless Detector IF Subsystem NARROWBAND FM COILLESS DETECTOR IF SUBSYSTEM FOR CELLULAR AND ANALOG APPLICATIONS SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Legacy Device: Motorola MC13150 The ML13150 is a narrowband FM IF subsystem targeted at cellular and other analog applications. The ML13150 has an

    ML13150 MC13150 455 khz if transformer K3029 PDF

    murata cfu455

    Abstract: murata 455 khz if transformer murata filter cfu455 TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 metal detector plans schematic murata filter cfu455 H 455 khz if transformer overtone butler oscillator Toko variable coil cfu455
    Text: Order this document by MC13150/D NARROWBAND FM COILLESS DETECTOR IF SUBSYSTEM FOR CELLULAR AND ANALOG APPLICATIONS The MC13150 is a narrowband FM IF subsystem targeted at cellular and other analog applications. Excellent high frequency performance is achieved, with low cost, through use of Motorola’s MOSAIC 1.5 RF bipolar

    MC13150/D MC13150 MC13150 murata cfu455 murata 455 khz if transformer murata filter cfu455 TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 metal detector plans schematic murata filter cfu455 H 455 khz if transformer overtone butler oscillator Toko variable coil cfu455 PDF

    SIEMENS saw filter

    Abstract: LC resonant CIRCUIT OPERATION Wideband FM receiver MC13158FTB ML13158 ML13158-8P MRF941 MC13158 overtone butler oscillator siemens off saw filter
    Text: ML13158 Wideband FM IF Subsystem For Dect and Digital Applications Legacy Device: Motorola MC13158 The ML13158 is a wideband IF subsystem that is designed for high performance data and analog applications. The ML13158 has an on–board grounded collector VCO transistor that may be used with a fundamental

    ML13158 MC13158 ML13158 SIEMENS saw filter LC resonant CIRCUIT OPERATION Wideband FM receiver MC13158FTB ML13158-8P MRF941 MC13158 overtone butler oscillator siemens off saw filter PDF

    SIEMENS saw filter

    Abstract: BETA-100 variable inductor "if amplifier" siemens LANSDALE SEMICONDUCTOR murata crystal filter 10.7 MC13158 MC13158FTB ML13158 ML13158-8P
    Text: ML13158 Wideband FM IF Subsystem For Dect and Digital Applications Legacy Device: Motorola MC13158 The ML13158 is a wideband IF subsystem that is designed for high performance data and analog applications. The ML13158 has an on–board grounded collector VCO transistor that may be used with a fundamental

    ML13158 MC13158 ML13158 SIEMENS saw filter BETA-100 variable inductor "if amplifier" siemens LANSDALE SEMICONDUCTOR murata crystal filter 10.7 MC13158 MC13158FTB ML13158-8P PDF


    Abstract: overtone butler oscillator TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 CFU455 MC13150 MC13150FTA MC13150FTB Nippon capacitors
    Text: Order this document by MC13150/D MC13150 Narrowband FM Coilless Detector IF Subsystem NARROWBAND FM COILLESS DETECTOR IF SUBSYSTEM FOR CELLULAR AND ANALOG APPLICATIONS The MC13150 is a narrowband FM IF subsystem targeted at cellular and other analog applications. Excellent high frequency performance is

    MC13150/D MC13150 MC13150 40 MHZ OSCILLATOR overtone butler oscillator TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 CFU455 MC13150FTA MC13150FTB Nippon capacitors PDF


    Abstract: lansdale KMFC545
    Text: ML13158 Wideband FM IF Subsystem For Dect and Digital Applications Legacy Device: Motorola MC13158 The ML13158 is a wideband IF subsystem that is designed for high performance data and analog applications. The ML13158 has and on–board grounded collector VCO transistor that may be used with a fundamental

    ML13158 MC13158 ML13158 MRF941 lansdale KMFC545 PDF

    455 khz if transformer

    Abstract: murata cfu455 murata filter cfu455 murata filter cfu455 H 455 ceramic filter HF Colpitts VCO Motorola phone schematic diagram TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 455 khz filter 455 XTAL
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.Order this document by MC13150/D MC13150 ARCHIVED BY FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. 2005 NARROWBAND FM COILLESS DETECTOR IF SUBSYSTEM FOR CELLULAR AND ANALOG APPLICATIONS The MC13150 is a narrowband FM IF subsystem targeted at cellular and

    MC13150/D MC13150 MC13150 455 khz if transformer murata cfu455 murata filter cfu455 murata filter cfu455 H 455 ceramic filter HF Colpitts VCO Motorola phone schematic diagram TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 455 khz filter 455 XTAL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Wideband FM IF System The MC13156 is a wideband FM IF subsystem targeted at high performance data and analog applications. Excellent high frequency performance is achieved at low cost using Motorola’s MOSAIC 1.5 bipolar process. The MC13156 has an onboard grounded collector VCO transistor

    MC13156 MC13156 HP3780A HP8640B MC13156DW ERIE CAPACITORS TYPE K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Order this document by MC13158/D MC13158 Advance Information Wideband FM IF Subsystem WIDEBAND FM IF SUBSYSTEM FOR DECT AND DIGITAL APPLICATIONS The MC13158 is a wideband IF subsystem that is designed for high performance data and analog applications. Excellent high frequency

    MC13158/D MC13158 MC13158 MC13158/D* PDF


    Abstract: MMBV909L HP3780A J340 MPS901 751E MC13156 MC13156DW MC13156FB ML13156
    Text: ML13156 Wideband FM IF System Legacy Device: Motorola MC13156 The ML13156 is a wideband FM IF subsystem targeted at high performance data and analog applications. The ML13156 has an onboard grounded collector VCO transistor that may be used with a fundamental or overtone crystal in single channel operation or with a PLL in

    ML13156 MC13156 ML13156 HP8640B MMBV909L HP3780A J340 MPS901 751E MC13156 MC13156DW MC13156FB PDF

    overtone butler oscillator

    Abstract: murata cfu455 455 khz filters
    Text: M M O TO R O LA — M C I 3150 — — Narrowband FM Coilless D etector IF Subsystem NARROWBAND FM COILLESS DETECTOR IF SUBSYSTEM FOR CELLULAR AND ANALOG APPLICATIONS The MC13150 is a narrowband FM IF subsystem targeted at cellular and other analog applications. Excellent high frequency performance is

    OCR Scan
    MC13150 MC13150 f-111p overtone butler oscillator murata cfu455 455 khz filters PDF

    variable inductor

    Abstract: TOKO rlc variable INDUCTANCE 292SNS-T1373 RPM-950 c series transistor equivalent table T1373 MC13156 dw FM
    Text: MOTOROLA < 8 > Wideband FM IF System The MC13156 is a wideband FM IF subsystem targeted at high performance data and analog applications. Excellent high frequency performance is achieved at low cost using Motorola’s MOSAIC 1.5 bipolar process. The MC13156 has an onboard grounded collector VCO transistor

    OCR Scan
    MC13156 MC13156 MC13156DW variable inductor TOKO rlc variable INDUCTANCE 292SNS-T1373 RPM-950 c series transistor equivalent table T1373 MC13156 dw FM PDF

    diagram transistor tt 2206

    Abstract: equivalent for transistor tt 2206 transistor tt 2206 equivalent transistor TT 2206 lm 2206 for frequency modulation overtone butler oscillator TT 2206 transistor variable inductor 13156DW murata crystal filter AM 455
    Text: M M O T O R O LA M C 13156 Advance Information W ideband FM IF System The MC13156 is a wideband FM IF subsystem targeted at high perfor­ mance data and analog applications. Excellent high frequency performance is achieved at low cost using Motorola’s MOSAIC 1.5'“ bipolar process. The

    OCR Scan
    MC13156 MC13156DW 13156DW diagram transistor tt 2206 equivalent for transistor tt 2206 transistor tt 2206 equivalent transistor TT 2206 lm 2206 for frequency modulation overtone butler oscillator TT 2206 transistor variable inductor 13156DW murata crystal filter AM 455 PDF

    12-0-12 center tap transformer

    Abstract: Transformer - 12-0-12, 500 mA siemens off saw filter 12-0-12 transformer with 3 amp Transformer - 12-0-12, 2 A
    Text: M 1 • ■ ■ ■ ■ - M O T O R O LA - M C 13158 W ideband FM IF Subsystem The MC13158 is a wideband IF subsystem that is designed for high performance data and analog applications. Excellent high frequency performance is achieved, with low cost, through the use of Motorola’s

    OCR Scan
    MC13158 MC13158 12-0-12 center tap transformer Transformer - 12-0-12, 500 mA siemens off saw filter 12-0-12 transformer with 3 amp Transformer - 12-0-12, 2 A PDF

    variable inductor

    Abstract: TOKO 7mc8128z TOKO rlc variable INDUCTANCE overtone butler oscillator SAW oscillator 1030 MPS901 292SNS-T1373 SFE10.7MHY NAD 751 v18-o
    Text: ~ 1 c :i i c n c Order this docum ent by MC13156/D M O T O R O L A W ideb and FM IF S ystem The MC13156 is a wideband FM IF subsystem targeted at high performance data and analog applications. Excellent high frequency performance is achieved at low cost using Motorola’s MOSAIC 1.5 bipolar

    OCR Scan
    MC13156/D MC13156 variable inductor TOKO 7mc8128z TOKO rlc variable INDUCTANCE overtone butler oscillator SAW oscillator 1030 MPS901 292SNS-T1373 SFE10.7MHY NAD 751 v18-o PDF

    overtone butler oscillator

    Abstract: Wideband FM receiver
    Text: Order this document by MC13158/D M MOTOROLA M C13158 Advance Information Wideband FM IF Subsystem WIDEBAND FM IF SUBSYSTEM FOR DECT AND DIGITAL APPLICATIONS The MC13158 is a wideband IF subsystem that is designed for high performance data and analog applications. Excellent high frequency

    OCR Scan
    MC13158/D C13158 MC13158 overtone butler oscillator Wideband FM receiver PDF

    overtone butler oscillator

    Abstract: FRP tank P6201 Mixer Mini-Circuits Nippon capacitors
    Text: Order this docum ent by MC13-158/D MOTOROLA Advance Information WIDEBAND FM IF SUBSYSTEM FOR DECT AND DIGITAL APPLICATIONS Wideband FM IF Subsystem The MC13158 is a wideband IF subsystem that is designed for high performance data and analog applications. Excellent high frequency

    OCR Scan
    MC13-158/D MC13158 1PHX33805-2 MC13158/D overtone butler oscillator FRP tank P6201 Mixer Mini-Circuits Nippon capacitors PDF