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    Molex 1731070068

    D-Sub Mixed Contact Connectors SOCKET 4 HOLE
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI 1731070068 Each 271 1
    • 1 $9.02
    • 10 $9.02
    • 100 $9.02
    • 1000 $9.02
    • 10000 $9.02
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    Molex 1731070067

    D-Sub Mixed Contact Connectors 21WA4 PLUG
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI 1731070067 Each 171 1
    • 1 $7.45
    • 10 $6.35
    • 100 $5.89
    • 1000 $5.78
    • 10000 $5.78
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    OUT21 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: I22P I29N O09P O26P O27P O16P O25P O31P I28P
    Text: a 34 ؋ 34, 3.2 Gbps Asynchronous Digital Crosspoint Switch AD8152 FEATURES Low Cost Low Power 2.0 W @ 2.5 V Outputs Enabled <100 mW @ 2.5 V (Outputs Disabled) 34 ؋ 34, Fully Differential, Nonblocking Array 3.2 Gbps per Port NRZ Data Rate Wide Power Supply Range: 2.5 V to 3.3 V

    AD8152 256-Ball OC-48 MO-192-BAL-2 1/03--Data C02984 O16N I22P I29N O09P O26P O27P O16P O25P O31P I28P PDF


    Abstract: UCN5833EP UCN5833A
    Text: Data Sheet 26185.16A* 5833 BiMOS II 32-BIT SERIAL-INPUT, LATCHED DRIVER Designed to reduce logic supply current, chip size, and system cost, the UCN5833A/EP integrated circuits offer high-speed operation for thermal printers. These devices can also be used to drive multiplexed LED displays or incandescent lamps within their 125 mA peak

    32-BIT UCN5833A/EP OUT32 UCN5833Edressable 28-Line 6A259 6B259 MM5833 UCN5833EP UCN5833A PDF


    Abstract: GF-4 NJM2573V NJM2573 NJM2573SE4 SSOP14 DP2C
    Text: NJM2573 3 回路入り 回路入り低電圧動作 LPF 内蔵ビデオアンプ 内蔵ビデオアンプ • 概 要 ■ 外 形 NJM2573 はLPF を内蔵した、3 回路入り低電圧ビデオアンプです。 動作電源電圧は 2.8~5.5V と低電圧駆動が可能であり、75Ωドライバ

    NJM2573 NJM2573 PCSP16 NJM2573SE4 NJM2573V PCSP16 SSOP14 75driver SN360 GF-4 NJM2573V NJM2573SE4 SSOP14 DP2C PDF


    Abstract: A6833 UCN5833EP
    Text: A5833 BiMOS II 32-Bit Serial Input Latched Driver Discontinued Product These parts are no longer in production The device should not be purchased for new design applications. Samples are no longer available. Date of status change: October 31, 2005 Recommended Substitutions:

    A5833 32-Bit A6833. 28-Line 6A259 6B259 A5833 A6833 UCN5833EP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Spansion Analog and Microcontroller Products The following document contains information on Spansion analog and microcontroller products. Although the document is marked with the name “Fujitsu”, the company that originally developed the specification, Spansion



    Abstract: MAX5361AEGK MAX5631 MAX5631AECB MAX5632 MAX5632AECB MAX5632AEGK MAX5633AECB MAX5633AEGK
    Text: 19-2171; Rev 0; 10/01 16-Bit DACs with 32-Channel Sample-and-Hold Outputs ♦ Integrated 16-Bit DAC and 32-Channel SHA with SRAM and Sequencer ♦ 32 Voltage Outputs ♦ 0.005% Output Linearity ♦ 200µV Output Resolution ♦ Flexible Output Voltage Range

    16-Bit 32-Channel 32-Channel MAX5631 MAX5632 MAX5633 MAX5631AECB -40oC MAX5361AEGK MAX5633 MAX5361AEGK MAX5631 MAX5631AECB MAX5632 MAX5632AECB MAX5632AEGK MAX5633AECB MAX5633AEGK PDF


    Abstract: A6833 A6833SEPTRT A6833SE
    Text: A6833 DABiC-5 32-Bit Serial Input Latched Sink Drivers Last Time Buy This part is in production but has been determined to be LAST TIME BUY. This classification indicates that the product is obsolete and notice has been given. Sale of this device is currently

    A6833 32-Bit A6833SEPTR A6833 A6833SEPTRT A6833SE PDF

    ic1 4093 pin diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TLC5947 . SBVS114A – JULY 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 24-Channel, 12-Bit PWM LED Driver with Internal Oscillator

    TLC5947 SBVS114A 24-Channel, 12-Bit 30-mA 12-Bit 30-MHz 15-MHz ic1 4093 pin diagram PDF

    A1568 25

    Abstract: A1568 A1568 IC lv4985
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1568 Bi-CMOS IC LV4985VH For Portable Electronic Device Use 1.2W x 2ch BTL Power Amplifier Overview The LV4985VH has a 2-channel power circuit amplifier including an electronic volume control built in. It has a function for switching the headphone driver and also has a standby function to reduce the current drain. It is a power amplifier IC

    ENA1568 LV4985VH LV4985VH A1568-15/15 A1568 25 A1568 A1568 IC lv4985 PDF

    capacitor 100nf monoblock

    Abstract: pdp data driver pdp driver A52A2 STV7699 DIODE A34 CM17699 OUT48 AN 17380 IL-FHR-50S-HF
    Text: CM17699 COLOR PDP DRIVER MODULE PRODUCT PREVIEW CM17699 MAIN FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 CM17699 CONNECTORS DEFINITION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    CM17699 CM17699 capacitor 100nf monoblock pdp data driver pdp driver A52A2 STV7699 DIODE A34 OUT48 AN 17380 IL-FHR-50S-HF PDF


    Abstract: lv4985 d1609 c FC51 A1568 IC 476 20k 048 6600k
    Text: 注文コード No.N A 1 5 6 8 A 半導体データシートNA1568をさしかえてください。 Bi-CMOS 集積回路 ポータブル音響機器用 LV4985VH 1.2Wx2ch BTLパワーアンプ 概要 LV4985VHはパワーアンプを2チャンネル内蔵している他、電子ボリューム/ヘッドホンドライバ切

    NA1568 LV4985VH LV4985VH2/ D1609 O1409 20090914-S00001 A1568-1/15 A1568-14/15 lv4985 d1609 c FC51 A1568 IC 476 20k 048 6600k PDF


    Abstract: LV4912GP AES-17 VCT24 AES1751 pwr_gnd A1173 VR 100K
    Text: 注文コード No. N A 1 1 7 3 A 半導体データシート No.NA1173 をさしかえてください。 Bi-CMOS 集積回路 デジタルパワーアンプ LV4912GP BTL 2Wx1ch 概要 LV4912GPはアナログ入力タイプの2W×1chのデジタルパワーアンプである。独自のフィードバッ

    NA1173 LV4912GP LV4912GP2W 280kHz AES17) VCT24 20080331-S00006 A1173-1/11 PCA02918 AES17 LV4912GP AES-17 AES1751 pwr_gnd A1173 VR 100K PDF

    tc 106-10

    Abstract: smd transistor w J 3 58 bts 425 l1 transistor SMD p02 smd diode p126 P56. smd 013A1 B15 diode smd diode DB 3 C F2N SMD
    Text: REJ09B0034-0131 16/32 M32C/83 Group M32C/83, M32C/83T Hardware Manual RENESAS 16/32-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER M16C FAMILY / M32C/80 SERIES Before using this material, please visit our website to verify that this is the most current document available.

    REJ09B0034-0131 M32C/83 M32C/83, M32C/83T) 16/32-BIT M32C/80 tc 106-10 smd transistor w J 3 58 bts 425 l1 transistor SMD p02 smd diode p126 P56. smd 013A1 B15 diode smd diode DB 3 C F2N SMD PDF


    Abstract: 8184 3843 STB 34

    STV7697A 64-BIT PQFP100 STV7697A STV7697A, STV7697Aomponents 8895 8184 3843 STB 34 PDF

    led matrix 32X32

    Abstract: Video Buffers ISL59532 ISL59532IKEZ ISL59533 V356
    Text: ISL59532 Data Sheet August 29, 2007 FN7432.6 32x32 Video Crosspoint Features The ISL59532 is a 300MHz 32x32 Video Crosspoint Switch. Each input has an integrated DC-restore clamp and an input buffer. Each output has a fast On-Screen Display OSD switch (for inserting graphics or other video) and an output

    ISL59532 FN7432 32x32 ISL59532 300MHz led matrix 32X32 Video Buffers ISL59532IKEZ ISL59533 V356 PDF


    Abstract: SAK-TC1765T-L40EB TC1765 TC1765N TC1765T Infineon Technologies dda0 b0505-2 Q67121-C2348
    Text: Da ta She et, V1 .2, De c. 2 00 2 TC1765 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Microcontrollers N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2002-12 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53, 81669 München, Germany Infineon Technologies AG 2002.

    TC1765 32-Bit MCT05234 0000H) P-LBGA-260-2 GPA09421 SAK-TC1765N-L40EB SAK-TC1765T-L40EB TC1765 TC1765N TC1765T Infineon Technologies dda0 b0505-2 Q67121-C2348 PDF

    led matrix 32X32

    Abstract: ISL59532 ISL59532IKEZ ISL59533 V356
    Text: ISL59532 Data Sheet February 7, 2007 FN7432.5 32x32 Video Crosspoint Features The ISL59532 is a 300MHz 32x32 Video Crosspoint Switch. Each input has an integrated DC-restore clamp and an input buffer. Each output has a fast On-Screen Display OSD switch (for inserting graphics or other video) and an output

    ISL59532 FN7432 32x32 ISL59532 300MHz led matrix 32X32 ISL59532IKEZ ISL59533 V356 PDF

    PN thermal printer

    Abstract: MM5833 UCN5833 UCN5833A UCN5833EP
    Text: 5833 BiMOS II 32-BIT SERIAL-INPUT, LATCHED DRIVERS Designed to reduce logic supply current, chip size, and system cost, the UCN5833A/EP integrated circuits offer high-speed operation for thermal printers. These devices can also be used to drive multiplexed LED displays or incandescent lamps within their 125 mA peak

    32-BIT UCN5833A/EP OUT32 UCN5833EP PN thermal printer MM5833 UCN5833 UCN5833A UCN5833EP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HT1632 32´8 & 24´16 LED Driver Features • Operating voltage: 2.4V~5.5V · Serial MCU interface - CS, RD, WR, DATA · Multiple LED display - 32 out bits/8 commons and · Data mode & command mode instruction 24 out bits/16 commons · Cascading function for extended applications

    HT1632 bits/16 HT1632s 52-pin 16-level 256kHz HT1632 PDF

    Lens Mount M72 x 0.75

    Abstract: AT71 BG38 microcontroller with ccd camera camera pinout
    Text: Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • High Sensitivity and high SNR Performance Linear CCD 12288 Resolution with 5 µm Square Pixels 100% Aperture, Built-in Anti-blooming, No Lag Camera Link Data Format Medium or Full Configuration

    12-bit Lens Mount M72 x 0.75 AT71 BG38 microcontroller with ccd camera camera pinout PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HV72 HV73 40-Channel Symmetric Row Driver Ordering Information Package Options Device 80-Lead Ceramic Gullwing 64-Lead 3-Sided Plastic Gullwing Die in w affle pack 80-Lead Ceramic Gullwing MIL-STD-883 Processed* HV7224 HV7224DG HV7224PG HV7224X RBHV7224DG

    OCR Scan
    40-Channel 80-Lead HV7224DG 64-Lead HV7224PG MIL-STD-883 RBHV7224DG HV7224 HV7324 PDF


    Abstract: ta31138 KMFC
    Text: IF AMP ICs AND I.Q. MODULATOR LOW VOLTAGE OPERATING DUAL M IXER •IF AM P. FOR DIVERSITY FEATURES • Dual IF amp. including mixer for diversity of digital mobile radio. • Mixers operating frequency are 10~150MHz. • High gain of each IF amp. and high sensitivity.

    OCR Scan
    150MHz. SSOP24pin TA31138FN-1 131MHz 50dB//V 455MHz TA31138FN-10 TA31138FN ta31138 KMFC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HSP43168/883 Data Sheet May 1999 Dual FIR Filter Features The HSP43168/883 Dual FIR Filter consists of two independent 8-tap FIR filters. Each filter supports decimation from 1 to 16 and provides on-board storage for 32 sets of coefficients. The Block Diagram shows two FIR

    OCR Scan
    HSP43168/883 HSP43168/883 SUM11 SUM10 SUM12 SUM15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Magnetic disk ICs Stepping motor driver BA6846FS/BA6846FV The BA6846FS and BA6846FV are stepping motor drivers with a maximum output current of 0.5A. The logic input allows three output modes forward, reverse, and power save. The 1C has a low output saturation voltage and is

    OCR Scan
    BA6846FS/BA6846FV BA6846FS BA6846FV BA6846FS BA6846FV Dlfl22fl PDF