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    NFM15PC755R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC435R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC915R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ151KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ471KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

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    Power MOSFET Switching Waveforms A New Insight

    Abstract: jfet cascode IRF130 AN-7506 vertical JFET intersil jfet mosfet SPICE MODEL
    Text: Spicing-Up Spice II Software For Power MOSFET Modeling Application Note Title N86 bt pic-Up ce Softre r wer OST odel utho eyrds terrpoon, minctor, er ) OCI O frk The SPICE II simulation software package is familiar to most designers working in computer-aided design of integrated


    hp pin diode

    Abstract: multi port circulator
    Text: That HEWLETT rnücM PACKARD Applications o f PIN Diodes Application Note 922 Introduction The m ost im portant property of the PIN diode is the fact that it can, under certain circumstances, behave as an alm ost pure resis­ tance at RF frequencies, with a

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    MTT-35, hp pin diode multi port circulator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DEARBORN METAL-CASE METALIZED FILM CAPACITORS Type 218P Hermetical ly-Sealed Metal Case Metalized Polyester-Film Capacitors Features— • • • • M oderate C ost Sm all Size Extensive S tandard Ratings W ire Leads or Tab Term inals 2142A Electrical S pecifications—

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    of4X9400S02 218P394X9400S02 218P474X9400S02 218P564X9400S02 218P684X9400S02 218P824X9400S02 218P105X9400S02 218P155X9400S02 218P205X9400S02 218P255X9400S02 1902 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLASTIC FILM CAPACITORS EW Metallized Polyester Film Capacitor series Safety Standards recognized • R ecognized by the m ost authorized safety standards in the w orld , such as UL, CSA, VDE, SEV, DEMKO, SEMKO, NEMKO and FIMKO, designing fo r ap plication s w here safety and reliability are

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    20MIN 250VAC PDF


    Abstract: LP-04-2V LP0-35 LP08 LP050 3300 XL 22X45 25u183ms54f2 LPO-100V102MS26F2 elna
    Text: LPO Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors For Audio Series LP O Type I, Type II For Power Supply Filter High quality sound with a very high response due to a formation method newly developed for audio applications. Outline Drawing M ost suitable for pow er supply of pre-am plifier and main-amplifier.

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    minu200 22x50 LPO-100V122MS36F2 25x45 LPO-100 V122MS44F2 30x35 LPO-100V122MS52F2 35x25 LPO-100V152MS37F2 ELNA FOR AUDIO LP-04-2V LP0-35 LP08 LP050 3300 XL 22X45 25u183ms54f2 LPO-100V102MS26F2 elna PDF

    MOV collmer

    Abstract: cs841 varistor 130 L 1036
    Text: CUSTOM MOV MODULES & SNUBBER CIRCUIT MODULES STANDARD AND CUSTOM DESIGN Typical features are: • Simplified Repair - Shorter Down Times • Increased Safety - MOV Failures Contained By Module • Sturdy Construction - Encapsulated Expoxy or Rubber • Space Saving - Module Mounts Alm ost Anywhere

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    Abstract: hcnr200 853C optocoupler as isolated linear opamp analog optocoupler hcnr201
    Text: W tial H EW LETT wLEM PACKARD High-Linearity Analog O ptocouplers Technical Data HCNR200 HCNR201 Features Applications • L ow N onlinearity: 0.01% • L ow C ost A nalog Isolation • T elecom : M odem, PBX • Industrial P rocess Control: Transducer Isolator

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    HCNR200 HCNR201 HCNR200: HCNR201: 6N139. 6N139 HCNR200/201 HCNR200/ QCPl 853C optocoupler as isolated linear opamp analog optocoupler hcnr201 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product S pecification < $ Z ili2 5 Z86127 Low -C ost D igital Television Controller LDTC FEATURES 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller for Consumer Television Applications. • 64-Pin DIP Package ■ Low-Cost ■ Low Power Consumption ■ Fast Instruction Pointer -1 .5 |os @ 4 MHz

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    Z86127 64-Pin Z8612704PSC Z86127 D73H PDF

    rifa pme 290

    Abstract: rifa pme 290 m capacitor rifa pme
    Text: INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSORS PME 290 Metallized Paper PME 290 • S elf-extinguishing encapsulation in material meeting the m ost severe requirem ent acc. to UL 9 4 V -0 1.6 mm . • Safety approvals in eleven (11) coun­ tries. • Very precise positioning of the leads

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    IEC65 rifa pme 290 rifa pme 290 m capacitor rifa pme PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PREUl A A MK1449C Sound Clock ic r o C lo ck Description Features The M K 1449C is the m ost cost effective way to generate high quality audio clock outputs for sound chips. Using Phase-Locked-Loop PLL techniques, the device uses a standard fundam ental

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    MK1449C 1449C 295-9800tel# 295-9818fax S1449C K1449 PDF

    opa549 power amplifier circuit diagram

    Abstract: 443j opa548 OPA549 AB-039 316j application A 316J 850C OPA547 OPA549T
    Text: B U R R -B R O W N OPA549 For m ost current data sheet and other product information, visit High-Voltage, High-Current OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • HIGH OUTPUT CURRENT: 8A Continuous 10A Peak The OPA549 is a low-cost, high-voltage/high-current

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    OPA549 11-LEAD OPA549 17313LS 003TDn DAC780X DAC7800 12-bit DAC7B01 opa549 power amplifier circuit diagram 443j opa548 AB-039 316j application A 316J 850C OPA547 OPA549T PDF

    Burr Brown part marking ADS

    Abstract: Burr Brown part marking Burr Brown part marking INA ADS1250 ADS1250U 43ga
    Text: ADS1250 For m ost current data sheet and oth er product inform ation, v is it w w w .burr-brow 20-Bit Data Acquisition System ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 20 BITS NO MISSING CODES The ADS 1250 is a precision, wide dynamic range,

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    ADS1250 20-Bit 25kHz Burr Brown part marking ADS Burr Brown part marking Burr Brown part marking INA ADS1250 ADS1250U 43ga PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BURR - BROW N INA155 For m ost current data sheet and other product inform ation, visit w w w .b urr-b ro w m Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail Output, CMOS INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER FEATURES APPLICATIONS • RAIL-TO-RAIL OUTPUT SWING: Within 10mV • LOW OFFSET VOLTAGE: 1200jiV

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    INA155 1200jiV 550kHz 500mV. 500mV INA155 PDF

    Chip Resistors Parasitic capacitance

    Abstract: OPA688 OPA689 OPA689P OPA689U 6n1m
    Text: B U R R -B R O W N OPA689 For m ost current data sheet and other product inform ation, visit w w w .b urr-b ro w m Wideband, High Gain VOLTAGE LIMITING AMPLIFIER FEATURES APPLICATIONS • HIGH LINEARITY NEAR LIMITING • FAST RECOVERY FROM OVERDRIVE: 2.4ns

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    OPA689 280MHz 600V/jiS OPA688 OPA689 500i2 Chip Resistors Parasitic capacitance OPA688 OPA689P OPA689U 6n1m PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DSPRRGUE iii «IffV l! I ll* TANTALUM CHIP CAPACITORS Type 894D B uilt-In-Fuse TANTAMOUNT M iniature M olded-C ase Chip C apacitors F e a tu re s — * * * * Long Life High R eliability Low C ost E le ctrically o r T h erm ally A ctivated Internal Fuse * "M ac h in e Friendly"

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    300804/U X0035D2T 894D475X0035E2T 894D685X0035E2T 894D105X0050C2T 894D335X0050E2T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B U R R -B R O W N OPA350 OPA2350 OPA435Q For m ost current data sheet and other product inform ation, visit w w w .b urr-b ro w m High-Speed, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS MicroAmplifier Series FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • •

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    OPA350 OPA2350 OPA435Q 38MHz ZZ337 PDF


    Abstract: til 815 display PCM1737 PCM1737E PLL1700
    Text: B U R R -BR O W N PCM1737 For m ost current data sheet and other product inform ation, visit w w w .b urr-b ro w m 24-Bit, 192kHz Sampling Enhanced Multi-Level, Delta-Sigma, Audio DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 24-BIT RESOLUTION

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    PCM1737 24-Bit, 192kHz 24-BIT 106dB 454fs 546fs -82dB 002dB 1117-3.3 til 815 display PCM1737 PCM1737E PLL1700 PDF

    current transducer la 55-p

    Abstract: 614CN
    Text: Semiconductor LM614 Quad Operational Amplifier and Adjustable Reference General Description Features The LM 614 consists of fo u r op-am ps and a program m able voltage reference in a 16-pin package. The op-am p out-perform s m ost single-supply op-am ps by providing

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    LM614 16-pin current transducer la 55-p 614CN PDF


    Abstract: CS-403TH5 CS-403TV5 oscilloscope ox 2000
    Text: CS-403 CS-403 5V, 750mA Linear Regulator with RESET D escription The CS-403 is a linear regulator specially designed as a p ost regu­ lator. The CS-403 provides low noise, low drift, and high accuracy to im prove the performance of a switching pow er supply. It is ideal

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    750mA CS-403 500mA) O-220 CS-403T5 T0-220 CS-403TV5 CS-403TH5 oscilloscope ox 2000 PDF


    Abstract: 2337PA 338N
    Text: OPA337 OPA2337 OPA338 OPA2338 B U R R -B R O W N For m ost current data sheet and other product inform ation, visit w w w .b urr-b ro w m M/croSIZE, Single-Supply CMOS OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS MicroAmplifier~ Series FEATURES DESCRIPTION • M/croSIZE PACKAGES:

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    OPA337 OPA2337 OPA338 OPA2338 OT-23-5 OT-23-8 OPA337: OPA338: 120dB 337u 2337PA 338N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B U R R -B R O W N OPA353 OPA2353 OPA4353 For m ost current data sheet and other product inform ation, visit w w w .b urr-b ro w m High-Speed, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS MicmArnplifier Series FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • •

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    OPA353 OPA2353 OPA4353 44MHz ZZ337 PDF


    Abstract: INA156E
    Text: BURR - BROW N INA156 For m ost current data sheet and other product inform ation, visit w w w .b urr-b ro w m Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail Output, CMOS INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER FEATURES APPLICATIONS • RAIL-TO-RAIL OUTPUT SWING: Within 20mV • LOW OFFSET DRIFT: ±5fiV/°C

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    INA156 550kHz 500mV. 500mV 12-Bits INA156 INA156E PDF


    Abstract: r-102 BA3304 BA5204F Q102 Q105 Q117 R106 transistor q117 rnf38
    Text: Audio ICs 3V/35mW dual power amplifier BA5204F The BA5204F is a dual-channel power am plifier designed tor 3V stereo headphone tape players. There is alm ost no “ p o p ” sound generated when the power is switched on and off, so this 1C is ideal for headphone applications. Input

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    V/35mW BA5204F BA5204F TRANSISTOR ifw r-102 BA3304 Q102 Q105 Q117 R106 transistor q117 rnf38 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODEL 3902 A Subsidiary of SILICON TRANSISTOR CORP. 2 MHz Voltage-to-Frequency Converter Description The 3902 is a high performance, precision 2 MHz full scale Voltage-toFrequency Converter, and is intended fo r those a pplica tio n s w hich require m axim um perform ance at the m ost

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