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    SGAS707 Renesas Electronics Corporation Industrial Organic Chemical Sensor Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    SMOD707KITV1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Sensor Evaluation Kit Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    932S421BGLFT Renesas Electronics Corporation CK410B+ Synthesizer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    932S421CGLF Renesas Electronics Corporation CK410B+ Synthesizer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    932SQ420DKLF Renesas Electronics Corporation CK420BQ Synthesizer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

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    common cathode 7-segment led display

    Abstract: common cathode 7 segment led digital piano IC common cathode 7 segment Common Anode 7 Segment LED Display HT3494 the happy organ LM386S common anode 7 segment c program for 8*8 DOT LED MATRIX display
    Text: HT3494 Multi-Function Keyboard Instrument Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Operating voltage: 3.3V~5.1V On-chip crystal oscillator: 3.58MHz 49-key instrument and compass range from C2~C6

    HT3494 58MHz 49-key LM386 common cathode 7-segment led display common cathode 7 segment led digital piano IC common cathode 7 segment Common Anode 7 Segment LED Display HT3494 the happy organ LM386S common anode 7 segment c program for 8*8 DOT LED MATRIX display PDF

    digital piano IC

    Abstract: HT3690A the happy organ common cathode 7-segment led display tempo Effect timber common cathode 7 segment led piano digital LM386S HT3690
    Text: HT3690A Multi-Function Keyboard Instrument Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Operating voltage: 2.4V~5.1V On-chip crystal oscillator: 3.58MHz 49-key instrument and compass range from C2~C6

    HT3690A 58MHz 49-key LM386 digital piano IC HT3690A the happy organ common cathode 7-segment led display tempo Effect timber common cathode 7 segment led piano digital LM386S HT3690 PDF


    Abstract: delay reverb diagram schematic DREAM synth church songs string ensemble VOICE RECORDER schematic SAM9503 santur 97PNP2 Roland e 38 schematic
    Text: 97PnP2 Audio CD Quality Professional Sound Studio . User Guide Table of Contents Section 1 Introduction . 1-1

    97PnP2 SAM9707 delay reverb diagram schematic DREAM synth church songs string ensemble VOICE RECORDER schematic SAM9503 santur Roland e 38 schematic PDF

    delay reverb diagram schematic

    Abstract: MIDI Dream SAM9707 guitar effect schematic dream*5 Equalizer delay reverb digital reverb processor diagram flanger Roland e 38 schematic PCM1711
    Text: 97PnP2 Audio CD Quality Professional Sound Studio . User Guide Table of Contents Section 1 Introduction . 1-1

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    bd 9777

    Abstract: echo delay guitar echo reverb ic guitar MIDI Dream DREAM synth reverb IC musical bell digital piano IC dream snare drum sound ic
    Text: an Company 9777PC1 PCI Multimedia Sound System 9777PC1 Sound card User’s guide 9777PC1.PDF 15/02/00 an Company This page intentionally left blank 9777PC1 Sound card User’s guide 2 an Company Table of contents Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION _ 4

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    Abstract: Equalizer delay reverb DREAM synth echo delay guitar free harmonica sheet music reverb effect snare SAM9793 string ensemble FX 2 24 MT
    Text: SAM9773 . User Guide Table of Contents Section 1 Configuration and Special MIDI Controls. 1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 DAC Configuration .1-1

    SAM9773 3755H: 1718B 06/01/0M SAM9773 Equalizer delay reverb DREAM synth echo delay guitar free harmonica sheet music reverb effect snare SAM9793 string ensemble FX 2 24 MT PDF


    Abstract: echo delay reverb slide pot roland dream spatializer schematic DREAM synth dreamSAM9707 delay reverb dream sam9503 PCM1711
    Text: an Company 97PnP2 Audio CD Quality Professional Sound Studio 97PnP2 Sound card User’s guide 97Pnp2.doc 23/12/98 an 97PnP2 Sound card User’s guide Company 2 an Company Table of contents Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION _ 4 97PnP2 Key Features

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    delay reverb

    Abstract: F7102 delay chorus 1718A SAM9773
    Text: SAM9773 . User Guide Table of Contents Section 1 Configuration and Special MIDI Controls . 1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3

    SAM9773 3755h: 03/01/xM delay reverb F7102 delay chorus 1718A SAM9773 PDF


    Abstract: echo delay guitar SAM9407 analog sound effect guitar processor DREAM synth dream sam9503 flanger midi to game port cable 21 Guns Chorale Sheet digital sound effect guitar processor
    Text: an Company PCM64 PC Card Sound Studio Reference Design PCM64 PC card User’s guide PCM64.doc 28/07/98 LICENSE This reference design contains copyrighted software and wavetable sample data c 1996 by DREAM SA. You may NOT : • Modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, create derivative works based on the software

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    Abstract: SAM2695 rc helicopter circuit diagram
    Text: SAM2695 LOW POWER SINGLE CHIP SYNTHESIZER WITH EFFECTS AND BUILT-IN CODEC  Single chip all-in-one design. o MIDI control processor, serial and parallel interface o Synthesis, General MIDI wavetable implementation o General MIDI compatible effects: reverb + chorus

    SAM2695 -75dB 64-voice 38-voice MQFN48 SAM2695 rc helicopter circuit diagram PDF

    display 7 segmento sm 4105

    Abstract: NS_Databook_77 MA1012 MA1002 MM5799 MM5318 MM57109 mm5782n Remote Control Toy Car Receiver IC tx2 MM5871
    Text: MOS/LSI DATABOOK NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR i Edge Index by Product Family Clocks Counters/Timers Electronic Organ Circuits TV Circuits Analog to Digital A /D Converters Communications/CB Radio Circuits Watches Calculators Controller Oriented Processor Systems (COPS)

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    MM5309 MM5311 J28592 IM-CP70M17/PRINTED display 7 segmento sm 4105 NS_Databook_77 MA1012 MA1002 MM5799 MM5318 MM57109 mm5782n Remote Control Toy Car Receiver IC tx2 MM5871 PDF


    Abstract: ami organ electronic organ transistor f8 pn sequence generator using transistor seven segment code transistor organ musical SYNTHESIZER schematic rhythm pattern generator
    Text: AMI S8890 AMERICAN MICROSYSTEMS, INC.| RHYTHM GENERATOR Features General Description □ □ □ □ □ □ The rhythm generator is a counter-ROM specifically designed for electronic organ and other electronic in­ strum ents. This product contains an internal

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    S8890 ami organ electronic organ transistor f8 pn sequence generator using transistor seven segment code transistor organ musical SYNTHESIZER schematic rhythm pattern generator PDF


    Abstract: MM5833 497572 electronic organ Organ synthesizer
    Text: M M 5 8 3 2 , M M 5 8 3 3 chromatic frequency generator M M 5832, M M 5833 Electronic Organ Circuits general description The N a tio n a l S e m ico n d uctor M M 5 ^ 3 2 ^ M M 5 833 ch ro ­ m a tic fre q u en cy generator is atç M O ^/t^S I frequency synthesizer designed to generate m usical frequencies.

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    14-lead MM5832 MM5833 497572 electronic organ Organ synthesizer PDF


    Abstract: TE 555-4 6 stage frequency divider organ electronic organ
    Text: M M 5554 Electronic Organ Circuits M M 5 5 5 4 frequency divider general description The M M 5 5 5 4 fre q u en cy d ivid e r provides six stages o f b in a ry d ivisio n to produce six octave-related o u tp u ts o f an e le ctro n ic m usical in s tru m e n t tone

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    Abstract: M5823 MM5824 electronic organ
    Text: M M 5823. M M 5824 Electronic Organ Circuits M M 5 8 2 3 , M M 5 8 2 4 frequency dividers general description These fre q u en c y dividers provide six stages o f bin ary T h e M M 5 8 2 3 and M M 5 8 2 4 co m p le m e n t th e M M 5 8 3 2 , division M M 5 8 3 3 and M M 5 5 5 5 , M M 5 5 5 6 c h ro m a tic frequency

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: YRW801M ymf278 4RW801A2 YMF278B hand clap sound generator 7.1 sound system amplifire circuit diagram accordion W5S24 ymf27
    Text: YAMAHA'!.SI YRW801 WAVE DATA ROM • OVERVIEW The YRW801 is a wave data ROM for the YMF278B OPL4 Wave Table synthesizer, integrating all tones GM (General MIDI) System Level 1 into one chip. The chip set of YMF278B and YRW801 enables high-quality and compact design of sound system based

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    YRW801 YRW801 YMF278B YMF278B 16Mbit 152word 44-pin YRW801M ymf278 4RW801A2 hand clap sound generator 7.1 sound system amplifire circuit diagram accordion W5S24 ymf27 PDF


    Abstract: YMF278B YAMAHA ELECTRIC ORGAN drum synthesizer CHIP hi hat 4RW801A2
    Text: YAMAHA I. S I WAVE DATA ROM • OVERVIEW The YRW801 is a wave data ROM for the YM F278B OPL4 Wave Table synthesizer, integrating all tones GM (General M IDI) System Level 1 into one chip. The chip set o f Y M F278B and YRW801 enables high-quality and com pact design o f sound system based

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    la 7632

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: dream SINGLE CHIP SYNTHESIZER WITH EFFECTS Single chip all-in-one design, only requires external DAC — MIDI control processor — Synthesis, General MIDI w avetable im plem entation — C om patible effects : reverb + chorus — Program m able Spatializer or four channels surround *

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: bass drum sound ic KS0174 TR-808 KS0174-1M circuit diagram of musical electronics bell with roland piano Le grand tango VIOLIN snare drum sound ic echo reverb ic guitar
    Text: MULTIMEDIA AUDIO KS0174-1M.2M &mniWavej,. SAMPLE ROMS 44 SOP-600 The ks0174-1M is a 1M-byte sam ple ROM for the KS0164 O m niW am ejr. The ROM utilies a word mode 524,288x16 bit organization 8M-bit . The KS0174-2M is a 2M*byte sam ple ROM for the KSQ164 iim n iW avejr. The ROM utilizes a word mode 1,048,576 x

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    KS0174-1M OP-600 KS0164 288x16 KS0174-2M KSQ164 16M-M) MT-32, DISTORTION PEDAL DIAGRAM bass drum sound ic KS0174 TR-808 circuit diagram of musical electronics bell with roland piano Le grand tango VIOLIN snare drum sound ic echo reverb ic guitar PDF

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    Abstract: roland e-16 KS0174 KS0164
    Text: KS0174 Multimedia ELECTRONICS QmniWavejr. SA M PLE ROMS 44 SOP-600 The ks0174-1M is a 1M-byte sample ROM for the KS0164 QmniWamejr. The ROM utilies a word mode 524,288x16 bit organization 8M-bit . The KS0174-2M is a 2M-byte sample ROM for the KS0164 QmniWavejr. The ROM utilizes a word mode 1,048,576 x

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    rc helicopter circuit diagram

    Abstract: j3700 reverb IC
    Text: dream SINGLE CHIP SYNTHESIZER WITH EFFECTS, PARALLEL INTERFACE • Single chip all-in-one design, only requires external DAC — MIDI control processor, serial and parallel interface — Synthesis — Compatible effects : reverb + chorus — Programmable Spatializer orfour channels surround *

    OCR Scan
    SAM9793 rc helicopter circuit diagram j3700 reverb IC PDF

    Le grand tango VIOLIN

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ES690/ES981 Wavetable & ROM Data Sheet ESS Technology, Inc. ES690 DESCRIPTION ES690 FEATURES The ES690 is a single, highly integrated, highperformance, and economical wavetable music synthesizer chip for personal computers, delivering superior acoustic sound comparable to expensive

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    ES690/ES981 ES690 16-bit ES690/ES981 ES981 Le grand tango VIOLIN PDF

    frequency divider organs

    Abstract: electronic organ
    Text: AMI S10129 AMERICAN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SEVEN STAGE FREQUENCY DIVIDER □ Contains Seven Binary Dividers □ Triggers on Negative-Going Edge □ High Impedance Inputs □ Schmidt Trigger on Inputs □ No Minimum Input Rise or Fall Time Requirements □ Low Impedance Push-Pull Outputs

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    S10129 frequency divider organs electronic organ PDF

    6 stage frequency divider organ

    Abstract: frequency divider organs electronic organ organ generator
    Text: AMI S10131 AMERICAN MICROSYSTEMS, INC.I December 1979 Features General Description □ Contains Six Binary Dividers □ Triggers on Negative-Going Edge □ High Impedance Inputs The S 10131 is a monolithic frequency divider circuit fabricated with P-Channel ion-implanted MOS technology.

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    S10131 6 stage frequency divider organ frequency divider organs electronic organ organ generator PDF