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    Text: Order this document by MC13173/D MC13173 Infrared Integrated Transceiver IC The MC13173 is a low power infrared integrated system IRIS . It is a unique blend of a split IF wideband FM receiver and a specialized infrared LED transmitter. This device was designed to provide communications

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    Text: Order this document by MC13173/D MC13173 Infrared Integrated Transceiver IC The MC13173 is a low power infrared integrated system IRIS . It is a unique blend of a split IF wideband FM receiver and a specialized infrared LED transmitter. This device was designed to provide communications

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    Text: Order this document by MC13173/D MC13173 Infrared Integrated Transceiver IC The MC13173 is a low power infrared integrated system IRIS . It is a unique blend of a split IF wideband FM receiver and a specialized infrared LED transmitter. This device was designed to provide communications

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    Text: Order this document by MC13173/D MC13173 The MC13173 is a low power infrared integrated system IRIS . It is a unique blend of a split IF wideband FM receiver and a specialized infrared LED transmitter. This device was designed to provide communications between portable computers via a half duplex infrared link at data rates up to

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    Text: Volumes II I Alphanumeric Index and Cross References 1 I Amplifiers and Comparators 2 I Power Supply Circuits 3 I Power/Motor Control Circuits 4 II Voltage References 5 II Data Conversion 6 II Interface Circuits 7 II Communication Circuits 8 II Consumer Electronic Circuits

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