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    OI BIPOLAR LOGIC Search Results

    OI BIPOLAR LOGIC Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TB67H481FTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Stepping and Brushed Motor Driver /Bipolar Type / Vout(V)=50 / Iout(A)=3.0 / IN input type / VQFN32 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DFE2016CKA-1R0M=P2 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 1uH 1800mA NONAUTO Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM15PX121BH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 120ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM15PX181SH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 180ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S1208MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    OI BIPOLAR LOGIC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: QMI-505MT QMI505 5310A EN-4088Z QMI505MT SN74F32 SN74F32N RH42
    Text: TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Final Notification for the QMI 505MT Die Mount Compound Process at the Mexico and Malaysia Assembly/Test Facilities for PDIP Product March 18, 1998 Abstract Texas Instruments, Standard Linear and Logic, is qualifying the QMI 505MT die mount compound

    505MT EN-4088Z QMI-505MT PC2400 QMI505 5310A QMI505MT SN74F32 SN74F32N RH42 PDF


    Abstract: mitsubishi lot code HBM 00-01 74ls04d datasheet TI Ji Bipolar LINEAR TECHNOLOGY date code JI Bipolar 500 mold compound JI Linear Bipolar Products TL 170C
    Text: TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Final Notification of Mitsubishi Silicon of America MSA Second Source Wafer Qualification for Starting 125mm Substrates in Sherman, Texas Wafer Fab July 22, 1999 Abstract The Texas Instruments Wafer Fabrication Facility in Sherman, Texas (SFAB) has qualified Mitsubishi

    125mm 85C85 260deg 74LS04D mitsubishi lot code HBM 00-01 74ls04d datasheet TI Ji Bipolar LINEAR TECHNOLOGY date code JI Bipolar 500 mold compound JI Linear Bipolar Products TL 170C PDF


    Abstract: harris 6408 TD732 0-P15 HD1-6408-9 HD3-6408-9 HD-6408 TD10 TD11 TE11
    Text: HD-6408 S E M I C O N D U C T O R CMOS Asynchronous Serial Manchester Adapter ASMA March 1997 Features Description • Low Bit Error Rate The HD-6408 is a CMOS/LSI Manchester Encoder/Decoder for creating a very high speed asynchronous serial data bus. The Encoder converts serial NRZ data (typically from a shift

    HD-6408 HD-6408 HD-6408-9 harris 6408 TD732 0-P15 HD1-6408-9 HD3-6408-9 TD10 TD11 TE11 PDF


    Abstract: HD-6408-9 FN2952 HD1-6408-9 HD3-6408-9 TD10 TD11 TE11 TD732
    Text: HD-6408 TM CMOS Asynchronous Serial Manchester Adapter ASMA March 1997 Features Description • Low Bit Error Rate The HD-6408 is a CMOS/LSI Manchester Encoder/Decoder for creating a very high speed asynchronous serial data bus. The Encoder converts serial NRZ data (typically from a shift

    HD-6408 HD-6408 HD-6408-9 FN2952 HD1-6408-9 HD3-6408-9 TD10 TD11 TE11 TD732 PDF

    manchester encoder

    Abstract: differential manchester encoder 16 to 4 encoder dip datasheet of encoder ic with full specification HD1-6408-9 HD3-6408-9 HD-6408 HD-6408-9 TD10 TD11
    Text: HD-6408 CMOS Asynchronous Serial Manchester Adapter ASMA March 1997 Features Description • Low Bit Error Rate The HD-6408 is a CMOS/LSI Manchester Encoder/Decoder for creating a very high speed asynchronous serial data bus. The Encoder converts serial NRZ data (typically from a shift

    HD-6408 HD-6408 manchester encoder differential manchester encoder 16 to 4 encoder dip datasheet of encoder ic with full specification HD1-6408-9 HD3-6408-9 HD-6408-9 TD10 TD11 PDF


    Abstract: HD-6408-9 differential manchester encoder HD-6408 FN2952 TD732 16 to 4 encoder dip F24.6 Package manchester encoder TE11
    Text: HD-6408 Data Sheet March 7, 2006 CMOS Asynchronous Serial Manchester Adapter ASMA The HD-6408 is a CMOS/LSI Manchester Encoder/Decoder for creating a very high speed asynchronous serial data bus. The Encoder converts serial NRZ data (typically from a shift

    HD-6408 HD-6408 FN2952 TD-429 HD-6408-9 differential manchester encoder TD732 16 to 4 encoder dip F24.6 Package manchester encoder TE11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD-6408 Data Sheet March 7, 2006 CMOS Asynchronous Serial Manchester Adapter ASMA The HD-6408 is a CMOS/LSI Manchester Encoder/Decoder for creating a very high speed asynchronous serial data bus. The Encoder converts serial NRZ data (typically from a shift

    HD-6408 HD-6408 FN2952 PDF


    Abstract: TL04ACN MC3403N SN74F04N UA9636ACP OI Bipolar Logic Qualification
    Text: TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Initial Notification of Mitsubishi Silicon of America MSA Second Source Wafer Qualification for Starting 125mm Substrates in Sherman, Texas Wafer Fab February 5, 1999 Abstract The Texas Instruments Wafer Fabrication Facility in Sherman, Texas (SFAB) plans to qualify

    125mm SN74LS04N TL04ACN MC3403N SN74F04N UA9636ACP OI Bipolar Logic Qualification PDF


    Abstract: WA-LS158 WP90348
    Text: ì_ ^— -A T & T NELEC I SS C O DS G D E b OGDDS-OI T • D^ 1-66-21-51 WP90348 List 6, WA-LS158 Quad 2- to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer The LS1S8 is a bipolar, NPN, sealed-junction, silicon integrated circuit. It is manufactured in low-power

    OCR Scan
    005002b j-66-21-51 WP90348 WA-LS158 LS158 16-pin 005005b T-66-21-51 WA-LS158, WA-LS158 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IN T E G R A T E D DEVICE SfiE D 4025 77 1 O O l O b B O GTG IDT29FCT520A IDT29FCT520B IDT29FCT520C MULTILEVEL PIPELINE REGISTER " r - < - U > - ,D v o oi FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • Equivalent to A M D 's A m 29520 bipolar Multilevel Pipeline Register in pinout/function, speed and output drive over

    OCR Scan
    IDT29FCT520A IDT29FCT520B IDT29FCT520C 2620tbi PDF


    Abstract: M6809 M6808 mc6809 Application note an-820 6809E 6809 processor motorola HWC8507 M6800 MC6802 MC6828
    Text: • IM È li ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ MC6828 HWC8507 Oi< l¿N o te : The dual n u m b e rin g system em phasis th a t th is device is a bipolar LSI service and d ire ctly co m p a tib le w ith the M 68 0 0 X M icroprocessor Family. The P rio rity In te rru p t C o n tro lle r may be

    OCR Scan
    MC6828 M6800X MC6828/8507 MC6809/MC6802/M6808 MC6800/MC6804 M6800 MC6809 M6809 M6808 mc6809 Application note an-820 6809E 6809 processor motorola HWC8507 MC6802 PDF

    TELEDYNE 321 nand

    Abstract: 303AL HINIL 303 teledyne tH30 BUL 380 342CL HiNil 381 teledyne 333 HiNil HINIL 332
    Text: TELEDYNE COMPONENTS 2ÛE D • â*îl7tiQH QQDS171 S m Bipolar Interface Logic ■■■■ Purpose of Bipolar Interface Logic T -Y 3 ~ 0 l PROTECTING CMOS AND *lP SYSTEMS Bipolar Interface Logic - the 300 Series - is a remarkably simple solution to interfacing

    OCR Scan
    QQDS171 TELEDYNE 321 nand 303AL HINIL 303 teledyne tH30 BUL 380 342CL HiNil 381 teledyne 333 HiNil HINIL 332 PDF

    sab 2403

    Abstract: 74fct653en T653C
    Text: CD74FCT653, CD74FCT654 ^ Tex a s In s tr u m e n ts D ata sheet acquired from Harris Sem iconductor S C H S 263 FCT Interface Logic, Octal Bus Transceivers/ Regisj&s pen Drain A Side , Three-State (B Side) January 1997 Features » Buffered Inputs [Description

    OCR Scan
    CD74FCT653, CD74FCT654 CD74FCT653 CD74FCT654 sab 2403 74fct653en T653C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HI-574A, HI-674A iSS H a r r i s U U S E M I C O N D U C T O R Complete 12-Bit A/D Converter with Microprocessor Interface December 1993 Features Description • Complete 12-Blt A/D Converter with Reference and Clock The HI-X74 A is a complete 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter,

    OCR Scan
    HI-574A, HI-674A 12-Bit 12-Blt HI-X74 16-Bit 150ns HI-674A, PDF

    ic l298

    Abstract: L298 IC motor driver L298 l297 l298 PCB

    OCR Scan
    15lead erS020 ic l298 L298 IC motor driver L298 l297 l298 PCB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 10 0 P 2 5 6 256—Bit ECL Bipolar PROM Preliminary Specification Bipolar Memory Products FEATURES • Address access time: 3ns max DESCRIPTION The 100P256 is field programmable, meaning that custom patterns are imme­ diately available by following the Signetics

    OCR Scan
    100P256 256-Bit 100P256 PDF

    Signetics 82S191

    Abstract: 82S191 82S191A signetics generic procedure
    Text: Signetics 82S191, 82S191A Military Bipolar Memory Products Product Specification 16K-Bit TTL Bipolar PROM DESCRIPTION The 82S191 and 82S191A are field programmable, which means that custom patterns are immediately available by following the Signetics Generic I fusing

    OCR Scan
    82S191, 82S191A 82S19 100ns 82S191A: 16K-Bit 82S191 82S191A Signetics 82S191 signetics generic procedure PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b3E • MITSUBISHI BIPOLAR DIGITAL ICs b5^fl27 0015270 2MT ■ H I T 3 M54833P MITSUBISHI DÊTL LOGIC 8-CHANNEL S E LE C T O R W ITH C LO C K OUT DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) The M 54833P is a sem iconductor integ rate d c irc u it consist­

    OCR Scan
    M54833P 54833P PDF


    Abstract: N82S181CN
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Document No. 853-0090 ECNNo. 96054 Date o f Issu« March 14,1989 Status Product Specification 82S181C 8K-bit TTL bipolar PROM Memory Products PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82S181C is field programmable, which means that custom patterns are

    OCR Scan
    82S181C 82S181C N82S181CN3 N82S181CN PDF


    Abstract: DIP16F DC MOTOR 24v ii777
    Text: Ordering number: EN 1530C i Monolithic Digital IC SANYO r LB 1 6 5 0 No.1530C i Dual Bidirectional Motor Driver The LB1650 is a dual bidirectional motor driver that is designed to accept standard TTL input logic levels and drive motors. It provides the functions of

    OCR Scan
    1530C LB1650 LB1650 DIP16F DC MOTOR 24v ii777 PDF


    Abstract: transistor bipolar driver schematic
    Text: t>3E • MITSUBISHI BIPOLAR DIGITAL ICs b24Tfl2? 0 0 1 4 ^ 3 22b ■ M I T 3 M 54527P MITSUBISHI DGTL LOGIC 6-UNIT 150mA DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY W ITH CLAMP DIODE DESCRIPTION The M54527P, 6-channel sink driver, consists of 12 NPN tran­ PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW)

    OCR Scan
    M54527P 150mA M54527P, 150mA M54527P 310Hz Ta-75t; transistor bipolar driver schematic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2 HARRIS H D -15 5 3 1 /8 8 3 CMOS Manchester Encoder-Decoder June 1989 P in o u t Features • This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to M il-Std-883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1. H D 1 - 1 5 5 3 1 /8 8 3 C E R A M IC DIP)

    OCR Scan
    il-Std-883 15531B) 32-Bits L-LJSE13 PDF


    Abstract: signetics 82S123 prom 32x8 825123 82S23 N82S23 82523 32x8 signetics 82s23 S82S23/BEA
    Text: BIPOLAR MEMORY DIVISION MAY 1982 256-BIT BIPOLAR PROM 32 X 8 82S23 (O.C.)/82S123 (T.S.) DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82S23 and 82S123 are fie ld p ro g ra m ­ mable, w hich m eans th a t cu sto m patterns are im m ediately available by fo llo w in g the fusing procedure given in th is data m anual.

    OCR Scan
    256-BIT 82S23 /82S123 82S23 82S123 N82S23/123: signetics 82S123 prom 32x8 825123 N82S23 82523 32x8 signetics 82s23 S82S23/BEA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Document No. 8 5 3 -0 1 4 8 ECN No. 8 6487 Date of Issue N ove m b e r 11, 1986 Status P ro du ct S pecifica tio n 8 2 S 1 2 6 8 2 S 1 2 9 1K-bit TTL bipolar PROM M em ory Products PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82S 12 6 and 82S 12 9 are field

    OCR Scan
    82S126: 82S126 82S129 270S1, 750i2, 750f2, PDF