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    OF 7400 - TTL Search Results

    OF 7400 - TTL Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74FCT807BTSOG Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807CTQGI Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74GTLP816PGI Renesas Electronics Corporation GTLP/LV TTL CLK DRIVER Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807BTPYGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807CTPYGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    OF 7400 - TTL Datasheets Context Search

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    F240 transistor

    Abstract: TTL LS 7400 Transistor F240 LS00 from Motorola 12MRM IC TTL 7400 propagation delay LS TTL family characteristics 7400 TTL ls 7400 LS00
    Text: Circuit Characteristics FAST AND LS TTL 2 CIRCUIT CHARACTERISTICS FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS LS TTL The Low Power Schottky LSTTL family combines a current and power reduction improvement over standard 7400 TTL by a factor of 5. This is accomplished by using Schottky diode clamping to prevent saturation and advanced processing.

    54/74S) Mil-Std-883C 12MRM 3831A 3830A F240 transistor TTL LS 7400 Transistor F240 LS00 from Motorola IC TTL 7400 propagation delay LS TTL family characteristics 7400 TTL ls 7400 LS00 PDF


    Abstract: 74574 7486 XOR GATE 7486 full adder latch 74574 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7490 Decade Counter 74373 cmos dual s-r latch 2 bit magnitude comparator using 2 xor gates design a BCD counter using j-k flipflop
    Text: Semiconductor Logic Device Cross-Reference Here is a comprehensive cross-reference of TTL and CMOS chips that are readily available over the counter from such places as Maplin Electronics in the UK . Tables of both TTL and CMOS devices are provided along with tables grouping chips with the same functionality together.



    Abstract: fzh261 FZK105 FZH131 FZJ111 FZH115 FZH205 Multiplexer IC 74151 FZH265B 74LS104
    Text: Digital I.C.s, 74INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIGITAL TTL, 74LS & 74HC Series Quad 2-input NAND gate Quad 2-input NAND gate, open collector Quad 2-input NOR gate Quad 2-input NOR gate, open collector Hex inverter Hex inverter, O/C collector Hex inverter, Buffer 30V O/P

    74INTEGRATED Line-to-10 150ns 16-DIL 150ns 18-pin 250ns 300ns FZH115B fzh261 FZK105 FZH131 FZJ111 FZH115 FZH205 Multiplexer IC 74151 FZH265B 74LS104 PDF


    Abstract: 7400 4-input nand gate 7400 QUAD NAND 54175 54164 nand ttl 7400 D5404 CD5432 7400 2-input nand gate 7400 signetics
    Text: 11 MAXIMUM RATINGS SIGNETICS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 5400 Series 7400 Series The 5400/7400 series of transistor-transistor logic consists of medium speed TTL integrated circuits. This high noise immunity fam ily was designed for general digital logic applications requiring

    OCR Scan
    24-LEAD 54158/E, 54160/E, 54161/E 54163/E, 54164/C, 54165/E 54166/E, 54170/E D5414 7400 4-input nand gate 7400 QUAD NAND 54175 54164 nand ttl 7400 D5404 CD5432 7400 2-input nand gate 7400 signetics PDF


    Abstract: motorola TTL 5400 series
    Text: MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltage - Vcc Unit +7.0 Supply Operating Voltage Range MOTOROLA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 5400 Series 7400 Series The 5400/7400 series of transistor-transistor logic is a medium-speed, high noise immunity family of saturating integrated logic circuits designed

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    54174/E 54175/E, 54176/C 54177/C 54178/C, 54179/E 54180/C 54181/J 54182/E, 54190/E 54175 motorola TTL 5400 series PDF

    cd 5411

    Abstract: 54175 CD 5401 7400 Series 4-bit Bi-Directional Shift Register 7400 J-K Flip-Flop Signetics 54123
    Text: Tft SIGNETICS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 5400 Series 7400 Series The 5400/7400 series of transistor-transistor logic consists of medium speed TTL integrated circuits. This high noise immunity family was designed for general digital logic applications requiring clock frequencies to 30 MHz and

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    14-LEAD -24-LEAD 24-LEAD 16-LEAD cd 5411 54175 CD 5401 7400 Series 4-bit Bi-Directional Shift Register 7400 J-K Flip-Flop Signetics 54123 PDF

    jk 7400

    Abstract: bistable multivibrator 5413 motorola TTL 5400 motorola 54175 54164 54181 motorola 5426 54120 Multivibrator 7400
    Text: MAXIMUM RATINGS Value Supply Voltage - Vcc +7.0 Supply Operating Voltage Range MOTOROLA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 5400 Series 7400 Series The 5400/7400 series of transistor-transistor logic is a medium-speed, high noise immunity family of saturating integrated logic circuits designed

    OCR Scan
    14-LEAD E-16-LEAD 16-LEAD 54181/J 54182/E 54190/E 54191/E 54192/E 54193/E jk 7400 bistable multivibrator 5413 motorola TTL 5400 motorola 54175 54164 54181 motorola 5426 54120 Multivibrator 7400 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS176 74LS94 74LS286 74ls150 74LS177 74LS116 74ls198 7400 TTL 74ls521
    Text: GOULD 4055916 GOULD SEMICONDUCTOR SEMICONDUCTOR DIV DIV 03E D | 03E MDSSTlb 09920 D UCICmEU T-4 3I-V 7400 TTL Cells •> GOULD CM OS Gate Array and Standard Cell Library Electronics Features General Description • Over 200 functions available. 7400 TTL Cells, a member of Gould’s EXPERT ASIC

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    TTL 7400 catalog

    Abstract: 7400 signetics TTL of 7400 Series - TTL R32e 7400 J-K Flip-Flop 5400/7400 Series TTL
    Text: LA N S D A L E S E M I C O N D U C T O R 32E i> m SBb^fiQB GO00377 M H L T E T-43-01 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating TTL 5400 Series 7400 Series Signetics Integrated Circuits The 5400/7400 series of transistortranslstor logic consists of medium speed TTL Integrated circuits. This high noise

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    GO00377 T-43-01 14-LEAD 16-LEAD 10-LEAD TTL 7400 catalog 7400 signetics TTL of 7400 Series - TTL R32e 7400 J-K Flip-Flop 5400/7400 Series TTL PDF

    7400 fan-out

    Abstract: 7402 nor 7491 8-bit 7490 Decade Counter TTL 7400 TTL 7400 AND propagation delay TTL 7400 propagation delay TTL 7475 TTL 7490 7402 J-K Flip-Flop
    Text: Logic Integrateci Circuits, MIC 7400 Series TTL G a te s in order of gates per package Type M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC 7430 7453 7454 7420 7440 7450 7451 7460 7410 7400 7401 7402 Positive logic definition Gates per package

    OCR Scan

    TTL 7400 catalog

    Abstract: 54194 54175 5413 motorola 54181 7400 family TTL E-16-LEAD 54174 motorola S3FC F 54179
    Text: LA NS D A L E S E M I C O N D U C T O R 3 2 E I> • 5 3 3=1003 00003(3 M (3 B I L T E MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltage - V00 Supply Operating Voltage Range MOTOROLA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 5400 Series 7400 Series The 5400/7400 series of transistor-transistor logic is a

    OCR Scan
    DD003b4 14-LEAD 16-LEAD 10-LEAD 24-LEAD 12-LEAD TTL 7400 catalog 54194 54175 5413 motorola 54181 7400 family TTL E-16-LEAD 54174 motorola S3FC F 54179 PDF


    Abstract: 54175 5413 motorola TTL 7400 motorola 7400 4-input nand gate LA 4301 F 54179
    Text: LA NS D A L E S E M I C O N D U C T O R 3 2 E I> • 5 3 3=1003 00003(3 M (3 B I L T E MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltage - V00 Supply Operating Voltage Range MOTOROLA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 5400 Series 7400 Series The 5400/7400 series of transistor-transistor logic is a

    OCR Scan
    14-LEAD 16-LEAD 10-LEAD 24-LEAD 54128 54175 5413 motorola TTL 7400 motorola 7400 4-input nand gate LA 4301 F 54179 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C342 CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR 128-Macrocell MAX EPLDs The speed and density of the CY7C342 allows it to be used in a wide range of applications, from replacement of large amounts of 7400-series TTL logic, to complex controllers and multifunction chips. With greater than 25 times the

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    CY7C342 128-Macrocell 7400-series 20-pin CY7C342 PDF


    Abstract: tallow
    Text: Am93L11 Low-Power One-of-Sixteen Decoder •1ÿ ilinctive Characteristics: 56 mw typical power dissipation. 100% reliability assurance testing in compliance with MIL STD 883. »0 ns typical propagation delay. Compatible with 7400 and 9300 series devices LOGIC DIAGRAM

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    Am93L11 U6N93L1159X tallow PDF

    lm324 dc to ac inverters diagram

    Abstract: IGC20000
    Text: G E CO-. CUSTOM I N T E G R A T E » 50 D ë 30740=15 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 fi 58C 000Ò1 3 8 7 4 0 9 5 G E CO» CUSTOM INTEGRATED /" " T -42-11-09 & iß ¿ ¡r The IGC20000 Series CMOS Gate Arrays A? — Facilitates conversion of 7400 and 4000based designs —Complete macro library of TTL or CMOS

    OCR Scan
    IGC20000 4000based Layo213 4280F MS3585-00 lm324 dc to ac inverters diagram IGC20000 PDF


    Abstract: IC TTL 7400 propagation delay propagation delay in IC TTL 7400 TTL 7400 TTL 7400 propagation delay 74l00 TTL IC TTL 7400 TTL 5400 of 7400 Series - TTL a/74L00 TTL
    Text: LTTL SERIES S e r ie s 54L0 0 /7 4 L00 L o w - p o w e r T r a n s is t o r - T r a n s is t o r L o g ic The 5 4 L0 0 /7 4 L 00 range is a series of low -pow er general purpose integrated circuit functions w hich are fully compatible with the 5400/7400 range of TTL. The range of circuits consists of

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    54L00 74L00 4L/74L IC TTL 7400 propagation delay propagation delay in IC TTL 7400 TTL 7400 TTL 7400 propagation delay 74l00 TTL IC TTL 7400 TTL 5400 of 7400 Series - TTL a/74L00 TTL PDF

    IC 7400 nand function

    Abstract: IC 7400 nand gate bistable multivibrator applications IC NAND GATE 7400 full adder 7 segment ic 54175 BCD 6bit counter 54174 motorola 2 bit full adder 7400 ic nand gate
    Text: MAXIMUM RATINGS 7» MOTOROLA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 5400 Series 7400 Series T h e 5 4 0 0 /7 4 0 0 s e rie s of tra n s is to r-tra n s is to r lo g ic is a m e d iu m -s p e e d , h ig h -n o is e im m u n ity fa m ily of s a tu ra tin g integrated logic circuits designed

    OCR Scan
    14-LEAD 16Down 54161/E 54162/E 54163/E 54164/C 4164A/C, 54165/E 54166/E 54167/E IC 7400 nand function IC 7400 nand gate bistable multivibrator applications IC NAND GATE 7400 full adder 7 segment ic 54175 BCD 6bit counter 54174 motorola 2 bit full adder 7400 ic nand gate PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TECHNICORP/ GREENRAY - „, , , ^ 57E D • 0 0 ^ 1 ^ 5 3 OQQQSia? 3 B 7*- £ Q - % ? > j;iNDU$TRlESt JNC, CRYSTAL OSCILLATORS CRYSTAL OSCILLATORS 50 Hz to 25 MHz TTL OUTPUT ±.005% SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency range: 50 H z to 25 M H z Frequency stability over tem perature range:

    OCR Scan
    MIL-0-55310 G55310/_ PDF

    rs flip-flop IC 7400

    Abstract: 74ls105 TTL LS 7400 74LS series logic gates 7400 fan-out 74LS 3 input AND gate IC TTL 7400 schematic 74LS04 fan-out 74ls series logic family 90 watts inverter by 12v dc with 6 transisters
    Text: GENERAL DESCRIPTION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ovar operating free-air temper­ ature range unless otherwise noted Supply Voltage Vq c (See Note 1) Input Voltage V|n (See Note 1) Interemitter Voltage (See Note 2) Resistor Node Voltage, 54121, 74121 (See Note 1)

    OCR Scan

    7400 databook

    Abstract: 7400 TTL logitech TTL LS 7400
    Text: TTL schematic designs processed and imple­ mented in EPLDs by Altera. Two programmed EPLDs returned to you. PLSTART coupon good for processing two designs. Runs on IBM XT, AT and compatible personal computers. Graphical entry of logic schematics: — Design schematics using TTL MacroFunctions

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 7400 TTL 74LS327 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 80C96 74251 multiplexer 74C923 equivalent Flip-Flop 7473 74LS324 equivalent 74C08 equivalent
    Text: N T E ELECTRONICS INC 17E H ^3125=1 G0G513S Q B - o S V. ! - TRANSISTOR-TRANSISTOR LOGIC INCLUDES SERIES 74C CMOS NTE TYPE NO. •DESCRIPTION . 7214 7400 74C00 74H00 74LS00 74S00 3-State Sel/Mlpx Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos

    OCR Scan
    G0G513S 74C00 74H00 74LS00 74S00 74H01 74LS01 74C02 74LS02 74S02 74LS324 7400 TTL 74LS327 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 80C96 74251 multiplexer 74C923 equivalent Flip-Flop 7473 74LS324 equivalent 74C08 equivalent PDF

    74LS00 fan-out

    Abstract: 74LS00 TTL 74LS00 noise immunity 7400 fan-in 74LS00 gate 74LS00 Electrical and Switching characteristics 74ls00 applications TTL 7400 rise and fall time ttl 74ls00 series logic symbol 74LS00
    Text: DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS S U P P L Y VO LTA G E AN D T E M P E R A T U R E RANGE The nominal supply voltage Vcc for ail TTLcircuits is +5.0V. Commercial grade parts are guaranteed to perform with a ±5% supply tolerance (±250 mV) over an ambient temperature range of 0°C to 75CC.

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H) 74LS00 fan-out 74LS00 TTL 74LS00 noise immunity 7400 fan-in 74LS00 gate 74LS00 Electrical and Switching characteristics 74ls00 applications TTL 7400 rise and fall time ttl 74ls00 series logic symbol 74LS00 PDF

    74LS00 function table

    Abstract: pin configuration logic symbol 74LS00 ls 7400 specification of 74ls00 74LS00 pin configuration logic symbol 74LS00 pin configuration 74LS00 7400 ls TTL 74ls00 TTL LS 7400
    Text: Signelics | 7400, LS00, S00 Gates Quad Two-Input NAND Gate Product Specification Logic Products TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPE 7400 74LS00 74S00 TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT TOTAL 9ns 8mA 9.5ns 1.6mA 3ns 15mA ORDERING CODE COMMERCIAL RANGE VCC = 5 V ± 5 % ; TA = 0°C to + 70°C

    OCR Scan
    74LS00 74S00 N7400N, N74LS00N, N74S00N N74LS00D, N74SOOD 74LS00 function table pin configuration logic symbol 74LS00 ls 7400 specification of 74ls00 74LS00 pin configuration logic symbol 74LS00 pin configuration 74LS00 7400 ls TTL 74ls00 TTL LS 7400 PDF

    NTC 20D-20

    Abstract: 7400P s427400 IC TTL 7400 input leakage current 6400P/P1L-6400/6460/6480P
    Text: TMS41 6400, TMS41 6400P, TMS41 7400, TMS41 7400P T M S 426400, TMS426400P, T M S 427400 , T M S 4 2 7 4 0 0 P 41 9 4 3 0 4 -W Q R D B Y 4-BIT H IG H -S P E E D D R A M S SMKS881B - MAY 1995 - REVISED AUGUST 1995 Electrical characteristics for T M S 416400/P and

    OCR Scan
    TMS41 6400P, 7400P TMS426400P, SMKS881B 416400/P S417400/P NTC 20D-20 s427400 IC TTL 7400 input leakage current 6400P/P1L-6400/6460/6480P PDF