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    NTC 642 Search Results

    NTC 642 Result Highlights (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    BQ24091DGQT Texas Instruments 1A, Single-Input, Single-Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger with 100kΩ NTC 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 150 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    BQ24091DGQR Texas Instruments 1A, Single-Input, Single-Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger with 100kΩ NTC 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 150 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    BQ24093DGQR Texas Instruments 1A, Single-Input, Single-Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger with Operation Over JEITA and 100kΩ NTC 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 150 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    NTC 642 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    NTC 203

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NTC A SRF E3 C90406 for Ice Cube Maker Vishay BCcomponents NTC Thermistors, Ice Cube Sensors FEATURES • Key component for temperature sensing and electronic control • Accurate Vishay NTC chips, enabling class A to class A+ refrigerator grades • Sensor design following class II insulation

    C90406 18-Jul-08 NTC 203 PDF

    ntc 50-15

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BCcomponents DATA SHEET 2322 615 5. Surface mount NTC thermistors Product specification Supersedes data of 16th July 2002 File under BCcomponents, BC02 2002 Nov 28 BCcomponents Product specification Surface mount NTC thermistors FEATURES QUICK REFERENCE DATA

    R25-value B25/85-value CCB838 ntc 50-15 PDF

    ntc 50-15

    Abstract: 7535 1122
    Text: BCcomponents DATA SHEET 2322 615 5. Surface mount NTC thermistors Product specification Supersedes data of 10th September 2001 File under BCcomponents, BC02 2002 Jul 16 BCcomponents Product specification Surface mount NTC thermistors FEATURES QUICK REFERENCE DATA

    R25-value B25/85-value CCB838 ntc 50-15 7535 1122 PDF


    Abstract: GDS C25/0 diode e61 GDS C25/1231423567896AB
    Text: Technische Information / technical information FF900R12IE4 IGBT-Module IGBT-modules PrimePACK 2 Modul mit Trench/Fieldstopp IGBT4 und Emitter Controlled 4 Diode und NTC PrimePACK™2 module with Trench/Fieldstop IGBT4 and Emitter Controlled 4 diode and NTC

    FF900R12IE4 326A11 78F6F8 36F1322 A2CB36 CC236D 1231423567896AB 4112CD3567896EF C26B GDS C25/0 diode e61 GDS C25/1231423567896AB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technische Information / technical information FF600R12IE4 IGBT-Module IGBT-modules PrimePACK 2 Modul mit Trench/Fieldstopp IGBT4 und Emitter Controlled 4 Diode und NTC PrimePACK™2 module with Trench/Fieldstop IGBT4 and Emitter Controlled 4 diode and NTC

    FF600R12IE4 326A11 89F6F8 36F1322 B2CC36 DC336E 1231423567896AB 4112CD3567896EF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technische Information / technical information IGBT-Module IGBT-modules FF1400R12IP4 PrimePACK 3 Modul mit Trench/Fieldstopp IGBT4 und Emitter Controlled 4 Diode und NTC PrimePACK™3 module with Trench/Fieldstop IGBT4 and Emitter Controlled 4 diode and NTC

    FF1400R12IP4 367C4326BC 97F6F8 36F1322 A2CB36 1231423567896AB 4112CD3567896EF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technische Information / technical information FF600R12IP4 IGBT-Module IGBT-modules PrimePACK 2 Modul mit Trench/Fieldstopp IGBT4 und Emitter Controlled 4 Diode und NTC PrimePACK™2 module with Trench/Fieldstop IGBT4 and Emitter Controlled 4 diode and NTC

    FF600R12IP4 367C4326BC 97F6F8 36F1322 A2CB36 1231423567896AB 4112CD3567896EF LTC4098-3.6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technische Information / technical information FF900R12IP4 IGBT-Module IGBT-modules PrimePACK 2 Modul mit Trench/Fieldstopp IGBT4 und Emitter Controlled 4 Diode und NTC PrimePACK™2 module with Trench/Fieldstop IGBT4 and Emitter Controlled 4 diode and NTC

    FF900R12IP4 367C4326BC 97F6F8 36F1322 A2CB36 1231423567896AB 4112CD3567896EF PDF

    diode c24 06 6D

    Abstract: LTC4098-3.6
    Text: Technische Information / technical information FF450R12IE4 IGBT-Module IGBT-modules PrimePACK 2 Modul mit Trench/Fieldstopp IGBT4 und Emitter Controlled 4 Diode und NTC PrimePACK™2 module with Trench/Fieldstop IGBT4 and Emitter Controlled 4 diode and NTC

    FF450R12IE4 326A11 89F6F8 36F1322 B2CC36 DC336E 1231423567896AB 4112CD3567896EF diode c24 06 6D LTC4098-3.6 PDF

    NTC 50-11

    Abstract: smd 3258 SMD 4435 4435 smd 1 307 329 082 thermistor NTC 50-11 4150K smd 1608 3670K K 3264
    Text: NTC Thermistor SMD DESCRIPTION The LNS series is manganese oxide based NTC thermistor, which shows non-linear resistance-temperature behavior. Multilayered structure has as high reliability as monoblock type, even without protective glass coating, since the active electrode

    280oC NTC 50-11 smd 3258 SMD 4435 4435 smd 1 307 329 082 thermistor NTC 50-11 4150K smd 1608 3670K K 3264 PDF

    termistor ntc 10K 103

    Abstract: NTC 4.7K termistor Catalog termistor termistor NTC 104 l 7251 wd T1 thermistor 2k ohm termistor NTC 103 5n 7517 ic 8279 termistor ntc 10K
    Text: R44E5.pdf 01.9.1 This is the PDF file of catalog No.R44E-5 NTC Thermistors NTC THERMISTORS Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Cat.No.R44E-5 R44E5.pdf 01.9.1 This is the PDF file of catalog No.R44E-5 CONTENTS 1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    R44E5 R44E-5 termistor ntc 10K 103 NTC 4.7K termistor Catalog termistor termistor NTC 104 l 7251 wd T1 thermistor 2k ohm termistor NTC 103 5n 7517 ic 8279 termistor ntc 10K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technische Information / technical information IGBT-Module IGBT-modules FF900R12IP4D PrimePACK 2 Modul mit Trench/Feldstopp IGBT4, größerer Emitter Controlled 4 Diode und NTC PrimePACK™2 module with Trench/Fieldstop IGBT4, increased Emitter Controlled 4 diode and NTC

    FF900R12IP4D 366C4326BC 86F6F8 36F1322 A2CB36 5C336C 1231423567896AB 4112CD3567896EF LTC4098-3.6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NTCASRFE3C90406 Ice Cube Sensor Vishay BCcomponents NTC Thermistors, Ice Cube Sensors FEATURES • Key component for temperature sensing and electronic control • Accurate Vishay NTC chips, enabling class A to class A+ refrigerator grades • Sensor design following class II insulation

    NTCASRFE3C90406 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. 12-Mar-12 PDF

    NTC 122K

    Abstract: ntc 560 ohm 226 35K 317K 226 35K 819 636K 653K NTHC-04 thermistor 4.7k ohm of thermistor 47K ohms ntc
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE NTHC SERIES Surface Mount NTC Chip Thermistors Application Note No. NTHC-002 Thermistor Basics Dissipation Constant D.C. NTC thermistors are resistors with a high negative temperature coefficient. They are produced from high purity combinations of metallic oxides. Small

    NTHC-002 NTC 122K ntc 560 ohm 226 35K 317K 226 35K 819 636K 653K NTHC-04 thermistor 4.7k ohm of thermistor 47K ohms ntc PDF

    Sensor NTC 10K

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NTCASRFE3C90406 Ice Cube Sensor Vishay BCcomponents NTC Thermistors, Ice Cube Sensors FEATURES • Key component for temperature sensing and electronic control • Accurate Vishay NTC chips, enabling class A to class A+ refrigerator grades • Sensor design following class II insulation

    NTCASRFE3C90406 11-Mar-11 Sensor NTC 10K PDF

    NTC 203

    Abstract: NTC 10k thermal sensor ntc 7.3 ntc 204
    Text: NTCASRFE3C90406 Ice Cube Sensor Vishay BCcomponents NTC Thermistors, Ice Cube Sensors FEATURES • Key component for temperature sensing and electronic control • Accurate Vishay NTC chips, enabling class A to class A+ refrigerator grades • Sensor design following class II insulation

    NTCASRFE3C90406 11-Mar-11 NTC 203 NTC 10k thermal sensor ntc 7.3 ntc 204 PDF

    NTC 122K

    Abstract: NTC thermistor 3.3kOhm NTC 470 Ohm 636K ntc 560 ohm 226 35K 317K 8812M 223 50k 3226K
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE NTHC SERIES Surface Mount NTC Chip Thermistors Application Note No. NTHC-002 Thermistor Basics Dissipation Constant D.C. NTC thermistors are resistors with a high negative temperature coefficient. They are produced from high purity combinations of metallic oxides. Small

    NTHC-002 NTC 122K NTC thermistor 3.3kOhm NTC 470 Ohm 636K ntc 560 ohm 226 35K 317K 8812M 223 50k 3226K PDF


    Abstract: NTC 4.7K termistor termistor ntc 10K 103 cd 6283 cs md 5406 cd 6283 ic TERMISTOR termistor NTC 104 termistor NTC 103 termistor ntc 16p
    Text: This is the PDF file of catalog No.R44E-3. No.R44E3.pdf 99.12.22 NTC Thermistor NTC THERMISTOR !For Temperature compensation ¡0402/0603/0805 size, Ni barriered SMD NTH5G10P/16P/20P series !For Temperature Sensor ¡Small Hight Precision NTH4G series !For surge Current Suppression

    R44E-3. R44E3 NTH5G10P/16P/20P NTH5000 R44E-3 THERMISTOR NTH4G 10K 1 MURATA NTC 4.7K termistor termistor ntc 10K 103 cd 6283 cs md 5406 cd 6283 ic TERMISTOR termistor NTC 104 termistor NTC 103 termistor ntc 16p PDF

    mj 13002

    Abstract: transistor 40409 101490 40409 Transistor 62552 42003 75282 40409 NTC Thermistor 301 B57885S0103 001
    Text: NTC thermistors for temperature measurement Leaded NTC thermistors, lead spacing 5 mm Series/Type: B57885S Date: February 2009 EPCOS AG 2009. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this publication, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS' prior express consent is prohibited.

    B57885S mj 13002 transistor 40409 101490 40409 Transistor 62552 42003 75282 40409 NTC Thermistor 301 B57885S0103 001 PDF


    Abstract: IC 38502 NCP21XW223p03RA termistor 103
    Text: R44E4.pdf 01.5.29 This is the PDF file of catalog No.R44E-4 NTC Thermistors 1.25±0.2 for Temperature Compensation 0805 2012 Size 0201/0402/0603/0805 sized Chip NTC Thermistor have Ni barrier termination and provide excellent solderability and offer high stability in environment

    R44E-4 R44E4 300mm/min. R44E IC 38502 NCP21XW223p03RA termistor 103 PDF

    NTC thermistor 100k ohm b 3950

    Abstract: NCP15XH103F04RC 70303 NTC thermistor 100K 3950 74283 IC NCP15XM472p03RC thermistor 10k 3380 0603 Termistor NTC 120
    Text: R44E4.pdf 01.5.29 This is the PDF file of catalog No.R44E-4 NTC Thermistors for Temperature Compensation 0402 1005 Size 0.5±0.05 0201/0402/0603/0805 sized Chip NTC Thermistor have Ni barrier termination and provide excellent solderability and offer high stability in environment

    R44E-4 R44E4 300mm/min. NTC thermistor 100k ohm b 3950 NCP15XH103F04RC 70303 NTC thermistor 100K 3950 74283 IC NCP15XM472p03RC thermistor 10k 3380 0603 Termistor NTC 120 PDF


    Abstract: cd 6283 ic md 5406 cd 6283 cs SK 5207 thermistor tp 8613 cd 6283 audio CI 7408 ic 8279 s 8764 lcd
    Text: This is the PDF file of catalog No.R44E-3. No.R44E3.pdf 99.12.22 I m uRnia NTC THERMISTOR mA Chip NTC Thermistor NTH5G 10P/16P/2 0 P Series Chip NTC Thermistor NTH5G10P/16P/20P Series for Temperature Compensation and Sensing, Suitable for high density mounting in the general circuits.

    OCR Scan
    R44E-3. R44E3 NTH5G10P/16P/20P NTH5G10P/16P/ NTH5G16P/20P resistan38 B471J cd 6283 ic md 5406 cd 6283 cs SK 5207 thermistor tp 8613 cd 6283 audio CI 7408 ic 8279 s 8764 lcd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SERIES 642-7 NTC Therm istors for Temperature Measurement and Compensation DESCRIPTION The Series 642-7 NTC Thermistors are mounted in a metric threaded aluminum bolt and are intended for general use. Available in 10% and 5%. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dissipation

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: NTC-1K510%/232264262152
    Text: SERIES 6 4 2 -6 NTC Thermistors for Temperature Measurement and Compensation DESCRIPTION The Series 642-6 NTC Thermistors are radial leaded, color coded devices intended for general use. Available in 10% and 5%. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS D issip atio n . 500 mW maximum

    OCR Scan