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    NPTB00120 Search Results

    NPTB00120 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: NPTB00004 NPTB00025 RF Power Transistors NPT25100 NPT35015 Gan on silicon transistor NPT25015 RF Transistor Selection rf transistor 2.5GHz
    Text: Product Selection Guide Nitronex’s patented Sigantic process combines the superior intrinsic high performance of GaN devices with the economic benefit and ease of working with large-area silicon substrates. Our RF power transistors offer higher power densities, higher efficiency, and

    NPT25015 PO150S NPT251 NPTB00025 AC200B NPTB00040 AC360C NPTB00050 AC360B NPTB0004 NPTB00004 NPTB00025 RF Power Transistors NPT25100 NPT35015 Gan on silicon transistor NPT25015 RF Transistor Selection rf transistor 2.5GHz PDF