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    NPN TRANSISTOR 13002 Search Results

    NPN TRANSISTOR 13002 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPCP8515 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PS-8 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    NPN TRANSISTOR 13002 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 13002AH Preliminary NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS FOR LOW FREQUENCY AMPLIFICATION  DESCRIPTION The UTC 13002AH is a silicon NPN power switching transistor; it uses UTC’s advanced technology to provide customers high

    13002AH 13002AH 13002AHL-TM3-T 13002AHL-T60-K 1300at QW-R223-019 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 13002AH Preliminary NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS FOR LOW FREQUENCY AMPLIFICATION „ DESCRIPTION The UTC 13002AH is a silicon NPN power switching transistor; it uses UTC’s advanced technology to provide customers high

    13002AH 13002AH 13002AHL-TM3-T 13002AHL-T60-F-K 13002AHL-T92-F-B 13002AHL-T92-F-K QW-R223-019 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 13002AH Preliminary NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS FOR LOW FREQUENCY AMPLIFICATION  DESCRIPTION The UTC 13002AH is a silicon NPN power switching transistor; it uses UTC’s advanced technology to provide customers high

    13002AH 13002AH 13002AHL-TM3-T 13002AHL-T60-F-K QW-R223-019 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 13002AG Preliminary NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR HIGH VOLTAGE FAST SWITCHING NPN POWER APPLICATIONS „ DESCRIPTION The device is manufactured using High Voltage Multi Epitaxial Planar technology for high switching speeds and high voltage

    13002AG 13002AG 13002AGL-T92-A-B 13002AGP-T92-A-B 13002AGL-T92-A-K 13002AGP-T92-A-K QW-R201-090 PDF


    Abstract: PC 13003 13003 TRANSISTOR transistor 13002 13002 TRANSISTOR 13002 13003 transistor 13003 13003 TRANSISTOR PC 13003 TRANSISTOR 13003 TRANSISTOR npn
    Text: MJE13002 NPN MJE13003 (NPN) SILICON TRANSISTOR ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C) Characteristic Symbol Rating 13002 Collector-base voltage Vcb 600 Collector-emitter voltage Vceo 300 Emitter-base voltage Veb 9 Collector current (DC) Ic 1.5 Collector current (Pulse)

    MJE13002 MJE13003 O-126 PC 13003 TRANSISTOR PC 13003 13003 TRANSISTOR transistor 13002 13002 TRANSISTOR 13002 13003 transistor 13003 13003 TRANSISTOR PC 13003 TRANSISTOR 13003 TRANSISTOR npn PDF


    Abstract: 13002A transistor ST-13002 ST13002A 019G 700 v power transistor
    Text: ST 13002A NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor High voltage power transistor TO-92 Plastic Package Weight approx. 0.19g Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 OC Parameter Symbol Value Unit Collector Base Voltage VCBO 700 V Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO 400

    3002A 13002a 13002A transistor ST-13002 ST13002A 019G 700 v power transistor PDF

    transistor 13002

    Abstract: 13002 npn ST-13002 transistor TO-92 13002 13002 transistor 13002 ST 13002 13002 TO-92 ST13002 13002 power transistor
    Text: ST 13002 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor High voltage power transistor TO-92 Plastic Package Weight approx. 0.19g Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 OC Parameter Symbol Value Unit Collector Base Voltage VCBO 700 V Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO 400



    Abstract: 13002A transistor 700 v power transistor 019G
    Text: ST 13002A NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor High voltage power transistor TO-92 Plastic Package Weight approx. 0.19g Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 OC Parameter Symbol Value Unit Collector Base Voltage VCBO 700 V Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO 400

    3002A 13002a 13002A transistor 700 v power transistor 019G PDF

    13002 npn

    Abstract: transistor 13002 13002 transistor ST-13002 13002 transistor TO-92 13002 13002 power transistor ST 13002 transistor 13002 TO 05 ,st 13002
    Text: ST 13002 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor High voltage power transistor TO-92 Plastic Package Weight approx. 0.19g Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 OC Parameter Symbol Value Unit Collector Base Voltage VCBO 700 V Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO 400



    Abstract: 13003l ST-13002 ST13002 038g transistor 13003l 13003 st13003l
    Text: ST 13002L / ST 13003L NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for power switching and electron rectifier applications. These transistors are subdivided into one group according to its DC current gain. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    13002L 13003L O-92L ST13002L ST13003L Range03L 13003l ST-13002 ST13002 038g transistor 13003l 13003 st13003l PDF


    Abstract: 13002l 13003l ST-13002l 13003 st13002 ST13003L transistor 13003l 13002 ST-13002* characteristics
    Text: ST 13002L / ST 13003L NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for power switching and electron rectifier applications. These transistors are subdivided into one group according to its DC current gain. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    13002L 13003L O-92L ST13002L ST13003L Ran3003L ST-13002 13003l ST-13002l 13003 st13002 ST13003L transistor 13003l 13002 ST-13002* characteristics PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2658LS 13002 13002 TRANSISTOR transistor 13002 k 3531 transistor
    Text: Ordering number : ENN7168 2SD2658LS NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SD2658LS Color TV Horizontal Deflection Output Applications Features • • • • High speed. High breakdown voltage VCBO=1500V . High reliability (Adoption of HVP process).

    ENN7168 2SD2658LS 2079D 2SD2658LS] O-220FI 2sd2658 2SD2658LS 13002 13002 TRANSISTOR transistor 13002 k 3531 transistor PDF


    Abstract: 13002C TRANSISTOR TCD 100 13002B TRANSISTOR NPN 13002e transistor 13002e 13002B 13002 FLUORESCENT LAMPS CFLS 13002b TRANSISTOR

    CD13002 13002a 13002C TRANSISTOR TCD 100 13002B TRANSISTOR NPN 13002e transistor 13002e 13002B 13002 FLUORESCENT LAMPS CFLS 13002b TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: 13003 13003 TRANSISTOR transistor 13002 13002 TRANSISTOR transistor 13003 transistor 13003 A c s 13003 TRANSISTOR 13002 and 13003 power transistor SD13003
    Text: SD13002 / SD13003 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for power switching and electron rectifier applications. These transistors are subdivided into one group according to its DC current gain. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    SD13002 SD13003 O-92L 100mA 13002 13003 13003 TRANSISTOR transistor 13002 13002 TRANSISTOR transistor 13003 transistor 13003 A c s 13003 TRANSISTOR 13002 and 13003 power transistor SD13003 PDF

    transistor 13002

    Abstract: 13003 TRANSISTOR 13003 13002 TRANSISTOR 13002 transistor 13003 13002 and 13003 power transistor BR 13003 sd13003 W 13003 TRANSISTOR
    Text: SD13002 / SD13003 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for power switching and electron rectifier applications. These transistors are subdivided into one group according to its DC current gain. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    SD13002 SD13003 O-92L 100mA transistor 13002 13003 TRANSISTOR 13003 13002 TRANSISTOR 13002 transistor 13003 13002 and 13003 power transistor BR 13003 sd13003 W 13003 TRANSISTOR PDF

    transistor TO-92 13002

    Abstract: 13002 TO-92 13002 TRANSISTOR transistor x 13002 transistor 13002 to-92 cd13002 transistor 13002 cd 13002 13002 13002 l
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS16949 and ISO 9001 Certified Company NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL, HIGH VOLTAGE FAST SWITCHING POWER TRANSISTOR CD13002 TO-92 Plastic Package E CB Compact Fluorescent Lamps CFLS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING (Ta =25ºC )

    ISO/TS16949 CD13002 C-120 CD13002Rev 210803E transistor TO-92 13002 13002 TO-92 13002 TRANSISTOR transistor x 13002 transistor 13002 to-92 cd13002 transistor 13002 cd 13002 13002 13002 l PDF

    transistor w 13002

    Abstract: 13002 and power transistor 13002 TRANSISTOR transistor TO-92 13002
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL, HIGH SPEED, HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING TRANSISTOR CSD13002 TO-92 Plastic Package For Lead Free Parts, Devices Part # will be Perfixed with "T"

    CSD13002 C-120 CSD13002 290307E transistor w 13002 13002 and power transistor 13002 TRANSISTOR transistor TO-92 13002 PDF

    transistor TO-92 13002

    Abstract: 13002 TO-92 transistor x 13002 13002 T CSD 13002 13002 TRANSISTOR transistor 13002 tr 13002 transistor 13002 to-92 13002 TO 92 PACKAGE
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL, HIGH SPEED, HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING TRANSISTOR CSD13002 TO-92 Plastic Package For Lead Free Parts, Devices Part # will be Perfixed with "T"

    CSD13002 C-120 CSD13002 290307E transistor TO-92 13002 13002 TO-92 transistor x 13002 13002 T CSD 13002 13002 TRANSISTOR transistor 13002 tr 13002 transistor 13002 to-92 13002 TO 92 PACKAGE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN7128B MCH3105/MCH3205 Bipolar Transistor – 50V, (–)3A, Low VCE(sat), (PNP)NPN Single MCPH3 Applicaitons • DC / DC converters, relay drivers, lamp drivers, motor drivers, flash Features • • • • • Large current capacity

    EN7128B MCH3105/MCH3205 MCH3105 PDF

    transistor t114

    Abstract: transistor 13002 to-92
    Text: LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD. LR257 AC/DC Current Mode PWM power management controller The LR257 AC—DC is a high efficiency current-mode PWM power supply controller。 It drives an external NPN transistor for high voltage switching. Apply with BiCMOS technology, the

    LR257 LR257 EN55022A 150KHz 10MHz 30MHz transistor t114 transistor 13002 to-92 PDF


    Abstract: 13002B TRANSISTOR NPN transistor 13002C transistor 13002e transistor+13002e
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL, HIGH VOLTAGE FAST SWITCHING POWER TRANSISTOR CD13002 TCD13002 Tin Lead Part LEAD FREE TO-92 Plastic Package E CB Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLS)

    CD13002 TCD13002 C-120 CD13002 CTD13002Rev 050706E 13002C TRANSISTOR 13002B TRANSISTOR NPN transistor 13002C transistor 13002e transistor+13002e PDF


    Abstract: 13002B TRANSISTOR NPN TRANSISTOR TCD 100 transistor 13002e 13002a 13002B 13002C TRANSISTOR 13002A transistor 13002e 13002
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL, HIGH VOLTAGE FAST SWITCHING POWER TRANSISTOR CD13002 TCD13002 Tin Lead Part LEAD FREE TO-92 Plastic Package E CB Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLS)

    CD13002 TCD13002 C-120 CD13002 CTD13002Rev 050706E 13002C 13002B TRANSISTOR NPN TRANSISTOR TCD 100 transistor 13002e 13002a 13002B 13002C TRANSISTOR 13002A transistor 13002e 13002 PDF

    13003 transistor SMD

    Abstract: transistor smd XH d13003 TD13002 13003 NPN Transistor features TD13003 al 13003 electronic ballast 13003 transistor al 13003 c s 13003 TRANSISTOR h
    Text: T e m ic TD13002 TD13003 TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Silicon NPN High Voltage Switching Transistor Features • HIGH SPEED technology • Very low dynamic saturation • Glass passivation • Very low operating temperature • Very short switching times

    OCR Scan
    TD13002 TD13003 TD13002 TD13003-SM TD13003 13003 transistor SMD transistor smd XH d13003 13003 NPN Transistor features al 13003 electronic ballast 13003 transistor al 13003 c s 13003 TRANSISTOR h PDF

    transistor sw 13003

    Abstract: sw 13003 E 13003 TRANSISTOR 13003 TRANSISTOR transistor 13003 k 13002 TRANSISTOR Sw 13003 c transistor 13003 d 13003 x T 13003 transistor
    Text: Te m ic TD13002 TD13003 TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Silicon NPN High Voltage Switching Transistor Features • HIG H SPEED technology Very low dynam ic saturation • Glass passivation Very low operating tem perature • Very short sw itching tim es High reverse voltage

    OCR Scan
    TD13002 TD13003 ol13002 T0252 transistor sw 13003 sw 13003 E 13003 TRANSISTOR 13003 TRANSISTOR transistor 13003 k 13002 TRANSISTOR Sw 13003 c transistor 13003 d 13003 x T 13003 transistor PDF