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    NICHICON VT SERIES Search Results

    NICHICON VT SERIES Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    PQU650M-F-COVER Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd PQU650M Series - 3x5 Fan Cover Kit, RoHs Medical Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    M304 Coilcraft Inc Designer's Kit, 132/148 Series RF inductors, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    ALVCH16374TE-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74ALVC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HD74BC573AFP Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74BC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ALVCH16245TE-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74ALVC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    NICHICON VT SERIES Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PSC, PSL Series Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulators 107 4.2" 3U 32 1.3" 88 3.5" 151 5.9" 37 1.5" 8 TE 168 6.6" Features • Input voltage up to 144 VDC • Single output of 3.3 to 48 VDC • No input-to-output isolation Description • High efficiency up to 97%

    BCD20027-G 7-Apr-2011 PSC5A12-7IR PDF

    Nichicon VT series

    Abstract: nichicon PSC SERIES PSL2467R NICHICON DATE CODE MARKING PSL246 525b1
    Text: PSC, PSL Series Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulators 107 4.2" 3U 32 1.3" 88 3.5" 151 5.9" 37 1.5" 8 TE 168 6.6" Features • Input voltage up to 144 VDC • Single output of 3.3 to 48 VDC • No input-to-output isolation Description • High efficiency up to 97%

    BCD20027-G 18-May-2011 Nichicon VT series nichicon PSC SERIES PSL2467R NICHICON DATE CODE MARKING PSL246 525b1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PSC, PSL Series Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulators 107 4.2" 3U 32 1.3" 88 3.5" 151 5.9" 37 1.5" 8 TE 168 6.6" Features • Input voltage up to 144 VDC • Single output of 3.3 to 48 VDC • No input-to-output isolation Description • High efficiency up to 97%

    BCD20027-G 18-May-2011 PDF

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    Abstract: foxconn LS 36 manual foxconn LS 36 front panel pinout C9045 motor foxconn LS 36 user manual motor c9045 C7L3 fr3704 foxconn LS 36 IC R2A3 FREE

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    Abstract: XC6375A
    Text: XC637x Series PWM [Pulse Width Modulation] Controlled Step-up & down DC/DC Converters .lNDEX General Description page*1 Selection Guide page*1 Ordering Information page*2 XC6371 Series Characteristics XC6372 Series Characteristics XC6375 Series Characteristics

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    nichicon pf SERIES

    Abstract: Nichicon VT series PSR 248-7 PSR 512-7
    Text: PSC Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulators Industrial Input voltage up to 80 VDC Single output of 5.1 - 36 VDC No input to output isolation • High efficiency up to 96% • Wide input voltage range • Low input to output differential voltage

    89/336/EEC nichicon pf SERIES Nichicon VT series PSR 248-7 PSR 512-7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PSL Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulators Industrial Input voltage up to 80 VDC Single output of 5.1 - 36 VDC No input to output isolation • High efficiency up to 96% • Wide input voltage range • Low input to output differential voltage

    89/336/EEC 512E-7 PDF


    Abstract: "nichicon PF series" nichicon pf SERIES
    Text: PSL Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulators Industrial Input voltage up to 80 VDC Single output of 5.1 - 36 VDC No input to output isolation • High efficiency up to 96% • Wide input voltage range • Low input to output differential voltage

    89/336/EEC B40250 "nichicon PF series" nichicon pf SERIES PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NPT35050A Gallium Nitride 28V, 65W RF Power Transistor Built using the SIGANTIC NRF1 process - A proprietary GaN-on-Silicon technology FEATURES • Optimized for CW, pulsed, WiMAX, and other applications from 3300 – 3800 MHz • 90W P3dB PEP power • 65W P3dB CW power

    NPT35050A 3A001b 750mA, NDS-003 PIMD3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NPT35050A Gallium Nitride 28V, 65W RF Power Transistor Built using the SIGANTIC NRF1 process - A proprietary GaN-on-Silicon technology FEATURES • Optimized for CW, pulsed, WiMAX, and other applications from 3300 – 3800 MHz • 90W P3dB PEP power • 65W P3dB CW power

    NPT35050A 3A001b 750mA, NDS-003 PIMD3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NPT35050A Gallium Nitride 28V, 65W RF Power Transistor Built using the SIGANTIC NRF1 process - A proprietary GaN-on-Silicon technology FEATURES • Optimized for CW, pulsed, WiMAX, and other applications from 3300 – 3800 MHz • 90W P3dB PEP power • 65W P3dB CW power

    NPT35050A 3A001b 750mA, NPT35050A NDS-003 PIMD3 PDF

    12v to 220v inverter 300w schematic diagram

    Abstract: 1rf730 mosfet 1RF730 H7C1 220v 300w ac regulator circuit schematic diagram for 220v to 3.7v power supply circuit 300w 12V 230V Inverter irf840 pwm ac sine inverter IN4007 polarity LX1562IN
    Text: LX1562/1563 SECOND-GENERATION POWER FACTOR CONTROLLER T H E I N F I N I T E P O W E R I O F P N N O V A T I O N D R O D U C T I O N „ Internal Start-Up Circuit „ Internal Current Sense Blanking „ Improved MicroPower Start-Up Special circuitry has also been added to

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    12v to 220v inverter 300w schematic diagram

    Abstract: 1rf730 mosfet 1RF730 IN4007 silicon diode schematic diagram for 220v to 3.7v power supply circuit 220v ac to 3.7v dc converter 220v 300w ac regulator circuit pq2625 68uF 450v TRANSISTOR mosfet IRF840
    Text: L I N D O C # : 1562 LX1562/1563 S E C O N D -G E N E R AT I O N P O W E R F A C T O R C O N T R O L L E R T H E I P N F I N I T E O W E R I O F P N N O VA T I O N R O D U C T I O N D DESCRIPTION The LX1562 is a second-generation family of power factor correction

    LX1562/1563 LX1562 SG3561A LX1562 PQ2625/H7C1 IRF840, IN4007 1N4935 1N4148 MR856, 12v to 220v inverter 300w schematic diagram 1rf730 mosfet 1RF730 IN4007 silicon diode schematic diagram for 220v to 3.7v power supply circuit 220v ac to 3.7v dc converter 220v 300w ac regulator circuit pq2625 68uF 450v TRANSISTOR mosfet IRF840 PDF


    Abstract: Midwest Components THERMISTOR 44907 thermistor scr firing pulse generating circuit fluorescent starter autotransformer starter keystone carbon SIDAC speed triac snubber mj4646
    Text: SECTION 4 THE SIDAC, A NEW HIGH VOLTAGE BILATERAL TRIGGER Edited and Updated packages. Breakdown voltages ranging from 104 to 280 V are available. The MKP3V devices feature bigger chips and provide much greater surge capability along with somewhat higher RMS current ratings.

    1N914 RS-272-1146 Midwest Components THERMISTOR 44907 thermistor scr firing pulse generating circuit fluorescent starter autotransformer starter keystone carbon SIDAC speed triac snubber mj4646 PDF

    RF35 board 30mil

    Abstract: LT1964-BYP nichicon pw NPT35050A 20k ohm potentiometer Nichicon se Theta-J EAR99 JESD22-A114 JESD22-A115
    Text: NPT35050A Datasheet Gallium Nitride 28V, 50W High Electron Mobility Transistor NPT35050A Built using the SIGANTIC NRF1 process - A proprietary GaN-on-Si technology. FEATURES • Designed for 3.3-3.8 GHz WiMAX applications. • Typical OFDM performance at VDD = 28 Volts, IDQ =

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    Abstract: PWM AC MOTOR CONTROl 3 phase variac panasonic inverter manual THREE PHASE MHPM7A20A60A dynamic braking unit schematic diagram MC33272D variac brake panasonic inverter manual dv panasonic frequency inverter manual
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by AN1524/D SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE AN1524 AC Motor Drive Using Integrated Power Stage Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Prepared by: Ken Berringer Motorola Inc., Hybrid Power Module Operation, Phoenix, Arizona

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    Abstract: LT1270 LT1070 equivalent capacitor wima mks 04 nichicon electrolytic capacitor 2200MF MARCON AMERICA CORP LT1070IC snubber overshoot composite Marcon capacitor Co Sanyo 9980 lu
    Text: LintiAß Application Note 46 TECHNOLOGY November 1991 Efficiency and Power Characteristics of Switching Regulator Circuits Brian Huffman Efficiency is often the main objective when using switch­ ing regulators. High efficiency means less power drain on the input source batteries, etc. and less heat buildup

    OCR Scan
    LT1070IC. AN46-28 MOTOROLA-MBR745 LT1270 LT1070 equivalent capacitor wima mks 04 nichicon electrolytic capacitor 2200MF MARCON AMERICA CORP LT1070IC snubber overshoot composite Marcon capacitor Co Sanyo 9980 lu PDF

    Y2W zener

    Abstract: CJ 4148 ZENER IREM BALLAST mosfet HF amplifier irf840 ASCOM rectifier transistor Y2W Nichicon LQ CTS206 7c1 zener diode 220v ac to 3.7v dc converter
    Text: T h e I n f i n i t e P o w e r o f P R O D U C T I O N I n n o v a t i o n DESCRIPTION The LX1562 is a second generation family of pow er factor correction controllers using a discontinuous mode of operation. They are optimized for electronic ballast applications. Many

    OCR Scan
    LX1562 SG3561A Y2W zener CJ 4148 ZENER IREM BALLAST mosfet HF amplifier irf840 ASCOM rectifier transistor Y2W Nichicon LQ CTS206 7c1 zener diode 220v ac to 3.7v dc converter PDF


    Abstract: diodo zener 15a diodo zener 22v diodo zener j3 diodo zener j1 110 volt ac transformer less power supply 6v 77030A7 diodo d1 kl 05 diodo 1N DIODO SERIES
    Text: 794749; Rev 3:5/93 -5V, -12V, -15V, an d A djustable Inverting Current-Mode PW M R egulators General Description The MAX736/MAX737/MAX739 have fixed outputs of -12V, -15V, and -5V respectively. The MAX759 is adjustable from OV to -15V. Output voltages beyond -15V require a transformer.

    OCR Scan
    MAX739) MAX736/MAX737/MAX739/MAX759 MAX736/MAX737/MAX739/MAX759 MAX739 MAX739CPD MAX739CWE MAX739C/D MAX739EPD 77030-A7 diodo zener 15a diodo zener 22v diodo zener j3 diodo zener j1 110 volt ac transformer less power supply 6v 77030A7 diodo d1 kl 05 diodo 1N DIODO SERIES PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0190; Rev 0; 9/93 A I/X IA I 3.3V, Step-Down, Current-Mode PWM DC-DC Converters _Features ♦ Up to 500mA Load Currents Pulse-width-modulation PWM current-mode control pro­ vides precise output regulation and excellent transient responses. Output voltage accuracy is guaranteed to be

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0225; Rev 1; 7/94 5V /3.3V /3V or Adjustable, High-Efficiency, Low IQ, Step-Down DC-DC Controllers These devices use m iniature external com ponents. Their high switching frequency up to 300kHz allows for less than 9mm diameter surface-mount inductors.

    OCR Scan
    300kHz) MAX649/MAX651/MAX652 AX649) MAX651) MAX652) MAX639/MAX640/MAX653 MAX651 MAX651CSA MAX651C/D MAX651EPA PDF

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    Abstract: DIODE marking l01A SIEMENS capacitor tantalum marking L01A
    Text: LP2980 & National Semiconductor LP2980 Micropower SOT, 50 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator General Description Features The LP2980 is a 50 mA, fixed-output voltage regulator d e ­ signed specifically to m eet the requirem ents o f b attery-pow ­ ered applications.

    OCR Scan
    LP2980 LP2980 OT-23 T0-220 tokin 792 DIODE marking l01A SIEMENS capacitor tantalum marking L01A PDF


    Abstract: BAT84
    Text: u im LTC1474/LTC1475 TECHNOLOGY Low Q uiescent Current High Efficiency Step-Down Converters F€OTUR€S D€SCRIPTIOfl • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT C 1474/LTC1475 series are high efficiency stepdown converters with internal P-channel MOSFET power

    OCR Scan
    LTC1474/LTC1475 1474/LTC1475 LTC1474 LTC1475 LTC1474/LTC1475 300mA 600mA ltbw BAT84 PDF

    Sumida CD54-220

    Abstract: X752 transistor tic 2260 MAX752cpa
    Text: 19-4672; Rev 1;7/92 y n / i x i / n +5V/Adjustable Step-Up Current-M ode DC-DC Converters Features G e n e r a l D e s c rip tio n ♦ 200mA Load Currents Guaranteed with No External MOSFET The MAX731/MAX752 use current-mode pulse-width modulation PWM controllers to provide precise output

    OCR Scan
    731/M 200mA 170kHz MAX731) MAX752) 16-Pin MAX731 MAX752 Sumida CD54-220 X752 transistor tic 2260 MAX752cpa PDF