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    NEC Electronics Group NEL-D3-005

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    Bristol Electronics NEL-D3-005 190
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    Others NEL-D3-048(A)

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    Bristol Electronics NEL-D3-048(A) 10
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    NEC Electronics Group NEL-D32-45

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    Bristol Electronics NEL-D32-45 4
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    NEC Electronics Group NEL-D32-45C

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    Quest Components NEL-D32-45C 517
    • 1 $6
    • 10 $6
    • 100 $2.6
    • 1000 $2.4
    • 10000 $2.4
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    Others NEL-D32-43-8A15

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    Component Electronics, Inc NEL-D32-43-8A15 1
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    NEL D3 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: hall sensore da10a elap 8 bit ttl encoder 1-bit TTL latch 45195 reistenza
    Text: ELAP ENCODER ASSOLUTI MONOGIRO SERIE RM22 Gli encoder magnetici assoluti RM22 sono ideali per la rilevazione di spostamenti sulle macchine operatrici di tutti i settori industrali, oltre che per il controllo dei motori elettrici, e per applicazioni nel settore automobilistico.

    RM22-I I-20094 RM22I hall sensore da10a elap 8 bit ttl encoder 1-bit TTL latch 45195 reistenza PDF


    Abstract: KIT128-V24 KIT128-V24TPB KIT128 KIT128-GXT KIT128-V24B KIT128-V24TP
    Text: EA KIT128 REV.B 4.02 BEDIENEINHEIT 128x64 MIT ZEICHENSÄTZEN UND GRAFIKBEFEHLEN nel a P ch l Tou tiona op gelb-grüner LED Bel., scwarze Pixel blauer Hintergrund, weisse LED Beleuchtung Gehäuseabmessungen: 102 x 80 x 36mm TECHNISCHE DATEN * * * * * * * *

    KIT128 128x64 128x64 KIT128-V24) 400mA 160MA) DISK9719 KIT128-V24 KIT128-V24TPB KIT128-GXT KIT128-V24B KIT128-V24TP PDF

    Nippon paint E.A 9

    Abstract: 161mux NTT Electronics
    Text: NEL NS GM E034 Preliminary Aug.11,2000 MOS40MJ 10 Gb/s PLL type 16:1MUX with Driver Module MOS40MJ is a 16:1 multiplexer module which was designed for use in the transmitter of STM64/OC-192 optical transmission systems. It combines 16 parallel input signals operating at

    MOS40MJ MOS40MJ STM64/OC-192 62208Gb/s 95328Gb/s STM-64 OC-192 Nippon paint E.A 9 161mux NTT Electronics PDF


    Abstract: 2CSG210200R1211 ABB E 257 C30-230 S465502 2CSG035100R1211 2CSG210100R1211 ABB SACE sn 125 EA1733 LCD TV SCHEMA S550284
    Text: Catalogo tecnico System pro M compact System pro M Interruttori magnetotermici, differenziali e apparecchi modulari per impianti in bassa tensione System pro M compact® - System pro M Per tener conto dell’evoluzione delle Norme e dei materiali, le caratteristiche e le dimensioni di ingombro indicate nel presente

    2CSC400002D0903 2CSG210200R1211 ABB E 257 C30-230 S465502 2CSG035100R1211 2CSG210100R1211 ABB SACE sn 125 EA1733 LCD TV SCHEMA S550284 PDF


    Abstract: nel mos42am mos42 E.FL-R-SMT H4042-DL 10Gb CDR E.FL-LP-N NTT Electronics DFF with phase comparator MOS4 NTT Electronics
    Text: NEL NS GM E060 Preliminary Specification Jun. 7, 2001 MC110-100 10Gb/s CDR/DEMUX Module MC110-100 is a module which was designed as a receiver of STM-64/OC-192 optical transmission systems. This consists of PLL type Clock and Data Recovery CDR and 1:16 DEMUX.

    MC110-100 10Gb/s MC110-100 STM-64/OC-192 STM-64/OC-192 MOS42AM nel mos42am mos42 E.FL-R-SMT H4042-DL 10Gb CDR E.FL-LP-N NTT Electronics DFF with phase comparator MOS4 NTT Electronics PDF


    Abstract: E124A
    Text: NS GD E124A NEL 29 Oct. 2001 PRELIMINARY NLG4308 12.5 Gb/s 16䋺1 MUX 䋨LVDS INTERFACE䋩 The NLG4308 is an ultra-fast 16:1 multiplexer. It combines 16 parallel LVDS input signals operating at up to 781.25 Mb/s into a single serial output signal as fast as 12.5 Gb/s䋨MIN.䋩.

    E124A NLG4308 NLG4308 50-ohm E124A PDF


    Abstract: ITT Semiconductors
    Text: NS GD E122 NEL 16 July. 2001 PRELIMINARY 0.  12.5 Gb/s 16㧦1 MUX The NLG4307 is an ultra-fast 16:1 multiplexer. NLG4307 combines 16 parallel input signals operating at up to 781.25Mb/s into a single serial output signal as fast as 12.5 Gb/s䋨MIN.䋩.

    NLG4307 25Mb/s 50-ohm Vref-02 ITT Semiconductors PDF


    Abstract: CLK10 4259ADC NTT Electronics NEL 20G
    Text: NEL MD-01-4-43-75-482 May 8, 2002 Preliminary MC740-430E 47-Gb/s 4:1 Multiplexer The MC740-430E is an engineering sample of 47-Gb/s signal generator. It consists of a 4:1 multiplexer MUX , D-type flipflop (D-FF), and clock distribution unit based on 0.1-µm InP-HEMT

    MD-01-4-43-75-482 MC740-430E 47-Gb/s MC740-430E 75-GHz 47-GHz K232B CLK10 4259ADC NTT Electronics NEL 20G PDF


    Abstract: nel-d32 transformer 30 mW neld3245 NEL-D3 NELD32 D3245 nec nel-d32-48 INVERTER TRANSFORMER 101 dc inverter transformer diagram
    Text: 45 SERIES NEC NEL-D32-45 standard NEL-D32-45(1) (without cover) D32-45 TRANS (transformer) a MAXIMUM RATING 6vDC Input voltage 22 cm 2 Load {lamp surface area) Storage temperature -20-70°C Operating ambient temperature -10-S5°C ACCEPTABLE OPERATING RANGE

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    NEL-D32-45 NEL-D32-45 D32-45 -10-55-C 10-19cm2 13cm2 nel-d32 transformer 30 mW neld3245 NEL-D3 NELD32 D3245 nec nel-d32-48 INVERTER TRANSFORMER 101 dc inverter transformer diagram PDF


    Abstract: SELIC
    Text: NEL SELIC NLB6214 Quint Line Receiver D e sc rip tio n Pin A s s ig n m e n t T o p V iew Ceram ic The NLB6214 is an ultra high-speed monolithic quint line receiver. Q1 D1 D1 18 17 16 15 14 13 0 3 C 19 12 □ D2 0 3 C 20 11 □ D2 NEL 10 □ V ee N LB6214

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    NLB6214 NLB6214 170ps 150ps SELIC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: □IXYS PRELIM INARY INFORMATION Data Sheet No. 915502A October 1991 SHAFT ENCODER PERIPHERAL INTERFACE IXSE502 / IXSE503 Features INDEX Pulse Decoding and Sampling into a Dedicated Latch D irect 2 chan nel Q uadratu re Inputs with Schmitt Trigger Circuitry

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    15502A IXSE502 IXSE503 04CT/1 IXSES03 IXSE502 POB1180 D-6840 662422602abd PDF


    Abstract: nel-d32 D32-43 nec nel-d32-48 NEL-D3 NEC NEL-D32
    Text: NEC 43 SERIES NEL-D32-43 standard D32-43 TRANS (transformer) \ • MAXIMUM RATING Input voltage Load (lamp su rfa ce area) 6vDC 48 cm 2 Sto rag e tem perature -20-70°C O perating am bient tem perature -10~55°C ■ ACCEPTABLE OPERATING RANGE Input vo ltage

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    NEL-D32-43 D32-43 25-43cm NEL-D32-43 nel-d32 nec nel-d32-48 NEL-D3 NEC NEL-D32 PDF


    Abstract: IC 74LS151 74HC151AP
    Text: TC74HC151 AP/A F/AFN 8-CHANNEL MULTIPLEXER The TC74HC151A is a high speed CMOS 8-CHAN NEL M ULTIPLEXER fabricated with silicon gate C 2 MOS technology. It achieves the high speed operation sim ilar to equivalent LSTTL while m aintaining the CMOS low power

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    TC74HC151 TC74HC151A 74HC151 IC 74LS151 74HC151AP PDF


    Abstract: nel-d32 NELD32 nec nel-d32-48 nec nel-d32-49 CC-250 NEL-D3 NEC NEL-D32
    Text: 50 SERIES NEC N EL-D32-50 standard NEL-D32-50(1) (without cover) 50 TRANS (transformer) m MAXIMUM RATING LOAD CHARACTERISTICS (Vin=5VDC) 6vDC Input v o lta g e L o a d (lam p surtaco area) 210 cm* S t o r a g e tem perature -20-70°C S3 150 § / -10-55°C

    OCR Scan
    NEL-D32-50 NEL-D32-50 CC2-50 83-190cma nel-d32 NELD32 nec nel-d32-48 nec nel-d32-49 CC-250 NEL-D3 NEC NEL-D32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS SENICOND SECTOR 3 MASS L.ÔE J> • i43G2271 0050201 bT7 H H A S HGTP12N60D1 12A, 600V N-Chan nel IG BT December 1993 Package Features • 12 Amp, 600 Volt JEDEC TO-220AB TOP VIEW • Latch Free Operation • Typical Fdll Time <500ns COLLECTOR FLANG E

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    i43G2271 HGTP12N60D1 O-220AB 500ns PDF

    DNA 1005

    Abstract: selic NLB6223 ECL100K flip flop
    Text: NLB6223 Quad Flip Flop with 2 : 1 Selector NEL SELIC Description The NLB6223 is an ultra high-speed monolithic quad D Flip-Flops with 2:1 Selector. Features • Typical clock rate up to 2.0 GHz. • Internal pull down resistors on input pins DnA, DnB,SELP, CKP to maintain logic

    OCR Scan
    NLB6223 ECL100K DNA 1005 selic flip flop PDF

    NTT Electronics GaAs

    Abstract: NLG4306 369PC
    Text: NEL NS GD E10BA 11 Jan. 2001 PRELIMINARY NLG4306 12.5 Gb/s 16 : 1 MUX The NLG4306 is an ultra-fast 16:1 multiplexer. NLG4306 combines 16 parallel input signals operating at up to 781.25M b/s into a single serial output signal as fast as 12.5 Gb/s M I N . .

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    E10BA NLG4306 25Mb/s 50-ohm NTT Electronics GaAs 369PC PDF

    nel d3

    Abstract: NLB6221 SELIC
    Text: NEL SELIC NLB6221 Quad D Flip-Flop with Master Reset Description Pin A ssignm ent Top View Ceram ic The NLB6221 is an ultra high-speed monolithic quad D Flip-Flops with common 2 clock inputs and a direct master reset. Q1 Q1 D1 ( Features 16 15 14 13 > Q 2 C 19

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    NLB6221 NLB6221 nel d3 SELIC PDF


    Abstract: SELIC qaqa
    Text: NEL SELIC NLB6211 Triple 2 fan-out Buffer Description The NLB6211 is an ultra high-speed monolithic triple fan-out buffers with 2 differential outputs. Pin Assignm ent Top View Ceram ic V c c a Q 1 b Q 1 b Q1a Q I a V c c a Features • Typical AC characteristics

    OCR Scan
    NLB6211 NLB6211 210ps 200ps SELIC qaqa PDF


    Abstract: NL4615-12 NL4615-13 NL4615-2 NL4615-4 NL4615-5 NL4615-7 NL4615-9 sumitomo crm epoxy e022c
    Text: NS CS E022C NEL PRELIMINARY Revised on November 11, 1997 NL4615-2 8 : 1 MUX The N L4615-2 is an ultra-fast 8:1 multiplexer. It combines 8 parallel input signals operating at up to 625 Mb/s into a single serial output signal as fast as 5 Gb/s [Typ. ] . It is used

    OCR Scan
    E022C NL4615-2 TheNL4615-2 NL4504-2 NL4615-2, 50-ohm NL4615-12 NL4615-13 NL4615-4 NL4615-5 NL4615-7 NL4615-9 sumitomo crm epoxy e022c PDF


    Abstract: NLB6201
    Text: NEL SELIC NLB6201 Quad 3 input OR/NOR Pin A ssignm ent Top View C eram ic Description The NLB6201 is an ultra high-speed monolithic quad 3-input OR/NOR gates. 01 01 D1a D1 b D1c D2a 18 17 n n n n n n Features • Typical AC characteristics Data rate up to 3.5 Gb/s.

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    NLB6201 NLB6201 120ps 120ps SELIC PDF


    Abstract: NLB6203
    Text: NEL SELIC NLB6203 Quad 3 input AND/NAND Pin A ssignm ent Top View C eram ic Description The NLB6203 is an ultra high-speed monolithic quad 3-input AND/NAND gates. QÎ Features • Typical AC characteristics Data rate up to 3.5 Gb/s. t=130ps t=120ps • Internal pull down resistors on

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    NLB6203 NLB6203 130ps 120ps SELIC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y i/ iy j x iy i/ i C a lib ra te d 4-C h an nel 12-B it ADC w ith T/H an d R efere n c e _G eneral Description _ Features The MAX182 is a complete, calibrated 4-channel 12-bit A/D converter ADC which includes a precision voltage

    OCR Scan
    MAX182 12-bit 12-bit 100nV. PDF


    Abstract: lt 6246
    Text: MOTOROLA DUAL 4-BIT LATCH The MC14508B dual 4 -bit latch is constructed w ith MOS P-chan­ nel and N-channel enhancement mode devices in a single m ono­ lith ic structure. The part consists o f tw o identical, independent 4-bit latches w ith separate Strobe ST and Master Reset (MR) controls.

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    MC14508B MC14608E 14506 lt 6246 PDF