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    NEGATIVE REGULATOR 500MA Search Results

    NEGATIVE REGULATOR 500MA Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCR5RG28A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 2.8 V, 500 mA, WCSP4F Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3EM33A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 3.3 V, 300 mA, DFN4D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3LM33A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 3.3 V, 300 mA, DFN4D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3UF50A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 5 V, 300 mA, SOT-25 (SMV) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR5BM28A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 2.8 V, 500 mA, DFN5B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    NEGATIVE REGULATOR 500MA Datasheets Context Search

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    transistor 551

    Abstract: 6V Positive Voltage Regulator negative regulator maxim MAX738 MAX752 negative high voltage regulator AN551 APP551 circuit power switching 1.2-3v voltage regulator
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS Keywords: Negative Buck Regulator Produces Positive Output Jul 09, 1998 APPLICATION NOTE 551 Negative Buck Regulator Produces Positive Output Though the step-down regulator of Figure 1 normally converts a negative voltage to a lower negative voltage,

    170kHz com/an551 MAX752: AN551, APP551, Appnote551, transistor 551 6V Positive Voltage Regulator negative regulator maxim MAX738 MAX752 negative high voltage regulator AN551 APP551 circuit power switching 1.2-3v voltage regulator PDF

    Fairchild tantalum

    Abstract: LM79M05 LM79M05CT
    Text: LM79M05 3-Terminal 0.5A Negative Voltage Regulator Features Description • • • • • • The LM79M05 of 3-Terminal medium current negative voltage regulator is monolithic integrated circuits designed as fixed voltage regulator. This regulator employs internal current limiting, thermal shutdown and safe area compensation

    LM79M05 LM79M05 O-220 DS903555 Fairchild tantalum LM79M05CT PDF

    Fairchild tantalum

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM79M05 3-Terminal 0.5A Negative Voltage Regulator Features Description • • • • • • The LM79M05 of 3-Terminal medium current negative voltage regulator is monolithic integrated circuits designed as fixed voltage regulator. This regulator employs internal current limiting, thermal shutdown and safe area compensation

    LM79M05 LM79M05 O-220 DS903555 Fairchild tantalum PDF


    Abstract: LT3032-15 of transistor 6V 1A LT3080 LT3032-5 positive gnd negative voltage regulator
    Text: LT3032 Series Dual 150mA Positive/Negative Low Noise Low Dropout Linear Regulator FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LT 3032 is a dual, low noise, positive and negative low dropout voltage linear regulator. Each regulator delivers up to 150mA with a typical 300mV dropout voltage. Each

    LT3032 150mA 300mV 20VRMS/30VRMS 100kHz 16-Lead 16-Lead 30322 LT3032-15 of transistor 6V 1A LT3080 LT3032-5 positive gnd negative voltage regulator PDF


    Abstract: LT3032-5
    Text: LT3032 Series Dual 150mA Positive/Negative Low Noise Low Dropout Linear Regulator FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LT 3032 is a dual, low noise, positive and negative low dropout voltage linear regulator. Each regulator delivers up to 150mA with a typical 300mV dropout voltage. Each

    LT3032 150mA 300mV 20VRMS/30VRMS 100kHz 16-Lead 16-Lead LT3032-15 LT3032-5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Radiation Hardened Low Dropout Adjustable Negative Voltage Regulator ISL72991RH Features The radiation hardened ISL72991RH is a low dropout adjustable negative regulator with an output voltage range of -2.25V to -26V. The device features a 1A output current

    ISL72991RH ISL72991RH 40mV/-50mV 038mm) FN9054 PDF

    IN4002 datasheet

    Abstract: IN4002 diode IN4002 LM329B LT137AHV OM7612ST OM7620ST
    Text: OM7612ST 1.5 AMP HIGH VOLTAGE NEGATIVE ADJUSTABLE REGULATOR Three Terminal, High Voltage, Precision Adjustable Negative Voltage Regulator In Hermetic JEDEC TO-257AA Package FEATURES • • • • • • • Similar To Industry Standard LT137AHV Adjustable Output Voltage

    OM7612ST O-257AA LT137AHV O-220 IN4002 datasheet IN4002 diode IN4002 LM329B LT137AHV OM7612ST OM7620ST PDF

    pin diagram 1K variable resistor 4pin

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Voltage Regulators AN6535 4-pin variable negative output voltage regulator • Overview Unit: mm The AN6535 is a monolithic 4-pin variable negative output voltage regulator. With an external resistor, it provides any stabilized output voltages between −5V and

    AN6535 AN6535 SSIP004-P-0000 pin diagram 1K variable resistor 4pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AN6535 4-pin Negative Adjustable Voltage Regulator • Overview Unit:mm + 0.5 2.0 12.5max. The AN6535 is a monolithic 4-pin negative adjustable voltage regulator. With an external resistor, it provides any stabilized output voltages between –5V and–30V, and

    AN6535 AN6535 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Voltage Regulators AN6535 4-pin variable negative output voltage regulator • Overview Unit: mm The AN6535 is a monolithic 4-pin variable negative output voltage regulator. With an external resistor, it provides any stabilized output voltages between −5V and

    AN6535 AN6535 PDF

    pin diagram 1K variable resistor 4pin

    Abstract: AN6535 ST 9605
    Text: Voltage Regulators AN6535 4-pin variable negative output voltage regulator • Overview Unit: mm The AN6535 is a monolithic 4-pin variable negative output voltage regulator. With an external resistor, it provides any stabilized output voltages between −5V and

    AN6535 AN6535 pin diagram 1K variable resistor 4pin ST 9605 PDF


    Abstract: ltvz LTVX MARK G10 SOT23-5 LT1964SD LTVY LDO MARKING LTVZ LT1964-5 LT1964 BYP LTVZ SOT23-5
    Text: LT1964 200mA, Low Noise, Low Dropout Negative Micropower Regulator FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LT 1964 is a micropower low noise, low dropout negative regulator. The device is capable of supplying 200mA of output current with a dropout voltage of 340mV. Low

    LT1964 200mA, 200mA 340mV. LT1964 30VRMS 100kHz) 340mV 20VRMS LTVY ltvz LTVX MARK G10 SOT23-5 LT1964SD LTVY LDO MARKING LTVZ LT1964-5 LT1964 BYP LTVZ SOT23-5 PDF


    Abstract: OM7912SM OM7915SM
    Text: OM7905SM OM7912SM OM7915SM SURFACE MOUNT NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR Three Terminal, Fixed Voltage, 1.0 Amp Precision Negative Regulator In A Hermetic Surface Mount Package FEATURES • • • • • • Hermetic Surface Mount Package Output Voltages: -5V, -12V, -15V

    OM7905SM OM7912SM OM7915SM 100kHz OM7905SM OM7912SM OM7915SM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NTE1927 Integrated Circuit 4–Terminal Negative Adjustable Voltage Regulator Description: The NTE1927 is a 4–terminal negative adjustable voltage regulator in a TO3 type package designed to deliver continuous load currents of up to 1A with a maximum input voltage of –40V.

    NTE1927 NTE1927 PDF


    Abstract: marking code s79 S7915PIC S7800 S7908PIC
    Text: S79xxPIC Semiconductor Fixed-Negative-Voltage Regulator Descriptions This series of fixed-negative-voltage monolithic integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed to complement series S7800 in a wide range of applications. These applications include on-card regulator for elimination of noise and distribution problems associated with

    S79xxPIC S7800 KSI-2032-003 S7905PIC marking code s79 S7915PIC S7908PIC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S79xxPI Semiconductor Fixed-Negative-Voltage Regulator Descriptions This series of fixed-negative-voltage monolithic integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed to complement series S7800 in a wide range of applications. These applications include on-card regulator for elimination of noise and distribution problems associated with

    S79xxPI S7800 KSD-I0O004-000 PDF


    Abstract: lm137 datasheet LM117H LM137 M0003391
    Text: MICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEET Original Creation Date: 09/12/00 Last Update Date: 11/03/00 Last Major Revision Date: MNLM137-X REV 0B1 3 TERMINAL ADJUSTABLE NEGATIVE REGULATOR General Description The LM137H is an adjustable 3-terminal negative voltage regulator capable of supplying in

    MNLM137-X LM137H LM137WG P000463A M0003391 MNLM137-X, MNLM137-H, M0003763 lm137 datasheet LM117H LM137 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S79xxPI Semiconductor Fixed-Negative-Voltage Regulator Descriptions This series of fixed-negative-voltage monolithic integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed to complement series S7800 in a wide range of applications. These applications include on-card regulator for elimination of noise and distribution problems associated with

    S79xxPI S7800 KSD-I0O004-001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S79xxPI Semiconductor Fixed-Negative-Voltage Regulator Descriptions This series of fixed-negative-voltage monolithic integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed to complement series S7800 in a wide range of applications. These applications include on-card regulator for elimination of noise and distribution problems associated with

    S79xxPI S7800 100KHz, 120Hz, KSI-2026-001 PDF


    Abstract: NTE957 nte956 datasheet 1550mV
    Text: NTE957 Integrated Circuit 3–Terminal Adjustable Negative Voltage Regulator Description: The NTE957 is an adjustable 3–terminal negative voltage regulator in a TO220 type package capable of supplying in excess of –1.5A over a –1.2V to –37V output range. This device is exceptionally easy

    NTE957 NTE957 10kHz 120Hz nte956 nte956 datasheet 1550mV PDF


    Abstract: OM7912SM OM7915SM
    Text: OM7905SM OM7912SM OM7915SM SURFACE MOUNT NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR Three Terminal, Fixed Voltage, 1.0 Amp Precision Negative Regulator In A Hermetic Surface Mount Package FEATURES • • • • • • Hermetic Surface Mount Package Output Voltages: -5V, -12V, -15V

    OCR Scan
    OM7905SM OM7912SM OM7915SM OM7912SM OM7915SM PDF

    transistor kt 312 b

    Abstract: zo 103 ma AN6535 GJ103
    Text: Panasonic Voltage Regulators AN6535 4-pin Negative Adjustable Voltage Regulator • Overview Unit I mm The AN6535 is a monolithic 4-pin negative adjustable voltage regulator. With an external resistor, it provides any stabilized output voltages between —5V and—30V,

    OCR Scan
    AN6535 AN6535 b132fiSE 001EM77 transistor kt 312 b zo 103 ma GJ103 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OM7905SM OM7912SM OM7915SM SURFACE MOUNT NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR Three Terminal, Fixed Voltage, 1.0 Amp Precision Negative Regulator In A Hermetic Surface Mount Package FEATURES • • • • • • Hermetic Surface Mount Package Output Voltages: -5V, -12V, -15V

    OCR Scan
    OM7905SM OM7912SM OM7915SM 100kHz 000nb3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KA79MXX FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR NEGATIVE 3-TERMINAL 0.5A NEGATIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS The KA79MXX series of 3-Terminal medium current negative voltage regulators are monoiithic integrated circuits designed as fixed voltage reguiators. These regulators employ internal current limiting, thermal

    OCR Scan
    KA79MXX KA79MXX T0-220 10/jf 25/if 50/iF. KA79M KA79M12: PDF