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    NEC 444 RAM Search Results

    NEC 444 RAM Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    6167LA100DB Renesas Electronics Corporation 16K(16KX1)CMOS STATIC RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    6167LA70DB Renesas Electronics Corporation 16K(16KX1)CMOS STATIC RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    6167SA55DB Renesas Electronics Corporation 16K(16KX1)CMOS STATIC RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    8413204YA Renesas Electronics Corporation 16K(16KX1)CMOS STATIC RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    8413205YA Renesas Electronics Corporation 16K(16KX1)CMOS STATIC RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    NEC 444 RAM Datasheets Context Search

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    eeprom s130

    Abstract: eeprom s190 KVP49 sn 76545 s193 V55-V62 s331 eeprom VRP11 s489 kvp 3b
    Text: お客様各位 カタログ等資料中の旧社名の扱いについて 2010 年 4 月 1 日を以って NEC エレクトロニクス株式会社及び株式会社ルネサステクノロジ が合併し両社の全ての事業が当社に承継されております。従いまして、本資料中には旧社

    PD161608 176-RGB IC528 S17594JJ2V0DS eeprom s130 eeprom s190 KVP49 sn 76545 s193 V55-V62 s331 eeprom VRP11 s489 kvp 3b PDF

    eeprom s190

    Abstract: eeprom s130 S507 s331 eeprom Datasheet of 7492 IC 66285 929 rev oh s26 KVP14 KVP18 444-573
    Text: データ・シート MOS 集積回路 MOS Integrated Circuit PD161608 262,144 色カラーTFT 液晶対応 176-RGB x 220 ドット 1 チップ・ドライバ μPD161608 は,TFT 液晶対応の表示コントローラ・ドライバ IC です。また,176-RGB x 220 ドットにより 262,144

    PD161608 176-RGB IC528 PD161608P S17594JJ2V0DS00 VLCD63 eeprom s190 eeprom s130 S507 s331 eeprom Datasheet of 7492 IC 66285 929 rev oh s26 KVP14 KVP18 444-573 PDF

    lvds to mipi

    Abstract: VS6650 mipi camera link bt.656 to MIPI STV0976 Circuit STV0976 RGB-444 MIPI Specification smia camera MIPI display megapixel
    Text: MOB-976/650-E01 Evaluation Kit for Megapixel Processor and SMIA Camera Module DATA BRIEF FEATURES • Supports the STV0976 co-processor and VS6650 1.0 Megapixel 1152H x 864V camera module ■ Up to 30 frames per second (fps) operation at SVGA or 15fps at 1.0 Megapixel

    MOB-976/650-E01 STV0976 VS6650 1152H 15fps lvds to mipi mipi camera link bt.656 to MIPI STV0976 Circuit RGB-444 MIPI Specification smia camera MIPI display megapixel PDF


    Abstract: 300K-600K CMOS-9 equivalent L302 sh micron aerospace
    Text: CMOS-9 3.3-VOLT, 0.35-MICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS NEC Electronics Inc. July 1997 Description Figure 1. CMOS-9 Package Examples; BGA and QFP NEC's CMOS-9 gate array family provides designers with the performance capabilities and features required to develop devices for high-speed computer and

    35-MICRON 35-micron A12634EU1V0DS00 430413 300K-600K CMOS-9 equivalent L302 sh micron aerospace PDF


    Abstract: STEPS 30175 STR 6755 k2736 NZ70 NEC V30MX V30MX nec 2508 nec 772 K398
    Text: DATA SHEET PRODUCT LETTER CB-C9VX/VM 0.35-Micron CMOS Cell-Based ASICs Description Figure 1: System-Level-Integration The CB-C9VX/VM family offers ultra-high performance, deep submicron cell-based ASICs for high-end applications requiring high speeds, high integration density and low power

    35-Micron 35micron 27-micron GB-MK14 NZ70008H STEPS 30175 STR 6755 k2736 NZ70 NEC V30MX V30MX nec 2508 nec 772 K398 PDF


    Abstract: L302 OPENCAD CMOS Block library
    Text: EA-C9 3.3-Volt, 0.35-Micron drawn CMOS Embedded Array NEC Electronics Inc. Preliminary March 1997 Description Figure 1. Embedded Array Core Integration NEC’s high-performance 0.35 µm drawn (0.27 µm L-effective) EA-C9 embedded array family offers both

    35-Micron A12633EU1V0DS00 uPD654 L302 OPENCAD CMOS Block library PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET NEC |jPD461318/36LSl Bi-CMos S y n c h r o n o u s S t a t i c Ram MAR. 1995 Description The nPD461318/36LS1 is a 65,536-word by 18-blt / 32,768-word by 36-blt synchronous static RAM fabricated with advanced BI-CMOS technology using

    OCR Scan
    uPD461318LSI uPD461336LSl nPD461318/36LS1 536-word 18-blt 768-word 36-blt PDF

    nec 444 ram

    Abstract: PD2114L PD444C MPD444C 2SO 765 PD42S18160 uPD444-3 pd2114 MPD444 nec chic
    Text: fiPD444 /¿PD444-1 /iPD444-2 /iPD444-3 ^ NEC NEC Electronics U.S.A. Inc. Microcomputer Division 1024 x 4-BIT STATIC CMOS RAM D ESCR IPTIO N The /LfPD444 is a high-speed, low power silicon gate CMOS 4096 bit static RAM orga­ nized 1024 words by 4 bits. It uses DC stable static circuitry throughout and there­

    OCR Scan
    uPD444 uPD444-1 uPD444-2 uPD444-3 /LfPD444 /jPD444 LM27S2S //PD42S18160, nec 444 ram PD2114L PD444C MPD444C 2SO 765 PD42S18160 pd2114 MPD444 nec chic PDF


    Abstract: MPD444C PD444C MPD444 UPD444-1 upd444 nec nec 444 ram nec ram upd444c PD444 ram 2114L
    Text: fiPD444 /¿PD444-1 /iPD444-2 /iPD444-3 ^ NEC NEC Electronics U.S.A. Inc. Microcomputer Division 1024 x 4-BIT STATIC CMOS RAM DESCRIPTION The /LfPD444 is a high-speed, low power silicon gate CMOS 4096 b it static RAM orga­ nized 1024 words by 4 bits. It uses DC stable static circ u itry throug hou t and there­

    OCR Scan
    uPD444 uPD444-1 uPD444-2 uPD444-3 /LfPD444 LM27S2S 001157M //PD42S18160, UPD444C MPD444C PD444C MPD444 upd444 nec nec 444 ram nec ram upd444c PD444 ram 2114L PDF


    Abstract: UPD444-1 MPD444
    Text: fiPD444 /¿PD444-1 /iPD444-2 /iPD444-3 ^ NEC NEC Electronics U.S.A. Inc. Microcomputer Division 1024 x 4-BIT STATIC CMOS RAM DESCRIPTION T h e /LfPD444 is a high-speed, lo w p o w e r s ilic o n gate C M OS 4 0 9 6 b it s ta tic R A M o rg a ­ n ize d 1 02 4 w o rd s b y 4 b its . I t uses DC stable s ta tic c ir c u itr y th ro u g h o u t and th e re ­

    OCR Scan
    uPD444 uPD444-1 uPD444-2 uPD444-3 /LfPD444 LM27S2S DCH157M //PD42S18160, MPD444 PDF


    Abstract: ram 6164 6116 RAM 2116 ram 2064 ram 74C929 4016 RAM 4045 RAM 6264 cmos ram 74C930
    Text: Industry CMOS RAM Cross Reference h a r r is c m o s ram s DESCRIPTION AMD HARRIS FUJ­ ITSU EDI HIT­ ACHI IDT M ITSU­ MOT­ BISHI OROLA N A T­ IONAL NEC RCA OKI TOSH* ISA SMOS NMOS, OTHER 1K CMOS RAMs 1Kx1, 16 Pin Synchronous HM-6508 1 Kx1, 18 Pin Synchronous

    OCR Scan
    256x4, HM-6508 HM-6518 HM-6551 HM-6561 74C929 74C930 74C920 HM-6504 74c920 ram 6164 6116 RAM 2116 ram 2064 ram 4016 RAM 4045 RAM 6264 cmos ram PDF

    4464 ram

    Abstract: us4k 74C930 6116 ram 2k 74c920 6508 ram 4464 memory 6164 memory
    Text: In d u s try CMOS RAM C ross R eference H A R R IS C M O S R A M s F U J ID E SC RIPTIO N HARR IS AM O EDI rrsu H IT­ AC H I ID T M ITS U ­ BISHI M OT­ O R O LA N AT­ IO N A L 6508 6508 74C 929 6518 6518 74C 930 NEC O KI H A R R IS / RCA TO SH­ IB A N M O S,

    OCR Scan
    8816H 4464 ram us4k 74C930 6116 ram 2k 74c920 6508 ram 4464 memory 6164 memory PDF


    Abstract: d424400
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT _ , ü P D 4 2 4 4 0 0 4 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 1 M-WORD BY 4-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE Description The /¿PD424400 is a 1,048,576 words by 4 bits CMOS dynamic RAM. The fast page mode capability realizes high speed access and low power consumption.

    OCR Scan
    uPD424400 26-pin /iPD424400-60 /XPD424400-70 /xPD424400-80 XPP424400 IR35-207-2 VP15-207-2 bH57SES pd424400 d424400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET_ MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MC-4516DA724 16M-WORD BY 72-BIT SYNCHRONOUS DYNAMIC RAM MODULE BUFFERED TYPE Description T h e M C -4 5 1 6 D A 7 2 4 is a 16 ,7 7 7 ,2 1 6 w o rd s by 72 bits syn ch ro n o u s d yn a m ic RAM m odule on w hich 18 pie ce s of

    OCR Scan
    MC-4516DA724 16M-WORD 72-BIT MC-4516DA724 PD4564441 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ju P D 4 2 S 1 6 1 6 5 L , 4 2 1 6 1 6 5 L 3.3 V OPERATION 16M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 1 M-WORD BY 16-BIT, EDO, BYTE READ/WRITE MODE, D escription The ¿¿PD42S16165L, 4216165L are 1,048,576 words by 16 bits C M O S dynam ic RA M s with optional EDO.

    OCR Scan
    16M-BIT 16-BIT, uPD42S16165L uPD4216165L iPD42S16165L iPD42S16165L, 50-pin 42-pin IR35-207-3 P15-207-3 PDF


    Abstract: D42S18165 LH 446
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿P D 4 2 S1 8 1 6 5L, 4 2 1 8 1 6 5 L 3.3 V OPERATION 16 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 1 M-WORD BY 16-BIT, HYPER PAGE MODE EDO , BYTE READ/WRITE MODE Description The ¿¿PD42S18165L, 4218165L are 1,048,576 words by 16 bits CMOS dynamic RAMs with optional hyper page

    OCR Scan
    16-BIT, uPD42S18165L uPD4218165L /iPD42S18165L iiPD42S18165L, 4218165L 50-pin 42-pin 1PD42S18165L-A60, 4218165L-A60 I1244 D42S18165 LH 446 PDF


    Abstract: f-002
    Text: CMOS-10 2.5-Volt, 0.25-M icron drawn CMOS G ate Array NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Preliminary March 1997 Figure 1. Tape BGA and Chip Size Package Description In CMOS-IO, NEC combines high-performance CMOS technology with an advanced 2.5-volt block library and an

    OCR Scan
    CMOS-10 IEEE1394 G1GSG77 f-002 PDF

    hilti te 24

    Abstract: hilti te 17 GO 440 104 esm 433 rac
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿P D 42S18165L , 4 2 1 8 1 6 5 L 3.3 V OPERATION 16 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 1 M-WORD BY 16-BIT, EDO, BYTE READ/WRITE MODE Description The .¿/PD42S18165L, 4218165L are 1,048,576 words by 16 bits CMOS dynamic RAMs with optional EOO

    OCR Scan
    42S18165L 16-BIT, uPD42S18165L uPD4218165L /iPD42S18165L, 4218165L 50-pin 42-pin 1R35-207-3 hilti te 24 hilti te 17 GO 440 104 esm 433 rac PDF

    TPS 436 IRA

    Abstract: IC-3218B
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT fiPD42S16160L, 4216160L, 42S18160L, 4218160L 3.3 V OPERATION 16M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 1M-WORD BY 16-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE, BYTE READ/WRITE MODE Description The iiPD42S16160Lr 4216160L, 42S18160L, 4218160L are 1 048 576 words by 16 bits dynamic CMOS RAMs.

    OCR Scan
    uPD42S16160L uPD4216160L uPD42S18160L uPD4218160L 16M-BIT 16-BIT, iiPD42S16160Lr 4216160L, 42S18160L, 4218160L TPS 436 IRA IC-3218B PDF


    Abstract: ha 1452 EA-C10
    Text: IV IF C “ E A -C 10 2 .5 -V o lt, 0 .2 5 -M ic ro n d ra w n C M O S E m b e d d e d A rra y NEC Electronics Inc. Preliminary March 1997 Figure 1. Embedded Array Core Integration Description The high-speed 0.25|nm drawn (0.18 jxm L-effective) EA-C10 embedded array family offers both support for

    OCR Scan
    EA-C10 b42752S RAC RAMBUS ha 1452 PDF

    D78 NEC

    Abstract: 986M
    Text: CB-C10 2.5-Volt, 0.25-M icron drawn CMOS Cell-Based ASIC NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Preliminary March 1997 Figure 1. Chip Size Package (CSP) Description NEC’s 0.25 n.m drawn (0.18 (j.mL-effective)CB-C10family incorporates ultra-high-performance cores with deep sub­

    OCR Scan
    CB-C10 CB-C10family D78 NEC 986M PDF

    ic 321

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC / DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / „PD42S16160L, 4216160L, 42S18160L, 4218160L 3.3 V OPERATION 16M-BIT DYNAM IC RAM 1M-W ORD BY 16-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE, BYTE READ/WRITE MODE Description The /¿PD42S16160L, 4216160L, 42S18160L, 4218160L are 1 048 576 w o rd s by 16 bits d yn a m ic CMOS RAMs.

    OCR Scan
    uPD42S16160L uPD4216160L uPD42S18160L uPD4218160L 16M-BIT 16-BIT, PD42S16160L, 4216160L, 42S18160L, 4218160L ic 321 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT / / P D 42 S 18165 L , 4218165 L 3.3 V OPERATION 16 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 1 M-WORD BY 16-BIT, HYPER PAGE MODE EDO , BYTE READ/WRITE MODE D e s c rip tio n The jiP D 4 2S 18165L, 4218165L are 1,048,576 words by 16 bits CMOS dynam ic RAMs with optional hyper page

    OCR Scan
    16-BIT, uPD42S18165L uPD4218165L PD42S18165L iPD42S18165L, 4218165L 50-pin 42-pin //PD42S18165L-A60, 421B74 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    UPC1677B UPC1677C UPC1677 UPC1677B, PDF