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    NDK NX5032SD Search Results

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    NDK NX5032SD

    Abstract: NX5032SD 21.948717 21.948717 MHz 13.560 000M-STD-CSY-1
    Text: Specification of Crystal Units 1 NDK Part Number See table 1 2 NDK Specification Number STD-CSY-1 3 Type NX5032SD 4 4.1 Electrical Characteristics Nominal Frequency f nom See table 1 4.2 Overtone order Fundamental 4.3 Frequency Tolerance ± 15 x 10 max. ( +25 °C )

    NX5032SD NX5032SD-16 000M-STD-CSY-1 0132M-STD-CSY-1 NX5032SD-15 2671875M-STD-CSY-1 NX5032SD-18 080M-STD-CSY-1 NDK NX5032SD NX5032SD 21.948717 21.948717 MHz 13.560 000M-STD-CSY-1 PDF

    NDK NX5032SD

    Abstract: NDK 13.56MHz NX5032SD 3na100
    Text: Specification of Crystal Unit 1 NDK PART NUMBER NX5032SD STD-CSY-1 㪌 Type NX5032SD 㪍 㪍㪅㪈 㪍㪅㪉 Electrical characteristics Nominal frequency(F0) Overtone order * ATTACHED SHEETS 3 9.84375MHZ, 13.56MHZ Fundamental 㪍㪅㪊 Adjustment tolerance

    NX5032SD 84375MHZ, 56MHZ NDK NX5032SD NDK 13.56MHz NX5032SD 3na100 PDF


    Abstract: NDK quartz crystal
    Text: Quartz Crystal Units NX5032SD For Automotive n Features A small surface-mount type crystal unit, ideal for the special requirements of automotive, such as TPMS Tire Pressure Monitoring System . The crystal unit is ideally suited for the clock signal generating source of the transmission unit in a tire

    NX5032SD AEC-Q200. NX5032SD-9 750M-STD-CSY-1 NX5032SD NDK quartz crystal PDF


    Abstract: ndk crystal
    Text: Crystal Units NX5032SD For Car Electronics n Features A small surface-mount type crystal unit, ideal for the special requirements of car electronics, such as TPMS Tire Pressure Monitoring System . The crystal unit is ideally suited for the clock signal generating source of the transmission unit in a tire

    NX5032SD AEC-Q200. NX5032SD-9 750M-STD-CSY-1 NX5032SD ndk crystal PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Crystal Units NX5032SD For Car Electronics n Features A small surface-mount type crystal unit, ideal for the special requirements of car electronics, such as TPMS Tire Pressure Monitoring System . The crystal unit is ideally suited for the clock signal generating source of the transmission unit in a tire

    NX5032SD AEC-Q200. NX5032SD-9 750M-STD-CSY-1 NX5032SD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Crystal Units NX5032SD For Automotive • Features A small surface-mount type crystal unit, ideal for the special requirements of automotive, such as TPMS Tire Pressure Monitoring System . The crystal unit is ideally suited for the clock signal generating source of the transmission unit in a tire

    NX5032SD AEC-Q200. ExampleNX5032SD-9 750M-STD-CSY-1 NX5032SD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Crystal Units NX5032SD For Car Electronics n Features A small surface-mount type crystal unit, ideal for the special requirements of car electronics, such as TPMS Tire Pressure Monitoring System . The crystal unit is ideally suited for the clock signal generating source of the transmission unit in a tire

    NX5032SD AEC-Q200. NX5032SD-9 750M-STD-CSY-1 NX5032SD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRYSTAL UNITS For Automotive Electronics NEW SURFACE MOUNT TYPE CRYSTAL UNITS / NX5032SD These surface mount crystal units are ideally suited for the clock signal generating of the transmitter units of TPMS Tire Pressure Monitoring System which is the special application of automotive electronics from its surfacing severe centrifugal force.

    NX5032SD R042 PDF


    Abstract: NZ2520SA NX2520SA-24 NDK TCXO 20MHZ AD6548 circuit NDK 2560 CAMBRIDGE SILICON RADIO bluetooth NX5032GA 16MHZ AT-W philips tcxo 10mhz 478-4355-1-ND
    Text: 2765E Series Spread Spectrum SMT Oscillators NZ2520SA Series SMT Oscillators Electrical Characteristics: • Supply Voltage: 2.5V ±0.1 • Output Level: CMOS • Frequency Stability: ±30ppm • Current Consumption: 10.5mA Maximum • Current Consumption Standby : 10 A • Operating Temperature: -10C ~ 60C

    2765E NZ2520SA 30ppm 100ppm CX49GFWB03579H0PESZZ CX49GFWB04000H0PESZZ CX49GFWB04194H0PESZZ CX49GFWB04332H0PESZZ CX49GFWB04433H0PESZZ CX49GFWB04915H0PESZZ AD6548 NX2520SA-24 NDK TCXO 20MHZ AD6548 circuit NDK 2560 CAMBRIDGE SILICON RADIO bluetooth NX5032GA 16MHZ AT-W philips tcxo 10mhz 478-4355-1-ND PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: For Mobile Communication NEW SURFACE MOUNT TYPE CRYSTAL UNITS / NX2520SA This is ultra small surface mount type crystal units suitable for mobile communication like base clock of mobile hand sets. • Features 8 Ultra compact, thin and light weight 2.5x2.0×0.5 mm, 11mg typ. .

    NX2520SA NX2520SA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRYSTAL UNITS For Mobile Communication SURFACE MOUNT TYPE CRYSTAL UNITS / NX3225SA This is ultra small surface mount type crystal unit. • Features 8 8 8 8 Ultra compact, thin and light weight 3.2x2.5×0.55 mm typ., 17mg typ. . Excellent heat resistance and environmental characteristics.

    NX3225SA NX3225SA 32555 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: For OA•AV•Short-range Wireless NEW SURFACE MOUNT TYPE CRYSTAL UNITS / NX2016AA This is ultra small surface mount type crystal unit. Suitable for the special small-sizing requirement. • Features 8 Ultra compact, thin and lightweight 2.0x1.6×0.45 mm typ., 6mg typ. .

    NX2016AA PDF

    400 NDK 23

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRYSTAL UNITS For OA•AV•Short-range Wireless NEW SURFACE MOUNT TYPE CRYSTAL UNITS / NX2520SA This is ultra small surface mount type crystal unit. This crystal unit can meet requirements starting from a low frequency 16MHz. • Features 8 Ultra compact, thin and light weight 2.5x2.0×0.50 mm typ., 11mg typ. .

    NX2520SA 16MHz. 400 NDK 23 PDF

    crystal 27.12 MHZ

    Abstract: 400 NDK 23
    Text: For OA•AV•Short-range Wireless NEW SURFACE MOUNT TYPE CRYSTAL UNITS / NX3225SA This is ultra small surface mount type crystal unit. • Features 8 Ultra compact, thin and light weight 3.2x2.5×0.55 mm typ., 17mg typ. . 8 Excellent heat resistance and environmental characteristics.

    NX3225SA crystal 27.12 MHZ 400 NDK 23 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Crystal Units NX5032SD For Automotive • Features A small surface-mount type crystal unit, ideal for the special requirements of automotive, such as TPMS Tire Pressure Monitoring System . The crystal unit is ideally suited for the clock signal generating source of the transmission unit in a tire

    NX5032SD AEC-Q200. NX5032SD-9 750M-STD-CSY-1 NX5032SD PDF


    Abstract: NX3215SA NX5032GA NX5032SA AT-51CD2 NX1255GB NX1255GC NX1612AA NX2016AA NX2520SA
    Text: Quartz Crystal Units Taping XXXXXXXX Package •■ The taping package as shown below is standard for surface-mount type crystal units. ■ Tape A M Pull direction B F K D E C G H L J ■ Reel 2.0±0.5 N P φ13.0±0.2 φ21.0±0.8 Q R NX1255GB /GC NX8045GB

    NX1255GB NX8045GB NX5032GA NX5032SA NX5032SD NX3225SA/GA NX2520SA NX2016AA NX1612AA NX3215SA Cu53 NX3215SA NX5032GA NX5032SA AT-51CD2 NX1255GB NX1255GC NX1612AA NX2016AA NX2520SA PDF


    Abstract: NX5032SD NX3225SA NX1255GC NX2016AA NX2520SA NX4025DA NX6035SA
    Text: CRYSTAL UNITS TAPING DIMENSIONS Below taping package is standard for surface mount type crystal units. • Tape A PULL DIRECTION E C M F K D B G H L J ■ Reel 2.0±0.5 P ø13.0±0.2 N ø21.0±0.8 Q R NX1255GB/GC NX8045GB/GD NX6035SA NX5032GA/GB/GC NX5032SD

    NX1255GB/GC NX8045GB/GD NX6035SA NX5032GA/GB/GC NX5032SD NX4025DA NX3225SA/GA NX2520SA NX2016AA NX1255GC NX1255GB NX5032SD NX3225SA NX1255GC NX2016AA NX2520SA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Crystal Units Taping XXXXXXXX Package •■ The taping package as shown below is standard for surface-mount type crystal units. ■ Tape A M Pull direction B F K D E C G H L J ■ Reel 2.0±0.5 N P φ13.0±0.2 φ21.0±0.8 Q R NX1255GB /GC NX8045GB /GE NX5032GA

    NX1255GB NX8045GB NX5032GA NX5032SA NX5032SD NX3225SA/GA NX2520SA NX2016SA NX1612AA NX3215SA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: For Automotive Electronics SURFACE MOUNT TYPE CRYSTAL UNITS / NX5032GA This is ultra small surface mount type crystal unit for automotive electronics equipment. This crystal unit can meet requirement starting from a low frequency 8MHz. • Features 8 Compact and thin 5.0x3.2×1.3 mm typ. .

    NX5032GA AEC-Q200. NX5032GA PDF

    ndk crystal nx3225ga

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRYSTAL UNITS For OA/AV NEW SURFACE MOUNT TYPE CRYSTAL UNITS / NX3225GA • Features 8 Ultra compact, thin and light weight 3.2x2.5×0.75 mm typ., 19mg typ. . 8 Excellent heat resistance and environmental characteristics. 8 Excellent electric performance optimum for OA (office automation) and AV (audio &

    NX3225GA NX3225GA 50MHz ndk crystal nx3225ga PDF

    ndk nx3225sa

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: For Mobile Communication SURFACE MOUNT TYPE CRYSTAL UNITS / NX6035SA This is highly precise small-sized surface-mounted crystal unit optimum for applications in mobile communications. • Features 8 Compact and thin 6.0 x 3.5 × 1.0 mm typ. . 8 Standard Nominal Frequency for PLL-system are lined up.

    NX6035SA NX6035SA ndk nx3225sa PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRYSTAL UNITS High Stability Type SURFACE MOUNT TYPE CRYSTAL UNITS / NX6035SA Small-sized surface-mounted crystal unit optimized for industrial applications that require high frequency accuracy. • Features 8 Compact and thin 6.0x3.5×1.0 mm typ. . 8 Exhibits electrical characteristics and environmental performance suitable for various

    NX6035SA NX6035SA 150MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: For Mobile Communication and Bluetooth SURFACE MOUNT TYPE CRYSTAL UNITS / NX4025DA These are small-size crystal units for surface mounting that meet the requirements for reference clock frequencies used for mobile-phone units and Bluetooth techology. • Features

    NX4025DA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRYSTAL UNITS For Automotive Electronics SURFACE MOUNT TYPE CRYSTAL UNITS / NX1255GB These surface mount crystal units are ideally suited for clock signal generating sources for CPUs for power trains and safety control devices requiring extremely high reliability as an

    NX1255GB PDF