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    N7448N Search Results

    N7448N Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    N7448N Signetics BCD-To-Seven Segment Decoder Scan PDF
    N7448N Signetics Integrated Circuits Catalogue 1978/79 Scan PDF

    N7448N Datasheets Context Search

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    TTL 7400

    Abstract: ITT 7400 55199 IC 7400 nand gate N7421N ttl ttl7400 7400 signetics TTL 7400 signetics ITT301 pin diagram 7400 series
    Text: S ig n e tics Integrated Circuits T T l. G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M A X IM U M R A T IN G S Stan dard " G o l d D o p e d " T T L . is the in d u s try 's longest selling d ig ita l log ic f a m ily still in high vo lu m e p rod uction. S ig n e tics m anufacture th e ‘¡o llo w in g ranges.

    OCR Scan
    BS9400 N7400N 55181D N7401N 55182B N7402N 55184R N7403N TTL 7400 ITT 7400 55199 IC 7400 nand gate N7421N ttl ttl7400 7400 signetics TTL 7400 signetics ITT301 pin diagram 7400 series PDF


    Abstract: 7segm
    Text: 5 4/744 8 LOGIC SYMBOL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The “ 4 8 ” is a BCD to 7-Segm ent D ecoder. It a c c e p ts 4-bit BCD da ta and provides seven a ctive HIGH d e coded outputs to drive 7-seg­ ment displa ys of various type s. It is used prim arily w ith high current or high voltage

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    54H/74H Displa 7segm PDF

    7448 bcd to seven segment decoder

    Abstract: "7 Segment Display" applications 7448 7-segment display 7448 BCD to 7-Segment decoder 7448 "BCD to 7-segment" truth table for 7448 7448 BCD to Seven Segment display 7448 BCD to 7-segment bcd 7448 7448 pin configuration
    Text: LOGIC SYMBOL 54/7448 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The “ 4 8 ” is a BCD to 7-Segm ent Decoder. It a c c e p ts 4-bit BCD da ta and provides seven ac tiv e HIGH de coded outputs to drive 7-seg­ ment displays of various type s. It is used prim arily w ith high current or high volta ge

    OCR Scan
    54S/74S 54LS/74LS 54LS/74LS. 54S/74S: 54S/74S 54LS/74LS 7448 bcd to seven segment decoder "7 Segment Display" applications 7448 7-segment display 7448 BCD to 7-Segment decoder 7448 "BCD to 7-segment" truth table for 7448 7448 BCD to Seven Segment display 7448 BCD to 7-segment bcd 7448 7448 pin configuration PDF