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    N03 TRANSISTOR RF Search Results

    N03 TRANSISTOR RF Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    N03 TRANSISTOR RF Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: N01A n02a transistor n04a AS N03A DG408 DG409 DG508A DG509A MAX398
    Text: 19-0299; Rev. 4; 10/01 Precision, 8-Channel/Dual 4-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog Multiplexers The MAX398/MAX399 are fabricated with Maxim’s lowvoltage silicon-gate process. Design improvements yield extremely low charge injection less than 5pC and

    MAX398/MAX399 DG408, DG409, DG508A, DG509A. N03A N01A n02a transistor n04a AS N03A DG408 DG409 DG508A DG509A MAX398 PDF


    Abstract: DG408 DG409 DG508A DG509A MAX398CEE MAX399 AS N03A
    Text: 19-0299; Rev. 4; 10/01 Precision, 8-Channel/Dual 4-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog Multiplexers The MAX398/MAX399 are fabricated with Maxim’s lowvoltage silicon-gate process. Design improvements yield extremely low charge injection less than 5pC and

    MAX398/MAX399 DG408, DG409, DG508A, DG509A. MAX398 DG408 DG409 DG508A DG509A MAX398CEE MAX399 AS N03A PDF


    Abstract: N03A VN01A J161 MAX399ESE
    Text: 19-0299; Rev. 5; 1/07 Precision, 8-Channel/Dual 4-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog Multiplexers The MAX398/MAX399 precision, monolithic, CMOS analog multiplexers muxes offer low on-resistance (less than 100Ω), which is matched to within 6Ω between channels and remains flat over the specified analog signal range (11Ω max). They also offer low leakage over

    MAX398/MAX399 250ns) MAX398 MAX399 n02a N03A VN01A J161 MAX399ESE PDF


    Abstract: N01A S16116 n03B AS N03A code N01A MAX398 MAX399 "Analog Multiplexers" DG408
    Text: 19-0299; Rev. 6; 6/07 Precision, 8-Channel/Dual 4-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog Multiplexers The MAX398/MAX399 precision, monolithic, CMOS analog multiplexers muxes offer low on-resistance (less than 100Ω), which is matched to within 6Ω between channels and remains flat over the specified analog signal range (11Ω max). They also offer low leakage over

    MAX398/MAX399 250ns) MAX398 MAX399 N03A N01A S16116 n03B AS N03A code N01A "Analog Multiplexers" DG408 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0299; Rev. 6; 6/07 Precision, 8-Channel/Dual 4-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog Multiplexers The MAX398/MAX399 precision, monolithic, CMOS analog multiplexers muxes offer low on-resistance (less than 100Ω), which is matched to within 6Ω between channels and remains flat over the specified analog signal range (11Ω max). They also offer low leakage over

    MAX398/MAX399 250ns) MAX398 MAX399 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0396; Rev. 0; 5/95 Low-Voltage, 8-Channel/Dual 4-Channel Multiplexers with Latchable Inputs _Features _Applications ♦ Pin-Compatible with Industry-Standard DG428/DG429, DG528/DG529, MAX368/MAX369 ♦ Single-Supply Operation +2.7V to +16.5V

    MAX382/MAX384 DG428/DG429, DG528/DG529, N03A PDF


    Abstract: N01B N03B MAX382CWN MAX382EJN MAX382EPN MAX382EWN MAX384CPN
    Text: 19-0396; Rev. 0; 5/95 Low-Voltage, 8-Channel/Dual 4-Channel Multiplexers with Latchable Inputs _Features _Applications ♦ Pin-Compatible with Industry-Standard DG428/DG429, DG528/DG529, MAX368/MAX369 ♦ Single-Supply Operation +2.7V to +16.5V

    DG428/DG429, DG528/DG529, MAX368/MAX369 MAX382CPN MAX382CPN N01B N03B MAX382CWN MAX382EJN MAX382EPN MAX382EWN MAX384CPN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0396; Rev. 0; 5/95 Low -Volt a ge , 8 -Cha nne l/Dua l 4 -Cha nne l M ult iple x e rs w it h La t c ha ble I nput s _Fe a t ure s _Applic a t ions ♦ Pin-Compatible with Industry-Standard DG428/DG429, DG528/DG529, MAX368/MAX369

    DG428/DG429, DG528/DG529, MAX368/MAX369 MAX382CPN PDF

    transistor n01a

    Abstract: N01A N02A N01A DIODE diode n04 MAX4518CPD
    Text: Precision, 4-Channel/Dual 2-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog M ultiplexers _ Features ♦ Guaranteed On-Resistance Match Between Channels < 4 0 ♦ Low On-Resistance (<100Q) ♦ Guaranteed Flat On-Resistance over Signal Range (<1Oii)

    OCR Scan
    MAX4518/MAX4519 250ns) MAX4518 MAX4519 MAX398/MAX399 MAX4519CPD MAX4519CSD MAX4519CEE MAX4519C/D transistor n01a N01A N02A N01A DIODE diode n04 MAX4518CPD PDF


    Abstract: MAX335CNG
    Text: 19-0220; Rev 1; 4/94 , S erial Controlled 8-Channel SPST S w itch These CMOS switches can continuously operate with power supplies ranging from ±4.5V to ±20V and handle rail-to-rail analog signals. Upon power-up, all switches are off, and the internal serial and parallel shift registers are

    OCR Scan
    MAX335 DG211 MAX335. V20N07 MAX335CNG PDF


    Abstract: N05B N03A transistor n010 AX306 N06A N01A V300F transistor n01a n011
    Text: 19-0270; Rev 0; 8/94 yMvflXUM Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel, High-Perform ance, CMOS Analog M ultip lexers The M AX306/M AX307 are fa b ric a te d with M axim ’s improved 44V silicon-gate process. Design improve­ ments yield extremely low charge injection less than

    OCR Scan
    DG406/DG407/DG506A/DG507A 16-Channel/Dual MAX306/M AX307 ultip07EQI MAX307MJI AX306/M AX307 MAX306 N05A N05B N03A transistor n010 AX306 N06A N01A V300F transistor n01a n011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0439; Rev 7; 3/96 >kiyixi>ki Low-Cost, Low -Voltage, Quad, SPST, CMOS Analog S w itches _ General Description M A X 4 0 6 6 /M A X 4 0 6 6 A Features The M AX4066/M AX4066A qu a d, SPST, CMOS analog switches are de sig n ed to provide superior perform ance

    OCR Scan
    AX4066/M AX4066A 74HC4066 1-0055A Sfl7bb51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1162; Rev 0; 12/96 A 1 / X I V M Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog ¡Multiplexers/Switches with Enable Inputs and Address Latching The M A X4530/M A X4531/M AX 4532 operate from a sin­ g le s u p p ly o f +2V to + 1 2 ^ , or from dual su p p lie s of ± 2 V to ±6V . O n -re s is ta n c e 150£1 m a x is m a tch e d

    OCR Scan
    AX4532) X4530/M MAX4532CPP MAX4532CWP MAX4S32CAP MAX4532C/D MAX4532EPP MAX4532EWP MAX4532EAP MAX4530/MAX4532 PDF

    diode n04

    Abstract: N03 Transistor rf MAX391CPE
    Text: 19-0236; Rev 0; 3/94 P re c is io n 9 Q uad, S P S T A n a lo g S w itc h e s _ Features ♦ Low On-Resistance, 20ft Typical ♦ Guaranteed On-Resistance Match Between Channels, <2 £2 ♦ Guaranteed On-Resistance Flatness Over Signal

    OCR Scan
    MAX391/MAX392/MAX393 MAX391 MAX392 MAX393 100pA 130ns, MIL-STD-883B. diode n04 N03 Transistor rf MAX391CPE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0396; Rev. 0; 5/95 JV \ Æ X A JV \ Low-Voltage, 8-Channel/Dual 4-Channel M ultiplexers w ith Latchable Inputs „Features ♦ Pin-Compatible with Industry-Standard DG428/DG429, DG528/DG529, MAX368/MAX369 ♦ Single-Supply Operation +2.7V to +16.5V Bipolar Supply Operation (±3V to ±8V)

    OCR Scan
    DG428/DG429, DG528/DG529, MAX368/MAX369 300pW) MAX382CPN MAX382CWN MAX382C/D PDF

    ci 4521

    Abstract: MOSFET n03
    Text: 19-1136; Rev 0; 9/96 A i / x i y M Quad, Low -Voltage, SPST A nalog S w itch es Features ♦ +2V to +12V Single Supply ±2V to ±6V Dual Supplies ♦ 100fl Signal Paths with ±5V Supplies ♦ Low Power Consumption, <1|iW ♦ 4 Separately Controlled SPST Switches

    OCR Scan
    MAX4521 /MAX4522/MAX4523 10nAat MAX4522 MAX4523 X4521/M X4522/M ci 4521 MOSFET n03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0404; Rev. 1;9/96 A M X IA I P r e c i s i o n , 16 - C h a n n e l / D u a l 8 - C h a n n e l , Low -V oltage, CMOS A n a lo g M u ltip le x e rs Features The MAX396/MAX397 low-voltage, CMOS analog multi­ plexers muxes offer low on-resistance (10QQ max), which

    OCR Scan
    DG406/DG407, DG506A/D G507A max3961 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0300; Rev 0; 9/94 V M /J X IA I P re c is io n , L o w -V o lta g e A n a lo g S w itc h e s F e a tu re s ♦ Single-Supply Operation +3V to +15V Bipolar-Supply Operation (±3V to ±8V) The M A X 381/M AX383/M AX385 are fa b rica te d with Maxim’s low-voltage silicon-gate process for high sys­

    OCR Scan
    381/M AX383/M AX385 DG401/DG403/DG405 MAX385CSE X385C/D MAX385EPE MAX385ESE MAX385EJE MAX385MJE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 9 -04 39 : R ev 1 :3 /9 6 > i / i y j x i > k i L o w - C o s t , L o w - V o l t a g e , Quad, SPST, CMOS A n a l o g S w i t c h e s _ F e a t u r e s Description Each d e v ic e is co n tro lle d by TTL/CM OS in p u t levels

    OCR Scan
    74HC4066 MAX4066) MAX4066A) 10OpA -86dB -58dB MAX4066/MAX4066A AX4066/M EM52 PDF

    4x2 mux

    Abstract: DIP SWITCH EDGE N0D-N07
    Text: 19-0448; Rev 0; 11/95 S e ria lly C ontrolled, Low -V oltage, 8-C hannel SPST S w itch _ Applications Serial Data-Acquisition Systems Avionics Audio Signal Routing Industrial and ProcessControl Systems ATE Equipment Networking JPin Configuration

    OCR Scan
    MAX395 10MHz, -45dB 4x2 mux DIP SWITCH EDGE N0D-N07 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19- 0236 , R e v 0, 3/94 > k i y i x i > k i Precision, Quad, SPST Analog S w itches With ± 5 V supplies, the MAX391/MAX392/MAX393 offer guaranteed 2i2 max channel-to-channel m atching, 30i2 m ax o n -re s is ta n c e R o n , and 4£i m ax R o n fla tn ess

    OCR Scan
    MAX391/MAX392/MAX393 16-PIN 0Q0TQ22 MAX391CPE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0448; Rev 0, 11/95 A lilX IA I S e ria lly C o n tro lle d , L o w -V o lta g e , 8 -C h a n n e l S P S T S w itc h _General Description These CMOS devices can operate continuously with dual power supplies ranging from ±2.7V to ±8V or a single supply between +2.7V and +16V. Each switch

    OCR Scan
    MAX395 MAX391 MAX335. 567bbSl 0013b73 PDF

    MAX4602EWE T

    Abstract: MAX4602CWE
    Text: 19-3961; Rev O; 1/99 jy \ J Y X A J V \ 2.50, Q u a d , SPST, CMOS A n a l o g S w i t c h e s _F e a t u r e s The MAX4601/MAX4602/MAX4603 quad analog switches feature low on-resistance of 2.5£2 max. On-resistance is m atched betw een sw itche s to 0.5£2 max and is fla t

    OCR Scan
    MAX4601/MAX4602/MAX4603 MAX4602EWE T MAX4602CWE PDF


    Abstract: N03AI N01A-N04A 47 am n01a ax309
    Text: 19-0271; Rev 0; 7/94 VM>JXI VH Precision, 8-Channel/Dual 4-Channel, High-Perform ance, CMOS Analog M ultip lexers The M AX308/M AX309 are fa b rica te d with M axim ’s improved 44V silicon-gate process. Design im prove­ ments yield extremely low charge injection less than

    OCR Scan
    DG408/DG409/DG508A/DG509A MAX308/MAX309 precisi309EPE MAX309ESE MAX309EJE MAX309MJE MAX308/MAX309 MAX308 MAX309 n03b N03AI N01A-N04A 47 am n01a ax309 PDF