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    MVR5356K Search Results

    MVR5356K Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MVR5356K Stanley Electric Single Color LED Original PDF
    MVR5356K Stanley Electric LED UNI-COLOR RED 624NM Original PDF
    MVR5356K Unknown The Optical Devices Data Book (Japanese) Scan PDF

    MVR5356K Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MVR5356K MAA5356K
    Text: • LED LAMP 5356K Series 2.5 x 5mm Rectangular Type ■ Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C Pure Green Green MBG MPG MPY MAY MAA MVR BR MPR Orange Yellow Red Unit Power Dissipation Pd 70 70 85 85 70 75 100 75 mW Forward Current IF 25 25 30 30 25 30 50 30

    5356K Charact100 MPG5356K MVR5356K MAA5356K PDF


    Abstract: MAY5356K MVR5356K
    Text: 5356K Series Single Color Rectangular Shape Type Features 2.5x5 Rectangular shape type, MBG,MPG : Green Surface Diffused epoxy MPY,MAY : Yellow Surface Diffused epoxy MAA : Orange Surface Diffused epoxy MVR,BR,MPR : Red Surface Diffused epoxy Package Product features

    5356K 558nm 567nm 572nm 590nm 606nm 624nm 647nm 630nm MAA5356K MAY5356K MVR5356K PDF


    Abstract: MPR5356K BR5356K MAA5356K MAY5356K MPG5356K MPY5356K MVR5356K led mvr
    Text: SINGLE COLOR LED 2.5 x 5mm Rectangular Shape 5356K Series S T A N D A R D C O L O R n Outline Dimensions + + + + + + Unit: mm n Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C Red Item Symbol Pd IF IFM VR Topr Tstg DIF Power Dissipation Forward Current Peak Forward Current

    5356K MBG5356K MPR5356K BR5356K MAA5356K MAY5356K MPG5356K MPY5356K MVR5356K led mvr PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5356K Series Single Color Rectangular Shape Type Features 2.5x5 Rectangular shape type, MBG,MPG : Green Surface Diffused epoxy MPY,MAY : Yellow Surface Diffused epoxy MAA : Orange Surface Diffused epoxy MVR,BR,MPR : Red Surface Diffused epoxy Package Product features

    5356K 558nm 567nm 572nm 590nm 606nm 624nm 647nm 630nm PDF


    Abstract: MAY5356K MVR5356K
    Text: 5356K Series Single Color Rectangular Shape Type Features 2.5x5 Rectangular shape type, MBG,MPG : Green Surface Diffused epoxy MPY,MAY : Yellow Surface Diffused epoxy MAA : Orange Surface Diffused epoxy MVR,BR,MPR : Red Surface Diffused epoxy Package Product features

    5356K 558nm 567nm 572nm 590nm 606nm 624nm 647nm 630nm MAA5356K MAY5356K MVR5356K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5356K Series Single Color Rectangular Shape Type Features 2.5x5 Rectangular shape type, MBG,MPG : Green Surface Diffused epoxy MPY,MAY : Yellow Surface Diffused epoxy MAA : Orange Surface Diffused epoxy MVR,BR,MPR : Red Surface Diffused epoxy Package Product features

    5356K 558nm 567nm 572nm 590nm 606nm 624nm 647nm 630nm PDF


    Abstract: MAY5356K MVR5356K led mvr
    Text: 5356K Series Single Color Rectangular Shape Type Features 2.5x5 Rectangular shape type, MBG,MPG : Green Surface Diffused epoxy MPY,MAY : Yellow Surface Diffused epoxy MAA : Orange Surface Diffused epoxy MVR,BR,MPR : Red Surface Diffused epoxy Package Product features

    5356K 558nm 567nm 572nm 590nm 606nm 624nm 647nm 630nm MAA5356K MAY5356K MVR5356K led mvr PDF


    Abstract: TLR211 TLR208 tlr2u TLS218P BR5353K IE-635 MPR5353K pj 57 TLR216
    Text: 36- - ; 1‘ È % 7; í •T „ - 25 C W-r. I y, & BR5352K ! deg ■ am ki- 1F /, mod ;mA 138 660 MPR5352K tfíi 138 700 0.5 M VR5J52K ■m 138 630 2.4 140 660 BR5353K 20 n R± Vf Y if ■mA. mA 7 20 50 10 30 20 30 20 1.7 20 50 20 MPR5353K « fe ­ 140 700

    OCR Scan
    BR5352K MPR5352K MVR5J52K BR5353K MPR5353K MVR5353K BR5356K MPR5356K MVR5356K TLR208 tlr231 TLR211 TLR208 tlr2u TLS218P BR5353K IE-635 MPR5353K pj 57 TLR216 PDF


    Abstract: LMD09A-LRG4 MVR5364X
    Text: •PRODUCT TABLE PART NO. AA1101F AA1101W AA1102W AA1111C AA1111R AA1112H AA2202S AA2222S AA2434D AA2533D AA3365S AA3822K AA3889S AA5304S AA5305S AA5307S AA5334S AA5335S AA5351K AA5362X AA5385X AA7351K AAA101 AAA121 AABG4607K AAR101 AAR121 AN1102W AN304 AN326

    OCR Scan
    AA1101F AA1101W AA1102W AA1111C AA1111R AA1112H AA2202S AA2222S AA2434D AA2533D BR2533D LMD09A-LRG4 MVR5364X PDF


    Abstract: MPG5353K
    Text: ▼r e c t a n g u l a r ty p e led Ta= 25 t Peak Size Shape Emiöeti Color Type No. BR5352K - MPR5352K Red Lens Red MVR5352K MAA5352K MAY5352K Orange Yellow MPY5352K vvl MPG5352K Green MBG5352K BRÍ353K Pure Green MPR5353K Red Y e llo w MPY5353K 5 Green

    OCR Scan
    BR5352K MPR5352K MVR5352K MAA5352K MAY5352K MPY5352K MPG5352K MBG5352K MPR5353K MVR5353K BR5356K MPG5353K PDF


    Abstract: PG3368S CN306 AR3432 LPG5374X AY5385X PG1101H PG3361X NSY101 KU107-01
    Text: •PRODUCT TABLE TYPE NO. AA1101H | PAGE 55 TYPE NO. AY1102W | PAGE 56 TYPE NO. BR2651K ! PAGE 44 AA1101W 56 AY2202S 41 BR3338S 38 AA1102W 56 AY2222S 41 BR3361X 39 AA2202S 41 AY2651K 44 BR3362X 39 AA2222S AA2651K 41 AY3365S 37 BR3363K 45 44 AY3402S 40 AA3365S

    OCR Scan
    AA1101H AA1101W AA1102W AA2202S AA2222S AA2651K AA3365S AA3402S AA3403S AA3432S EBR3432S PG3368S CN306 AR3432 LPG5374X AY5385X PG1101H PG3361X NSY101 KU107-01 PDF


    Abstract: MPG5374X MBG5374x BR3867S BR2222S
    Text: •SUPER BRIGHT LED ▼DESCRIPTION ON TYPE NO. BR5364X 1 LE D DIE M A T E R IA L C H IP M aterial Ta=25 C G a A IA s ,G a P ,G a A s P /G a P G aP G a A s P /G a P (S u pe r Bright Type) Em itted c o l o r ' ' — Red E B R /B R /E V R PR/MPR VR /M VR Orange

    OCR Scan
    BR5364X PG5552TY BG5552T BR5553T PR5553T AA5553T AY5553T PY5553T PG5553TY BG5553T PR3432S MPG5374X MBG5374x BR3867S BR2222S PDF


    Abstract: SDB-205 SDB-505A-RD SDB505B-GD EBR5334S SDB-205B-GD AA735 SDB-505A-GD DNP1105W SDB-505A
    Text: •PRODUCT TABLE PART NO. PAGE PART NO. PAGE PART NO. PAGE AA1101F 58 BG2202S 39 BR5356K AA1101W 67 BG2222S 39 BR5362X 31 AA1102W 67 BG3365S 34 BR5363X 30 AA1111C 54 BG3822K 42 BR5364X 30 AA1111R 66 BG3889S 34 BR5373X 30 AA1112H 56 BG5304S 32 BR5374X 30 AA2202S

    OCR Scan
    AA1101F AA1101W AA1102W AA1111C AA1111R AA1112H AA2202S AA2222S AA3365S AA3822K SDB-505 SDB-205 SDB-505A-RD SDB505B-GD EBR5334S SDB-205B-GD AA735 SDB-505A-GD DNP1105W SDB-505A PDF