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    Pulse Electronics Corporation HX2326NLT

    Audio Transformers / Signal Transformers 100Base-TX PoE+ SMD 1-Port 350/120uH
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    TTI HX2326NLT Reel 15,600 600
    • 1 -
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 $2.54
    • 10000 $2.3
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    Pulse Electronics Corporation HX5008FNLT

    Audio Transformers / Signal Transformers 1000BaseT SMD NonPoE 325uH 1-Port
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    TTI HX5008FNLT Reel 7,700 350
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 $4.55
    • 10000 $4.16
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    Pulse Electronics Corporation H5084FNL

    Audio Transformers / Signal Transformers 1000BaseT SMD NonPoE 350uH 1-Port
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    TTI H5084FNL Tube 4,435 5
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    • 10 $3.41
    • 100 $3.17
    • 1000 $2.99
    • 10000 $2.99
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    Pulse Electronics Corporation PA3855.006NLT

    Power Transformers SMD HiFreq WireWound 21uH .18Ohms
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    TTI PA3855.006NLT Reel 3,250 130
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    • 1000 $1.94
    • 10000 $1.83
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    Pulse Electronics Corporation HX1188FNLT

    Audio Transformers / Signal Transformers 100BaseTX SMD NonPoE 350uH 1-Port
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    TTI HX1188FNLT Reel 3,000 600
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    • 1000 $2.98
    • 10000 $2.75
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    Abstract: 3386-P-103 3386p
    Text: DB LECTRO Inc. 9.6x9.6 Square/ Single Turn /Trimming Potentiometer - 3386P- .Install dimension. .Mutual dimension. Electrical Characteristics Standard Resistance Range.50Ω~2MΩ

    3386P-- 100Vac) 600Vac 30min, 30min 100m/s2 1000cycles 1000h 200cycles 3386----P--------103 3386P103 3386-P-103 3386p PDF

    103 potentiometer

    Abstract: 3323P103
    Text: DB LECTRO Inc. 7x7 Square/ Single Turn /Trimming Potentiometer - 3323P-.Install dimension. Electrical Characteristics Standard Resistance Range.50Ω~ 2MΩ .Mutual dimension. Resistance

    3323P-. 500Vac) 707Vac 250ppm/ 30min, 30min 500Hz 390m/s2 4000cycles 3323----P--------103 103 potentiometer 3323P103 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DB LECTRO Inc. 9.6x9.6 Square/ Single Turn /Trimming Potentiometer - 3386C-.Install dimension. .Mutual dimension. Electrical Characteristics Standard Resistance Range.50Ω~2MΩ

    3386C-. 100Vac) 600Vac 30min, 30min 100m/s2 1000cycles 1000h 200cycles 3386----C--------103 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DB LECTRO Inc. 7x7.2 Square/Single Turn/Trimming Potentiometer - 3362W- .Install dimension. .Mutual dimension. Electrical Characteristics Standard Resistance Range.50Ω~2MΩ Resistance Tolerance.±10%

    362W-- 500Vac) 700Vac 30min 500Hz 390m/s2 4000cycles 1000h, R1100M 200cycles PDF


    Abstract: potentiometer 3296Y 3296Y103
    Text: DB LECTRO Inc. 10x9.5 Square/Multiturn/Trimming Potentiometer - 3296Y- .Install dimension. Electrical Characteristics Standard Resistance Range.50Ω~ .Mutual dimension. 2MΩ Resistance

    3296Y-- 100Vac) 640Vac 250ppm/ 30min, 30min 500Hz 390m/s2 4000cycles 1000h 3296-Y-103 potentiometer 3296Y 3296Y103 PDF


    Abstract: MSM7575 QFP64-P-1414-0
    Text: E2U0025-29-82 ¡ Semiconductor MSM7575 ¡ Semiconductor This version: Aug. 1999 MSM7575 Previous version: Jan. 1998 Multi-Function PCM CODEC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM7575, developed for advanced digital cordless telephone systems, is a single channel full duplex CODEC which performs mutual transcoding between the analog voice band signal

    E2U0025-29-82 MSM7575 MSM7575, 7575GS-BK MSM7575 QFP64-P-1414-0 PDF

    5F smd transistor

    Abstract: SMD Transistor 5f smd transistor marking C2 smd transistor b2 e2 smd transistor Transistors Diodes smd e2 smd transistor ja marking 5F MARKING 5F SOT363 SMD MARKING E1
    Text: Transistors SMD Type PNP General Purpose Double Transistor KC856S BC856S SOT-363 1.3 Unit: mm +0.1 -0.1 0.525 0.65 +0.15 2.3-0.15 Two transistors in one package +0.1 1.25-0.1 Features 0.36 Reduces number of components and board space No mutual interference between the transistors.

    KC856S BC856S) OT-363 5F smd transistor SMD Transistor 5f smd transistor marking C2 smd transistor b2 e2 smd transistor Transistors Diodes smd e2 smd transistor ja marking 5F MARKING 5F SOT363 SMD MARKING E1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN54HC154, SN74HC154 LINE TO 16 LINE DECODERS/DEMULTIPLEXERS D 2 6 8 4 , DECEMBER 1 9 8 2 -R E V IS E D SEPTEMBER 1987 • Decodes 4 Binary-Coded Inputs into One of 16 Mutually Exclusive Outputs • Performs the Demultiplexing Function by Distributing Data From One Input to Any

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    SN54HC154, SN74HC154 300-mil 54HC154 PDF


    Abstract: TC4036BP
    Text: TC4036BP,TC4039BP C 2MOS DIGITAL IN TEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TC4036BP 4 W O R D x 8 BIT STATIC RAM BINARY ADDRESSING TC4039BP 4 W O R D x 8 BIT STATIC RAM (DIRECT WORD-LINE ADDRESSING) TC4036BP/TC4039BP are static RAM of 4 x 8 bits and since eight data input/output lines are mutually

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    TC4036BP TC4039BP TC4039BP TC4036BP/TC4039BP Volt300 TC4036BP, PDF

    1 to 16 74154 demultiplexer

    Abstract: 74LS154 decoder TTL 74154 circuit diagram of 74ls154 74ls154 pin configuration of 74LS154 decoder 74LS154 74154 demultiplexer max3633 pin diagram of 74ls154
    Text: Signetics 74154, LSI54 Decoder/Demultiplexers 1-of-16 Decoder/Demultiplexer Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • 16-line demultiplexing capability • Mutually exclusive outputs • 2-input enable gate for strobing or expansion TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT

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    LSI54 1-of-16 16-line 74LS154 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns 1 to 16 74154 demultiplexer 74LS154 decoder TTL 74154 circuit diagram of 74ls154 74ls154 pin configuration of 74LS154 decoder 74LS154 74154 demultiplexer max3633 pin diagram of 74ls154 PDF

    ttl 7442

    Abstract: 7442 7442 SIGNETICS 7442 pin diagram 7442 logic diagram
    Text: Signetics 7442, LS42 Decoders BCD-To-Decimal Decoder 1-oMO Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Mutually exclusive outputs • 1-of-8 demultiplexing ability • Outputs disabled for input codes above nine DESCRIPTION The '42 decoder accepts four active

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    74LS42 P0S450S 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns ttl 7442 7442 7442 SIGNETICS 7442 pin diagram 7442 logic diagram PDF


    Abstract: T74LS139 demultiplexer truth table T74LS139D1 LS139 T54LS139D2 Truth table of 1 to 16 demultiplexer
    Text: DUAL 1-0F-4 DECODER DESCRIPTION The T54LS139/T74LS139 is a high speed Dual l-of-4 Decoder/Demultiplexer. This device has two independent decoders, each accepting two inputs and providing four mutually exclusive active LOW outputs. Each decoder has an active LOW Enable

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    T54LS139/T74LS139 LS139 T54LS139 T74LS139 T74LS139B1 demultiplexer truth table T74LS139D1 T54LS139D2 Truth table of 1 to 16 demultiplexer PDF


    Abstract: TC9135 small signal audio FET lln6
    Text: Unit in mm TC9135P 6CH MUTUAL RESET TYPE TOUCH SWITCH TC9135P is a 6 circuit flip-flop IC having mutual reset action. When a "L" level signal is given to one input, corresponding output only is ON and all other outputs become OFF, ^ This IC is effective for electronization of func­

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    TC9135P 1S1555 0017TQA TC9135P TC9135 small signal audio FET lln6 PDF


    Abstract: tc4036
    Text: TC4036BP, TC4039BP C 2MOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TC4036BP 4 W O R D x 8 BIT STATIC RAM BINARY ADDRESSING TC4039BP 4 WORD X 8 BIT STATIC RAP1 (DIRECT WORD-LINE ADDRESSING) TC4036BP/TC4039BP are static RAM of 4 x 8 bits and since eight data input/output lines are mutually

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    TC4036BP, TC4039BP TC4036BP TC4039BP TC4036BP/TC4039BP TC4036B tc4036 PDF

    automatic heat detector

    Abstract: diode Scans-0017750
    Text: AC/HL. DD A .C. M AINS D O U B LE D IO D E TR IO D E R A T IN G . 4-0 H eater Voltage . H eater C u rre n t amps . Anode Voltage (m axim um ) *Mutual Conductance (m A /V ) ♦Amplification Factor *Anode A .C . Resistance (ohms) *A t Ea; =100 ; E g = 0 .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DF 22 DF 2 2 variable-m u R .F . P entode The D F 22, a directly heated variable-mu R .F . pentode, has a filament rmax36 voltage of 1.4 V and takes a current of 50 mA. This is double the current required by the D F 21, but on the other hand, the mutual conductance o f this valve at V?1 = - 1 . 5 V is 1.1 mA/V, as compared

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    Abstract: PCC189 tube pcc 189 ECC189 maa 550 pcc189 philips PCC-189
    Text: PHILIPS PCC189 High slope, low noise DOUBLE TRIODE with variable mutual conductance for use as V.H.F. cascode amplifier in tele­ vision tuners HEATING Indirect by A.C. or D.C.; series supply Heater current If- 300 mA 7.6 V Heater voltage Vf max 2 2 Dimensions in mm

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    PCC189 7R0595) ECC18. pcc189 PCC189 tube pcc 189 ECC189 maa 550 pcc189 philips PCC-189 PDF


    Abstract: vhf triode
    Text: PHILIPS EC 95 TRIODE with variable mutual conductance and low anode to grid capacitance for use in V.H.F. television tuners. TRIODE à pente variable et à petite capacité anode-grille pour l'utilisation dans l'etage d'entrée de récepteurs de télévision pour très hautes fréquences

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    max19 fEC95 7R060 vhf triode PDF


    Abstract: witl
    Text: COSSOR 210 H.F. 2-VOLT TRIODE This valve is very similar to the 210 H.L. with the exception that the mutual conductance is somewhat higher. In con­ sequence its sensitivity is somewhat greater, a quality which may be of advantage in sets with only moderate H.F. gain.

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    54igher. Scans-0017359 witl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H L. 1320 A C /D C M AIN S T R IO D E R A T IN G . 130 Heater Voltage Heater Current Maximum Anode Volts *Mutual Conductance. Amplification Factor *Anode A.C. Resistance 0-2 250 30 30 10,000 *At Ea- ; 100 ; E g -0 . IN T E R -E L E C T R O D E C A P A C IT IE S .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: Scans-0017444
    Text: COSSOR 41 M.X.P. 4-VOLT I AMP. INDIRECTLY HEATED SUPER POWER OUTPUT The 41 M.X.P. possesses the same high value of mutual con­ ductance as the 41 M.P., but has a somewhat lower impedance and a relatively larger value of undistorted output. Used under suitable conditions this valve will provide sufficient volume for

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COSSOR M.S.G./L.A. 4-VOLT I AMP. INDIRECTLY HEATED SCREENED GRID This valve has a considerably lower amplification factor than the M .S.G./H.A., but has a very high value of mutual conductance for such a valve. Its gain, therefore, will be even larger than the

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    Abstract: 51412 RG290 IF63
    Text: P H ILIP S EF41 PENTODE with variable mutual conductance for use as E.P. and I.F. amplifier PENTHODE à pente variable pour l'utilisation comme amplificatrice H.F. et M.F. PENTODE mit veränderlicher Steilheit zur Verwendung als HF- und ZF-Verstärker Heating:

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    90kCl 7R02972 ef41 51412 RG290 IF63 PDF


    Abstract: 70005 amplificateur hf
    Text: PHILIPS EF97 PENTODE wlth variable mutual conductance for use as R.F. amplifier, I.F. amplifier and mixer ln carradlo sets. The tube can directly be operated from a 6 V or 12 ï storage battery PENTHODE à pente variable pour l'utilisation comme amplificatrlceH.F.,amplificatriceM.F. et comme tube mélangeur

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