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    MT2 Q4025P Search Results

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    MT2 Q4025P

    Abstract: Triac MT2 Q6025P Q5016RH4 Q8040P 20 amp 800 volt triac 6 amp 600 volt triac 4 amp 250 volt triac q8016rh4 q8025l6 Gate Turn-off Thyristor
    Text: Thyristor Product Catalog L. U. D ZE NI 4 G 39 CO 716 E R #E d te ec l Se P * es ag k ac le Fi TO-220AB THERMOTAB TO-218AC TO-218X MT2 FASTPAK MT1 G Alternistor Triacs 6 – 40 Amps 4 General Description Teccor offers bidirectional alternistors with current ratings from

    O-220AB O-218AC O-218X O-220 MT2 Q4025P Triac MT2 Q6025P Q5016RH4 Q8040P 20 amp 800 volt triac 6 amp 600 volt triac 4 amp 250 volt triac q8016rh4 q8025l6 Gate Turn-off Thyristor PDF


    Abstract: Q8025L6 Q4025J6 q8012LH5 alternistor Q4025L6 Q4025P Q6025 Q8040J7 Q2015L6
    Text: * es D ag ZE k I c Pa GN 9 d O te 63 c le EC E71 e S .R e# .L Fil U TO-220AB THERMOTAB TO-218AC FASTPAK MT2 TO-218X MT1 G Alternistor Triacs 6 – 40 Amps 4 General Description handling capability. The TO-218X features large eyelet terminals for ease of soldering heavy gauge hook-up wire. All the isolated

    O-220AB O-218AC O-218X O-218X 2500VRMS. Q6040P Q8025L6 Q4025J6 q8012LH5 alternistor Q4025L6 Q4025P Q6025 Q8040J7 Q2015L6 PDF

    GT 32 DIAC specification sheet

    Abstract: Q6016RH4 equivalent TO812NH specifications TYN604 scr TO805MH Transistor s106d1 TO805MH equivalent smd transistor E72 transistor c103m S6015L equivalent
    Text: Thyristor Product Catalog Teccor Electronics 1800 Hurd Drive Irving, Texas 75038 United States of America Phone: +1 972-580-7777 Fax: +1 972-550-1309 Website: E-mail: 2002 Teccor Electronics Thyristor Product Catalog

    S8012D SK055N S6010L S8012R SK055R S6010LS2 S8012V SK065K S6010LS3 S8015L GT 32 DIAC specification sheet Q6016RH4 equivalent TO812NH specifications TYN604 scr TO805MH Transistor s106d1 TO805MH equivalent smd transistor E72 transistor c103m S6015L equivalent PDF

    220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram

    Abstract: BA 49182 RJh 3047 rjh 3047 equivalent a1458 opto philips ecg master replacement guide MOSFET, rjh 3077 sc1097 philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide Electronic ballast 40W using 13005 transistor
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 2-6 Fiber Optic Connectors and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . See Page 121 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 10-122 Fiber Optic Cable, Connectors, and Accessories . . . . . . See Pages 118-122

    P390-ND P465-ND P466-ND P467-ND LNG901CF9 LNG992CFBW LNG901CFBW LNG91LCFBW 220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram BA 49182 RJh 3047 rjh 3047 equivalent a1458 opto philips ecg master replacement guide MOSFET, rjh 3077 sc1097 philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide Electronic ballast 40W using 13005 transistor PDF


    Abstract: Q4025P Q6015L6 Q2015L6 MT2 Q4025P Q4040P Q6040W7 Q4025L6 Q8025J6 Q6040J7
    Text: TECCOR ELECTRONICS, INC. TO -220AB THERMOTAB A SIEBE COMPANY 1801 H U R D D R I V E IR V IN G , T E X A S 7 5 0 3 8 -4 3 8 5 P H O N E 21 4/5 8 0 -1 5 1 5 FAX 2 1 4 /5 5 0 -1 3 0 9 , T O -218X MT2 FASTPAK MT1 T O -2 1 8 A C ALTERNISTOR TRIAGS 15 - 40 A M P S

    OCR Scan
    -220AB -218X q8025l6 Q4025P Q6015L6 Q2015L6 MT2 Q4025P Q4040P Q6040W7 Q4025L6 Q8025J6 Q6040J7 PDF

    MT2 Q4025P

    Abstract: Q8025L6 Q8012RH5 Q2008LH4 Q6025L6 Triac MT2 Q6025P q4025l6 alternistor Q6008LH4 scr Teccor electronics
    Text: W s ?Æ T O -2 2 0 A B THERM O TAB T O -2 1 8 A C FASTPA K MT2 T O -2 1 8 X MT1 Alternistor Triacs 6 - 40 Amps General Description T e c c o r o ffe rs b id ire c tio n a l a ite rn is to rs w ith c u rre n t ra tin g s from 6 to 4 0 a m p e re s w ith v o lta g e s fro m 2 0 0 to 8 0 0 v o lts as p a rt of

    OCR Scan

    MT2 Q4025P

    Abstract: Triac MT2 Q6025P MT2 Q6025P Q4040K7 Q6040W7 Q6025R6
    Text: TECCOR ELECTRONICS, INC. TO -220AB THERMOTAB A SIEBE COMPANY 1801 H UR D D R IV E IR V IN G , T E X A S 7 5 0 3 8 -4 3 8 5 P H O N E 2 1 4 /5 8 0 -1 5 1 5 FAX 2 1 4 /5 5 0 -1 3 0 9 TO -218X MT1 FASTPAK TO-218AC ALTERNISTOR TRIACS 15 - 40 AM PS GENERAL DESCRIPTION

    OCR Scan
    -220AB -218X O-218AC -218X MT2 Q4025P Triac MT2 Q6025P MT2 Q6025P Q4040K7 Q6040W7 Q6025R6 PDF


    Abstract: Q2003L4 Q2003L3 Q4040P triac q4001 Q4001L4 2N6344A Q4001L3 Triac SC141D Q5008
    Text: TECCOR E L EC TR ON IC S INC "73 » E ^ ñ ñ 7 S ñ l ci DODIOID M J ~ D r _ ¿ * 5 _ 0 | SOT-89 IIpECCOR Plastic TO-92 II III ELECTRONICS, INC. 1801 HURD DRIVE IRVING, TEXAS 75038-4385 PHONE 214/580-1515 TWX 910-860-5068 TELEX 79-1600 TO-2Q2AB TO-218X THERMOTAB3

    OCR Scan
    OT-89 O-218X O-220AB Q4003L4 Q2003L4 Q2003L3 Q4040P triac q4001 Q4001L4 2N6344A Q4001L3 Triac SC141D Q5008 PDF


    Abstract: 08008RH4 Q6040 02010LH5 06008LH4 O8012RH5 Q6025 MT2 Q4025P q4010l 04008LH4
    Text: Alternistor Triacs 6 - 40 Amps Genera! Description T e c c o r o ffe rs b id ire c tio n a l a lte rn is to rs w ith c u rre n t ra tin g s from 6 to 4 0 a m p e re s w ith v o lta g e s fro m 2 0 0 to 8 0 0 v o lts as p a rt of T e c c o r's b ro a d line o f th y ris to rs . T e cco r's a lte rn is to r has b e e n

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: speed control of dc motor using ujt scr c107m TRANSISTOR equivalent UJT pin diagram 2N2646 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram TY6008 triac ot 239 class d 1000w amplifier inverter welder 4 schematic thyristor zo 402
    Text: Theory and Applications Chapters 1 thru 9 Selector Guide Data Sheets Outline Dimensions and Leadform Options Index and Cross Reference E (g ) M OTOROLA THYRISTOR DATA Prepared by Technical Information Center This second edition of the Thyristor Data Manual has been revised extensively to reflect

    OCR Scan
    Semi260 TY510 TY6004 TY6008 TY6010 TY8008 TY8010 2N6394 MCR218-8 UJT-2N2646 PIN DIAGRAM DETAILS speed control of dc motor using ujt scr c107m TRANSISTOR equivalent UJT pin diagram 2N2646 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram TY6008 triac ot 239 class d 1000w amplifier inverter welder 4 schematic thyristor zo 402 PDF

    TRIAC 97A6

    Abstract: S0805BH 13003 TRANSISTOR TO220 equivalent triacs bt 804 600v Triac bt 808 600C Diode SOT-23 marking 15d zener diode 1N PH 48 6Bs smd transistor Z0409MF equivalent BT 808 600C
    Text: Central Semiconductor Corp. Represented iSIGNTBOHICS B y: TORONTO I Regan Road, Unit 13, Bram pton, O ntario L7A 1B8 Tel: 905-846-1100 Fax:905-846-7116 E -m a il: d e s ig n tr< a id ire c t.c o m OTTAW A 21 Pine Bluff Trail, Stittsville, O ntario K2S 1E1

    OCR Scan
    OD-80 OD-323 OT-23 OT-89 OT-143 OT-223 OT-323 TRIAC 97A6 S0805BH 13003 TRANSISTOR TO220 equivalent triacs bt 804 600v Triac bt 808 600C Diode SOT-23 marking 15d zener diode 1N PH 48 6Bs smd transistor Z0409MF equivalent BT 808 600C PDF