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    MS27508 JTP02R Search Results

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    Abstract: MS27508 JTP02RE-XX-XXX MS27508 JTP02R JTP02R
    Text: JTP02R MS27508 — crimp box mounting receptacle (back panel mounting) * JTP02RE-XX-XXX (MS27508E) * JTPS02RE-XX-XXX *JTPN02RE-XX-XXX + .005 DIA M * To complete order number see page 49. * High temperature version; to complete order number see page 49.

    JTP02R MS27508) JTP02RE-XX-XXX MS27508E) JTPS02RE-XX-XXX JTPN02RE-XX-XXX ms27508E MS27508 JTP02RE-XX-XXX MS27508 JTP02R JTP02R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JTP02R MS27508 – crimp box mounting receptacle (back panel mounting) +.006 –.000 .505 +.000 –.005 S .447 R (TP) P R (TP) AD N KK S +.000 –.005 T (4 HOLES) .322 ±.031 .138 L * JTP02RE-XX-XXX (MS27508E) * JTPS02RE-XX-XXX * JTPN02RE-XX-XXX .005 DIA M



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JT/LJT — printed circuit board and wire wrap contacts pins PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD/WIRE WRAP CONTACTS, JT/LJT PINS Contact Stickout Max/Min (See illustration page 42) MS27472 MS7466 JT00RT LJT00RT MS27497 MS27656 MS27499 MS27496 MS27508 JTPQ00RT LJTPQ00RT JT02RE LJT02RE JTP02RE

    MS27472 MS7466 JT00RT LJT00RT MS27497 MS27656 MS27499 MS27496 MS27508 JTPQ00RT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JTP02R MS27508 – crimp box mounting receptacle (back panel mounting) +.006 –.000 .505 +.000 –.005 S .447 R (TP) P R (TP) AD N KK S +.000 –.005 T (4 HOLES) .322 ±.031 .138 L * JTP02RE-XX-XXX (MS27508E) * JTPS02RE-XX-XXX * JTPN02RE-XX-XXX .005 DIA M



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Amphenol Aerospace 38999 III HD Dualok II I SJT PART # JTP02R MS27508 Series II – Crimp Box Mounting Receptacle Back Panel Mounting Part number reference. To complete, see how to order pages 62-66. Commercial Connector Type Shell Style Service Class JT/JTPS/JTPN

    JTP02R MS27508) MS27508 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JT/LJT — printed circuit board, wire wrap contacts pins PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD/WIRE WRAP CONTACTS JT/LJT PINS Contact Stickout Max/Min (See illustration page 42) PCB Contacts MS27468 MS27656 LJT07RE MS27472 MS27466 MS27497 LJTPQ00R MS27499 MS27496 MS27508 MS27505 MS27473 MS27467 MS27474

    MS27468 MS27656 LJT07RE MS27472 MS27466 MS27497 LJTPQ00R MS27499 MS27496 MS27508 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Table of Contents Description Page Amphenol JT/LJT General Information . 1 JT/LJT - The subminiature cylindrical for every application . 2

    MS27482 MS27483 MS27484 MS27488 MS27496 MS27497 MS27499 MS27500 MS27501 MS27502 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Amphenol MIL-DTL-38999, Series II, JT TABLE OF CONTENTS Combined MIL-DTL-38999 Series I, II, III • Shell Size & Insert Arrangement Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9 • Insert Arrangement Drawings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15 • Specifications - Contact Ratings, Service Ratings, Finish Data. . . . . . 18, 19

    MIL-DTL-38999, MIL-DTL-38999 MS27336) JTG06A MS27337) PDF

    058 905 379

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JT/LJT — crimp contacts, printed circuit board, wire wrap contacts socket JT/LJT CRIMP CONTACTS Contact Size JT/LJT Pins MS No. 8 (Coax)* JT Sockets MS No. LJT Sockets MS No. M39029/60-367 NA M39029/59-366 8 (Twinax) M39029/90-529* NA M39029/91-530 10 (Power)

    M39029/60-367 M39029/59-366 M39029/90-529* M39029/91-530 M39029/58-528 M39029/56-527 M39029/58-365 M39029/57-359 M39029/56-353 M39029/58-364 058 905 379 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JT/LJT — crimp contacts, printed circuit board, wire wrap contacts socket JT/LJT CRIMP CONTACTS Contact Size JT/LJT Pins MS No. LJT Sockets MS No. JT Sockets MS No. 8 (Coax)* M39029/60-367 NA M39029/59-366 8 (Twinax) M39029/90-529* NA M39029/91-530 10 (Power)

    M39029/60-367 M39029/59-366 M39029/90-529* M39029/91-530 M39029/58-528 M39029/56-527 M39029/58-365 M39029/57-359 M39029/56-353 M39029/58-364 10-497623 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LJT wire wrap contacts sockets PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD/WIRE WRAP CONTACTS LJT SOCKETS Contact Stickout Max/Min (See Illustration) PCB Contacts Size Tail Dia 10-497623-15 22D .019 .328 .263 .313 .248 10-497623-25 22D .019 .905 .840 10-497623-35 22D .019 10-497623-45

    MS27368 LJT07RE MS27505 LJTP02 MS27467 LJT06RE MIL-C-39029. PDF


    Abstract: M85049 replace MS27506 LJTPQ00R 10-251416-165 MS27484E MS39029 T3-4008-59P shell size insert 15-97 bendix 6 pin LJTPQ00RT-XX-XXX
    Text: Amphenol JT/LJT Subminiature Cylindrical Connectors 12-090-15 MIL-DTL-38999, Series I • II MIL-C-27599, Series I • II Amphenol Table of Contents Description Amphenol® JT/LJT General Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JT/LJT - The subminiature cylindrical for every application . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    MIL-DTL-38999, MIL-C-27599, JT00R MS27472) MIL-C-17/176-00002 MIL-DTL-38999 MIL-C-38999 10-597261-202 M85049 replace MS27506 LJTPQ00R 10-251416-165 MS27484E MS39029 T3-4008-59P shell size insert 15-97 bendix 6 pin LJTPQ00RT-XX-XXX PDF


    Abstract: MS27468T MS27484E MS27467 pin pattern T3-4008-59P MS27506 JT00RE-22-2PA MS27499E MS27488-22 MS27502
    Text: Amphenol JT/LJT Subminiature Cylindrical Connectors 12-090-16 Amphenol JT Connectors MIL-DTL-38999 Series II Crimp and MIL-C-27599 Series II Solder Amphenol LJT Connectors MIL-DTL-38999 Series I Crimp and MIL-C-27599 Series I Solder Amphenol Table of Contents

    MIL-DTL-38999 MIL-C-27599 MIL-C-17/176-00002 M39029/90 MIL-C-38999 MS27467T MS27468T MS27484E MS27467 pin pattern T3-4008-59P MS27506 JT00RE-22-2PA MS27499E MS27488-22 MS27502 PDF

    MS27467 pin pattern

    Abstract: MS39029 MS27468T MS27656E T3-4008-59P LJTP02 M39029/60-367 M39029/58-360 crimping positioners by manufacturer MS27488-22
    Text: Amphenol JT/LJT Subminiature Cylindrical Connectors 12-090-18 Amphenol JT Connectors MIL-DTL-38999 Series II Crimp and MIL-C-27599 Series II Solder Amphenol LJT Connectors MIL-DTL-38999 Series I Crimp and MIL-C-27599 Series I Solder Amphenol Table of Contents

    MIL-DTL-38999 MIL-C-27599 MIL-C-17/176-00002 MIL-C-38999 MS27467 pin pattern MS39029 MS27468T MS27656E T3-4008-59P LJTP02 M39029/60-367 M39029/58-360 crimping positioners by manufacturer MS27488-22 PDF


    Abstract: ms27500 wire MS27497E MS27493 JTG06R crimp tool MS27490-20 JT07RE-XX-XXX JTPQ00R MS27335 21-904012-XX
    Text: Amphenol Aerospace MIL-DTL-38999, Series I LJT, II JT, III TV II I Series Series SJT 38999 III Insert Availability and Identification Chart JT II LJT I Series TV III Military TV III P X X 8-2• 8-3■ 26482 Matrix 2 9-3■ Crimp Class Class TV* H Y NA 8-6

    MIL-DTL-38999, M81969/8, MS27490-22 ms27500 wire MS27497E MS27493 JTG06R crimp tool MS27490-20 JT07RE-XX-XXX JTPQ00R MS27335 21-904012-XX PDF

    ms27474e weight

    Abstract: amphenol 38999 TV-26 d38999 connector vibration environment clinch nut TVS56RF M22992 DTL-38999 HD38999 MS27488-8-3
    Text: About Amphenol Aerospace CONTACT US: Amphenol Aerospace 40-60 Delaware Avenue Sidney, NY 13838-1395 Amphenol Aerospace 38999 Customer Service: Mon.-Friday 8 am - 5 pm Phone: 800 678-0141 Fax: (607)563-5157 Online: III HD Dualok


    ms27500 wire

    Abstract: MS27490-22D BOEING bacc63 connector cross reference mil-c-38999 rg180 coax PAN6433-2 JT00R MS39029 MS27656T 10-407035-235 22m crimp contacts file
    Text: Amphenol Aerospace MIL-DTL-38999, Series I LJT, II JT, III TV II I Series Series SJT 38999 III Insert Availability and Identification Chart JT II LJT I Series TV III Military TV III P X X 8-2• 8-3■ 26482 Matrix 2 9-3■ Crimp Class Class TV* H Y NA 8-6

    MIL-DTL-38999, M81969/8, ms27500 wire MS27490-22D BOEING bacc63 connector cross reference mil-c-38999 rg180 coax PAN6433-2 JT00R MS39029 MS27656T 10-407035-235 22m crimp contacts file PDF


    Abstract: bacc63 BOEING bacc63 MS27490-22D MS27493-20 TV07 MS27490-12 MS27493-16 MS27490-16 M27488
    Text: Amphenol Aerospace MIL-DTL-38999, Series I LJT, II JT, III TV II I Series Series SJT 38999 III Insert Availability and Identification Chart JT II LJT I Series TV III Military TV III P X X 8-2• 8-3■ 26482 Matrix 2 9-3■ Crimp Class Class TV* H Y NA 8-6

    MIL-DTL-38999, B795-22 DRK264-8 M81969/8, MS39029 bacc63 BOEING bacc63 MS27490-22D MS27493-20 TV07 MS27490-12 MS27493-16 MS27490-16 M27488 PDF

    amphenol 77820

    Abstract: TV-26 BACC63CT MS27477Y bacc63D BACC63CU vg96912 sjtg MS39029 SJT06
    Text: Version 2 Amphenol 12-C2 Amphenol Circular Interconnects MIL-DTL-38999 MIL-DTL-38999 • Aluminum • Stainless Steel/Firewall • Composite • Clutch-lok High Vibration • Printed Circuit Boards • EMI Filter/Transient • Accessories • High Density HD38999

    12-C2 MIL-DTL-38999 HD38999 2002/95/EC- amphenol 77820 TV-26 BACC63CT MS27477Y bacc63D BACC63CU vg96912 sjtg MS39029 SJT06 PDF

    AMP PBT connector 7 way

    Abstract: EN3155 Cross Reference en3155 m39029 BOEING bacc63 D38999 series I II MS27615-KXXBXX MS27295 MS24254-16P aecma en3155 L-2119-E
    Text: Amphenol 2010 Amphenol 12-C3 Circular Interconnects Products for Military, Aerospace and Harsh Environments Circular Interconnects • Aluminum • Stainless Steel/Firewall • Composite • Printed Circuit Board Connectors • High Speed Connectors • EMI Filter/Transient

    12-C3 KV/150 12-R1. LM-300 AMP PBT connector 7 way EN3155 Cross Reference en3155 m39029 BOEING bacc63 D38999 series I II MS27615-KXXBXX MS27295 MS24254-16P aecma en3155 L-2119-E PDF

    EN3155 Cross Reference

    Abstract: en3155 m39029 D38999 series I II BACC47 en3155 crimping tools MS24264EXXTXX draka fileca cable ABS1503 en3155 017 aecma NF26Q100
    Text: Amphenol 2010 Amphenol 12-C3 Circular Interconnects Products for Military, Aerospace and Harsh Environments Circular Interconnects • Aluminum • Stainless Steel/Firewall • Composite • Printed Circuit Board Connectors • High Speed Connectors • EMI Filter/Transient

    12-C3 LM-300* 12-R1. LM-300 EN3155 Cross Reference en3155 m39029 D38999 series I II BACC47 en3155 crimping tools MS24264EXXTXX draka fileca cable ABS1503 en3155 017 aecma NF26Q100 PDF


    Abstract: NASA SSQ21635 nasa ssq 21635 ssq21635 nbc 3101 he804 nas 1748 EN4165 vg96912 Zero-G Amphenol
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS Amphenol Aerospace and Amphenol Industrial Operations Facilities/ Brief Product Overviews . 1-7 Amphenol /Pyle®/Matrix® Quick Product Guides . 8, 9

    MIL-DTL-38999 MIL-C-27599 ASN-E0052 NASA SSQ21635 nasa ssq 21635 ssq21635 nbc 3101 he804 nas 1748 EN4165 vg96912 Zero-G Amphenol PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JTP02R MS27508 - crimp box mounting receptacle (back panel mounting) ♦.006 * J T P 0 2 R I - X X - X X X (MS27506E) * *J T P N 0 3 R E - X X - X X X * * *J T P S 0 2 R E - X X - X X X - |ffi|.0 0 5 D IA | ' To complete order number see page 47. * High temperature version, to complete order number see page 47.

    OCR Scan
    JTP02R MS27508) MS27506E) PDF