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    MRFG35003MT1 Search Results

    MRFG35003MT1 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MRFG35003MT1 Freescale Semiconductor RF FETs, Discrete Semiconductor Products, MOSFET RF 3.5GHZ 3W 12V 1.5-PLD Original PDF
    MRFG35003MT1 Freescale Semiconductor MRFG35003MT1 3.5 GHz, 3 W, 12 V Power FET GaAs PHEMT Original PDF
    MRFG35003MT1 Motorola FET Transistor, 3.5GHz, 3W, 12V Power FET GaAs PHEMT, Tape And Reel Original PDF

    MRFG35003MT1 Datasheets Context Search

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    8772 P

    Abstract: motorola 10116 transistor 17556 A113 MRFG35003MT1 motorola 6809 PLD15 transistor 115 h 8772 p 17556 transistor
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MOTOROLA Order this document by MRFG35003MT1/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF GaAs Line MRFG35003MT1 Gallium Arsenide PHEMT RF Power Field Effect Transistor Designed for WLL/MMDS/BWA or UMTS driver applications with frequencies

    MRFG35003MT1/D MRFG35003MT1 8772 P motorola 10116 transistor 17556 A113 MRFG35003MT1 motorola 6809 PLD15 transistor 115 h 8772 p 17556 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Available at: Available at, Go to Tools SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA RF Reference Design Library The RF GaAs Line MRFG35003MT1 BWA Gallium Arsenide PHEMT RF Power Field Effect Transistor DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS From Device Data Sheet



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MOTOROLA Available at: Available at, Go to Tools SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA RF Reference Design Library The RF GaAs Line MRFG35003MT1 BWA Gallium Arsenide PHEMT RF Power Field Effect Transistor DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS From Device Data Sheet


    ma 8630

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data Document Number: MRFG35003MT1 Rev. 2, 6/2005 Gallium Arsenide PHEMT MRFG35003NT1 MRFG35003MT1 RF Power Field Effect Transistors Designed for WLL/MMDS/BWA or UMTS driver applications with frequencies from 1.8 to 3.6 GHz. Devices are unmatched and are suitable for use in Class

    MRFG35003MT1 MRFG35003NT1 MRFG35003MT1 ma 8630 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data Document Number: MRFG35003MT1 Rev. 3, 1/2006 Replaced by MRFG35003NT1. There are no form, fit or function changes with this part replacement. N suffix added to part number to indicate transition to lead - free terminations.

    MRFG35003MT1 MRFG35003NT1. PDF

    marking us capacitor pf l1

    Abstract: marking Z4 CDR33BX104AKWS MRFG35003MT1 MRFG35003NT1 freescale semiconductor body marking freescale power RF products FREESCALE MARKING C3 100A100JP150X ATC
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data Available at, Go to Tools Rev. 1, 6/2005 RF Reference Design Library Gallium Arsenide PHEMT MRFG35003NT1 MRFG35003MT1 BWA RF Power Field Effect Transistors Device Characteristics From Device Data Sheet

    MRFG35003NT1 MRFG35003MT1 MRFG35003NT1 MRFG35003MT1 marking us capacitor pf l1 marking Z4 CDR33BX104AKWS freescale semiconductor body marking freescale power RF products FREESCALE MARKING C3 100A100JP150X ATC PDF

    Marking Z7 Gate Driver

    Abstract: A113 MRFG35003MT1 MRFG35003NT1
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data Document Number: MRFG35003MT1 Rev. 3, 1/2006 Replaced by MRFG35003NT1. There are no form, fit or function changes with this part replacement. N suffix added to part number to indicate transition to lead - free terminations.

    MRFG35003MT1 MRFG35003NT1. Marking Z7 Gate Driver A113 MRFG35003MT1 MRFG35003NT1 PDF

    6821 Freescale

    Abstract: transistor 17556 7682 ADC
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data MRFG35003MT1 Rev. 1, 1/2005 Gallium Arsenide PHEMT RF Power Field Effect Transistor MRFG35003MT1 Designed for WLL/MMDS/BWA or UMTS driver applications with frequencies from 1.8 to 3.6 GHz. Device is unmatched and is suitable for use in Class AB

    MRFG35003MT1 MRFG35003MT1 6821 Freescale transistor 17556 7682 ADC PDF

    motorola 8822

    Abstract: IRL 1630 transistor 17556 17556 transistor transistor 115 h 8772 p motorola 7913 motorola 10116 100A7R5JP150X 6821 motorola MRFG35003MT1
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MRFG35003MT1/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF GaAs Line MRFG35003MT1 Gallium Arsenide PHEMT RF Power Field Effect Transistor Designed for WLL/MMDS/BWA or UMTS driver applications with frequencies from 1.8 to 3.6 GHz. Device is unmatched and is suitable for use in Class AB

    MRFG35003MT1/D MRFG35003MT1 motorola 8822 IRL 1630 transistor 17556 17556 transistor transistor 115 h 8772 p motorola 7913 motorola 10116 100A7R5JP150X 6821 motorola MRFG35003MT1 PDF


    Abstract: FS Oncore hf modem ofdm bts 2140 1b data sheet ISO 1302 uhf linear amplifier module linear amplifier 470-860 amplifier mrf247 class AB hf bipolar FM LDMOS freescale transistor
    Text: Quarter 4, 2004 SG1009Q42004 Rev 0 What’s New! Market Product 900 MHz Cellular Base Station MRF5S9070NR1, MRF5S9100MR1, MRF5S9100MBR1, MRF5S9100NR1, MRF5S9100NBR1, MRF5S9101MR1, MRF5S9101MBR1, MRF5S9101NR1, MRF5S9101NBR1, MRF9200LR3, MRF9200LSR3 CDMA 1.9 GHz Cellular Base Station

    SG1009Q42004 MRF5S9070NR1, MRF5S9100MR1, MRF5S9100MBR1, MRF5S9100NR1, MRF5S9100NBR1, MRF5S9101MR1, MRF5S9101MBR1, MRF5S9101NR1, MRF5S9101NBR1, TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE FS Oncore hf modem ofdm bts 2140 1b data sheet ISO 1302 uhf linear amplifier module linear amplifier 470-860 amplifier mrf247 class AB hf bipolar FM LDMOS freescale transistor PDF


    Abstract: MRF185 MRF373 MRF650 MG4100 MC3PHAC MRF648 applications mpx6115 MPX53 TPV8100B
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guide Cross-Reference Quarter 4, 2004 SG1000CRQ42004 Rev 0 Introduction The Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guide Cross-Reference provides a listing of all products documented in the fifteen Freescale Semiconductor Product

    SG1000CRQ42004 SG1000CRQ42004 Mrf648 MRF185 MRF373 MRF650 MG4100 MC3PHAC MRF648 applications mpx6115 MPX53 TPV8100B PDF

    M 9587

    Abstract: FS Oncore MG4100 LDMOS PA Driver IC, Motorola FS Oncore GPS motorola GPS receiver module fs oncore Motorola transistors MRF646 semiconductors cross index transistor m 9587 MRF9210
    Text: RF AND IF QUARTER 1, 2004 SG1009/D REV 0 WWW.MOTOROLA.COM/SEMICONDUCTORS What’s New! Market Product TV Broadcast MRF377 800 MHz 2.2 GHz Cellular Base Station MW4IC001MR4 900 MHz Cellular Base Station MRF9210, MHVIC915R2, MWIC930R1, MWIC930GR1 GSM/GSM EDGE/TDMA 1.8 GHz Cellular Base Station

    SG1009/D MRF377 MW4IC001MR4 MRF9210, MHVIC915R2, MWIC930R1, MWIC930GR1 MHVIC1905R2, MW4IC2020MBR1, MW4IC2020GMBR1, M 9587 FS Oncore MG4100 LDMOS PA Driver IC, Motorola FS Oncore GPS motorola GPS receiver module fs oncore Motorola transistors MRF646 semiconductors cross index transistor m 9587 MRF9210 PDF


    Abstract: Mrf377 MRF9135LSR3 MRF5P21180HR6 MRF9030L MRF9060L MRF9030N
    Text: Chapter Five RF Transistors - Data Sheets Device Number Page Number Device Number Page Number MBC13900 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 MRF9045LSR1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 202 MRF281SR1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    MRF6S27085HR3 MRF6S27085HSR3 MRF6P27160HR6 MRFG35003M6T1 MRFG35003MT1 MRFG35005MT1 MRFG35010 MRFG35010MT1 MRFG35030R5 MRF5s9070nr1 Mrf377 MRF9135LSR3 MRF5P21180HR6 MRF9030L MRF9060L MRF9030N PDF

    Motorola transistors MRF646

    Abstract: 100 watt hf transistor 12 volt Motorola transistors MRF648 vhf linear pulse power amplifier "Good RF Construction Practices and Techniques" 32 pins qfn 5x5 footprint transistor BR 471 A 4 bit dac MOTOROLA SELECTION mrf150 linear amplifier 470-860
    Text: Selector Guide WIRELESS RF PRODUCT SELECTOR GUIDE SG46/D Rev. 25 9/2003 wireless Wireless RF Product Selector Guide Offering a broad portfolio of RF products, Motorola serves both the wireless infrastructure and subscriber markets. Motorola RF Solutions is the leader in RF technology—today

    SG46/D Motorola transistors MRF646 100 watt hf transistor 12 volt Motorola transistors MRF648 vhf linear pulse power amplifier "Good RF Construction Practices and Techniques" 32 pins qfn 5x5 footprint transistor BR 471 A 4 bit dac MOTOROLA SELECTION mrf150 linear amplifier 470-860 PDF


    Abstract: MMH3101 ar164 uhf amplifier design MRF454 motorola MOTOROLA SELECTION mrf150 MRF247 bts 425 l1 mrf5015 MRF9135
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Selector Guide. Wireless RF Product. SG46/D Rev. 27 10/2004 Wireless RF Product Selector Guide Offering a broad portfolio of RF products, Freescale Semiconductor serves both the wireless infrastructure and subscriber markets. Freescale RF Solutions is the leader in RF technology—today AND tomorrow—and is the answer for developers

    SG46/D xx/2004 MRF1550 MMH3101 ar164 uhf amplifier design MRF454 motorola MOTOROLA SELECTION mrf150 MRF247 bts 425 l1 mrf5015 MRF9135 PDF