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    Philips MR16 dimensions

    Abstract: DAS00 MR16 fixture dimensions DAS-000007-01 CHROMASIC
    Text: Date: _ Type: _ Firm Name: Project: eW MR 2700 K Compact MR16 LED lamp for high-quality, uniform white light

    DAS-000007-01 Philips MR16 dimensions DAS00 MR16 fixture dimensions CHROMASIC PDF

    Philips MR16 dimensions

    Abstract: philips color changing lights pds7 MR16 fixture dimensions
    Text: i color P O W E R E D B Y mr g2 C H R O M A C O R E Color Kinetics® iColor® MR g2 is an intelligent, color changing lamp that delivers intense, saturated color and color changing effects. The stylish, silver housing fits into most standard MR16 fixtures, such


    hard disk head preamp

    Abstract: "Hard Disk Drive" preamplifier Pre amplifier hdd hard drive preamp circuit GMR head preamplifier MAGNETIC HEAD reader writer REG09 gmr head preamp TDA5360UH MAGNETIC HEAD circuit Differentiator peak detect
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA5360 Pre–Amplifier for Hard Disk Drive with MR-Read / Inductive Write Heads Objective specification, Revision 2.2 Philips Semiconductors 1998 Jul 30 Philips Semiconductors Objective Specification, Revision 2.2 Pre-Amplifier for Hard Disk Drive with

    TDA5360 hard disk head preamp "Hard Disk Drive" preamplifier Pre amplifier hdd hard drive preamp circuit GMR head preamplifier MAGNETIC HEAD reader writer REG09 gmr head preamp TDA5360UH MAGNETIC HEAD circuit Differentiator peak detect PDF

    6838 sensor hall

    Abstract: 6838 hall sensor 6838 hall effect sensor 6838 hall effect Hall Effect sensor 6838 hall effect ic 6838 "Angle Sensors" 6838 sensor resolver sensor 6838 magnetic sensor
    Text: Philips Semiconductors angle sensors MR sensors cover all the angles Accurate, low-cost and wear-free angle sensing Sensor/IC combination offers 180° measurement and full redundancy Magnetoresistive angle sensing offers clear advantages over other methods,


    hard disk head preamp

    Abstract: MR 6500 disk drive read write amplifier hard disk drive diagram hard disk philips Japan Servo Pre amplifier hdd RH A4 130 LQFP48 TDA5153
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA5153 Pre-amplifier for Hard Disk Drive HDD with MR-read/inductive write heads Preliminary specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC11 1997 Jul 02 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Pre-amplifier for Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

    TDA5153 SCA54 297027/25/01/pp28 hard disk head preamp MR 6500 disk drive read write amplifier hard disk drive diagram hard disk philips Japan Servo Pre amplifier hdd RH A4 130 LQFP48 TDA5153 PDF

    hard disk head preamp

    Abstract: Pre amplifier hdd MR 6500 "hard disk" how magnetic head reads data from magnetic stripe KZZ47 circuit diagram with dataset MAGNETIC HEAD circuit MAGNETIC HEAD impedance TDA5155 TDA5155X
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA5155 Pre-amplifier for Hard Disk Drive HDD with MR-read/inductive write heads Preliminary specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC11 1997 Apr 08 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Pre-amplifier for Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

    TDA5155 SCA54 297027/20/01/pp24 hard disk head preamp Pre amplifier hdd MR 6500 "hard disk" how magnetic head reads data from magnetic stripe KZZ47 circuit diagram with dataset MAGNETIC HEAD circuit MAGNETIC HEAD impedance TDA5155 TDA5155X PDF

    mr 4020

    Abstract: 4000B 74HC 74HCT ci hc 4020 hct4020
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 14-stage binary ripple counter 74HC/HCT4020 • ICC category: MSI The 74HC/HCT4020 are 14-stage binary ripple counters with a clock input CP , an overriding asynchronous master reset input (MR) and twelve fully buffered parallel

    14-stage 74HC/HCT4020 74HC/HCT4020 4000B" mr 4020 4000B 74HC 74HCT ci hc 4020 hct4020 PDF


    Abstract: HCT174 74HC174D 74HC174DB 74HC174N 74HC174PW 74HCT174DB 74HCT174N 74HCT174PW
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Hex D-type flip-flop with reset; positive-edge trigger 74HC/HCT174 The 74HC/HCT174 have six edge-triggered D-type flip-flops with individual D inputs and Q outputs. The common clock CP and master reset (MR) inputs load and

    74HC/HCT174 74HC/HCT174 OT38-1 050G09 MO-001AE 74HCT174D HCT174 74HC174D 74HC174DB 74HC174N 74HC174PW 74HCT174DB 74HCT174N 74HCT174PW PDF

    capacitor MKL

    Abstract: L7E transistor AN00042 TP97036
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE Failure Mechanisms of the Line Output Transistor AN00042 Philips Semiconductors TP97036.2/W97 Philips Semiconductors *EMPYVI 1IGLERMWQW SJ XLI 0MRI 3YXTYX 8VERWMWXSV Application Note AN00042 Abstract 7SQI TSWWMFPI JEMPYVI QIGLERMWQW SJ XLI PMRI SYXTYX XVERWMWXSV MR EYXSW]RG QSRMXSVW EVI HMWGYWWIH 1IEWYVIQIRXW

    AN00042 TP97036 2/W97 capacitor MKL L7E transistor AN00042 PDF


    Abstract: 74F174 N74F174N
    Text: Philips Semiconductors FAST Products Product specification Hex D flip-flop 74F174 FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION • Six edge-triggered D-type flip-flops • Buffered common Clock • Buffered, asynchronous Master Reset MR 1 16 VCC Q0 2 15 Q5 D0 3 14 D5 DESCRIPTION

    74F174 74F174 500ns SF00006 N74F174D N74F174N PDF


    Abstract: 74F273A 74F273AD 74F273AN 74F373 74F374 74F377A
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Octal D flip–flop 74F273A All outputs will be forced Low independently of Clock or Data inputs by a Low voltage level on the MR input. The device is useful for applications where the true output only is required and the CP and

    74F273A 74F377A 74F373 74F374 F273A 74F273 74F273A 74F273AD 74F273AN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 74F161A, 74F163A 4-bit binary counter Product specification Supersedes data of 1996 Jan 29 IC15 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 2000 Jun 30 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 4-bit binary counters 74F161A, 74F163A A Low level at the Master Reset MR input sets all the four outputs

    74F161A, 74F163A 74F161A 74F163A, PDF


    Abstract: 74HC175D 74HC175N 74HC175PW 74HCT175D 74HCT175DB 74HCT175N 74HCT175PW
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Quad D-type flip-flop with reset; positive-edge trigger 74HC/HCT175 The 74HC/HCT175 have four edge-triggered, D-type flip-flops with individual D inputs and both Q and Q outputs. The common clock CP and master reset (MR) inputs load

    74HC/HCT175 74HC/HCT175 OT38-1 050G09 MO-001AE 74HC175DB 74HC175D 74HC175N 74HC175PW 74HCT175D 74HCT175DB 74HCT175N 74HCT175PW PDF


    Abstract: 74F273A 74F273AD 74F273AN 74F373 74F374 74F377A
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Octal D flip–flop 74F273A All outputs will be forced Low independently of Clock or Data inputs by a Low voltage level on the MR input. The device is useful for applications where the true output only is required and the CP and

    74F273A 74F377A 74F373 74F374 74F273AtTHL 500ns SF00128 74F273 74F273A 74F273AD 74F273AN PDF

    hard disk head preamp

    Abstract: MAGNETIC HEAD impedance Pre amplifier hdd BF transistor series 90 TDA5152X MA4853 HDD Preamplifier MAGNETIC HEAD read amplifier magnetic stripe integrated circuit HDD MAGNETIC HEAD Read Amplifier
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Pre-amplifier for Hard Disk Drive HDD with MR-read / Inductive write heads TDA5152 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Designed for 10 dual-stripe MR-read/inductive write heads The 5.0 V pre-amplifier for HDD applications has been

    OCR Scan
    TDA5152 amplifier25 7110fl2b 010724fl hard disk head preamp MAGNETIC HEAD impedance Pre amplifier hdd BF transistor series 90 TDA5152X MA4853 HDD Preamplifier MAGNETIC HEAD read amplifier magnetic stripe integrated circuit HDD MAGNETIC HEAD Read Amplifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Video CD specification The Video CD specification called The White BooK may be obtained by contacting: Mr. B. Gall FAX: +31 40 27 32113 June 1995 146

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: .-t » a s *« t* ,« 1 -Mr-* . I S ' <„ « * » * * * -4 ,«-u##w»%ffcr", <¿,4* ^ >. Resistors/Surface Mounting Type (Chip Trimmer Potentiometers Characteristics Easily adjustable MVR22 and MVR34 are adjustable with Philips ( + ) screwdrivers.

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    MVR22 MVR34 MVR32 MVR32 LX10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Advanced BiCMOS Products Product specification Dual 10-bit buffer/line driver; non-inverting 3-State FEATURES MR The MB2827 20-bit buffers provide high performance bus interface buffering for wide data/address paths or buses carrying parity.

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    10-bit 64mA/-32mA 500mA MB2827 20-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Product specification Quad D flip-flop 74ALS175 PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES • Four edge-triggered D flip-flops • Buffered comm on clock MR • Buffered asynchronous m aster reset Q0 [ T J5] Q3 • True and com plem entary outputs

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    74ALS175 74ALS175 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Product specification Quad D-type flip-flop 3-State 54F173 FEATURES register retains the previous data. Clock (CP) is a fully triggered input. • Edge-triggered D-type register The Master Reset (MR) is an active High asynchronous input. When

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    54F173 N8T10 500ns PDF


    Abstract: GDFP2-F16 GDIP1-T16
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Hex D flip-flops 54F174 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 54F174 has six edge-triggered flip-flops with individual D inputs and Q outputs. The common buffered Clock CP and Master Reset (MR) inputs load and reset (clear) all flip-flops simultaneously.

    OCR Scan
    54F174 16-Pin 54F174/BEA GDIP1-T16 54F174/BFA GDFP2-F16 20-Pin 54F174/B2A CQCC2-N20 54F174 GDFP2-F16 GDIP1-T16 PDF


    Abstract: GDIP1-T16 N8T10
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military FAST Products Product specification Quad D-type flip-flop 3-State 54F173 FEATURES register retains the previous data. Clock (CP) Is a fully triggered input. • Edge-tnggered D-type register The Master Reset (MR) is an active High asynchronous input. When

    OCR Scan
    54F173 N8T10 54F173 VM-15V 500ns GDFP2-F16 GDIP1-T16 PDF


    Abstract: 74ALS 74ALS273 74ALS273DB 74ALS273N 74ALS373 74ALS374 74ALS377 DIP20 SC603
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Octal D-type flip-flop 74ALS273 PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES • Eight edge-triggered D-type flip-flops MR KJ [T 2o] V cc Q0 [ T T5] Q7 DO [ T T5] D7 D1 [ T 77] D6 • See 74ALS373 for transparent latch version Q1 [ 5

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    74ALS273 74ALS377 74ALS373 74ALS374 74ALS273 74ALS273D 74ALS 74ALS273DB 74ALS273N DIP20 SC603 PDF


    Abstract: 54F373 54F374 54F377 GDFP2-F20 54F273/54F273
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military Logic Products Product specification Octal D flip-flop 54F273 D E S C R IP T IO N The 54F273 has eight edge-triggered D-type flip-flops with individual D inputs and Q outputs. The common buffered Clock CP and Master Reset (MR) inputs load and reset

    OCR Scan
    54F273 54F273 500ns 54F373 54F374 54F377 GDFP2-F20 54F273/54F273 PDF