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    MOS LSI 1024 Search Results

    MOS LSI 1024 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCK424G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK425G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK423G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK422G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MG800FXF1JMS3 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch SiC MOSFET Module, 3300 V, 800 A, iXPLV, High-side: SiC SBD、Low-side: SiC MOSFET Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    MOS LSI 1024 Datasheets Context Search

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    pin DIAGRAM OF IC 7474 d flip flop

    Abstract: western digital FD1771 ic D flip flop 7474 digital ic 7474 internal circuit diagram fd1771 74ls161 counter floppy disk Stepping Motors connection INTERNAL DIAGRAM OF IC 7474 1771 floppy pin diagram of ic 74175
    Text: WESTERN DIGIT Al MOS/LSI FD1771 FLOPPY DISK FORMATTER/CONTROLlER APPLICATION NOTE FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER APPLICATION NOTE Introduction The FD 1771 is a MOS/LSI device that performs the function of interfacing a processor to a' flexible Floppy diskette drive. This single chip replaces nearly 80% of the required disk drive interface electronics. (See figure 1-1) .It provides tha data accessing controls and the bidirectional transfer

    FD1771 pin DIAGRAM OF IC 7474 d flip flop western digital FD1771 ic D flip flop 7474 digital ic 7474 internal circuit diagram fd1771 74ls161 counter floppy disk Stepping Motors connection INTERNAL DIAGRAM OF IC 7474 1771 floppy pin diagram of ic 74175 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD9993A PCM SOUND GENERATOR AND MP3/AAC/AACPLUS DECODER LSI FOR MOBILE PHONES DESCRIPTION The µ PD9993A is a PCM sound generator and MP3/AAC/aacPlus decoder LSI that includes an on-chip wide realtime surround function for mobile phones.

    PD9993A PD9993A 16-bit PDF

    Surround processor schematic

    Abstract: DSP mp3 asi serial music LED 2F 001B 010B TM10 D62J
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD9993 PCM SOUND GENERATOR AND MP3/AAC DECODER LSI WITH REAL-TIME SURROUND FOR MOBILE PHONES DESCRIPTION The µ PD9993 is a PCM sound generator and MP3/AAC decoder LSI that includes an on-chip wide real-time surround function for mobile phones.

    PD9993 PD9993 Surround processor schematic DSP mp3 asi serial music LED 2F 001B 010B TM10 D62J PDF

    et 1103

    Abstract: 1103-1 18-PIN TMS1103 1024-81T A8712 TMS 1024 1103
    Text: MOS LSI TMS 1103 JL, NL; TMS 1103-1 JL, NL 1024-81T DYNAMIC RANDOM-ACCESS MEMORIES BULLETIN NO. DL-S 7512234, JANUARY 1975 • 1024 x 1-Bit Organization • Low Power Dissipation Input Interface - Fully Decoded, On-Chip Address Decode - Static Charge Protection

    1024-81T 18-Pin 300-Mil et 1103 1103-1 TMS1103 A8712 TMS 1024 1103 PDF

    2114 Ram pinout 18

    Abstract: 9114 RAM 2114 static ram 2114 static ram ic ic 2114 MWS5114E3 9114 static ram MWS5114-3 2114 4 bit Ram pinout 2114 ram
    Text: MWS5114 1024-Word x 4-Bit LSI Static RAM March 1997 Features Description • Fully Static Operation The MWS5114 is a 1024 word by 4-bit static random access memory that uses the ion-implanted silicon gate complementary MOS CMOS technology. It is designed for use in

    MWS5114 1024-Word MWS5114 2114 Ram pinout 18 9114 RAM 2114 static ram 2114 static ram ic ic 2114 MWS5114E3 9114 static ram MWS5114-3 2114 4 bit Ram pinout 2114 ram PDF


    Abstract: 853FH 82b3 ci 834B 82AF 82AA 82AD si122 82c7 82cc
    Text: データ・シート MOS 集積回路 MOS Integrated Circuit µ PD77532 音声認識 LSI µ PD77532 は,不特定話者に対応した離散単語音声認識用 LSI です。 µ PD77532 は NEC が独自に開発した半音節音声認識方式を採用しており,事前学習不要,日本語 80 単語(1 単語

    PD77532 PD77532GK-9EU S15039JJ1V0DS00 S15039JJ1V0DS00 835D 853FH 82b3 ci 834B 82AF 82AA 82AD si122 82c7 82cc PDF


    Abstract: ql 5012 SN75370 22-PIN AD-2000
    Text: TMS 4062 JL, NL; TMS 4063 JL, NL 1024-WORD BY l-BIT DYNAMIC RANDOM-ACCESS MEMORIES MOS LSI BULLETIN • 1024 x 1 Organization • Access Time . 130 ns Maximum • Cycle Time . 200 ns Maximum • Low Power Dissipation: NO. DL-S 7512272. MAY 1975 TMS 4062 JL, NL

    1024-WORD 22-PIN 18-Pin TMS4063 ql 5012 SN75370 AD-2000 PDF

    ccd camera module

    Abstract: QFP144-P-2020 CCD Linear Image Sensors DIODE MARKING B85 L69A TQFP100-P-1414 b86a T07 marking
    Text: Package Outlines MOS LSI L O U 170 MOS Memories (M H O ) 185 CCD Area/Linear Image Sensors (C C O ) 190 CCD Camera Modules ( C C Q 193 TFT LCD Device (C C D ) 193 Bipolar IC s (B Q D ) 194 Discrete Semiconductors (DQZJ) 208 169 Package Outlines (MOS LSI)

    OCR Scan
    DIP008-P-0300 DIP014-P-0300C DIP014-P-0300A DIP018-P-0300D DIP014-P-0300B HDIP014-P-0300F DIP016-P-0300A DIP016-P- SIL-10) SIL-12) ccd camera module QFP144-P-2020 CCD Linear Image Sensors DIODE MARKING B85 L69A TQFP100-P-1414 b86a T07 marking PDF


    Abstract: TC8830F TFK 526 MIPI CPI TFK U 111 B ALL-07 .dat ALL-07 .dat file 28 tfk 518 MIPI csi voice chip recor
    Text: OCT 0 9 1939 T O SH IB A INTEGRATED CiRCUIT TECH N ICA L DATA TC8830F c2nOS VOICE RECORDING/REPRODUCING LSI TC8830F 11 July, 1986 Revision 1 June, 1987 This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer [1] GENERAL The TC8830F is a single chip C MOS LSI for voice recording and reproducing LSI

    OCR Scan
    TC8830F TC8830F EW6UNB432 TA7368P 100/iF 1I12I13 TCS5257 983WD TCSS30F, TIC31 TFK 526 MIPI CPI TFK U 111 B ALL-07 .dat ALL-07 .dat file 28 tfk 518 MIPI csi voice chip recor PDF


    Abstract: 3aud 8576A
    Text: COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER 1. INTRODUCTION The TC8578AP series LSI CPC is a single chip C-MOS LSI which has been developed to support both the RS-232C serial interface and the parallel interface based on Centronics standards. The CPC includes the RS-232C ART,

    OCR Scan
    TC8578AP RS-232C TC8576AF TC8577AP TC8576AF/77 AP-36 40PIN TC8576AF/77AP/78AP-37 1ppo 3aud 8576A PDF


    Abstract: cs830f MIPI csi TC5564 TC8830F w5930 marking code adi label TA7368 TCS830F
    Text: OCT 0 9 \m TO SH IBA INTEGRATED c ir c u it TECHNICAL DATA TC8830F C2M0S VOICE RECORDING/REPRODUCING LSI TC8830F 11 July, 1986 Revision 1 June, 1987 / •r t o s h i b a in , eg , ated CI8CÜIT TECHNICAL DATA [1] TC8830F GENERAL The TC8830F is a single chip C MOS LSI for voice recording and reproducing LSI

    OCR Scan
    TC8830F TC8830F 100pFX2 12KHZ Uob9l38l37bg35l3 EW6UNB432 TA7368P TC55257 TOSHIBA LABLE cs830f MIPI csi TC5564 w5930 marking code adi label TA7368 TCS830F PDF


    Abstract: TC8250P TC8250
    Text: TC8250P/AP Real Time Clock 1. INTRODUCTION The TC8250P or TC8250AP is a single chip C-MOS LSI for real time clock, which is composed as a peripheral LSI of a microcomputer. The RTC has a 32768Hz X'tal oscillation circuit, counter group for clocking, control circuit for

    OCR Scan
    TC8250P/AP TC8250P TC8250AP 32768Hz TC8250P. 768Hz 16PIN TC8250 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REAL TIME CLOCK TC8250P/AP Real Tim e Clock 1. INTRODUCTION The TC8250P or TC8250AP is a single chip C-MOS LSI for real time clock, which is composed as a peripheral LSI of a microcomputer. The RTC has a 32768Hz X'tal oscillation circuit, counter group for clocking,

    OCR Scan
    TC8250P/AP TC8250P TC8250AP 32768Hz TC8250P. 768Hz C8250P/AP-15 TC8250P/AP-16 TC8250P/AP-17 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REAL TIME CLOCK TC8250P/AP Real Time Clock 1. INTRODUCTION The TC8250P or TC8250AP is a single chip C-MOS LSI for real time clock, which is composed as a peripheral LSI of a microcomputer. V The RTC has a 32768Hz X'tal oscillation circuit, counter group for clocking, control circuit for

    OCR Scan
    TC8250P/AP TC8250P TC8250AP 32768Hz TC8250P. 768Hz TC8250P/AP-15 TC8250P/AP-16 C8250P/AP-17 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TC8250P/AP TECHNICAL DATA TC 8250P R E A L TC 8250A P TX M R C L C K K 1. INTRODUCTION The TC8250P or TC8250AP is a single chip C-MOS LSI for real time clock, which is composed as a peripheral LSI of a microcomputer. The RTC has

    OCR Scan
    TC8250P/AP 8250P TC8250P TC8250AP 32768Hz TCS25IAP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: — TOSHIBA UC/UP fc>4E J> • ^ 7 2 4 ^ GQ2bG17 1 1 _ TD7 « T O S a REAL TIME CLOCK | | TC8250P/AP Real Time Clock 1. INTRODUCTION The TC8250P or TC8250AP is a single chip C-MOS LSI for real time clock, which is composed as a peripheral LSI of a microcomputer.

    OCR Scan
    GQ2bG17 TC8250P/AP TC8250P TC8250AP 32768Hz TC8250AP 0P/AP-17 TC8250R/AP-18 TC8250P/AP-19 DD2b03b PDF


    Abstract: KDR BCD uart keyboard encoder 01-32X "capacitive keyboard" KEyboard encoder keyboard ic keyboard interfacing controllers code keyboard scanning serial keyboard encoder
    Text: SCN2671 Programmable Keyboard and Communication Controller PKCC Microprocessor Products Product Specification PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Signetics SCN2671 Programmable Keyboard and Communications Control­ ler (PKCC) is a MOS LSI device which

    OCR Scan
    SCN2671 SCN2671 9152MHz) 010-Set 110-Set D7377 KDR BCD uart keyboard encoder 01-32X "capacitive keyboard" KEyboard encoder keyboard ic keyboard interfacing controllers code keyboard scanning serial keyboard encoder PDF


    Abstract: toshiba last digit of year VCHG J10L1 toshibaintegrated ba 1st year tc8250 AD30 TC8250AP gkpb
    Text: T O S H IB A INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TC8250P/AP TECHNICAL DATA T C 8250P REAL T C 8250A P TX MR C L C X JK 1 . INTRODUCTION The TC8250P or TC8250AP is a single chip C-MOS LSI for real time clock, which is composed as a peripheral LSI of a Microcomputer. l L6 J a . y

    OCR Scan
    TC8250P/AP TC8250P TC8250AP TC8250AP 32768Hz TC8250P. 768Hz toshiba last digit of year VCHG J10L1 toshibaintegrated ba 1st year tc8250 AD30 gkpb PDF


    Abstract: TC8577AP toshiba tc8578ap hx 10-p Prime 2C sds rh 12v 400KHZ TC8576AF J300-2 SICT-15
    Text: „ TC8576AF, TC8577AP TC8578AP e u l l l , INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TECHNICAL DATA TC857 6AF Combination TC8577AP Peri pheral TC8578AP C on t ro l le r 1. INTRODUCTION The TC8578AP series LSI(CPC) is a single chip C-MOS LSI which has been developed to support both the RS-232C serial interface and the parallel

    OCR Scan
    TC8576AF, TC8577AP TC8578AP TC857 TC8577AP TC8578AP RS-232C RS-232C-ART, TC8576AF toshiba tc8578ap hx 10-p Prime 2C sds rh 12v 400KHZ J300-2 SICT-15 PDF

    display 7 segmento sm 4105

    Abstract: NS_Databook_77 MA1012 MA1002 MM5799 MM5318 MM57109 mm5782n Remote Control Toy Car Receiver IC tx2 MM5871
    Text: MOS/LSI DATABOOK NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR i Edge Index by Product Family Clocks Counters/Timers Electronic Organ Circuits TV Circuits Analog to Digital A /D Converters Communications/CB Radio Circuits Watches Calculators Controller Oriented Processor Systems (COPS)

    OCR Scan
    MM5309 MM5311 J28592 IM-CP70M17/PRINTED display 7 segmento sm 4105 NS_Databook_77 MA1012 MA1002 MM5799 MM5318 MM57109 mm5782n Remote Control Toy Car Receiver IC tx2 MM5871 PDF


    Abstract: TRK 1703 equivalent for transistor tt 2146 30-1703 dell 1703 hall effect s51 equivalent of transistor tt 2146 TT 2146 LC5805 transistor TT 2146
    Text: Ordering number: EN3127 F SANYO i N o.3127 C MOS LSI LC5805 SINGLE-CHIP 4-BIT MICROCOMPUTER WITH LCD DRIVER The LC5805 is a C-MOS 4-bit microcomputer that operates on low voltage, very low current and contains LCD drivers. It contains a 4-bit parallel processing ALU, many LCD segment outputs, many I/O ports, a 32.768kHz crystal oscillator,

    OCR Scan
    EN3127 LC5805 LC5805 768kHz X41X3 LC5805F/5899F) LC5805G/5899G) a4963 TRK 1703 equivalent for transistor tt 2146 30-1703 dell 1703 hall effect s51 equivalent of transistor tt 2146 TT 2146 transistor TT 2146 PDF


    Abstract: TMS4023 a815c LD04
    Text: MOS LSI TMS 4023 NC 1024-BIT RANDOM-ACCESS MEMORY features Low power dissipation Access time — 650 nsec maximum Cycle time — 900 ns (maximum Refresh Period — 2 ms for 0°C —70° C Fully decoded Wired-OR capability Inputs fully protected 24-lead plastic package

    OCR Scan
    1024-BIT 24-iead 24-pin 600-inch 21H10 TMS4023 a815c LD04 PDF

    TMS 1024

    Abstract: VT003 TMS2800
    Text: MOS LSI TMS 2800 JC. TMS 2800 NC 1024-BIT STATIC READ-ONLY MEMORY features z c ^ • 1024-bit capacity • Static operation • Maximum access time under 1 microsecond • Open-drain output buffers or double-ended buffers • TTL compatible • 16-pin dual-in-line package

    OCR Scan
    1024-BIT 16-pin TMS 1024 VT003 TMS2800 PDF

    TMS 1024

    Abstract: PW01 nc702 PW02 SN7400 TYP 3412 MOS LSI Design 3414
    Text: MOS LSI TMS 3412 JC, NC, TMS 3413 LC, NC; TMS 3414 LC. NC 1024-BIT DYNAMIC SHIFT REGISTER features 0.01-MHz to 6 -MHz operation Low power dissipation Open-drain output buffer D TL, T T L compatible Low clock capacitance 70 pF typ Low-threshold silicon-gate multilevel technology

    OCR Scan
    1024-BIT 01-MHz 2x512 fsN7400 SN7400 TMS 1024 PW01 nc702 PW02 SN7400 TYP 3412 MOS LSI Design 3414 PDF