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    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MP-52RJ11SNNE-100 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-52RJ11SNNE-100 Shielded CAT5e 2-Pair RJ11 Data Cable [AT&T U-Verse & Verizon FiOS Data Cable] - CAT5e PBX Patch Cable with 6P6C RJ11 Connectors (Straight-Thru) 100ft Datasheet
    MP-52RJ11SNNE-015 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-52RJ11SNNE-015 Shielded CAT5e 2-Pair RJ11 Data Cable [AT&T U-Verse & Verizon FiOS Data Cable] - CAT5e PBX Patch Cable with 6P6C RJ11 Connectors (Straight-Thru) 15ft Datasheet
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    Biphase decoder

    Abstract: BPSK demodulator bpsk modulation and demodulation XTAL 38khz RDS decoder S1A0905X01 bpsk demodulator circuit digital clock and carrier recovery RDS Radio IC 16-SOP-225
    Text: Preliminary RDS DEMODULATOR IC S1A0905 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 16−SOP−225 THE OUTLINE OF RDS RADIO DATA SYSTEM Since 1988 most European national broadcaststations transmit RDScode beside their audio signals. RDS means Radio Data System and was originally intended to give people in their cars additional information about the weather or traffic(jams). But RDS has grown out to one

    S1A0905 16-SOP-225 DCF-77 57kHz. 1875kbit/sec. 1875kbit/sec, S1A0905X01 Biphase decoder BPSK demodulator bpsk modulation and demodulation XTAL 38khz RDS decoder S1A0905X01 bpsk demodulator circuit digital clock and carrier recovery RDS Radio IC 16-SOP-225 PDF


    Abstract: CMX638 CMX638 Evaluation Kit adaptive delta modulation demodulation CMX618 CMX618Q3 CVSD encoder Pe0002 voice scrambling cmx618l4
    Text: CML Microcircuits COMMUNICATION SEMICONDUCTORS Digital Voice-Band Coding RALCWI Vocoder and CVSD Codec ICs INV/Two-Way/Vocoder/2 CML’s Digital Voice Coding ICs Products from CML’s unique range of flexible voice-data ICs are used globally in

    DE6181 CMX618 CMX7141 PE0002 CMX638L4 CMX638 CMX638 Evaluation Kit adaptive delta modulation demodulation CMX618Q3 CVSD encoder voice scrambling cmx618l4 PDF

    16 line to 4 line coder multiplexer

    Abstract: LEVEL ONE COMMUNICATIONS circuit diagram of 64-1 multiplexer Frame structure for Multiplexing of four E2 streams into E3 stream 500E SXT6234 HDB3 AMI ENCODER DECODER Frame structure for Multiplexing of four E1 streams into E2 stream multiplexing demultiplexing e2 E1 HDB3
    Text: DATA SHEET AUGUST 1998 Revision 1.3 SXT6234 E-Rate Multiplexer General Description Features • Performs four-E1 to one-E2, or four-E2 to one-E3 multiplexing. Five ICs will implement a sixteen-E1 to one-E3 multiplexer. The SXT6234 E-Rate Multiplexer is a single-chip solution

    SXT6234 SXT6234 16 line to 4 line coder multiplexer LEVEL ONE COMMUNICATIONS circuit diagram of 64-1 multiplexer Frame structure for Multiplexing of four E2 streams into E3 stream 500E HDB3 AMI ENCODER DECODER Frame structure for Multiplexing of four E1 streams into E2 stream multiplexing demultiplexing e2 E1 HDB3 PDF

    milford serial lcd

    Abstract: milford lcd TXM-418F NKM2401 BS2-1C 418F Milford Instruments BC184L equivalent bs1-1c SILRX-418F
    Text: Data Sheet and Application Notes NKM2401 Code/decoder chip Part number 1-982 Description The NKM2401 Radio Data Encoder/Decoder IC enables serial data to be easily transported over low power radio links and therefore allows users to quickly and easily add short range “wireless” capabilities

    NKM2401 Nov-98 milford serial lcd milford lcd TXM-418F BS2-1C 418F Milford Instruments BC184L equivalent bs1-1c SILRX-418F PDF


    Abstract: manchester code encoder diagram HD3-6409-9 hd-6409-9 differential manchester encoder HD-6409 5962-9088801M2A 5962-9088801MRA HD4-6409-9 HD9P6409-9
    Text: HD-6409 S E M I C O N D U C T O R CMOS Manchester Encoder-Decoder March 1997 Features Description • Converter or Repeater Mode The HD-6409 Manchester Encoder-Decoder MED is a high speed, low power device manufactured using self-aligned silicon gate technology. The device is intended for use in serial

    HD-6409 HD-6409 HD1-6409-9 manchester code encoder diagram HD3-6409-9 hd-6409-9 differential manchester encoder 5962-9088801M2A 5962-9088801MRA HD4-6409-9 HD9P6409-9 PDF


    Abstract: MC145026 e MC145027 VOGT A8 MC145026 remote control encoder decoder Encoder and Decoder Pairs CMOS VOGT A9 145028 trinary encoder vogt a7
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM IC O N D U C TO R TECHNICAL DATA MC145026 MC145027 MC145028 SC41342 SC41343 SC41344 Encoder and Decoder Pairs CMOS These devices are designed to be used as encoder/decoder pairs in remote con­ trol applications. The MC145026 encodes nine lines of information and serially sends this informa­

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    MC145026 MC145027 MC14469 MC14497 MC145026 MC145027 MC145028 MC145030 MC145031 MC145034 145028P MC145026 e MC145027 VOGT A8 remote control encoder decoder Encoder and Decoder Pairs CMOS VOGT A9 145028 trinary encoder vogt a7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD-6409 Semiconductor March CMOS Manchester Encoder-Decoder 1997 Features Description • Converter or Repeater Mode The HD-6409 Manchester Encoder-Decoder MED is a high speed, low power device manufactured using self-aligned sil­ icon gate technology. The device is intended for use in serial

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    HD-6409 HD-6409 PDF

    mc 45026

    Abstract: mc 45027 motorola 45026 145027P 145026P transistor x1 PANASONIC VL 2020 MC145026 MC145026 e MC145027 145026
    Text: MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MC145026 MC145027 MC145028 SC41342 SC41343 SC41344 Encoder and Decoder Pairs CMOS These devices are designed to be used as encoder/decoder pairs in remote con­ trol applications. The MC 145026 encodes nine lines of information and serially sends this inform a­

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    MC145027 MC14011UB MC14024 EFD-A400K04B MC14502$ MC145026* MC145027* MC145028* SC41342â mc 45026 mc 45027 motorola 45026 145027P 145026P transistor x1 PANASONIC VL 2020 MC145026 MC145026 e MC145027 145026 PDF


    Abstract: AMI encoding HDB3 MJ1471 HDB3 to nrz G703 HDB3 coding Alternate Mark Inversion AMI encoding circuit diagram
    Text: MJ1471 APLESSEY W S e m ic o n d u c to rs , 2 MBIT PCM SIGNALLING CIRCUIT MJ1471 HDB3 OR AMI ENCODER/DECODER The MJ1471 is an encoder/decoder for pseudo-ternary transmission codes. The codes are true Alternate Marl« Inversion AMI or AMI modified according to HDB3 rules

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    MJ1471 MJ1471 HDB3 AMI ENCODER DECODER AMI encoding HDB3 HDB3 to nrz G703 HDB3 coding Alternate Mark Inversion AMI encoding circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: return to zero decoder V1441
    Text: Ä PIESSE Y W S em icon d u ctors. 2MBIT PCM SIGNALLING CIRCUIT MV1441 HDB3 ENCODER/DECODER/CLOCK REGENERATOR The 2.048MBit PCM Signalling Circuits comprise a group of circuits w hich will perform the com mon signalling and error detection functions fo r a 2.048MBit PCM transmission

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    MV1441 048MBit MV1441 return to zero decoder V1441 PDF


    Text: A PLESSE Y ’w S e m ic o n d u c to rs , 2 MBIT PCM SIGNALLING CIRCUIT MJ 1440 HDB3 ENCODER/DECODER The 2.048 M B it PCM S ignalling C ircuits com prise a group o f circ u its w hich w ill perform the com m on signalling and error de tection functions fo r a 2.048 M B it PCM trans­

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P L E S S E Y SEMICONDUCTORS ^ P L E S S iV W S e m ic o n d u c to r s . - —. ],2E j> m 7220513 . n- . • i- 1 ^ Q0QclGt>2 1 in. ■. — - 2MBIT PCM SIGNALLING CIRCUIT MV1441 HDB3 ENCODER/DECO DER/CLO CK REGENERATOR The 2.048MBit P C M Signalling Circuits comprise a group

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    MV1441 048MBit MV1441 Fig-14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLESSEY S EM IC ON DU CTOR S 15 7220513 P L E S S E Y S E M I C O N D U C T O R S » Ì | 7SSGS13 ODObThfi 1 95D 06968 D MJ1471 T -7 S -//-2 ? A PLESSEY W S e m ic o n d u c to rs . 2 MBIT PCM SIGNALLING CIRCUIT MJ1471 HDB3 OR AMI ENCODER/DECODER The MJ1471 Is an encoder/decoder for pseudo-ternary

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    7SSGS13 MJ1471 MJ1471 000b173 PDF


    Abstract: Q0256 AN1650-2 T0033 iess-309 standard Viterbi oqpsk vsat InMarSat modulator Q1650 InMarSat demodulator board Satellite modem
    Text: 00256 k=7 MULTI-CODE RATE VITERBI DECODER 256 Kbps DATA RATE •iDG333b 0 0 0 0 7 b l b07 CONTENTS F O ther Q U ALC OM M VLSI Products Rate Vi Serial Mode O peration 25 Theory of O peration. 6

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    iDG333b 10-bit 12-bit DL90-1654F Q0256 TD0333b OQ0256 AN1650-2 T0033 iess-309 standard Viterbi oqpsk vsat InMarSat modulator Q1650 InMarSat demodulator board Satellite modem PDF

    qualcomm application note

    Abstract: Q1650C-3N InMarSat demodulator Q1650 qualcomm convolutional decoder scrambler satellite q0165 AN1650-1 encoder puncture qualcomm viterbi convolution
    Text: 01650 k=7 MULTI-CODE RATE VITERBI DECODER 2 .5 ,1 0 ,2 5 M b p s D A T A R A T ES Products ^00333ti □□□DflSD T7S \ C O NTENTS Other QUALCOMM VLSI Products • Viterbi Decoders — 256 Kbps to

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    InMarSat demodulator

    Abstract: IESS-309 standard T0033 R01R InMarSat modulator scrambler satellite v.35 scrambler satellite viterbi convolution Viterbi oqpsk vsat Convolutional Encoder details and application
    Text: 00256 k= 7 MULTI-CODE RATE VITERBI DECODER 2 5 6 A N D 8 0 0 K b p s D A T A RATES Products T 0 0 3 3 3 b Q000S0Q 434 / CONTEN TS Features. 4 O the r Q U ALC OM M VLSI Products Description. 4

    OCR Scan
    Q000S0Q 10-bit 12-bit T00333L) InMarSat demodulator IESS-309 standard T0033 R01R InMarSat modulator scrambler satellite v.35 scrambler satellite viterbi convolution Viterbi oqpsk vsat Convolutional Encoder details and application PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY | s e m i c o n d u c t o r s |_ PRELIMINARY INFORMATION DS3077-1.3 MV1442 HDB3 ENCODER/DECODER/CLOCK REGENERATOR The GPS 2Mbit PCM signalling series comprises a group of circuits which will perform the common channel

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    DS3077-1 MV1442 048Mbit MV1442 PDF


    Abstract: PCM encoder circuit ami AMI encoder AMI encoding HDB3 CODING DECODING AMI encoding circuit diagram HDB3 Alternate Mark Inversion ami decoder MV1471
    Text: ZARLINK Obsolescence Notice S E M I C O N D U C T O R This product is obsolete. This information is available for your convenience only. For more information on Zarlink’s obsolete products and replacement product lists, please visit products/

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    MV1471 MV1471, 048Mbit MV1471 10MHz. HDB3 AMI ENCODER DECODER PCM encoder circuit ami AMI encoder AMI encoding HDB3 CODING DECODING AMI encoding circuit diagram HDB3 Alternate Mark Inversion ami decoder PDF


    Abstract: M5L8085 M5L8279P M5L8279P-5 m5l8279 M5L8085a Key rollover key matrix Two Digit entry counter BL W08 maa 29 sensor
    Text: 2 TE D • b 5 4 T f l2 ô 0 D1 S 1 0 1 T ■ MITSUBISHI L S Is M 5L8279P-5 ^ MITSUBISHI mCNPTR/fllPRC H -5 Z4 3 -1 S PROGRAMMABLE KEYBOARD/DISPLAY INTERFACE DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) The M5L8279P-5 is a programmable keyboard and display interface device that Is designed to be used in combination

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    b54Tfl2Ã M5L8279P-5 M5L8279P-5 8-bit/16-bit 40-pin con21 16-DIGITS M5L8085AP M5L8085 M5L8279P m5l8279 M5L8085a Key rollover key matrix Two Digit entry counter BL W08 maa 29 sensor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q1650 k -7 MULTI-CODE RATE VITERBI DECODER 2.5,20, 25 Mbps Data Rates Technical Data Sheet Q1650 Viterbi Decoder 2 Other QUALCOMM VLSI Products • Viterbi Decoders - 256 Kbps to 25 Mbps Maximum Data Rates • Direct Digital Synthesizers DDS •1.6 GHz Phase Locked Loop Frequency Synthesizers

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    Q1650 Q1650 DL90-1650 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS MME » EH 37bflS25 QGlbQDS Q U P L S B GEC PL E SSE Y SEMICONDUCTORS PRELIMINARY INFORMATION DS3077-1.3 M V 1 4 4 2 HDB3 ENCODER/DECODER/CLOCK REGENERATOR The GPS 2M bit PCM signalling series com prises a group of circuits which will perform the com mon channel

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    37bflS25 DS3077-1 MV1442 V1442 PDF

    motorola 45026

    Abstract: MC145026 e MC145027 145026D 45026m 45026 remote MCI45026 MC14502 ultrasonic receiver MOTOROLA mc145026p MC145026 c.i de motorola a 853
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M CI 45026 M C 14 5 0 2 7 M C145028 SC 41343 SC 41344 E n co d er and D e c o d e r P airs CMOS These devices are designed to be used as encoder/decoder pairs in remote control applications. The MC145026 encodes nine lines of information and serially sends this

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    MC145026 MC145027 fou028 SC41343 S041344 MC14011UB MC14024 EFD-A400K04B FRQMMC145026 motorola 45026 MC145026 e MC145027 145026D 45026m 45026 remote MCI45026 MC14502 ultrasonic receiver MOTOROLA mc145026p c.i de motorola a 853 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: November 1996 Micro Linear ML6311 3V/5V Read Channel Back-end Processor GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6311 is a BiCMOS Read Channel Back-end Processor IC which is one half of the disk read channel chipset from Micro Linear, intended for the next generation of smaller form factor 1.8“ & 1.3" disk drives,

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    ML6311 170mW 32-pin ML6311 ML311 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: w GEC PLE SS EY OCTOBER 1993 S E M I C O N D U C T O R S MV1442 HDB3 ENCODER/DECODER/CLOCK REGENERATOR Supersedes June 1993 edition The MV1442, along with other devices in the GPS 2Mbit PCM signalling series comprise a group of circuits which will perform the common channel signalling and error detection

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    MV1442 MV1442, 048Mbit MV1442 37bfl522 37bfl5EÂ PDF