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    MM794 Search Results

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    Abstract: GMM794000S-70 GMM794000S
    Text: Oct NEW PRODUCT MM794000S-60/70/80/10 REV. 0 GoldStar 4,194,304 W ORDS x 9 BIT CMOS DYNAMIC RAM MODULE GOLDSTAR ELECTRON CO., LTD. Description The MM794000S is 4M x 9 Dynamic RAM Module organized as 4,194,304 x 9 bits and consists of nine 4M bit DRAM GM71C4100AJ in 20/26 pin small oui-line

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    GMM794000S-60/70/80/10 GMM794000S GM71C4100AJ) GMM794000S GMM794000S70 GMM794000S-70 PDF


    Abstract: GMM794000 CS70
    Text: ^ MM794000CS-60/70/80 LG Semicon Co.,LUI. Features Description The MM794000CS is a 4M x 9 bits Dynamic RAM Module which is assembled 9 pieces of 4M bit DRAM GM71C4100CJ, 4Mxl in 20/26 pin small out-line J-form on a 30 pin single in-line package. The MM794000CS is a socket type memory

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    GMM794000CS GM71C4100CJ, GMM794000CS-60/70/80 GMM79400OCS GMM794000CS70 GMM794000 CS70 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MM794000DS-60/70/80 LG Semicon Co.,Ltd. Features Description T he G M M 794000D S is a 4M x 9 bits Dynam ic R A M M odule w hich is assem bled 9 pieces o f 4M bit D R A M G M 71C 4100D J, 4 M x I in 20/26 pin sm all out-line J-form on a 30 pin single in-line

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    GMM794000DS-60/70/80 794000D 4100D GMM794000DS GMM794000DS PDF