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    Abstract: ML610340 ML610Q P4176 p40 amplifier "Overflow detection" ML6103
    Text: FEDL610Q340DIGEST-01 Issue Date: January 7, 2010 ML610Q340/ML610340 8-bit Microcontroller with Voice Output Function GENERAL DESCRIPTION Equipped with an OKI SEMICONDUCTOR original 8-bit CPU nX-U8/100, the ML610Q340/ML610340 is a high-performance 8-bit CMOS microcontroller that integrates a wide variety of peripherals such as a timer,

    FEDL610Q340DIGEST-01 ML610Q340/ML610340 nX-U8/100, ML610Q340/ML610340 nX-U8/100 ML610Q340 ML610340 ML610Q P4176 p40 amplifier "Overflow detection" ML6103 PDF

    4bit microprocessor

    Abstract: KY Series ML610340 ML610346 ML610Q340 ML610Q346 ML610Q347 single chip audio power amplifier OKI audio OR sound
    Text: Oki Semiconductor starts shipping samples of ML610340 Series low-power microprocessor family with built-in audio playback function TOKYO, March 26, 2009 – Oki Semiconductor has developed six products in the ML610340 Series low-power microprocessor family with a built-in audio

    ML610340 ML610340 nX-U8/100 4bit microprocessor KY Series ML610346 ML610Q340 ML610Q346 ML610Q347 single chip audio power amplifier OKI audio OR sound PDF


    Abstract: ML610346 ML610Q340 ML610Q346 ML610Q347
    Text: TEL: +81 42 662-6003 FAX: +81 (42) 665-6620 550-1, Higashiasakawacho, Hachioji-shi 193-8550, Japan 2009 年 3 月 26 日 具有語音播放功能的低功耗MCU ML610340系列開始樣品出貨 Oki Semiconductor最近開發了包含6款産品的低 功耗MCU“ML610340”系列,其內置的語音播放功能,

    ML610340 ML610340" semiconductor25 nX-U8/100" ADPCM20% L610Q346ML610Q347ML610340ML610346ML610347 ML610340/Q340 ML610340 ML610346 ML610Q340 ML610Q346 ML610Q347 PDF

    4.096 mhz crystal

    Abstract: ML610Q340
    Text: FEDL610Q340FULL-01 Issue Date: January 7, 2010 ML610Q340/ML610340 8-bit Microcontroller with Voice Output Function GENERAL DESCRIPTION Equipped with an LAPIS Semiconductor original 8-bit CPU nX-U8/100, the ML610Q340/ML610340 is a high-performance 8-bit CMOS microcontroller that integrates a wide variety of peripherals such as a timer,

    FEDL610Q340FULL-01 ML610Q340/ML610340 nX-U8/100, ML610Q340/ML610340 nX-U8/100 4.096 mhz crystal ML610Q340 PDF


    Abstract: "Overflow detection" nx-U8
    Text: PEDL610340DIGEST-02 Issue Date: September 25, 2009 ML610Q340/ML610340 Preliminary 8-bit Microcontroller with Voice Output Function GENERAL DESCRIPTION Equipped with an OKI SEMICONDUCTOR original 8-bit CPU nX-U8/100, the ML610Q340/ML610340 is a high-performance 8-bit CMOS microcontroller that integrates a wide variety of peripherals such as a timer,

    PEDL610340DIGEST-02 ML610Q340/ML610340 nX-U8/100, ML610Q340/ML610340 nX-U8/100 ML610Q340 "Overflow detection" nx-U8 PDF


    Abstract: ML610Q340 FJDL610Q340DIGEST FJDL610Q340DIGEST-01 ML610340 ML610Q1
    Text: FJDL610Q340DIGEST_01 発行日:2010 年 1 月 7 日 ML610Q340/ML610340 音声機能付 8bit マイクロコントローラ • 概要 本 LSI は8 ビット CPU nX-U8/100 を搭載し、タイマ、同期式シリアルポート、および音声出力機能等の多彩な周辺機

    FJDL610Q340DIGEST ML610Q340/ML610340 nX-U8/100 nX-U8/100 ML610Q340 244s4 096MHz ROM48K ML610Q ML610Q340 FJDL610Q340DIGEST-01 ML610340 ML610Q1 PDF


    Abstract: OKI RAM ML610340 ML610346 ML610Q340 ML610Q346 ML610Q347 nx-U8 Q346
    Text: TEL: +81 42 662-6003 FAX: +81 (42) 665-6620 550-1, Higashiasakawacho, Hachioji-shi 193-8550, Japan 2009年3月26日 具有语音播放功能的低功耗MCU ML610340系列开始样品出货 Oki Semiconductor最近开发了包含6款产品的低功耗MCU “ML610340”系列,其内置的语音播放功能,最适合于应用在

    ML610340 ML610340" semiconductor25 ML610340 nX-U8/100" ADPCM20% L610Q346ML610Q347ML610340ML610346ML610347 ML610340/Q340 uEASE OKI RAM ML610346 ML610Q340 ML610Q346 ML610Q347 nx-U8 Q346 PDF


    Abstract: ML610Q340 ML610340 ML610346 ML610Q346 ML610Q347 pcm1 adpcm KY 58
    Text: 오키세미컨덕터주식회사 TEL: 042 663 - 1111 FAX: (042) 665 - 6620 550-1 Higashiasakawa-cho, Hachioji-shi 193-8550, Japan 2009년 3월 26일 음성 재생 기능 내장의 저전력 마이크로 컨트롤러 계열 ML610340 시리즈의 샘플 출하 개시

    ML610340 ML610340' nX-U8/100' ML610347 ML610Q340, ML6100Q346, ML610Q347, ML610340, nx-U8 ML610Q340 ML610340 ML610346 ML610Q346 ML610Q347 pcm1 adpcm KY 58 PDF


    Abstract: "Overflow detection"
    Text: FEDL610Q340DIGEST-01 Issue Date: January 7, 2010 ML610Q340/ML610340 8-bit Microcontroller with Voice Output Function GENERAL DESCRIPTION Equipped with an LAPIS Semiconductor original 8-bit CPU nX-U8/100, the ML610Q340/ML610340 is a high-performance 8-bit CMOS microcontroller that integrates a wide variety of peripherals such as a timer,

    FEDL610Q340DIGEST-01 ML610Q340/ML610340 nX-U8/100, ML610Q340/ML610340 nX-U8/100 ML610Q340 "Overflow detection" PDF


    Abstract: ML610Q794G ML7147 ML610Q488 ML98 ML7138 ML7247-001
    Text: Notes 1 The information contained in this document is provided as of october,2013. 2) The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Before you use our Products, please contact our sales representative as listed below) and verify the

    HUN-1119 ML86V8101 ML610Q794G ML7147 ML610Q488 ML98 ML7138 ML7247-001 PDF