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    Abstract: 2N2222 NPN Transistor features 2N2905 equivalent 2N2905 MOTOROLA MJE13005-D 1N4933 1N5820 2N2222 2N2905 MJE13005
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MJE13005/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MJE13005* Designer's  Data Sheet *Motorola Preferred Device SWITCHMODE Series NPN Silicon Power Transistors These devices are designed for high–voltage, high–speed power switching

    MJE13005/D* MJE13005/D MJE130 2N2222 NPN Transistor features 2N2905 equivalent 2N2905 MOTOROLA MJE13005-D 1N4933 1N5820 2N2222 2N2905 MJE13005 PDF

    transistor mje13005

    Abstract: equivalent mje13005 MJE13005-D 1N4933 1N5820 2N2222 2N2905 MJE13005 MJE200 MJE210
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MJE13005/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MJE13005*  Data Sheet *Motorola Preferred Device Designer's SWITCHMODE Series NPN Silicon Power Transistors These devices are designed for high–voltage, high–speed power switching



    Abstract: 1N4933 1N5820 2N2222 2N2905 MJE13005 MJE200 MJE210 MR826 core ferroxcube
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MJE13005/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MJE13005*  Data Sheet *Motorola Preferred Device Designer's SWITCHMODE Series NPN Silicon Power Transistors These devices are designed for high–voltage, high–speed power switching

    MJE13005/D* MJE13005/D MJE130 1N4933 1N5820 2N2222 2N2905 MJE13005 MJE200 MJE210 MR826 core ferroxcube PDF

    equivalent mje13005

    Abstract: MJE13005 MJE13007
    Text: NPN MJE13005 SILICON PLASTIC POWER TRANSISTOR .suited for 115 and 220 V switch-mode applications such as Switching Regulators,Inverters,Motor Controls, Solenoid/Relay drivers and Deflection circuits. 400VOLTS/75WATTS MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating TO-220 Symbol

    MJE13005 400VOLTS/75WATTS O-220 300Vdc, 125Vdc, MJE13007 equivalent mje13005 MJE13005 MJE13007 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MJE13005 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS  1 FEATURES TO-220F TO-251 1 1 TO-263 TO-252 APPLICATIONS * Switching regulator’s, inverters * Motor controls * Solenoid/Relay drivers * Deflection circuits 

    MJE13005 O-220F O-251 O-263 O-252 O-220 O-262 QW-R203-018. PDF


    Abstract: mje130 npn transistors 700V 1A MJE-13005 equivalent mje13005 MJE13005 2
    Text: Inchange Semiconductor Product Specification MJE13005 Silicon NPN Power Transistors ・ DESCRIPTION ・With TO-220C package ・High voltage ,high speed APPLICATIONS ・Particularly suited for 115V and 220V switchmode applications such as switching regulators,inverters ,motor controls,solenoid/

    MJE13005 O-220C MJE13005 mje130 npn transistors 700V 1A MJE-13005 equivalent mje13005 MJE13005 2 PDF


    Abstract: MJE13005 2 equivalent mje13005 transistors mje13005 npn transistors 700V 1A
    Text: SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification MJE13005 Silicon NPN Power Transistors DESCRIPTION •With TO-220C package ·High voltage ,high speed APPLICATIONS ·Particularly suited for 115V and 220V switchmode applications such as switching regulators,inverters ,motor controls,solenoid/

    MJE13005 O-220C MJE13005 MJE13005 2 equivalent mje13005 transistors mje13005 npn transistors 700V 1A PDF

    2n2222 h parameter values

    Abstract: equivalent mje13005 transistor mje13005 to 126 equivalent transistor 2N2905 mje13005 Power Transistors TO-126 Case N-P-N SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS TO-126
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MJE13005 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS „ DESCRIPTION These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE.

    MJE13005 O-126 O-263 O-220 O-220F QW-R203-018 2n2222 h parameter values equivalent mje13005 transistor mje13005 to 126 equivalent transistor 2N2905 mje13005 Power Transistors TO-126 Case N-P-N SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS TO-126 PDF

    equivalent mje13005

    Abstract: 2N2222 transistor curve 2N2222 SOA 2N2222 transistor output curve
    Text: UTC MJE13005 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE.

    MJE13005 O-220F QW-R219-001 equivalent mje13005 2N2222 transistor curve 2N2222 SOA 2N2222 transistor output curve PDF


    Abstract: MJE-13005 MJE130 transistor mje13005 circuit based on MJE13005 8805 VOLTAGE REGULATOR MJE13005 TRANSISTOR F 9016 transistor transistor 7333
    Text: MJE13005 Power Transistor Switchmode Series NPN Power Transistors are designed for use in high-voltage, high-speed, power switching in inductive circuits, they are particularly suited for 115 and 220V switchmode applications such as switching regulator's, inverters, DC-DC

    MJE13005 MJE13005 MJE-13005 MJE130 transistor mje13005 circuit based on MJE13005 8805 VOLTAGE REGULATOR MJE13005 TRANSISTOR F 9016 transistor transistor 7333 PDF

    transistor mje13005 TO-126

    Abstract: to-126 transistor case
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MJE13005 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS  DESCRIPTION These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE.

    MJE13005 QW-R203-018. transistor mje13005 TO-126 to-126 transistor case PDF

    circuit based on MJE13005

    Abstract: Ferroxcube core 2n2222 transistor pin b c e MJE13005G transistor mje13005 TO-126 mje13005
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MJE13005 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS „ DESCRIPTION These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE.

    MJE13005 O-126 O-263 O-220 O-220F QW-R203-018 circuit based on MJE13005 Ferroxcube core 2n2222 transistor pin b c e MJE13005G transistor mje13005 TO-126 mje13005 PDF

    2N2222 transistor output curve

    Abstract: MJE13005 transistor mje13005 circuit based on MJE13005 TRANSISTOR HANDLING 2A 300V transistor npn 2a MJE13005 TRANSISTOR 2N2222 NPN Transistor features equivalent mje13005 2n2905 time delay relay
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MJE13005 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS „ DESCRIPTION These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE.

    MJE13005 O-263 O-126 O-220 O-220F MJE13005L QW-R203-018 2N2222 transistor output curve MJE13005 transistor mje13005 circuit based on MJE13005 TRANSISTOR HANDLING 2A 300V transistor npn 2a MJE13005 TRANSISTOR 2N2222 NPN Transistor features equivalent mje13005 2n2905 time delay relay PDF

    equivalent mje13005

    Abstract: transistor 2N222 mje13005-5 2n222 TRANSISTOR 1N493 1N4933 2N222 2N2905 MJE13005 MJE13005G
    Text: MJE13005 Preferred Device SWITCHMODEt Series NPN Silicon Power Transistors These devices are designed for high−voltage, high−speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE applications

    MJE13005 MJE13005/D equivalent mje13005 transistor 2N222 mje13005-5 2n222 TRANSISTOR 1N493 1N4933 2N222 2N2905 MJE13005 MJE13005G PDF

    transistor mje13005

    Abstract: MJE13005 equivalent mje13005
    Text: Switchmode Power Transistor MJE13005 Technical Data Typical Applications : These devices are designed for high voltage , high speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical . They are particularly suited for 115 V and 220 V SWITCHMODE applications such as Switching

    MJE13005 O-220AB transistor mje13005 MJE13005 equivalent mje13005 PDF

    BD140 application circuits circuits

    Abstract: equivalent 2n6488 2N6044 equivalent BU108 bd139 3v 2N3055 blocking TR TIP2955 st mje13005 2N3713 MOTOROLA TIP2955 DATA
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MJE13005*  Data Sheet *Motorola Preferred Device Designer's SWITCHMODE Series NPN Silicon Power Transistors These devices are designed for high–voltage, high–speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and

    MJE13005* TIP73B TIP74 TIP74A TIP74B TIP75 TIP75A TIP75B TIP75C 2N6488 BD140 application circuits circuits equivalent 2n6488 2N6044 equivalent BU108 bd139 3v 2N3055 blocking TR TIP2955 st mje13005 2N3713 MOTOROLA TIP2955 DATA PDF

    equivalent mje13005

    Abstract: 2N2222 transistor output curve transistor mje13005 mje13005 equivalent
    Text: UTC MJE13005 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE.

    MJE13005 O-220 QW-R203-018 equivalent mje13005 2N2222 transistor output curve transistor mje13005 mje13005 equivalent PDF

    equivalent mje13005

    Abstract: 1N4933 equivalent
    Text: UTC MJE13005 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE.

    MJE13005 O-220 QW-R203-018 equivalent mje13005 1N4933 equivalent PDF

    equivalent mje13005

    Abstract: mje13005 MJE13005L
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MJE13005 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS 1 „ These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE.

    MJE13005 O-126 O-220 O-220F MJE13005L QW-R203-018 equivalent mje13005 mje13005 MJE13005L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MJE13005 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS 1 1 TO-220 TO-262  DESCRIPTION These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE.

    MJE13005 O-220 O-262 O-220F O-251 O-126 O-263 QW-R203-018. PDF

    equivalent mje13005

    Abstract: Ferroxcube core 2N2222 curve mje13005 equivalent equivalent transistor 2N2905 MR826 equivalent circuit based on MJE13005 MJE13005 transistor mje13005
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MJE13005 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS „ DESCRIPTION These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE.

    MJE13005 MJE13005L-x-T60-K QW-R203-018 equivalent mje13005 Ferroxcube core 2N2222 curve mje13005 equivalent equivalent transistor 2N2905 MR826 equivalent circuit based on MJE13005 MJE13005 transistor mje13005 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MJE13005-K NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS  DESCRIPTION These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE.

    MJE13005-K QW-R203-045 PDF

    equivalent mje13005

    Abstract: circuit based on MJE13005 MJE13005L-TA3-T transistor B c167 MJE13005-TA3-T MJE13005-TF3-T MJE210 MR826 1N4933 MJE13005
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MJE13005 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS 1 DESCRIPTION These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE.

    MJE13005 O-220 O-220F MJE13005L QW-R203-018 equivalent mje13005 circuit based on MJE13005 MJE13005L-TA3-T transistor B c167 MJE13005-TA3-T MJE13005-TF3-T MJE210 MR826 1N4933 MJE13005 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MJE13005 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS  DESCRIPTION These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and 220 V SWITCHMODE.

    MJE13005 QW-R203-018. PDF